Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown


This is a perfect illustration of why all commies must fucking hang.


Rationed Liberty

That's ridiculous. The morons who are insisting on their "freedom" are doing so out of hatred for their neighbors. They need to start showing some patriotism and respect for others. There is no such thing as being responsible only for your own safety. The entire field of tort law is based on the concept that the risk posed to others was foreseeable.
That's why we have lawsuits. You have the burden to prove that I infected you.

Yes. I do hate some of the "neighbors" that are commies and authoritarians. I don't want them telling me how to live my live. They are the real disease, not COVID-19.

My mere existence and presence is not and cannot be considered a threat. That is the epitome of oppression. In that sense, I am not responsible for your risk.

BTW: the other day when I was shopping and picking up something in the refrigerated section (which has glass doors) a white male approximately 45-55 walked straight up to me and reached around me, forcing me to step aside six feet, and then proceeded to do a ten-minute inspection of every package; no mask, no gloves, handled many items before finally picking one, this me standing there all the while. He forced me back. There should be a way to punish this sort of scum.
Assholes also have liberty, unfortunately. Good thing you were protected with a mask and gloves, right? Good thing YOU took responsibility for your own safety, right? You think all those packages have not been exposed? You REALLY think items in a store are pristine?

Did you get sick from this evil white dude? No? You have not been harmed. Quit bitching.

Incidentally, I identified this perp by race, sex, and approximate age due to the current idiotic practice on this board of identifying wrongdoers according to these characteristics so that the misconduct can be properly "credited" to the correct demographic group(s).
How racist/sexist of you.

Likewise, it probably never even occurred to her, that he might have already have been infected, recovered and now has an immunity. Why should be inconvenienced with a mask and gloves, or worry about "distancing" if he is immune? :dunno:

Living in fear actually compromises one's immune system. Folks just need to stop watching the TEE VEE so much and RELAX.
YOUR OWN LINK'S TITLE specifies "car crashes". Essplain to the class what a crash has to do with an infection.
Besides which, said car would have to be moving or in the vicinity of others moving. I did not stipulate that.

You lose.
For the love of Sasquatch pussy!!!


You cannot be serious.

Is it a risk to drive or ride in a car? Answer that question first.

If someone who is positive rides in my neighbour's car and I get into the car after he drops them off, yes, I can get sick from riding in a car. If the person I am riding with is positive, I can get sick riding in the car with them.

I know all of this sounds extreme, but it's working everywhere where people just hunkered down. We're almost at a place where Canada can re-open. I can get face masks at my local pharmacy and I'm out in the middle of nowhere. We don't even have a ventilator in our county, but we have PPE's and tests, and we're fine.

Fair point. The car idea pre-assumes that everyone is in their own car, i.e. bubble. Once different people start using the same car all bets are off.
Exhibit 4,402,335 on why you just don't get it. Ever.

The Constitution does not regulate breathing. We know Republicans are for dirty air.

Yeah, because BARRY TOLD YOU SO.....


Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
If you're sick of my whining you are welcome to pay my bill's and give me the necessary money to keep my business afloat.
Until then you can deal with it.

So you're embracing socialism now are you Gramps?
By force, apparently.

Do you see why we think there's a communist conspiracy afoot?

Because you're a nidiot engulfed in flames of irrational paranoia?
Say, are you simultaneously on a campaign to get the fluroide out of the water system, prove the moon landing never happened and remove the microchips from all our brains?
The founding fathers never encountered something like this. To try and tell us how they would react is ridiculous. You are another right-winger who has lost his mind. As someone stated, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Everything we know about the Founding Fathers, from historical data and their own writings, show us they never intended the Constitution to be scrapped because of a serious viral 'flu'.

Local and state offiicials were / are quick to issue mandates that limit / suspend Constitutional Rights while elevating their own authority but were quick to point to the Constitution to rightfully oppose the President's declaration that he alone had the power to 'open back up' states / the economy.

The Constitution is not a 'suicide pact', but it isn't 'a la carte', either.

Where in the Constitution does it say that state and local governments cannot do what they are doing? Even the Constitution recognized extreme emergencies when it gave a President the power to suspend habeas corpus. The Tenth Amendment gives states enormous powers. Also the power to suspend certain rights in natural disasters is acknowledged. That same Tenth Amendment gives the states not the federal government certain non-enumerated rights.
denied any rights. You people are batshit crazy. To quote, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Yeah, and as you said, no oner spied on the President and his team, either....


That is a fact you refuse to accept.
Figures...1st you try to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutional Rights then claim the Obama administration never committed FISA Court abuses and illegally spied on the President and his team.

Thank you for finally, once and for all, destroying any and all credibility you had and proving nothing you post should be given serious though.

Good luck snowflake....

This is a perfect illustration of why all commies must fucking hang.


Rationed Liberty

That sure looks like a lot less people than ever died in any war defending our civil rights and civil liberties.

I still don't see any rational for purposely triggering a recession worse than '08, or possibly a depression worse than the great depression.

When the fall out hits, and we have more folks homeless, starving and committing suicide, a post like that will look trivial and dumb.

These authoritarian measures need to end before it is too late.
denied any rights. You people are batshit crazy. To quote, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Yeah, and as you said, no oner spied on the President and his team, either....


That is a fact you refuse to accept.
Figures...1st you try to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutional Rights then claim the Obama administration never committed FISA Court abuses and illegally spied on the President and his team.

Thank you for finally, once and for all, destroying any and all credibility you had and proving nothing you post should be given serious though.

Good luck snowflake....

Do you have any clue what you are talking about? We know you are the racist. You have no credibility and you are the one who posts garbage.
Where in the Constitution does it say that state and local governments cannot do what they are doing?

1st Amendment....

2nd Amendment....

You and your snowflake friends should try READING the Constitution sometime instead of relying on Democrats to tel you what's in it.

If you research, and really get into it, every locality and state government now has more allegiance, at least the majority of the bureaucracy, to agenda 2030, than to the Constitution or Constitutional government.

Look at some of the comments in this thread, people openly talking to what amounts to treason. . .

"Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?"

"The public's health takes precedence over the Constitution for now."

. . . and now an agent of the crown chimes in to lecture us on what we need to do. . . .

How interesting that her suggestions align perfectly with Agenda 2030. :45:

It makes you wonder if the founding revolutionaries had been more concerned for their lives than for liberty, if we would have ever had freedom at all. . . .

The founding fathers never encountered something like this. To try and tell us how they would react is ridiculous. You are another right-winger who has lost his mind. As someone stated, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Um. . yeah, that was stated in a minority opinion in fact.

If it does not guarantee liberty?

Then no, it is not really worth the paper it is written on, no matter what any judge, politician or journalist ever tells you.


When you equate common sense public health and safety in the midst of a worldwide pandemic to political oppression, you've lost all rational perspective.

But more troubling is that you're trying to promote the idea that the virus was an attack by China on the rest of the world. The conservative fringe are trying to use this pandemic to promote a war with China. Because if China is guilty of biological warfare, what other outcome could there be.

Even as every study of the virus says, this is a result of selling wild jungle species in unsanitary conditions.

The right is claiming Democrats are politicizing this virus, but I don't see any Democrats suggesting blaming China, flouting public health orders, or marching on their governors demanding their states re-open, even as their hospitals are in crisis, and tens of thousands more people get sick every day.
Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
If you're sick of my whining you are welcome to pay my bill's and give me the necessary money to keep my business afloat.
Until then you can deal with it.

So you're embracing socialism now are you Gramps?
By force, apparently.

Do you see why we think there's a communist conspiracy afoot?

Because you're a nidiot engulfed in flames of irrational paranoia?
Say, are you simultaneously on a campaign to get the fluroide out of the water system, prove the moon landing never happened and remove the microchips from all our brains?
Don't try to downplay your inability to follow the discussion.

You and Dragonlady proved that you both have the critical thinking skills of a 12 year old.

Even my 15-year-old son understands the risk/acceptance discrepancy you and Dragonlady ignore when it comes to automobiles compared to the risk this virus poses.

You are too scattered to discuss this topic. Take your ADD medicine.

That's ridiculous. The morons who are insisting on their "freedom" are doing so out of hatred for their neighbors. They need to start showing some patriotism and respect for others. There is no such thing as being responsible only for your own safety. The entire field of tort law is based on the concept that the risk posed to others was foreseeable.
That's why we have lawsuits. You have the burden to prove that I infected you.

Yes. I do hate some of the "neighbors" that are commies and authoritarians. I don't want them telling me how to live my live. They are the real disease, not COVID-19.

My mere existence and presence is not and cannot be considered a threat. That is the epitome of oppression. In that sense, I am not responsible for your risk.

BTW: the other day when I was shopping and picking up something in the refrigerated section (which has glass doors) a white male approximately 45-55 walked straight up to me and reached around me, forcing me to step aside six feet, and then proceeded to do a ten-minute inspection of every package; no mask, no gloves, handled many items before finally picking one, this me standing there all the while. He forced me back. There should be a way to punish this sort of scum.
Assholes also have liberty, unfortunately. Good thing you were protected with a mask and gloves, right? Good thing YOU took responsibility for your own safety, right? You think all those packages have not been exposed? You REALLY think items in a store are pristine?

Did you get sick from this evil white dude? No? You have not been harmed. Quit bitching.

Incidentally, I identified this perp by race, sex, and approximate age due to the current idiotic practice on this board of identifying wrongdoers according to these characteristics so that the misconduct can be properly "credited" to the correct demographic group(s).
How racist/sexist of you.

Likewise, it probably never even occurred to her, that he might have already have been infected, recovered and now has an immunity. Why should be inconvenienced with a mask and gloves, or worry about "distancing" if he is immune? :dunno:

Living in fear actually compromises one's immune system. Folks just need to stop watching the TEE VEE so much and RELAX.

I don't think we know to much about the immunity aspect of corona yet.

This is a perfect illustration of why all commies must fucking hang.


Rationed Liberty

That sure looks like a lot less people than ever died in any war defending our civil rights and civil liberties.

It's "FEWER" actually, not "less". Less of much, fewer of many. Less rain, fewer raindrops.

Fun fact though: the so-called "Spanish" Flu of a century ago killed more Americans than all of the wars of the Twentieth Century --- the one where we became imperialists --- COMBINED. Philippine War, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Panama, Libya, Grenada, fill in brown-people country here, add 'em all up and you still don't equal the death toll of that pandemic all by itself. More US soldiers died of that disease in WWI in Europe -- after transporting the disease there --- than were killed there in combat.

This perspective brought to you by the word fewer. bane of Miller Beer commercials.
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1. Do my constitutional rights give me the right to put other people in danger?

I think the courts have consistently
Whether or not your rights put others "in danger" is irrelevant. There must be an injury/harm, not the risk of harm.


In that case Typhoid Mary had every right to continue working in the food industry.
In this case, all working people in America are Typhoid Mary and must stay home and get evicted and lose their jobs...
Because why? I don't get it. Why?
Perhaps if we had mandated paid sick leave that wouldn’t be necessary...

I am not the one claiming to have answers. How do you balance public safety and individual rights?
Whenever there is any question, you err on the side of freedom.
You would rather err on the side of oppression? Pls explain where you are coming from on this.

There is no oppression. This is about public safety.
Oppression is always about public safety. You are oppressed for your own good.
When you equate common sense public health and safety in the midst of a worldwide pandemic to political oppression, you've lost all rational perspective.
Who says the public health and safety is "common sense"?

EVERY time throughout history that people have been politically oppressed had been rationalized by the very same shit you are espousing.


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