Consumer Affairs Cartoon Series: Vision Loss vs. Hearing Loss


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Best Hearing Aids for 2015 - ConsumerAffairs

Here is a thought-provoking cartoon series someone sent me from Consumer Affairs on the
difference, socially and financially, between Vision Loss and Hearing Loss.

Listen, Read it, and Laugh or Weep as you please.

I hope I can post all 7 panels before any smart alecks post "What did you say?" "Sorry I can't read the fine print"

I thought this was insightful and made good points.

Panel 1 of 7

How society treats hearing loss
According to the National Institutes of Health, about 3 of every 1,000 children are born with a detectable level of hearing loss, and around 30 million Americans over age 12 have disabling hearing loss. However, only about 20% of the people who could benefit from hearing aids use one.

By themselves, those statistics are unsettling. However, compared to the fact that 75% of U.S. adults use some sort of vision correction, they highlight the stark differences in how society treats hearing loss versus a similar disability like vision loss.

According to the Better Hearing Institute, 68% of people with hearing loss cite finances as the main reason for not using hearing aids.
While glasses have been adopted as must-have fashion accessories for NBA players and presidential hopefuls alike, hearing aids are still lacking in aesthetic options.
Don't count on your favorite hotel or restaurant offering a pair of complimentary hearing aids if you leave yours at home.
At work and school
Untreated hearing loss is proven to affect children's attention and comprehension in classroom lectures, and adults with untreated hearing loss lose as much as $30,000 in salary and wages annually.
In social settings
Kids with hearing loss struggle in social situations, and their difficulty interacting or following along in conversation is often mistaken for aloofness.
In relationships
The[y] say communication is the key to any good relationship, but communication can be challenging for hearing impared individuals, especially in a relationship with a person with normal hearing.

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