Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown

Oppression is always about public safety. You are oppressed for your own good.

And there you would dead wrong. Oppression is always about protecting the authoritarian leader and his regime, not the people. That's what defines it as "oppression".

People who are sick and have no health insurance are opressed. People who have "essential" minimum wage jobs who have no choice but to go to work with no PPE's or hand sanitizer, who are getting sick and dying from this disease, are oppressed.

But the fools like you being asked to sit home for their own safety, are not being "oppressed" in any way.

lol, you completely missed her point. She (or he?) was trying to get through to you that when freedom and rights are trampled on, the oppressors always CLAIM that it's about "public safety" or that it's for our own good. She wasn't saying that it actually is! lol.

And yes, forcing perfectly healthy people who haven't done anything wrong to be on what basically amounts to house arrest - causing people to lose their livelihood or businesses - IS oppressive, you bootlicking dupe. And to say they "are not being oppressed in any way" is the most asinine, arrogant, ignorant, idiotic statement I've heard in a long time. And that is just one facet of this, that's not even getting into all their other totalitarian agendas. Which I'm sure dupes like you will be cheerleading for. At least until you finally wake up one day and realize that you've been had.

I know what she said Buttercup. I stand by my rebuttal.

In your books, asking healthy people to stay home so that remain healthy is "oppressing" them. But forcing them to go to work, when you can't provide them with testing or PPE's to keep them safe, is not oppressing them.

You fools have it backwards. Right now, today, the people who are being oppressed, are the minimum wage "essential workers" in grocery stores, child care centres, and the fast food industry, the meat processing plants, who are going to work, without PPE's, without personal distancing, and without testing. Thousands of these "essential" workers are dying. I call forcing poor peole to take risks you yourself would consider to be a violation of your rights - forcing you to work in unsafe conditions, where you could die or become permanent disable, is about as oppressing as it gets.

You're being asked to stay at home.

I'm sure many of these worker would have given anything to have your opportunity to sit on their asses at home, but they weren't given that choice.

I was chatting with my daughter today saying I'm bored, I'm sick of my own cooking, I miss going out for a latte and a card game with my friends at the local cafe. I want to go to our small town restaurants. And I feel guilty for complaining. Because I'm not sick, and my family is not sick, because we've been inside for weeks now. My bank account is growing because I'm not going out and spending money in my community and helping the local merchants.

My American friends are losing family. Or working in harm's way. And there's no end in sight because your President continues to be an idiot. You have to deal with the public health crisis before you can talk about reopening the country, and #1 with a bullet is testing.

No matter how many times the President says otherwise, you have no reliable widespread accessible testing for corona virus. You need to 325 million people tested, and you've tested 3.5 million. 1%. You don't even have enough tests manufactured to test even 10% of the American population just one time, and the millions of Americans going to work, or to school, need to be tested weekly. You need 40 million tests per week just to test the front line health care workers and the "essential" workers in transit and the food industry - from the field to the processors, to the retail workers, and the food service staff - all need to be tested and tested weekly.

Yes, you've done more tests than the South Koreans. But South Korea tested early and tested often, and they used cell phones to help with contact tracing and testing. And when told to stay home, they did. Their death rate is less than 3%, whereas yours is currently 37%.

That's because they STAYED THE FUCK AT HOME

without testing.
Plenty of testing available now. .. besides, it is irrelevant. Most folks have been exposed.
Thousands of these "essential" workers are dying.

No they aren't. Hyperbole.
#1 with a bullet is testing.

The Sweden model has shown this to be completely false. Unnecessary.
You need to 325 million people tested
Nope, once they catch and get over it, move on, forget about it, not necessary.
all need to be tested and tested weekly.
Again, completely false, riddled with lies.
whereas yours is currently 37%.
The death rate is NOT that, this is the biggest whopper of all. You cannot site anywhere a peer reviewed study that makes this claim, this is your own lie.

If this were true, everyone on this board would have known someone who had been struck down by know. You are a shill and a propagandist.

Your post is filled with lies lies lies.

It's not "my own lie". It's in this chart:

The rate of the death is the Total Deaths divded by the total number of Closed Cases - those who have recovered or died,

Scroll down the page and the formula is there. The world death rate is 21%. It's right there on the chart.

Scroll down and you have the numbers by country. From there it's simply a matter of calculating the Closed Cases and calculate the percentage of deaths to the total number of Closed Cases.

The USA has 57,844 recovered cases and 34,641 deaths for a total of 92,485 Closed Cases. 34,641 is 37.8% of the total cases. Most alarming is that you have 585,000 active cases. Even if your rate comes down to the world average of 21%, you're still looking at another 122,000 deaths just from your existing cases, without another more American
Thank God the Union won the Civil war and the government crushed the outlaws at Waco Texas and captured Timothy McVeigh and is ready to take down any other anti-American militia out there.
Yeah, thank God the govt, using armored military-grade vehicles and weapons, needlessly stormed a compound filled with women and children, set the place on fire, and burned many of them alive...instead of backing off an just arresting the guy in the nearby town some time later.

good grief
Nobody does a church massacre like the government. :rolleyes:

(BTW, I discovered in 2003 that some FBI agents really really don't like it when you mock them over that shit-show in Waco. I still have a file on me with the feds, last I checked. But hey, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.)
Yeah. ... Amazing how all the mass shootings and "Islamic and partisan terror" came to a screeching halt all over the world as soon as this thing started. . .

. . . it's almost as if suicidal maniacs and political radicals who aren't afraid of death are. . . afraid of infection?!? :20:

. . . either that or these are all propaganda operations. . . hmmmmmmmm :26:

Why must right wingers see a conspiracy in every fucking thing?

Shit happens. Pandemics have been happening for years, but with our global travel routes, now it takes weeks to go around the world instead of years.

Wait until all your countrymen return home from FL. :auiqs.jpg:

They're already back. Trudeau told them to get their asses home before he closed the border permanently. Their return caused a big jump in our cases. We only had a couple of hundred cases before they came home, and a lot of them failed to self-quarantine when they got home.

I have some sympathy in terms that they came home to no food in the fridge at all, and out here in the boonies there is no such thing as grocery delivery. But there was guy in our local grocery store saying he just got back from Arizona that morning. Don't these people have family or friends who can do a grocery run for them and leave the food on their porch? My city friends booked a grocery delivery for the morning after they would be getting home before they left Florida, and they had take out delivered for dinner the night they got home.

Trumpy Bear has been talking about re-opening the Canada/US border because Canada's being doing a "good job" with the virus. Trudeau told him that he would not be opening the border anytime soon. Americans are going to have a difficult time going anywhere. Trump and Pence are pretending that they closed the US border to the world but that's not what happened. The world closed our border to YOU, and they will remain closed
Good! No more French Canucks stealing our jobs!
I know. In fact they're driving the partisan wedges harder than ever.

Says the snowflake retard stuck on a debunked Russian false narrative that even Dems won't push anymore, who has supported every Dem criminal failed coup attempt, who supported an admitted political Impeachment that even Pelosi admitted would only succeed in devisively keep the country divided....


You keep posting like we don't know who you are and why you're here, Evgeny. You haven't once mention the thousand of people losing their life, or the emotional devastation for their family, friends and coworkers as the bodies mount.

All you do is to post partisan hate. Your work is done. The USA is destroyed. Putin's revenge is complete.
It's democrats that want this country destroyed. That's why Democrat leaders SOLICITED help from the Chinese.
Because this rationale completely ignores the fact that attendees who acquire it at the gathering will spread it to others who did not attend this gathering.
How will that happen if everyone else is social distancing and taking other precautions?

You are responsible for your own safety ONLY.


That's ridiculous. The morons who are insisting on their "freedom" are doing so out of hatred for their neighbors. They need to start showing some patriotism and respect for others. There is no such thing as being responsible only for your own safety. The entire field of tort law is based on the concept that the risk posed to others was foreseeable.

BTW: the other day when I was shopping and picking up something in the refrigerated section (which has glass doors) a white male approximately 45-55 walked straight up to me and reached around me, forcing me to step aside six feet, and then proceeded to do a ten-minute inspection of every package; no mask, no gloves, handled many items before finally picking one, this me standing there all the while. He forced me back. There should be a way to punish this sort of scum.

Incidentally, I identified this perp by race, sex, and approximate age due to the current idiotic practice on this board of identifying wrongdoers according to these characteristics so that the misconduct can be properly "credited" to the correct demographic group(s).
"BTW: the other day when I was shopping and picking up something in the refrigerated section (which has glass doors) a white male approximately 45-55 walked straight up to me and reached around me, forcing me to step aside six feet, and then proceeded to do a ten-minute inspection of every package; no mask, no gloves, handled many items before finally picking one, this me standing there all the while. He forced me back. There should be a way to punish this sort of scum."
You realize that this post makes you appear to be a frightened, whiny, racist, sexist little bitch who wants to get her daddy to go beat up the man who hurt her feelings, right?

Coming from the likes of you, this is a compliment. You can make up anything you want about me to satisfy your fantasy. Posters on USMB begin threads to blame all members of demographic groups for the conduct of one or a small group of individuals all the time, with the exception of white males, who you think should never have their royal conduct questioned. Normally I would not mention things like race or sex, but in this situation, I am just demonstrating that turnabout is fair play. We have no royalty here.
"Posters on USMB begin threads to blame all members of demographic groups for the conduct of one or a small group of individuals all the time,";
I'm new here, so I'll take your word for that for now........ but still and all, nobody likes a fucking whiner, okay?
Stop that shit already.
Sorry, kid. Why should I stop? Who are you to tell me to stop? There are fucking whiners all over USMB. They start threads about non-white or Hispanic individuals who are charged with a crime, but never mention the whites who have been charged the same crime. There is another thread here by a guy bawling about "homosexual hordes" and some "war on masculinity."

They don't understand that all people are judged as individuals based on their conduct and refuse to discuss, let alone condemn, bad behavior if it is the conduct of a white, straight guy. It's fun to mock them.
Trumpy Bear has been talking about re-opening the Canada/US border because Canada's being doing a "good job" with the virus. Trudeau told him that he would not be opening the border anytime soon.

Canadians can do anything they want - it's not like anyone cares. The only reason Canada closed its borders in the 1st place was to ensure all those lying liberal actors and celebrities who vowed to go to Canada if Trump defeated Hillary did not try to keep their promise.
This is a plague. There is no real cure for the serious cases.

Wait....that's not what Biden said when he led the Democrat opposition to President Trump imposing the life-saving China Travel ban.

The WHO lied their asses off, told the world it wasn't that bad and that China had it under control.

Biden said the President was irrationally fear-mongering and the Travel Ban was Xenophobic.

Pelosi downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19, said to pay no attention to the President and his team, to go about their normal lives, to herd in large numbers, 'Come To Chinatown'.

The same dumbasses who claimed Trump's early order to impose a travel ban was not needed now admit it was the right thing to do....but then still try to attack him for not doing it sooner .... which they claim they would have done (if not having opposed it).

The problem with Democrats is they love running their mouths before they know all the facts, and they are always trying to do damage control / spin to try to convince people they were always for doing the right things....even when the records / evidence they opposed them initially....sorta like when Barry said on live TV that HE DID NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS YET, but it appears the Cambridge Police acted racistly during an event involving his friend.

This is a plague. There is no real cure for the serious cases.

Wait....that's not what Biden said when he led the Democrat opposition to President Trump imposing the life-saving China Travel ban.

The WHO lied their asses off, told the world it wasn't that bad and that China had it under control.

Biden said the President was irrationally fear-mongering and the Travel Ban was Xenophobic.

Pelosi downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19, said to pay no attention to the President and his team, to go about their normal lives, to herd in large numbers, 'Come To Chinatown'.

The same dumbasses who claimed Trump's early order to impose a travel ban was not needed now admit it was the right thing to do....but then still try to attack him for not doing it sooner .... which they claim they would have done (if not having opposed it).

The problem with Democrats is they love running their mouths before they know all the facts, and they are always trying to do damage control / spin to try to convince people they were always for doing the right things....even when the records / evidence they opposed them initially....sorta like when Barry said on live TV that HE DID NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS YET, but it appears the Cambridge Police acted racistly during an event involving his friend.


Triggered again, Easy?

Running your mouth without using a single fact is your specialty. Every nation which was locked down early and tested, tested, tested, has a lower rate of illness and death than the USA.

It's taken Trump Bear six weeks since he started taking this thing seriously and he still doesn't have testing. He threw a hissy fit yesterday and shut down the presser when reporters pressed him on testing.

Then he said the states are "on their own" in setting up mass testing. He put on this happy talk presser yesterday about re-opening the country, and the number of unresolved cases went from 575,000 yesterday to 585,000.

Unless and until Dumb Donald gets the country to the place where they can test millions of Americans every single week, NOBODY will be going back to work, and people will keep dying.

I think it's a sad, sad day that one of the things Joe Biden can say on the campaign trail is that he knows how to re-start the economy because he's the guy who did the the grunt work on re-starting the economy when Obama was elected.

Democrats will be going in to restart the economy after a Republican crashed it - again.
Because this rationale completely ignores the fact that attendees who acquire it at the gathering will spread it to others who did not attend this gathering.
How will that happen if everyone else is social distancing and taking other precautions?

You are responsible for your own safety ONLY.


That's ridiculous. The morons who are insisting on their "freedom" are doing so out of hatred for their neighbors. They need to start showing some patriotism and respect for others. There is no such thing as being responsible only for your own safety. The entire field of tort law is based on the concept that the risk posed to others was foreseeable.

BTW: the other day when I was shopping and picking up something in the refrigerated section (which has glass doors) a white male approximately 45-55 walked straight up to me and reached around me, forcing me to step aside six feet, and then proceeded to do a ten-minute inspection of every package; no mask, no gloves, handled many items before finally picking one, this me standing there all the while. He forced me back. There should be a way to punish this sort of scum.

Incidentally, I identified this perp by race, sex, and approximate age due to the current idiotic practice on this board of identifying wrongdoers according to these characteristics so that the misconduct can be properly "credited" to the correct demographic group(s).
"BTW: the other day when I was shopping and picking up something in the refrigerated section (which has glass doors) a white male approximately 45-55 walked straight up to me and reached around me, forcing me to step aside six feet, and then proceeded to do a ten-minute inspection of every package; no mask, no gloves, handled many items before finally picking one, this me standing there all the while. He forced me back. There should be a way to punish this sort of scum."
You realize that this post makes you appear to be a frightened, whiny, racist, sexist little bitch who wants to get her daddy to go beat up the man who hurt her feelings, right?

Coming from the likes of you, this is a compliment. You can make up anything you want about me to satisfy your fantasy. Posters on USMB begin threads to blame all members of demographic groups for the conduct of one or a small group of individuals all the time, with the exception of white males, who you think should never have their royal conduct questioned. Normally I would not mention things like race or sex, but in this situation, I am just demonstrating that turnabout is fair play. We have no royalty here.
"Posters on USMB begin threads to blame all members of demographic groups for the conduct of one or a small group of individuals all the time,";
I'm new here, so I'll take your word for that for now........ but still and all, nobody likes a fucking whiner, okay?
Stop that shit already.
Sorry, kid. Why should I stop? Who are you to tell me to stop? There are fucking whiners all over USMB. They start threads about non-white or Hispanic individuals who are charged with a crime, but never mention the whites who have been charged the same crime. There is another thread here by a guy bawling about "homosexual hordes" and some "war on masculinity."

They don't understand that all people are judged as individuals based on their conduct and refuse to discuss, let alone condemn, bad behavior if it is the conduct of a white, straight guy. It's fun to mock them.

Make more posts about penises, Hysteria. You're the only one on the board who does that and I guess you STILL think you have some kind of point?

Seriously, who but you posts about penises?
This is a plague. There is no real cure for the serious cases.

Wait....that's not what Biden said when he led the Democrat opposition to President Trump imposing the life-saving China Travel ban.

The WHO lied their asses off, told the world it wasn't that bad and that China had it under control.

Biden said the President was irrationally fear-mongering and the Travel Ban was Xenophobic.

Pelosi downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19, said to pay no attention to the President and his team, to go about their normal lives, to herd in large numbers, 'Come To Chinatown'.

The same dumbasses who claimed Trump's early order to impose a travel ban was not needed now admit it was the right thing to do....but then still try to attack him for not doing it sooner .... which they claim they would have done (if not having opposed it).

The problem with Democrats is they love running their mouths before they know all the facts, and they are always trying to do damage control / spin to try to convince people they were always for doing the right things....even when the records / evidence they opposed them initially....sorta like when Barry said on live TV that HE DID NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS YET, but it appears the Cambridge Police acted racistly during an event involving his friend.


Triggered again, Easy?

Running your mouth without using a single fact is your specialty. Every nation which was locked down early and tested, tested, tested, has a lower rate of illness and death than the USA.

It's taken Trump Bear six weeks since he started taking this thing seriously and he still doesn't have testing. He threw a hissy fit yesterday and shut down the presser when reporters pressed him on testing.

Then he said the states are "on their own" in setting up mass testing. He put on this happy talk presser yesterday about re-opening the country, and the number of unresolved cases went from 575,000 yesterday to 585,000.

Unless and until Dumb Donald gets the country to the place where they can test millions of Americans every single week, NOBODY will be going back to work, and people will keep dying.

I think it's a sad, sad day that one of the things Joe Biden can say on the campaign trail is that he knows how to re-start the economy because he's the guy who did the the grunt work on re-starting the economy when Obama was elected.

Democrats will be going in to restart the economy after a Republican crashed it - again.

You're a Canadian but it still bears repeating: I LOVE that Dems have positioned themselves as the party of Endless Quarantine and Virus Overlords for 2020

Americans will HATE It, but your people are too dull to switch courses now. It's a sure loser, you know. Americans will not vote for a bunch of nagging, negative Nancys telling them their life will never be the same and boo hoo hoo

But I'm loving it. Trump has destroyed you--again
This is not supposed to be permanent. The entire harmful exercise is Just to hurt Trump. It's supposed to be made all his fault and elect finger fucker Biden.
Ya...ll those Republican governors are out to hurt Trump. Oh, and I heard the virus is a Never Trumper too.
Thank God the Union won the Civil war and the government crushed the outlaws at Waco Texas and captured Timothy McVeigh and is ready to take down any other anti-American militia out there.
Yeah, thank God the govt, using armored military-grade vehicles and weapons, needlessly stormed a compound filled with women and children, set the place on fire, and burned many of them alive...instead of backing off an just arresting the guy in the nearby town some time later.

good grief
Nobody does a church massacre like the government. :rolleyes:

(BTW, I discovered in 2003 that some FBI agents really really don't like it when you mock them over that shit-show in Waco. I still have a file on me with the feds, last I checked. But hey, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.)
Yeah. ... Amazing how all the mass shootings and "Islamic and partisan terror" came to a screeching halt all over the world as soon as this thing started. . .

. . . it's almost as if suicidal maniacs and political radicals who aren't afraid of death are. . . afraid of infection?!? :20:

. . . either that or these are all propaganda operations. . . hmmmmmmmm :26:

Why must right wingers see a conspiracy in every fucking thing?

Shit happens. Pandemics have been happening for years, but with our global travel routes, now it takes weeks to go around the world instead of years.

Thank God the Union won the Civil war and the government crushed the outlaws at Waco Texas and captured Timothy McVeigh and is ready to take down any other anti-American militia out there.
Yeah, thank God the govt, using armored military-grade vehicles and weapons, needlessly stormed a compound filled with women and children, set the place on fire, and burned many of them alive...instead of backing off an just arresting the guy in the nearby town some time later.

good grief
Nobody does a church massacre like the government. :rolleyes:

(BTW, I discovered in 2003 that some FBI agents really really don't like it when you mock them over that shit-show in Waco. I still have a file on me with the feds, last I checked. But hey, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.)
Yeah. ... Amazing how all the mass shootings and "Islamic and partisan terror" came to a screeching halt all over the world as soon as this thing started. . .

. . . it's almost as if suicidal maniacs and political radicals who aren't afraid of death are. . . afraid of infection?!? :20:

. . . either that or these are all propaganda operations. . . hmmmmmmmm :26:

Why must right wingers see a conspiracy in every fucking thing?

Shit happens. Pandemics have been happening for years, but with our global travel routes, now it takes weeks to go around the world instead of years.


Your people will not be able to pivot away from nagging everyone about Endless Quarantine or Viral Dominance fast enough, and your candidate is sure too weak to do it.

THAT Is what you look to be carrying into the 2020 election. Nagging everyone about why the virus wins, why life will never be the same, and how they're Awful People with Blood on their Hands because they might be concerned about, you know, feeding their families.

Hey, I'm not mad about it
This is a plague. There is no real cure for the serious cases.

Wait....that's not what Biden said when he led the Democrat opposition to President Trump imposing the life-saving China Travel ban.

The WHO lied their asses off, told the world it wasn't that bad and that China had it under control.

Biden said the President was irrationally fear-mongering and the Travel Ban was Xenophobic.

Pelosi downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19, said to pay no attention to the President and his team, to go about their normal lives, to herd in large numbers, 'Come To Chinatown'.

The same dumbasses who claimed Trump's early order to impose a travel ban was not needed now admit it was the right thing to do....but then still try to attack him for not doing it sooner .... which they claim they would have done (if not having opposed it).

The problem with Democrats is they love running their mouths before they know all the facts, and they are always trying to do damage control / spin to try to convince people they were always for doing the right things....even when the records / evidence they opposed them initially....sorta like when Barry said on live TV that HE DID NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS YET, but it appears the Cambridge Police acted racistly during an event involving his friend.


Triggered again, Easy?

Running your mouth without using a single fact is your specialty. Every nation which was locked down early and tested, tested, tested, has a lower rate of illness and death than the USA.

It's taken Trump Bear six weeks since he started taking this thing seriously and he still doesn't have testing. He threw a hissy fit yesterday and shut down the presser when reporters pressed him on testing.

Then he said the states are "on their own" in setting up mass testing. He put on this happy talk presser yesterday about re-opening the country, and the number of unresolved cases went from 575,000 yesterday to 585,000.

Unless and until Dumb Donald gets the country to the place where they can test millions of Americans every single week, NOBODY will be going back to work, and people will keep dying.

I think it's a sad, sad day that one of the things Joe Biden can say on the campaign trail is that he knows how to re-start the economy because he's the guy who did the the grunt work on re-starting the economy when Obama was elected.

Democrats will be going in to restart the economy after a Republican crashed it - again.

You're a Canadian but it still bears repeating: I LOVE that Dems have positioned themselves as the party of Endless Quarantine and Virus Overlords for 2020

Americans will HATE It, but your people are too dull to switch courses now. It's a sure loser, you know. Americans will not vote for a bunch of nagging, negative Nancys telling them their life will never be the same and boo hoo hoo

But I'm loving it. Trump has destroyed you--again

Trump hasn't destroyed me. He's destroying the USA. I'm sitting here happily, grateful that the only problem I'm dealing with is boredom and standing in line to buy groceries. My stimulus monies have been sitting in my savings account since landing in my bank account last week. The worst problem I'm dealing with is I'm sick of my own cooking, and I need to go out and get a mask for grocery shopping.

Here in Canada, we have PPE's for everyone, including essential workers. We have tests for everyone who needs them too. We don't have idiot protestors complaining about spending two weeks at home being a "violation" of their rights.

Conservatives are getting so many of their fondest wishes:

1. An end to the Globalist economy. Americans will be forced to stay at home as the borders to other nations will be closed to you and many of your products. You can't go to other countries with with a pandemic raging within your borders, or ship your contaminated goods to countries who have gone managed to contain this virus.

2. Illegal immigration will no longer be a problem. No one will go to the USA to die. The poorest of the poor will know that the USA is no longer safe.

3. The concentration camps at the border have been emptied as Trumpy Bear was terrified that those in them would sicken and die. In Guatamala, they tested the everyone coming off the deportation planes. More than half of the deportees tested positive.

3. Prisons and nursing homes will have a lot of openings when this is over. You can close the "for profit" prisons and camps because so many prisoners are getting sick and dying.

4. With all of the nursing home folks dying, their children and grandchildren will be getting inheritances.

Trump should play all of these things up in his re-election campaign. Along with the new line about "acceptable rates of death" to re-open the economy. That'll play well with the 30,000+ families who are grieving the loss of family members.

You have 585,000 people who have been confirmed to have this virus, and untold thousands more who cannot get tested. And here you are, getting snarky with people who criticize your Saviour's handling of this pandemic.
1000 a month posters are all here, getting their pro-Trump digs in while they can. Cheering on the partisan bullshit that got you to this point and hoping still more Americans die, for their own reasons.
This is a plague. There is no real cure for the serious cases.

Wait....that's not what Biden said when he led the Democrat opposition to President Trump imposing the life-saving China Travel ban.

The WHO lied their asses off, told the world it wasn't that bad and that China had it under control.

Biden said the President was irrationally fear-mongering and the Travel Ban was Xenophobic.

Pelosi downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19, said to pay no attention to the President and his team, to go about their normal lives, to herd in large numbers, 'Come To Chinatown'.

The same dumbasses who claimed Trump's early order to impose a travel ban was not needed now admit it was the right thing to do....but then still try to attack him for not doing it sooner .... which they claim they would have done (if not having opposed it).

The problem with Democrats is they love running their mouths before they know all the facts, and they are always trying to do damage control / spin to try to convince people they were always for doing the right things....even when the records / evidence they opposed them initially....sorta like when Barry said on live TV that HE DID NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS YET, but it appears the Cambridge Police acted racistly during an event involving his friend.


Triggered again, Easy?

Running your mouth without using a single fact is your specialty. Every nation which was locked down early and tested, tested, tested, has a lower rate of illness and death than the USA.

It's taken Trump Bear six weeks since he started taking this thing seriously and he still doesn't have testing. He threw a hissy fit yesterday and shut down the presser when reporters pressed him on testing.

Then he said the states are "on their own" in setting up mass testing. He put on this happy talk presser yesterday about re-opening the country, and the number of unresolved cases went from 575,000 yesterday to 585,000.

Unless and until Dumb Donald gets the country to the place where they can test millions of Americans every single week, NOBODY will be going back to work, and people will keep dying.

I think it's a sad, sad day that one of the things Joe Biden can say on the campaign trail is that he knows how to re-start the economy because he's the guy who did the the grunt work on re-starting the economy when Obama was elected.

Democrats will be going in to restart the economy after a Republican crashed it - again.

You're a Canadian but it still bears repeating: I LOVE that Dems have positioned themselves as the party of Endless Quarantine and Virus Overlords for 2020

Americans will HATE It, but your people are too dull to switch courses now. It's a sure loser, you know. Americans will not vote for a bunch of nagging, negative Nancys telling them their life will never be the same and boo hoo hoo

But I'm loving it. Trump has destroyed you--again

Trump hasn't destroyed me. He's destroying the USA. I'm sitting here happily, grateful that the only problem I'm dealing with is boredom and standing in line to buy groceries. My stimulus monies have been sitting in my savings account since landing in my bank account last week. The worst problem I'm dealing with is I'm sick of my own cooking, and I need to go out and get a mask for grocery shopping.

Here in Canada, we have PPE's for everyone, including essential workers. We have tests for everyone who needs them too. We don't have idiot protestors complaining about spending two weeks at home being a "violation" of their rights.

Conservatives are getting so many of their fondest wishes:

1. An end to the Globalist economy. Americans will be forced to stay at home as the borders to other nations will be closed to you and many of your products. You can't go to other countries with with a pandemic raging within your borders, or ship your contaminated goods to countries who have gone managed to contain this virus.

2. Illegal immigration will no longer be a problem. No one will go to the USA to die. The poorest of the poor will know that the USA is no longer safe.

3. The concentration camps at the border have been emptied as Trumpy Bear was terrified that those in them would sicken and die. In Guatamala, they tested the everyone coming off the deportation planes. More than half of the deportees tested positive.

3. Prisons and nursing homes will have a lot of openings when this is over. You can close the "for profit" prisons and camps because so many prisoners are getting sick and dying.

4. With all of the nursing home folks dying, their children and grandchildren will be getting inheritances.

Trump should play all of these things up in his re-election campaign. Along with the new line about "acceptable rates of death" to re-open the economy. That'll play well with the 30,000+ families who are grieving the loss of family members.

You have 585,000 people who have been confirmed to have this virus, and untold thousands more who cannot get tested. And here you are, getting snarky with people who criticize your Saviour's handling of this pandemic.
1000 a month posters are all here, getting their pro-Trump digs in while they can. Cheering on the partisan bullshit that got you to this point and hoping still more Americans die, for their own reasons.

You're on here every day, complaining on a nation that's not even yours, on a messageboard with US in the title.

I can't imagine what kind of busybody does that, but I can assure you, I don't give Canada 1/1000 of a thought you give the USA every minute of your day. No. Really.
Triggered again, Easy? Running your mouth without using a single fact is your specialty. Every nation which was locked down early and tested, tested, tested, has a lower rate of illness and death than the USA.

All I do is post facts, darling' - you are the one who runs from them while you can't seem to find the ones / laws / links you claim exist to support your BS.....

Trump hasn't destroyed me.

No, you have proved times and times over again you were mentally unbalanced long before President Trump was elected President.....

...which explains why you - a Canadian - claim a US law exists that affords Whistle Blowers the protection of 'Anonymity'...despite being spoon-fed both the law, words for word, and the link to it proving you stubbornly cling to your and Schiff's lie despite the evidence....

...which explains why you cling to an old, debunked false coup cover-up narrative that Democrats refuse to even bring up anymore...

...why you attack the US President for being the only one smart enough to impose a life-saving Travel bam while the WHO Director was telling the world not to issue bans and close borders, while Biden was leading the Democrat opposition to the ban while calling Trump a Xenophobe and fear-mongerer for doing so...and while giving Americans misleading, inaccurate COVID-19 advice that scientists know leads only to higher infection rates and mortality rates....

Why a Canadian would have so much mentally invested in the US Queen of Corruption winning or losing the US Presidential election in 2016 is beyond me, but Hillary's loss did indeed snap the remaining synapses in your pea-brain in that Great White North noggin' of yours - You have gone completely bat-shit crazy bonkers...

...or have youalways been a pathologically lying, reality-denying, fact-avoiding, triggered liberal nut job?
Go ahead, show the class an example of a Honda Accord "infecting" a Chevy Blazer. Show me how my car can get sick by using the same highway as an "infected" Studebaker.
Are you deliberately trying to look like an idiot?

I'm mocking yours. Are you saying you can't do it? Because if you can't you'll have to give up that False Equivalence.

Seen it before btw, on the gun violence canard-arguments. It's a remix. BORing.
The point is that you are willing to live with the DOCUMENTED equal or greater risk posed by automobiles. There is no false equivalency. Risk is risk.

You are parroting your commie overlords who are out for political gain. Nothing more.

I've just gone out to hang with my cars. Not one of them is coughing. Not one of them infected me. Not one was infected by me. Or by each other. None had a fever, none were coughing up blood. Strange isn't it?

Meanwhile walking back into the house I was not hit by a meteor. Astounding. Even as we speak there is no earthquake going on.
Okay. Jesus. I get it. You are too dumb to understand comparative risk.
Actually I'm too much of a logician to not notice a red herring when one flies into the room.
Triggered again, Easy? Running your mouth without using a single fact is your specialty. Every nation which was locked down early and tested, tested, tested, has a lower rate of illness and death than the USA.

All I do is post facts, darling' -

Actually all you do is post false premises, sweetbuns. Like the one in the OP which you *STILL* can't put legs on.
The federal government and the states all have emergency provisions that allow the suspension of constitutional rights...Whether or not this "emergency" rises to that, and they went through the proper legal procedure to enact these laws is unclear.

But our goverors definitely have this power under an emergency. We have suspended habeus corpus nationally before, emergency powers/provisions always get a pass from our judiciary. Dealing with emergencies is the prime benefit to having a strong executive.

The old "habeus corpus" canard again. That applies to arrests. "Shelter in place" and "social distancing" do not constitute "arrests".

The point was they can suspend your constitutional rights on a whim in an "emergency" if we as a society define the flu as an emergency...We'll we'v lost those rights


Thanks for explaining what a term I brough up means/ You fucking dolt

Remember your education. nothing has changed. You're still a retard.

I've never even heard of you. But I'm happy to explain what the term you "brough" up means, speaking of edumacation. Keep it real, brough.

hahah the guy who couldn't break 1300 on his SAT or 30 on his ACt talking big. OK dude

The delusion is palpable

Yea i have no idea how to spell brought.

You fucking plebs with your non sequitors you can't even connect back to a point.

Cool story brough. Hey what does a brough eat for lunch? A brougham sandwich?
Now you are trying to cover your obvious stupidity by trying to insult your way out. We see right through you. You're an intellectual lightweight.




Here's a whizzo who doesn't even notice the post was to somebody else. Then he wants to throw red herrings and pretend he doesn't know where they came from.

This is a perfect illustration of why all commies must fucking hang.


Rationed Liberty

That sure looks like a lot less people than ever died in any war defending our civil rights and civil liberties.

It's "FEWER" actually, not "less". Less of much, fewer of many. Less rain, fewer raindrops.

Fun fact though: the so-called "Spanish" Flu of a century ago killed more Americans than all of the wars of the Twentieth Century --- the one where we became imperialists --- COMBINED. Philippine War, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Panama, Libya, Grenada, fill in brown-people country here, add 'em all up and you still don't equal the death toll of that pandemic all by itself. More US soldiers died of that disease in WWI in Europe -- after transporting the disease there --- than were killed there in combat.

This perspective brought to you by the word fewer. bane of Miller Beer commercials.

oh? . . . . perspective is what we are talking about now is it? :rolleyes:
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is a plague. There is no real cure for the serious cases. Medical practicioners are basically throwing everything they have at this thing and seeing what sticks. .

Every day we're learning more about how the virus attacks the body. This is some nasty shit. It attacks the heart, kidneys and lungs. Patients may have long term problems even after the virus is gone.

The current death rate in the USA is 34%. 66% percent have recovered and gone home, but 34% have died. There are now 578,000 active cases. While the lack of testing meant that only the sickest were tested at first, it's likely that this rate will come down. if the death rate continues at 34% of active cases, another 200,000 people will die. Even if the death rate comes down to the current world death rate of 21% of cases where the outcome is known, more than 120,000 more Americans will die - even if no further infections happen after today.

Wow. I DO NOT know where you get a lethality of 34%, but that is WAY off.

The NHS in Britain puts it between .5 and 1%

More critical studies that factor in folks that don't get tested put it as .37%

It boggles the mind that you can either be so wrong, or put out such misleading propaganda.

No wonder you take such authoritarian scare tactics.

Hell I can tell you that. It's right there in the numbers, a simple calculation. Watch.

(using up-to-the-minute current numbers):

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

34,522 perished plus 57,271 Recovered equals 91,793 cases which had an outcome.

Out of that body, in 38% (37.6) of those outcomes, the outcome was death.

The UK by the way has not reported reliable figures. I told you that before and now I'll tell you why. See that column under "Recovered" that says "N/A"? Until a few days ago, it said "135". Every day. For literally weeks. Now they've given up reporting anything.

You axed the question --- you got the answer. That'll be $135.72.
Oppression is always about public safety. You are oppressed for your own good.

And there you would dead wrong. Oppression is always about protecting the authoritarian leader and his regime, not the people. That's what defines it as "oppression".

People who are sick and have no health insurance are opressed. People who have "essential" minimum wage jobs who have no choice but to go to work with no PPE's or hand sanitizer, who are getting sick and dying from this disease, are oppressed.

But the fools like you being asked to sit home for their own safety, are not being "oppressed" in any way.

lol, you completely missed her point. She (or he?) was trying to get through to you that when freedom and rights are trampled on, the oppressors always CLAIM that it's about "public safety" or that it's for our own good. She wasn't saying that it actually is! lol.

And yes, forcing perfectly healthy people who haven't done anything wrong to be on what basically amounts to house arrest - causing people to lose their livelihood or businesses - IS oppressive, you bootlicking dupe. And to say they "are not being oppressed in any way" is the most asinine, arrogant, ignorant, idiotic statement I've heard in a long time. And that is just one facet of this, that's not even getting into all their other totalitarian agendas. Which I'm sure dupes like you will be cheerleading for. At least until you finally wake up one day and realize that you've been had.

I know what she said Buttercup. I stand by my rebuttal.

In your books, asking healthy people to stay home so that remain healthy is "oppressing" them. But forcing them to go to work, when you can't provide them with testing or PPE's to keep them safe, is not oppressing them.

You fools have it backwards. Right now, today, the people who are being oppressed, are the minimum wage "essential workers" in grocery stores, child care centres, and the fast food industry, the meat processing plants, who are going to work, without PPE's, without personal distancing, and without testing. Thousands of these "essential" workers are dying. I call forcing poor peole to take risks you yourself would consider to be a violation of your rights - forcing you to work in unsafe conditions, where you could die or become permanent disable, is about as oppressing as it gets.

You're being asked to stay at home.

I'm sure many of these worker would have given anything to have your opportunity to sit on their asses at home, but they weren't given that choice.

I was chatting with my daughter today saying I'm bored, I'm sick of my own cooking, I miss going out for a latte and a card game with my friends at the local cafe. I want to go to our small town restaurants. And I feel guilty for complaining. Because I'm not sick, and my family is not sick, because we've been inside for weeks now. My bank account is growing because I'm not going out and spending money in my community and helping the local merchants.

My American friends are losing family. Or working in harm's way. And there's no end in sight because your President continues to be an idiot. You have to deal with the public health crisis before you can talk about reopening the country, and #1 with a bullet is testing.

No matter how many times the President says otherwise, you have no reliable widespread accessible testing for corona virus. You need to 325 million people tested, and you've tested 3.5 million. 1%. You don't even have enough tests manufactured to test even 10% of the American population just one time, and the millions of Americans going to work, or to school, need to be tested weekly. You need 40 million tests per week just to test the front line health care workers and the "essential" workers in transit and the food industry - from the field to the processors, to the retail workers, and the food service staff - all need to be tested and tested weekly.

Yes, you've done more tests than the South Koreans. But South Korea tested early and tested often, and they used cell phones to help with contact tracing and testing. And when told to stay home, they did. Their death rate is less than 3%, whereas yours is currently 37%.

That's because they STAYED THE FUCK AT HOME

without testing.
Plenty of testing available now. .. besides, it is irrelevant. Most folks have been exposed.
Thousands of these "essential" workers are dying.

No they aren't. Hyperbole.
#1 with a bullet is testing.

The Sweden model has shown this to be completely false. Unnecessary.
You need to 325 million people tested
Nope, once they catch and get over it, move on, forget about it, not necessary.
all need to be tested and tested weekly.
Again, completely false, riddled with lies.
whereas yours is currently 37%.
The death rate is NOT that, this is the biggest whopper of all. You cannot site anywhere a peer reviewed study that makes this claim, this is your own lie.

If this were true, everyone on this board would have known someone who had been struck down by know. You are a shill and a propagandist.

Your post is filled with lies lies lies.

It's not "my own lie". It's in this chart:

The rate of the death is the Total Deaths divded by the total number of Closed Cases - those who have recovered or died,

Scroll down the page and the formula is there. The world death rate is 21%. It's right there on the chart.

Scroll down and you have the numbers by country. From there it's simply a matter of calculating the Closed Cases and calculate the percentage of deaths to the total number of Closed Cases.

The USA has 57,844 recovered cases and 34,641 deaths for a total of 92,485 Closed Cases. 34,641 is 37.8% of the total cases. Most alarming is that you have 585,000 active cases. Even if your rate comes down to the world average of 21%, you're still looking at another 122,000 deaths just from your existing cases, without another more American
Thank God the Union won the Civil war and the government crushed the outlaws at Waco Texas and captured Timothy McVeigh and is ready to take down any other anti-American militia out there.
Yeah, thank God the govt, using armored military-grade vehicles and weapons, needlessly stormed a compound filled with women and children, set the place on fire, and burned many of them alive...instead of backing off an just arresting the guy in the nearby town some time later.

good grief
Nobody does a church massacre like the government. :rolleyes:

(BTW, I discovered in 2003 that some FBI agents really really don't like it when you mock them over that shit-show in Waco. I still have a file on me with the feds, last I checked. But hey, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.)
Yeah. ... Amazing how all the mass shootings and "Islamic and partisan terror" came to a screeching halt all over the world as soon as this thing started. . .

. . . it's almost as if suicidal maniacs and political radicals who aren't afraid of death are. . . afraid of infection?!? :20:

. . . either that or these are all propaganda operations. . . hmmmmmmmm :26:

Why must right wingers see a conspiracy in every fucking thing?

Shit happens. Pandemics have been happening for years, but with our global travel routes, now it takes weeks to go around the world instead of years.

Wait until all your countrymen return home from FL. :auiqs.jpg:

They're already back. Trudeau told them to get their asses home before he closed the border permanently. Their return caused a big jump in our cases. We only had a couple of hundred cases before they came home, and a lot of them failed to self-quarantine when they got home.

I have some sympathy in terms that they came home to no food in the fridge at all, and out here in the boonies there is no such thing as grocery delivery. But there was guy in our local grocery store saying he just got back from Arizona that morning. Don't these people have family or friends who can do a grocery run for them and leave the food on their porch? My city friends booked a grocery delivery for the morning after they would be getting home before they left Florida, and they had take out delivered for dinner the night they got home.

Trumpy Bear has been talking about re-opening the Canada/US border because Canada's being doing a "good job" with the virus. Trudeau told him that he would not be opening the border anytime soon. Americans are going to have a difficult time going anywhere. Trump and Pence are pretending that they closed the US border to the world but that's not what happened. The world closed our border to YOU, and they will remain closed

I did scroll down, and my lord, you are SOOOOO dumb.


"Fatality Rate (case fatality ratio or CFR) of the Wuhan Coronavirus

See full details: Coronavirus Fatality Rate

The novel coronavirus' case fatality rate has been estimated at around 2%, in the WHO press conference held on January 29, 2020 [16] . However, it noted that, without knowing how many were infected, it was too early to be able to put a percentage on the mortality rate figure.

A prior estimate [9] had put that number at 3%.

Fatality rate can change as a virus can mutate, according to epidemiologists.

For comparison, the case fatality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%."

Did you get that? 2%, and that is from your own highly biased source. :hmpf:

I have continually told you, that your sources are biased, b/c they assume that everyone is getting tested.

Everyone I KNOW? ARE PURPOSELY NOT GETTING TESTED. . . they don't want the local and state governments using case numbers as an excuse to impose even longer and more draconian tyranny. They have gotten wise to what this is really about, it is about control, the government never really ever gave a shit about people, it still doesn't. If it ever did, then all those folks in Flint never would have gotten poisoned.

The EPA at the federal level was ran by liberals. The administration at the State level was run by conservatives. The city was run by liberals. . and yet, all those folks still got poisoned, why? Because government tools and bureaucrats care only about money and power, just like they do now.

Only fools would trust them, and that makes YOU a damn fool.



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