Consumerism Journalism: Drugstore?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here is a mock dialogue between a moderate-conservative named Ajay Satan (a fictional Internet-blogger) and American movie superstar Tom Cruise (an advocate of 'media imagination') about 'magazine intellectualism.'

Let's imagine Ajay dons the conservative 'heroism' identity of Saber-Rider (a fictional 'knight' from a cartoon about classic chivalry in a futuristic era), while Cruise dons the identity of Cyclonus (a cunning 'first knight' of a robot army of warlord called the Decepticons, from the popular Transformers A.I. film/toy/cartoon franchise).

How can we coordinate 'media-intellectualism' (and social criticism) with 'youthful patriotism' for our modern age of commerce-driven fervor (e.g., Facebook, Dwell magazine, TrumpUSA, etc.)?

Answering such a question might make us more 'mature' about consumerism propaganda.


AJAY (Saber-Rider): You seem to equate media with magazines...
CRUISE (Cyclonus): You're making a stereotype just because I'm a 'celebrity.'
AJAY: How do you feel about Planet Hollywood restaurants?
CRUISE: I appreciate populace fanfare and merchandise...
AJAY: In that case, you must support the masses using Facebook!
CRUISE: Why do you say that? Facebook is a bulletin-board (like an electronic 'yearbook' of sorts).
AJAY: Facebook reflects a modern age interest in 'pedestrian-daydream photojournalism.'
CRUISE: I suppose cinema is like a 'pedestrianism daydream' device.
AJAY: Many stockbrokers go to work with a cup of Starbucks coffee.
CRUISE: Yes, and Starbucks is a terrific modernism symbol of 'traffic services.'
AJAY: Exactly. Hollywood is a sort of 'traffic services' acupuncture.
CRUISE: I see what you're're equating cinema with yoga!
AJAY: Precisely. Doing so might help us better appreciate films such as Dark City.
CRUISE: In that case, we could imagine why America would elect a 'celebrity-president' (Reagan/Trump).
AJAY: I suppose so, but should we link daydreams with education?
CRUISE: Why not? Don't you like the film Babes in Toyland?




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