Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown

If you research, and really get into it, every locality and state government now has more allegiance, at least the majority of the bureaucracy, to agenda 2030, than to the Constitution or Constitutional government.

Look at some of the comments in this thread, people openly talking to what amounts to treason. . .

"Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?"

"The public's health takes precedence over the Constitution for now."

. . . and now an agent of the crown chimes in to lecture us on what we need to do. . . .

How interesting that her suggestions align perfectly with Agenda 2030. :45:

It makes you wonder if the founding revolutionaries had been more concerned for their lives than for liberty, if we would have ever had freedom at all. . . .

Best post I've read today. :clap:

When I read the comment about being tired of hearing about constitutional rights, I literally felt sick to my stomach. Now I understand more how a country like Nazi Germany was able to get away with so much. The bootlickers and dupes foolishly do the tyrants' bidding, and those who speak against what is happening are looked upon like the bad guys. Disgusting.

Oh my god. Now idiots are comparing this to Nazi Germany.


Don’t misrepresent my point. The comparison to Nazi Germany was the MINDSET of certain people. Do you understand what that means? That means people who trust everything they are told by the government and propaganda media. The MINDSET. Not the overall situation. And yes, those people are useful idiots.

You are the useful idiot. Most Americans are concerned about themselves and other Americans. People like you are selfish and only think of yourself. You ignore facts.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Benjamin Franklin - Liberty/Security - Comments on Mass. Refusal to Alter Charters/Laws to Avoid War

As to the other two acts, the Massachusetts must suffer all the hazards and mischiefs of war rather than admit the alteration of their charters and laws by Parliament. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’


Another way to look at it.

It's not just about YOUR safety. It's about those you might infect in the process of exercising your "liberty".
In the process of exercising liberty, one is also responsible for his/her own well being. One is also responsible for his/her own safety. His/her own risk.

Everyday, people enter the public forum at their own risk. Why is it different now?


This is an excuse to fuck over rights. Nothing more.


You are the selfish bullshit. The fact is that we are responsible for ourselves and others. You are a right wing crackpot.
There does not have to be a crime committed for a impeachment.
Wrong thread for your TDS-suffering meltdown, lil' snowflake. This thread is about COVID-19, not about the political partisan abuse of power in an admitted political coup attempt to remove a President from power based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

Feel free to post on one of the MANY other threads discussing that ... or start your own ... but try to stick to the main topic of COVID-19 here.

You are the one who brought it up.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.

The BASIS of a hypothetical lynch mob (and I didn't say it was racial, did I) is irrelevant here just as the basis of the hypothetical congregation, but apparently you're saying that a lynch mob has the right to peaceably assemble then? Because in either case the outcome is death. The main difference is in the latter it's potentially many more deaths and they're indiscriminate, whereas the lynch mob has its specific target.

So the question we're STILL down to is, whether an assembly that results in death as a direct consequence of that assembly, can be called "peaceable".

Don't worry, Trump-on-the-brain Pogo, you'll see real lynch mobs when people figure out how badly the lower government and media and fake self-righteous leftist parrots just like you lied to them and they have nothing to lose now.
God help you.

You are the ones who need God's help. You apparently did not get the brains you were supposed to. It is better to err on the side of caution rather than go on with business as usual snd find out you were wrong the hard way.
There does not have to be a crime committed for a impeachment.

Zero crime.
Zero evidence.
Zero witnesses.

The person who facilitated the treason, the Speaker of the House, declared to the American people she would not let it happen unless there was undeniable evidence and bipartisanship - she proceeded with NEITHER.

This same anti-American, Party-1st, divisive lying, ignorant bitch was in Chinatown in February, after the President's imposed travel ban - which she openly opposed - telling Americans there was nothing to COVID-19, to go about their daily lives, herd in great numbers, 'Come to Chinatown'....

The Chicomm-supporting cow was following the lead of the Democratic Party's 2020 Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden, who called President Trump a Xenophobe for imposing the travel ban...which he has since admitted was the right thing to do. (Biden, BTW, still holds the record for being wrong on EVERY foreign policy decision he ever made).

Pelosi is so worried about how history will show she was SO wrong about all of this she tried to wipe the photo of her in Chinatown off the internet - the idiot thought that if she just removed it from her PC it magically made it disappear on the internet all over the world. Bwuhahahaha

To make sure she pissed off every American (and voter) before the election, she held up the COVID-19 Relieve bill in an attempt to try to force funding for abortions and 'the war against cow farts', which have nothing to do with the virus, into the bill.

Then to top it off, Nancy 'Antoinette' goes on TV from ONE of her houses to show tired, struggling Americans forced to go through supply-deleted Wal Mart scavenger-picked aisles to try to find food to live on her $25,000 Fridge stocked with enough food to feed several illegal families (but who she would never stop to actually sharing her home with), to include over a dozen high-priced gourmet flavors of ice cream....

Got to give it to her - she is doing everything she can to hand the Nov elections over to Truump nd the GOP....
There does not have to be a crime committed for a impeachment.
Wrong thread for your TDS-suffering meltdown, lil' snowflake. This thread is about COVID-19, not about the political partisan abuse of power in an admitted political coup attempt to remove a President from power based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

Feel free to post on one of the MANY other threads discussing that ... or start your own ... but try to stick to the main topic of COVID-19 here.

You are the one who brought it up.
I was dealing in facts, not the continued delusions of butt-hurt TDS-suffering snowflakes.
To portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom, shows that the religious right has collectively, lost their minds. Personally, if these fools want to get together and spread the virus amongst themselves, by all means. The fewer Trump voters the better.

What a long-winded bullshit diatribe based on - surprise surprise - a false narrative...

No one is attempting to 'portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom'. I am asking for THE official, Constitutional law that gives local / state / federal governments to suspend / limit Constitutional Rights.

You believe it exists - prove it. Provide the link...or are you just blindly going along with it because someone TOLD you it is legal / justified? Are you a gullible sheep or do you KNOW and have the prof?

The simple question is what SPECIFIC legal document declares the Government can issue mandates that suspends Constitutional rights during declared crises.

The suspending and / or limiting of Constitutional Rights must be founded on the basis of existing, legitimate Constitution-supported law - provide it. Provide the link to that specific existing, Constitutional Law.

(Yeah, I know - you can't even post a link to the law you and Schiff claim exists that affords whistle blowers the protection of 'anonymity', so asking you to provide any link that gives local / state / the federal government the right to suspend Constitutional rights based off of loca; / state federal mandates is ridiculous....)
In the end local officials govern at the pleasure of the public

in times of natural disaster they are granted certain dictatorial powers

or at least until the public decides to ignore them

these baby hitlers are getting close to their limit in some places

No they are not. You have a few hotheads who are determined to threaten people. Several polls show that 80% of the people support stopping the virus over restarting the economy.
I think most people do not know how horrible the economy will be after the helicopter money ends

their lives will be turned upside down in a worse way than it is now
You are the ones who need God's help.
Nice, while defending limiting / suspending Constitutional Rights, to include religious liberty, you attack Christians. Learn that in Sunday School, did we? :p
YOUR OWN LINK'S TITLE specifies "car crashes". Essplain to the class what a crash has to do with an infection.
Besides which, said car would have to be moving or in the vicinity of others moving. I did not stipulate that.

You lose.
For the love of Sasquatch pussy!!!


You cannot be serious.

Is it a risk to drive or ride in a car? Answer that question first.

No they are not. You have a few hotheads who are determined to threaten people. Several polls show that 80% of the people support stopping the virus over restarting the economy.

Part of the illusion / misleading narrative is that the option is 'Either - Or', that you can't have the economy running while stopping the virus.

Did the nation 'close shop' during the Swine Flu epidemic? No.

Continuing to keep the economy running while preventing / attempting to stop the spread of COVID-19 is not impossible. It would just take precaution & strict discipline: Wash your hands a LOT, wear gloves, wear masks, sanitize areas (anti-bacterial wipes / sanitizers), continue to practice social distancing as much as possible, avoid large groups etc...

And get rid of the silly BS: National Parks are closed, no hunting / fishing (where I go I rarely see anyone the whole time anyway), no DRIVE-UP church services (You can roll up to the window of a McDonalds to get a Big Mac but can't park in a church parking lot and hear a pastor give a message using a microphone / speaker?)......

What part of STAY THE FUCK AT HOME are you not getting? The virus doesn't care if you are Republican or Democrat. It doesn't give a rat's ass about your Constitutional rights. If you're stupid enough to go out, it's coming for you.

Now, like I said, I firmly believe in Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest, so if you're dumb enough to go out unnecessarily, and expose yourself to this thing, I would normally encourage anything that kills off those not smart enough to stay at home, but I want to end this thing so I can go outside and play.

How many people will die before fools like you learn that the only way to shut this thing down is to STAY THE FUCK AT HOME?

This level of illness and death is not happening in other first world countries, where people are smarter, and are STAYING THE FUCK AT HOME
I think most people do not know how horrible the economy will be after the helicopter money ends
their lives will be turned upside down in a worse way than it is now

Somewhere in this mad political scramble for cash the real intent of the stimulus was lost. The initial intent was to pay Americans what they needed not to lose their homes, starve, etc...while paying business so they could stay afloat, keep paying their sidelined workers, and when the economy opened back up all they had to do was go back to work, turn on the lights, unlock the doors, and pick up where we left off....

That was the VOICED intent I heard from several politicians.......that, again, got lost and was never going to happen.

Look at it this way......snowflakes don't get to claim Trump 'inherited a good economy' from Barry now. From here on out what happens to the economy as a result of this disaster is officially on Trump, whether he succeeds or fails. Personally I hope - for the good of the country - it can be turned back on and we start climbing again.

The question I have, though, is....

This level of illness and death is not happening in other first world countries, where people are smarter, and are STAYING THE FUCK AT HOME
Which confirms that SOMEBODY is lying. We're staying at home just like the rest of the world, but now we have 5x the number of infections?


Somebody is FUCKING LYING!!!

Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

You must be upset at the Fifth Circuit's recent decision in the Texas abortion-ban case, in which the two-person majority, referencing a Supreme Court decision, stated that "Jacobson instructs that all constitutional rights may be reasonably restricted to combat a public health emergency."
(see page 15) Docket number 20-50264, April 7, 2020

They clearly were acting as Republican judges not judges. If Trump wants to open things up and Governors say no, it would not surprise me to see them side with Trump.
YOUR OWN LINK'S TITLE specifies "car crashes". Essplain to the class what a crash has to do with an infection.
Besides which, said car would have to be moving or in the vicinity of others moving. I did not stipulate that.

You lose.
For the love of Sasquatch pussy!!!


You cannot be serious.

Is it a risk to drive or ride in a car? Answer that question first.

If someone who is positive rides in my neighbour's car and I get into the car after he drops them off, yes, I can get sick from riding in a car. If the person I am riding with is positive, I can get sick riding in the car with them.

I know all of this sounds extreme, but it's working everywhere where people just hunkered down. We're almost at a place where Canada can re-open. I can get face masks at my local pharmacy and I'm out in the middle of nowhere. We don't even have a ventilator in our county, but we have PPE's and tests, and we're fine.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Get out there and protest.....all of you....closer....closer....
Thank God the Union won the Civil war and the government crushed the outlaws at Waco Texas and captured Timothy McVeigh and is ready to take down any other anti-American militia out there.
Yeah, thank God the govt, using armored military-grade vehicles and weapons, needlessly stormed a compound filled with women and children, set the place on fire, and burned many of them alive...instead of backing off an just arresting the guy in the nearby town some time later.

good grief

Its been proven that David Koresh and his followers set the place on fire and killed their own people.

The government brought in tanks because of the level of weaponry David Koresh had built up.
Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
If you're sick of my whining you are welcome to pay my bill's and give me the necessary money to keep my business afloat.
Until then you can deal with it.
This level of illness and death is not happening in other first world countries, where people are smarter, and are STAYING THE FUCK AT HOME
Which confirms that SOMEBODY is lying. We're staying at home just like the rest of the world, but now we have 5x the number of infections?


Somebody is FUCKING LYING!!!


You are NOT staying home like other countries. You started THREE WEEKS AFTER EVERYBODY ELSE. Your government didn't even start ordering PPE's until March 15th. By March 15th, Canada was shipping their second round of PPE's and tests, all the schools were closed, and Canadians were being ordered to work from home. A few days later, everyone was ordered to stay home.

But most importantly, we've had testing right from the start, and the USA still doesn't have an effective testing system, which every other country did have, and that was Trump's decision. He wanted an AMERICAN test so that American companies could profit it from it.

Profits before people will be the end of you.
1. Do my constitutional rights give me the right to put other people in danger?

I think the courts have consistently
Whether or not your rights put others "in danger" is irrelevant. There must be an injury/harm, not the risk of harm.


In that case Typhoid Mary had every right to continue working in the food industry.
In this case, all working people in America are Typhoid Mary and must stay home and get evicted and lose their jobs...
Because why? I don't get it. Why?
Perhaps if we had mandated paid sick leave that wouldn’t be necessary...

I am not the one claiming to have answers. How do you balance public safety and individual rights?
By not infringing upon individual and Constitutional rights.
Never do that, it may involve nooses.

The needs of the many override the needs of the one. The federal government is not infringing on any rights. Governors are taking the lead which they have every right to do,
Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
If you're sick of my whining you are welcome to pay my bill's and give me the necessary money to keep my business afloat.
Until then you can deal with it.

So you're embracing socialism now are you Gramps?

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