Constitutionally Ineligible Ted Cruz Launches First Campaign Ad........In Spanish


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Nothing worse than being bilingual, huh?

Karnival Kruz has no loyalty to the US, except as it can line his pockets.

But, hey, that's pretty true of most of the rest of the Clown Car Candidates.
Thanks, Democrats for inviting in so many hispanics who will be strongly and positively influenced by a candidate who easily speaks a language they can understand. They're tired of those fumbling and inappropriate Kenyanglish pauses that say so little in so many words.
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You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
And the same thing was said about Constitutional professor Obama too. No I will not give this up. In fact I am going to be relentless as ever. Legal scholars are just now coming out today stating he has eligibility problems. Ted is not black like Obama so these scholars aren't going to be afraid of being labeled racist by the media this time for challenging his eligibility.
Sorry now that I didn't register "birther" and "birfer" as trademarks. That lack of foresight has left me unable to sue the ass off every Democrat attacking Cruz. And them Democrats got BIG asses!
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Under American law, Cruz would be born an American despite having only one US citizen parent as long as that parent — his mother — had physically lived in the United States for at least 10 years and five of those years had been after her 14th birthday.
Cruz's mother easily cleared that bar, so Cruz's citizenship is not debatable.

Cruz also gained Canadian citizenship at birth, the same way anyone born in the United States is automatically a citizen. Cruz eventually renounced his Canadian citizenship, after he was already in the Senate, to make it clear that America was his only love. But his eligibility to run for president didn't hinge on that; there's nothing saying dual citizens don't count as natural-born.
Can Canadian-born Ted Cruz run for president Yes. - Vox
You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
And the same thing was said about Constitutional professor Obama too. No I will not give this up. In fact I am going to be relentless as ever. Legal scholars are just now coming out today stating he has eligibility problems. Ted is not black like Obama so these scholars aren't going to be afraid of being labeled racist by the media this time for challenging his eligibility.
If Cruz wants a chance he needs to support infrastructure, science and r&d. Come out as a traditionalists on social issues but do the above.

How do you think he's going to supply jobs to the 90+ MILLION now out of work? A STIMULUS program like the Obomanatio which redistributed the money to his campaign donors, and FUCK American workers?
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Under American law, Cruz would be born an American despite having only one US citizen parent as long as that parent — his mother — had physically lived in the United States for at least 10 years and five of those years had been after her 14th birthday.
Cruz's mother easily cleared that bar, so Cruz's citizenship is not debatable.

Cruz also gained Canadian citizenship at birth, the same way anyone born in the United States is automatically a citizen. Cruz eventually renounced his Canadian citizenship, after he was already in the Senate, to make it clear that America was his only love. But his eligibility to run for president didn't hinge on that; there's nothing saying dual citizens don't count as natural-born.
Can Canadian-born Ted Cruz run for president Yes. - Vox

Nope. That makes Cruz a statutory citizen via the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952. .
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Under American law, Cruz would be born an American despite having only one US citizen parent as long as that parent — his mother — had physically lived in the United States for at least 10 years and five of those years had been after her 14th birthday.
Cruz's mother easily cleared that bar, so Cruz's citizenship is not debatable.

Cruz also gained Canadian citizenship at birth, the same way anyone born in the United States is automatically a citizen. Cruz eventually renounced his Canadian citizenship, after he was already in the Senate, to make it clear that America was his only love. But his eligibility to run for president didn't hinge on that; there's nothing saying dual citizens don't count as natural-born.
Can Canadian-born Ted Cruz run for president Yes. - Vox

Nope. That makes Cruz a statutory citizen via the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952. .

Knows NOTHING, proven with each new post, a fucking racist, besides a DemocRAT operative to make the right look bad!

If Cruz wants a chance he needs to support infrastructure, science and r&d. Come out as a traditionalists on social issues but do the above.

How do you think he's going to supply jobs to the 90+ MILLION now out of work? A STIMULUS program like the Obomanatio which redistributed the money to his campaign donors, and FUCK American workers?

Pro-American business policies. The big boys shouldn't be able to kill off all the smaller businesses either.

I'd lower taxes on smaller businesses and increase them on the larger ones. I'd put a tariff on all imports.

On the otherhand, I have no problem with using tax payer dollars to invest in our infrastructure, science and r&d. We need to remove what ever that is stopping the private sector and kill identity politics that forces quota's.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Rafael para el presidente.

Presione uno para español, presione dos para Inglés, pulse tres para el cuidado del césped.
(Press one for Spanish, press two for English, press three for lawn care.)

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