Consumers Taking Financial Hit From Rising Fuel Prices

Tax cuts to the wealthy were never going to happen. What the GOP was rightly pointing out is that tax "increases" on the wealthy (and now everyone!) is not going to put people back to work but will in fact do the opposite. Raising taxes isn't a "plan" to put people back to work. I'm sorry but it isn't. It was a great tool to use to try and get Barry reelected but now that it's been implemented our economy will pay the price for a misguided fiscal will hundreds of thousands of out of work Americans.

We have yet to see the full impact of Obama's policies, Obamacare won't be fully implemented until 2014 it aint gonna be pretty
Tax cuts to the wealthy were never going to happen. What the GOP was rightly pointing out is that tax "increases" on the wealthy (and now everyone!) is not going to put people back to work but will in fact do the opposite. Raising taxes isn't a "plan" to put people back to work. I'm sorry but it isn't. It was a great tool to use to try and get Barry reelected but now that it's been implemented our economy will pay the price for a misguided fiscal will hundreds of thousands of out of work Americans.

We have yet to see the full impact of Obama's policies, Obamacare won't be fully implemented until 2014 it aint gonna be pretty

The only thing pretty about it will be the look on the voter's faces that cast their vote for the man who would bring down America, while nudging us closer to a socialistic country where Obammy, et al. will rule. :udaman:
Try getting some facts about keystone before you make statements.

Booosh didn't do anything to effect the price of a barrell of oil (other than invade an oil producing country in an oil producing region of the world).

In the meantime, Obama has personally caused the price of a gallon of gas to go up and up and up.
By simply being.......Obama. (I think he gets so much a gallon sent to his offshore bank account. Or was that Mittens?)

Amazing isn't it how he (Obama) could do that all by himself?

Obama doesn't pay for gas. While he shuts down keystone, blocks drilling in Alaska and off shore, while his fed chief prints money like a madman, the poor and middle class suffer

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