Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown

More dishonesty. I've posted nothing about "staying home" except to note that it's not required, and nothing at all about "not protesting". Prove me wrong.
And since your opinion is that staying home is not required then forcing Americans exercising their constitutional Right to assemble to disperse / go home - and arresting those who refused - was / is an Un-Constitutional limiting / suppression of those rights, correct?

Hmm that does not look like proving me wrong. I accept your confirmation that the accuser is lying his ass off.

Meanwhile there is of course a vast chasm of differentiation between an individual "not being required to stay home" and multitudes "assembling". An exponential difference one might say.

Meanmeanwhile you have YET to establish that your premise is a real thing, given two days to do so. Wake us up when you think of something.

Double you

* Canadian content for Dragonlady
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Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
If you're sick of my whining you are welcome to pay my bill's and give me the necessary money to keep my business afloat.
Until then you can deal with it.

So you're embracing socialism now are you Gramps?
By force, apparently.

Do you see why we think there's a communist conspiracy afoot?

Because you're a nidiot engulfed in flames of irrational paranoia?
Say, are you simultaneously on a campaign to get the fluroide out of the water system, prove the moon landing never happened and remove the microchips from all our brains?

You are the one telling folks that they should stay home and not protest for fear of getting a little sick from something that has statisticly ZERO chance of killing you if you are a healthy person. . . and you are calling others paranoid?


I mean shit, Coyote wants to compares this mild respiratory infection with Polio, this shit has gotten insane, BATSHIT insane, b/c some folks do not read the literature, nor do any critical thinking of their own.

. . . or they are spooks, can't tell which, I honestly don't know to tell the truth. :tinfoil:

More dishonesty. I've posted nothing about "staying home" except to note that it's not required, and nothing at all about "not protesting". Prove me wrong.

You imply as much to any logical thinker.

Your first post in this thread made an analogy between violent protesting and these obviously peaceful protesters.

I saw a comment on one of my liberal friends pages this morning, one of her friends held the opinion that the Michigan State Police should be allowed to actually shoot these protesters.

Given your response, and your logic, that these ARE NOT peaceful protesters, you, by extension of your logic, hold the same view. Either that or you believe these folks should be arrested. Given several of them were bearing assault weapons, that might have been a dicey proposition, I don't think things would have gone down like they did in other states.

Who the hell do you think you are kidding? Just because you never wrote it, doesn't mean you haven't implied it, you are being a petty tyrant by explicitly stating that you do not believe that their protest is "peaceful," ergo, necessitating the violent intervention of state authoritarian measures.

Quit equivocating.

This means, either STAY HOME, or get locked in a cage, or gun fire is exchanged.

The only dishonest person here IS YOU. :1peleas:
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Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.
the board Russians could care less.
I forgot you were the other snowflake resident clinging to a false, debunked criminal narrative abandoned by the Democrats at least a YEAR AGO.

Bwuhahahaha.....Joe Biden fled to his mom's basement due to COVID-19...while you and DL have been in yours since Hillary lost in 2016.

Do you have any clue what you are talking about? We know you are the racist. You have no credibility and you are the one who posts garbage.

Well thank you for proving YOU have no clue what YOU are talking about!

I ask you to show me the exact Constitutional document giving these politicians the authority to suspend / limit Constitutional Rights & you:

1. Tell me to show you where it says they CAN'T.
-- That's easy (no pun intended) - THE CONSTITUTION

2. you prove you CAN'T provide such a document

3. You call me a racist (oldest snowflake/ Dem fall-back ever)
-- BTW, moron, I am Native American. (One of your board brethren hillariously attempted to call me 'WHITE trash' yesterday because he was so frustrated by not being able to provide anything but opinion to back up their claim....)

But thank you for playing and demonstrating you are a hate-driven, emotionally-manipulated, ignorant, TDS-suffering sheep.


There is a pesky little thing called the Tenth Amendment of THE CONSTITUTION.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

That means Donald Trump would have problems if he attempted to override the states as the enumerated powers do not give him the authority. The Constitution does not specifically ban any actions the Governors are taking.

Just because you are a Native American does not mean you can't be a racist. You are the one who is hate driven, ignorant, TDS suffering member of the cult of Trump. Having feelings is not a bad thing.
what would trumps lover and pal kim j un do ? - whack his brother ?

this country isnt above throwing sick people in leper colonies
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Aren’t police supposed to uphold the law?

They should be arresting the politicians abusing their power and denying people their constitutional rights.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.

It is an ordinary flu, it's just a novel flu

The concern was our hospital infrastructure not the actual disease, even the worst projections for a corona virus are .....Flu like

Thankfully we're not the second oldest nation on earth...WHich is italy. Nor are we single child policy china full of old people

We were always going to be fine beyond major cities. Which obviously would receive help. And if by some disaster rural areas had outbreaks we were always going to be capable of dealing with that too. Just was never going to be an issue as it was portrayed.

Sweden is the proof of that.
There is a pesky little thing called the Tenth Amendment of THE CONSTITUTION.

Look at you trying to pass yourself off as 'educated'. :p

There's only 1 problem, snowflake:

Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. This amendment states that any power not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution belongs to the States and the people.

The 10th Amendment does not give local / state governments the authority to limit or suppress / eliminate the other Constitutional Rights, the people's rights already specified in the Constitution and protected by the Constitution.

'C' for 'attempted spin', but you still fail, you're still an ignorant sheep.
The Constitution does not regulate breathing. We know Republicans are for dirty air.

Yeah, because BARRY TOLD YOU SO.....



No because Republicans constantly want to reduce air pollution standards.

Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.

It is an ordinary flu, it's just a novel flu

The concern was our hospital infrastructure not the actual disease, even the worst projections for a corona virus are .....Flu like

Thankfully we're not the second oldest nation on earth...WHich is italy. Nor are we single child policy china full of old people

We were always going to be fine beyond major cities. Which obviously would receive help. And if by some disaster rural areas had outbreaks we were always going to be capable of dealing with that too. Just was never going to be an issue as it was portrayed.

Sweden is the proof of that.

yeah, corona just skips over a city if it isnt a MAJOR CITY -

The federal government and the states all have emergency provisions that allow the suspension of constitutional rights...Whether or not this "emergency" rises to that, and they went through the proper legal procedure to enact these laws is unclear.

But our goverors definitely have this power under an emergency. We have suspended habeus corpus nationally before, emergency powers/provisions always get a pass from our judiciary. Dealing with emergencies is the prime benefit to having a strong executive.
No because Republicans constantly want to reduce air pollution standards.
Nice opinionated rant, lil' snowflake, but you're just parroting Obama's bullshit:


learn to think for yourself. Don't be a sheep forever.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.

It is an ordinary flu, it's just a novel flu

The concern was our hospital infrastructure not the actual disease, even the worst projections for a corona virus are .....Flu like

Thankfully we're not the second oldest nation on earth...WHich is italy. Nor are we single child policy china full of old people

We were always going to be fine beyond major cities. Which obviously would receive help. And if by some disaster rural areas had outbreaks we were always going to be capable of dealing with that too. Just was never going to be an issue as it was portrayed.

Sweden is the proof of that.

yeah, corona just skips over a city if it isnt a MAJOR CITY -


No major cities just have higher population

25k people in my suburb are a lot more spread out than 25k people in NY or Chicago


Who is the idiot? lol

You're by definition doing more social distancing the smaller/more rural the place you live is. Which is why Asians are so used to dealing with this crap, they live closer to each otehr than we do.

Calling for quartine in south dakota? DO you have any idea how people live in states like South Dakota? How are you going to get big out breaks tehre? You're not
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.

It is an ordinary flu, it's just a novel flu

The concern was our hospital infrastructure not the actual disease, even the worst projections for a corona virus are .....Flu like

Thankfully we're not the second oldest nation on earth...WHich is italy. Nor are we single child policy china full of old people

We were always going to be fine beyond major cities. Which obviously would receive help. And if by some disaster rural areas had outbreaks we were always going to be capable of dealing with that too. Just was never going to be an issue as it was portrayed.

Sweden is the proof of that.

yeah, corona just skips over a city if it isnt a MAJOR CITY -


No major cities just have higher population

25k people in my suburb are a lot more spread out than 25k people in NY or Chicago


Who is the idiot? lol

You're by definition doing more social distancing the smaller/more rural the place you live is. Which is why Asians are so used to dealing with this crap, they live closer to each otehr than we do.


but I repeat myself -
There is a pesky little thing called the Tenth Amendment of THE CONSTITUTION.

Look at you trying to pass yourself off as 'educated'. :p

There's only 1 problem, snowflake:

Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. This amendment states that any power not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution belongs to the States and the people.

The 10th Amendment does not give local / state governments the authority to limit or suppress / eliminate the other Constitutional Rights, the people's rights already specified in the Constitution and protected by the Constitution.

'C' for 'attempted spin', but you still fail, you're still an ignorant sheep.

Where does it prohibit what the states are doingt?You need to read the full text.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

"nor prohibited by it to the states"
Where does the Constitution specifically prohibit what states are doing?
The federal government and the states all have emergency provisions that allow the suspension of constitutional rights...Whether or not this "emergency" rises to that, and they went through the proper legal procedure to enact these laws is unclear.

But our goverors definitely have this power under an emergency. We have suspended habeus corpus nationally before, emergency powers/provisions always get a pass from our judiciary. Dealing with emergencies is the prime benefit to having a strong executive.

Please provide the link to the specific, legal, Constitutional document / law that allows governments to violate / suspend / limit Constitutionally-protected Rights.

I would argue if it was as easy / simple as a governor declaring 'I have the right in an 'emergency' to suspend Constitutional Rights Americans all across the country would have been disarmed by now due to Democrat governor edicts declaring gun violence an 'emergency' giving them the authority to outlaw, ba=n, confiscate, etc... guns.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.

It is an ordinary flu, it's just a novel flu

The concern was our hospital infrastructure not the actual disease, even the worst projections for a corona virus are .....Flu like

Thankfully we're not the second oldest nation on earth...WHich is italy. Nor are we single child policy china full of old people

We were always going to be fine beyond major cities. Which obviously would receive help. And if by some disaster rural areas had outbreaks we were always going to be capable of dealing with that too. Just was never going to be an issue as it was portrayed.

Sweden is the proof of that.

yeah, corona just skips over a city if it isnt a MAJOR CITY -


No major cities just have higher population

25k people in my suburb are a lot more spread out than 25k people in NY or Chicago


Who is the idiot? lol

You're by definition doing more social distancing the smaller/more rural the place you live is. Which is why Asians are so used to dealing with this crap, they live closer to each otehr than we do.


but I repeat myself -

Yea you're a shoulda been aborted pleb

We know

Make an argument or shut the fuck up, retard

Corona viruses are what we call the flu. Live with it, you weren't clever in your class of 30 people. YOu certainly aren't here. Remember your place pleb

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