Constitutionally Ineligible Ted Cruz Launches First Campaign Ad........In Spanish

He is unelectable. Period.

Seems a man named Reagan was told the same thing by scumbags 35 years ago... you around then, scumbag?

Reagan was for smart government and building America into a super power. He didn't run as a libertarian.
Reagan sure made a smart government, didn't he?
Reagan was alive in 1783? Who knew?
He knew Thomas Jefferson personally.

But then forgot about it.
You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat


How are you alive?
The Cerebellum controls things like heart beat and with no Cerebrum, Stephanie can, theoretically, still be alive.

What part of the brain controls our sense of right and wrong and ability to think rationally?

Democraps are born without this part.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material. that one got by me. Now the left want only english language. interesting.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material. that one got by me. Now the left want only english language. interesting.

Steven isn't a libroid ....He's just a racist.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Have heard many sources claim he's eligible to run. None that he isn't.
You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
And the same thing was said about Constitutional professor Obama too. No I will not give this up. In fact I am going to be relentless as ever.

Feel free. You still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I am not a Obama water boy liar like you are.

And yet who between us can actually back their claims factually?

We've gone head to head on points of fact over and over. You've never won. Not once. And why do you so consistently slink away with your tail between your legs?

Because my evidence is just so much better than yours. And I've actually researched the topics in question rather than mindlessly aped a conspiracy website as you have. Which means I generally have a greater command of the topic than you do too.

Get used to the idea.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Have heard many sources claim he's eligible to run. None that he isn't.

Yup. A natural born citizen is a citizen at birth. Cruz was a citizen at birth. Ergo, he's natural born.

There's only natural born (citizen at birth) and naturalized (citizen after birth). There is no third kind.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material. that one got by me. Now the left want only english language. interesting.

Steve McRacist isn't a Leftie.
You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
And the same thing was said about Constitutional professor Obama too. No I will not give this up. In fact I am going to be relentless as ever.

Feel free. You still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I am not a Obama water boy liar like you are.

And yet who between us can actually back their claims factually?

We've gone head to head on points of fact over and over. You've never won. Not once. And why do you so consistently slink away with your tail between your legs?

Because my evidence is just so much better than yours. And I've actually researched the topics in question rather than mindlessly aped a conspiracy website as you have. Which means I generally have a greater command of the topic than you do too.

Get used to the idea.
Lol, you sound like a little insecure immature kid saying 'I won, I won, I won' to appease your pathetic failure of trying to get away with constant lies I catch you in. You're a mindless Obama disciple water carrying drone on duty to obfuscate truths presented about your ineligile boy in the White House You have zero knowledge of the issues presented here nor do you have ethics and common sense. Also I have a great life outside this forum so when I am not on here, I am attending to other business.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.

Nothing worse than being bilingual, huh?

Karnival Kruz has no loyalty to the US, except as it can line his pockets.

But, hey, that's pretty true of most of the rest of the Clown Car Candidates.

yep especially hillary. Now there's a real clown.
You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
And the same thing was said about Constitutional professor Obama too. No I will not give this up. In fact I am going to be relentless as ever.

Feel free. You still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I am not a Obama water boy liar like you are.

And yet who between us can actually back their claims factually?

We've gone head to head on points of fact over and over. You've never won. Not once. And why do you so consistently slink away with your tail between your legs?

Because my evidence is just so much better than yours. And I've actually researched the topics in question rather than mindlessly aped a conspiracy website as you have. Which means I generally have a greater command of the topic than you do too.

Get used to the idea.
Lol, you sound like a little insecure immature kid saying 'I won, I won, I won' to appease your pathetic failure of trying to get away with constant lies I catch you in. You're a mindless Obama disciple water carrying drone on duty to obfuscate truths presented about your ineligile boy in the White House You have zero knowledge of the issues presented here nor do you have ethics and common sense. Also I have a great life outside this forum so when I am not on here, I am attending to other business.
this.....this post.... nothing like posting words that more depict yourself then the person it was directed at. Thanks for the amusement.
You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
And the same thing was said about Constitutional professor Obama too. No I will not give this up. In fact I am going to be relentless as ever.

Feel free. You still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I am not a Obama water boy liar like you are.

And yet who between us can actually back their claims factually?

We've gone head to head on points of fact over and over. You've never won. Not once. And why do you so consistently slink away with your tail between your legs?

Because my evidence is just so much better than yours. And I've actually researched the topics in question rather than mindlessly aped a conspiracy website as you have. Which means I generally have a greater command of the topic than you do too.

Get used to the idea.
Lol, you sound like a little insecure immature kid saying 'I won, I won, I won' to appease your pathetic failure of trying to get away with constant lies I catch you in

I sound like someone who is informed. And can back my claims with evidence. I've demonstrated your folly on pretty much every point......the meaning of natural born citizenship, Obama's eligibility, the State of Hawaii affirming Obama's eligibility, US law....the works.

You can't win on a debate of the facts.

Remember that.
A true natural born citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States eligible for Article 2 Section 1 would aim their political ads to Americans in English, not to people speaking in foreign sovereign languages. This man is not presidential material.]

Sure....because no American politician advertises in Spanish.......

You are such an idiot, such a Birther, and such a bigot

Bush Hopes Spanish Ads Will Garner Votes - latimes

Bush Hopes Spanish Ads Will Garner Votes

Over a fast-moving shot of a city skyline and an American flag rippling in front of the Texas state banner, a deep-voiced man reassures: "En nuestro pais ha llegado un nuevo dia." (In our country, a new day has arrived).

The narrator continues in Spanish about Gov. George W. Bush's family values in a 30-second TV commercial that features good-looking students, scientists and cheerleaders who could presumably benefit from his presidency. The spot concludes with the Republican candidate, wearing a cotton work shirt and jeans, saying four words: "Es un nuevo dia."

Not only is it a new day, as Bush says, that day has arrived unusually early. The Bush ad is set to begin running today in advance of Arizona's Republican primary Feb. 22. It's the first time, industry experts say, that a Spanish-language ad has been used in a presidential primary. It's also a sign that spending on political advertising in Spanish will reach unprecedented levels this presidential year.
You know what. I'm sure he checked the constitution before he decided to run

so knock it off

He's not an Obama or a snake Demcorat
And the same thing was said about Constitutional professor Obama too. No I will not give this up. In fact I am going to be relentless as ever.

Feel free. You still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I am not a Obama water boy liar like you are.

And yet who between us can actually back their claims factually?

We've gone head to head on points of fact over and over. You've never won. Not once. And why do you so consistently slink away with your tail between your legs?

Because my evidence is just so much better than yours. And I've actually researched the topics in question rather than mindlessly aped a conspiracy website as you have. Which means I generally have a greater command of the topic than you do too.

Get used to the idea.
. Also I have a great life outside this forum so when I am not on here, I am attending to other business.

How much time does it take to run the local Klan chapter?
A sizable portion of the American population is made up of Spanish speakers, and they are no less American because they prefer Spanish to English. Cruz is an American citizen, and is thus eligible to run for President. I don't like the guy, but let's get serious here.
A sizable portion of the American population is made up of Spanish speakers, and they are no less American because they prefer Spanish to English. Cruz is an American citizen, and is thus eligible to run for President. I don't like the guy, but let's get serious here.

The guys at Storm Front might disagree with you.

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