Contemporary Liberalism Explained - Definitively


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Until a short while ago I had never even heard of Evan Sayet, nor had I been aware that on March 5, 2007, before the Heritage Foundation, he had given one of the most profound and enlightening lectures ever spoken on contemporary Liberalism. Quite literally, in about 3/4 of an hour, he explains everything one needs to know about the Liberal philosophy and mindset, shedding light on the myriad of inexplicable initiatives, attitudes, and deeds of the American Left (though it applies to Lefties throughout the world).

Born a New York (Liberal) Jew, Mr. Sayet came to realize the stunning hate and contempt in which his comrades held the U.S. of A. when, after the bombing of the WTC and Pentagon in 2001, they agreed amongst themselves, with virtual unanimity, that America "deserved" this attack. But I digress...

With sinful brevity I will try to summarize what he says.

The ultimate sin for American liberals is the sin of "judgmentalism." That is to say, one must NEVER deem one person, philosophy, attitude, or course of behavior to be better than, or worse than, any other. Everything is equal, and one must always remain neutral.

Consider the implications of this attitude.

Gay marriage? Who am I to say that one lifestyle is better or worse than any other? That would be judgmental of me. Of course people of the same gender should be given the same considerations and benefits of people in male-female relationships.

The Welfare State? One must NEVER say or imply that a certain lifestyle leads to poverty, crime, substance abuse, HS dropouts, chronic unemployment, and so on. To say that would mean that one lifestyle is "worse" than another, and that would be judgmental.

Why will Liberal news media never characterize people as "terrorists"? Because that implies that they are evil, which would be judgmental. Why can neither the MSM nor any Liberal politician acknowledge that Islam is the greatest threat to world peace? The evidence is overwhelming. 90% of all wars of the past 50 years have been either entirely or largely a matter of one group of Muslims attempting to kill or oppress some country or group outside their particular piece of Islam.

And heaven forbid that a Liberal ever acknowledge anything beneficial that arose out of Christianity. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, immunizations, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor? Forget about it. Means nothing. Because to acknowledge anything good would be to imply that other religious and philosophies are not AS good.

A corollary is that everyone and everything is equal, and must be dealt with neutrally. People rioting in the streets? Looting? Setting fire to businesses? There is nothing "wrong" with that; one MUST presume that ANYONE in the same circumstances would do the same. To suppose otherwise would mean that those people are "bad," and there is no good or bad.

Sayet illustrates the point with coverage of a theoretical football game where one team wins 83-3. To an objective journalist, the winning team proved that it was the better team. But the Liberal, "neutral" journalist sees it quite differently. Both teams are presumed to be "equal," so the story line is trying to explain why, with two equal teams, the result was so lopsided. The winning team must have cheated.

"Income inequality" anyone? If all people are equally meritorious, and if one group of the population ends up with more income/wealth than another group, then it MUST have occurred through some sort of deviousness, theft, or interference. It couldn't POSSIBLY have been the normal and natural result of hard work, intelligent effort, or well-calculated risk-taking. Therefore "income inequality" is a problem requiring a (government) solution. The same philosophy motivates the move to a higher minimum wage. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that certain people are incapable or unwilling to EARN a living wage; that would mean that they were inferior to their economic betters.

It is all so clear to me now.
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.
Until a short while ago I had never even heard of Evan Sayet, nor had I been aware that on March 5, 2007, before the Heritage Foundation, he had given one of the most profound and enlightening lectures ever spoken on contemporary Liberalism. Quite literally, in about 3/4 of an hour, he explains everything one needs to know about the Liberal philosophy and mindset, shedding light on the myriad of inexplicable initiatives, attitudes, and deeds of the American Left (though it applies to Lefties throughout the world).

Born a New York (Liberal) Jew, Mr. Sayet came to realize the stunning hate and contempt in which his comrades held the U.S. of A. when, after the bombing of the WTC and Pentagon in 2001, they agreed amongst themselves, with virtual unanimity, that America "deserved" this attack. But I digress...

With sinful brevity I will try to summarize what he says.

The ultimate sin for American liberals is the sin of "judgmentalism." That is to say, one must NEVER deem one person, philosophy, attitude, or course of behavior to be better than, or worse than, any other. Everything is equal, and one must always remain neutral.

Consider the implications of this attitude.

Gay marriage? Who am I to say that one lifestyle is better or worse than any other? That would be judgmental of me. Of course people of the same gender should be given the same considerations and benefits of people in male-female relationships.

The Welfare State? One must NEVER say or imply that a certain lifestyle leads to poverty, crime, substance abuse, HS dropouts, chronic unemployment, and so on. To say that would mean that one lifestyle is "worse" than another, and that would be judgmental.

Why will Liberal news media never characterize people as "terrorists"? Because that implies that they are evil, which would be judgmental. Why can neither the MSM nor any Liberal politician acknowledge that Islam is the greatest threat to world peace? The evidence is overwhelming. 90% of all wars of the past 50 years have been either entirely or largely a matter of one group of Muslims attempting to kill or oppress some country or group outside their particular piece of Islam.

And heaven forbid that a Liberal ever acknowledge anything beneficial that arose out of Christianity. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, immunizations, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor? Forget about it. Means nothing. Because to acknowledge anything good would be to imply that other religious and philosophies are not AS good.

A corollary is that everyone and everything is equal, and must be dealt with neutrally. People rioting in the streets? Looting? Setting fire to businesses? There is nothing "wrong" with that; one MUST presume that ANYONE in the same circumstances would do the same. To suppose otherwise would mean that those people are "bad," and there is no good or bad.

Sayet illustrates the point with coverage of a theoretical football game where one team wins 83-3. To an objective journalist, the winning team proved that it was the better team. But the Liberal, "neutral" journalist sees it quite differently. Both teams are presumed to be "equal," so the story line is trying to explain why, with two equal teams, the result was so lopsided. The winning team must have cheated.

"Income inequality" anyone? If all people are equally meritorious, and if one group of the population ends up with more income/wealth than another group, then it MUST have occurred through some sort of deviousness, theft, or interference. It couldn't POSSIBLY have been the normal and natural result of hard work, intelligent effort, or well-calculated risk-taking. Therefore "income inequality" is a problem requiring a (government) solution. The same philosophy motivates the move to a higher minimum wage. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that certain people are incapable or unwilling to EARN a living wage; that would mean that they were inferior to their economic betters.

It is all so clear to me now.

You should post the is a great speech and really shows the truth about these guys....
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.

Altruism at the end of a lefty gun is not altruism...........altruism using other peoples money is not altruism........sadly, the left doesn't understand that simple point......
Here is the of the best explanations of modern "liberalism" which is not actually liberal....

Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.

This fuckstick just proved all of the things that Sayet claimed and the hopeless piece of shit, the double talking hypocrite, who only protests wallstreet when a republican is in the White House and does not say shit about artificial inflation of stocks through ZIRP with this president cause he is too ignorant to know what that is.
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.

Altruism at the end of a lefty gun is not altruism...........altruism using other peoples money is not altruism........sadly, the left doesn't understand that simple point......
When charities are not enough what do you do? Just let people go hungry in the richest country in the world? I think you would but decent people do what is necessary.
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.

This fuckstick just proved all of the things that Sayet claimed and the hopeless piece of shit, the double talking hypocrite, who only protests wallstreet when a republican is in the White House and does not say shit about artificial inflation of stocks through ZIRP with this president cause he is too ignorant to know what that is.
Wall street manipulation and corruption is under continual attack by the left, what the fuck are talking about?
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.

Altruism at the end of a lefty gun is not altruism...........altruism using other peoples money is not altruism........sadly, the left doesn't understand that simple point......
When charities are not enough what do you do? Just let people go hungry in the richest country in the world? I think you would but decent people do what is necessary.

No.....moron....when the government wastes money and uses welfare to buy votes we need to bring it back to the states to deal with not the federal government...why send money to D.C. when it could just be kept at the state level where it can be better monitored for waste, fraud and one solution.....

and no....when the mob would create soup kitchens after killing and stealing the money...that is not altruism.....dittos the government.....the politicians do it to buy votes....keeping most of the money for themselves and their friends...moron...
Until a short while ago I had never even heard of Evan Sayet, nor had I been aware that on March 5, 2007, before the Heritage Foundation, he had given one of the most profound and enlightening lectures ever spoken on contemporary Liberalism. Quite literally, in about 3/4 of an hour, he explains everything one needs to know about the Liberal philosophy and mindset, shedding light on the myriad of inexplicable initiatives, attitudes, and deeds of the American Left (though it applies to Lefties throughout the world).

Born a New York (Liberal) Jew, Mr. Sayet came to realize the stunning hate and contempt in which his comrades held the U.S. of A. when, after the bombing of the WTC and Pentagon in 2001, they agreed amongst themselves, with virtual unanimity, that America "deserved" this attack. But I digress...

With sinful brevity I will try to summarize what he says.

The ultimate sin for American liberals is the sin of "judgmentalism." That is to say, one must NEVER deem one person, philosophy, attitude, or course of behavior to be better than, or worse than, any other. Everything is equal, and one must always remain neutral.

Consider the implications of this attitude.

Gay marriage? Who am I to say that one lifestyle is better or worse than any other? That would be judgmental of me. Of course people of the same gender should be given the same considerations and benefits of people in male-female relationships.

The Welfare State? One must NEVER say or imply that a certain lifestyle leads to poverty, crime, substance abuse, HS dropouts, chronic unemployment, and so on. To say that would mean that one lifestyle is "worse" than another, and that would be judgmental.

Why will Liberal news media never characterize people as "terrorists"? Because that implies that they are evil, which would be judgmental. Why can neither the MSM nor any Liberal politician acknowledge that Islam is the greatest threat to world peace? The evidence is overwhelming. 90% of all wars of the past 50 years have been either entirely or largely a matter of one group of Muslims attempting to kill or oppress some country or group outside their particular piece of Islam.

And heaven forbid that a Liberal ever acknowledge anything beneficial that arose out of Christianity. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, immunizations, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor? Forget about it. Means nothing. Because to acknowledge anything good would be to imply that other religious and philosophies are not AS good.

A corollary is that everyone and everything is equal, and must be dealt with neutrally. People rioting in the streets? Looting? Setting fire to businesses? There is nothing "wrong" with that; one MUST presume that ANYONE in the same circumstances would do the same. To suppose otherwise would mean that those people are "bad," and there is no good or bad.

Sayet illustrates the point with coverage of a theoretical football game where one team wins 83-3. To an objective journalist, the winning team proved that it was the better team. But the Liberal, "neutral" journalist sees it quite differently. Both teams are presumed to be "equal," so the story line is trying to explain why, with two equal teams, the result was so lopsided. The winning team must have cheated.

"Income inequality" anyone? If all people are equally meritorious, and if one group of the population ends up with more income/wealth than another group, then it MUST have occurred through some sort of deviousness, theft, or interference. It couldn't POSSIBLY have been the normal and natural result of hard work, intelligent effort, or well-calculated risk-taking. Therefore "income inequality" is a problem requiring a (government) solution. The same philosophy motivates the move to a higher minimum wage. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that certain people are incapable or unwilling to EARN a living wage; that would mean that they were inferior to their economic betters.

It is all so clear to me now.

Mindless red meat disinformation for gullible extremist rightwingers to swallow without questioning!

Until a short while ago I had never even heard of Evan Sayet, nor had I been aware that on March 5, 2007, before the Heritage Foundation, he had given one of the most profound and enlightening lectures ever spoken on contemporary Liberalism. Quite literally, in about 3/4 of an hour, he explains everything one needs to know about the Liberal philosophy and mindset, shedding light on the myriad of inexplicable initiatives, attitudes, and deeds of the American Left (though it applies to Lefties throughout the world).

Born a New York (Liberal) Jew, Mr. Sayet came to realize the stunning hate and contempt in which his comrades held the U.S. of A. when, after the bombing of the WTC and Pentagon in 2001, they agreed amongst themselves, with virtual unanimity, that America "deserved" this attack. But I digress...

With sinful brevity I will try to summarize what he says.

The ultimate sin for American liberals is the sin of "judgmentalism." That is to say, one must NEVER deem one person, philosophy, attitude, or course of behavior to be better than, or worse than, any other. Everything is equal, and one must always remain neutral.

Consider the implications of this attitude.

Gay marriage? Who am I to say that one lifestyle is better or worse than any other? That would be judgmental of me. Of course people of the same gender should be given the same considerations and benefits of people in male-female relationships.

The Welfare State? One must NEVER say or imply that a certain lifestyle leads to poverty, crime, substance abuse, HS dropouts, chronic unemployment, and so on. To say that would mean that one lifestyle is "worse" than another, and that would be judgmental.

Why will Liberal news media never characterize people as "terrorists"? Because that implies that they are evil, which would be judgmental. Why can neither the MSM nor any Liberal politician acknowledge that Islam is the greatest threat to world peace? The evidence is overwhelming. 90% of all wars of the past 50 years have been either entirely or largely a matter of one group of Muslims attempting to kill or oppress some country or group outside their particular piece of Islam.

And heaven forbid that a Liberal ever acknowledge anything beneficial that arose out of Christianity. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, immunizations, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor? Forget about it. Means nothing. Because to acknowledge anything good would be to imply that other religious and philosophies are not AS good.

A corollary is that everyone and everything is equal, and must be dealt with neutrally. People rioting in the streets? Looting? Setting fire to businesses? There is nothing "wrong" with that; one MUST presume that ANYONE in the same circumstances would do the same. To suppose otherwise would mean that those people are "bad," and there is no good or bad.

Sayet illustrates the point with coverage of a theoretical football game where one team wins 83-3. To an objective journalist, the winning team proved that it was the better team. But the Liberal, "neutral" journalist sees it quite differently. Both teams are presumed to be "equal," so the story line is trying to explain why, with two equal teams, the result was so lopsided. The winning team must have cheated.

"Income inequality" anyone? If all people are equally meritorious, and if one group of the population ends up with more income/wealth than another group, then it MUST have occurred through some sort of deviousness, theft, or interference. It couldn't POSSIBLY have been the normal and natural result of hard work, intelligent effort, or well-calculated risk-taking. Therefore "income inequality" is a problem requiring a (government) solution. The same philosophy motivates the move to a higher minimum wage. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that certain people are incapable or unwilling to EARN a living wage; that would mean that they were inferior to their economic betters.

It is all so clear to me now.

Mindless red meat disinformation for gullible extremist rightwingers to swallow without questioning!


That is lefty speak for...he is telling the truth about we hate it.....
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.
In other words, you'll simply bury your head back up your ass since it hits too close to home to deal with. Everything I read was spot on. Liberalism is driven by emotion, you can't articulate a reasoned response.
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.

Altruism at the end of a lefty gun is not altruism...........altruism using other peoples money is not altruism........sadly, the left doesn't understand that simple point......
When charities are not enough what do you do? Just let people go hungry in the richest country in the world? I think you would but decent people do what is necessary.

No.....moron....when the government wastes money and uses welfare to buy votes we need to bring it back to the states to deal with not the federal government...why send money to D.C. when it could just be kept at the state level where it can be better monitored for waste, fraud and one solution.....

and no....when the mob would create soup kitchens after killing and stealing the money...that is not altruism.....dittos the government.....the politicians do it to buy votes....keeping most of the money for themselves and their friends...moron...
Most states already handle the distribution of social programs and the federal government just funds them through block grants. If fraud and abuse is all you care about then why the many calls to just slash programs across the board? If the buying votes theory was correct how many votes do you think the republicans can buy by pulling the rug from beneath the mythical "idle poor"?
Until a short while ago I had never even heard of Evan Sayet, nor had I been aware that on March 5, 2007, before the Heritage Foundation, he had given one of the most profound and enlightening lectures ever spoken on contemporary Liberalism. Quite literally, in about 3/4 of an hour, he explains everything one needs to know about the Liberal philosophy and mindset, shedding light on the myriad of inexplicable initiatives, attitudes, and deeds of the American Left (though it applies to Lefties throughout the world).

Born a New York (Liberal) Jew, Mr. Sayet came to realize the stunning hate and contempt in which his comrades held the U.S. of A. when, after the bombing of the WTC and Pentagon in 2001, they agreed amongst themselves, with virtual unanimity, that America "deserved" this attack. But I digress...

With sinful brevity I will try to summarize what he says.

The ultimate sin for American liberals is the sin of "judgmentalism." That is to say, one must NEVER deem one person, philosophy, attitude, or course of behavior to be better than, or worse than, any other. Everything is equal, and one must always remain neutral.

Consider the implications of this attitude.

Gay marriage? Who am I to say that one lifestyle is better or worse than any other? That would be judgmental of me. Of course people of the same gender should be given the same considerations and benefits of people in male-female relationships.

The Welfare State? One must NEVER say or imply that a certain lifestyle leads to poverty, crime, substance abuse, HS dropouts, chronic unemployment, and so on. To say that would mean that one lifestyle is "worse" than another, and that would be judgmental.

Why will Liberal news media never characterize people as "terrorists"? Because that implies that they are evil, which would be judgmental. Why can neither the MSM nor any Liberal politician acknowledge that Islam is the greatest threat to world peace? The evidence is overwhelming. 90% of all wars of the past 50 years have been either entirely or largely a matter of one group of Muslims attempting to kill or oppress some country or group outside their particular piece of Islam.

And heaven forbid that a Liberal ever acknowledge anything beneficial that arose out of Christianity. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, immunizations, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor? Forget about it. Means nothing. Because to acknowledge anything good would be to imply that other religious and philosophies are not AS good.

A corollary is that everyone and everything is equal, and must be dealt with neutrally. People rioting in the streets? Looting? Setting fire to businesses? There is nothing "wrong" with that; one MUST presume that ANYONE in the same circumstances would do the same. To suppose otherwise would mean that those people are "bad," and there is no good or bad.

Sayet illustrates the point with coverage of a theoretical football game where one team wins 83-3. To an objective journalist, the winning team proved that it was the better team. But the Liberal, "neutral" journalist sees it quite differently. Both teams are presumed to be "equal," so the story line is trying to explain why, with two equal teams, the result was so lopsided. The winning team must have cheated.

"Income inequality" anyone? If all people are equally meritorious, and if one group of the population ends up with more income/wealth than another group, then it MUST have occurred through some sort of deviousness, theft, or interference. It couldn't POSSIBLY have been the normal and natural result of hard work, intelligent effort, or well-calculated risk-taking. Therefore "income inequality" is a problem requiring a (government) solution. The same philosophy motivates the move to a higher minimum wage. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that certain people are incapable or unwilling to EARN a living wage; that would mean that they were inferior to their economic betters.

It is all so clear to me now.

Mindless red meat disinformation for gullible extremist rightwingers to swallow without questioning!


That is lefty speak for...he is telling the truth about we hate it.....

Thank you for admitting that you have zero critical thinking skills.
Until a short while ago I had never even heard of Evan Sayet, nor had I been aware that on March 5, 2007, before the Heritage Foundation, he had given one of the most profound and enlightening lectures ever spoken on contemporary Liberalism. Quite literally, in about 3/4 of an hour, he explains everything one needs to know about the Liberal philosophy and mindset, shedding light on the myriad of inexplicable initiatives, attitudes, and deeds of the American Left (though it applies to Lefties throughout the world).

Born a New York (Liberal) Jew, Mr. Sayet came to realize the stunning hate and contempt in which his comrades held the U.S. of A. when, after the bombing of the WTC and Pentagon in 2001, they agreed amongst themselves, with virtual unanimity, that America "deserved" this attack. But I digress...

With sinful brevity I will try to summarize what he says.

The ultimate sin for American liberals is the sin of "judgmentalism." That is to say, one must NEVER deem one person, philosophy, attitude, or course of behavior to be better than, or worse than, any other. Everything is equal, and one must always remain neutral.

Consider the implications of this attitude.

Gay marriage? Who am I to say that one lifestyle is better or worse than any other? That would be judgmental of me. Of course people of the same gender should be given the same considerations and benefits of people in male-female relationships.

The Welfare State? One must NEVER say or imply that a certain lifestyle leads to poverty, crime, substance abuse, HS dropouts, chronic unemployment, and so on. To say that would mean that one lifestyle is "worse" than another, and that would be judgmental.

Why will Liberal news media never characterize people as "terrorists"? Because that implies that they are evil, which would be judgmental. Why can neither the MSM nor any Liberal politician acknowledge that Islam is the greatest threat to world peace? The evidence is overwhelming. 90% of all wars of the past 50 years have been either entirely or largely a matter of one group of Muslims attempting to kill or oppress some country or group outside their particular piece of Islam.

And heaven forbid that a Liberal ever acknowledge anything beneficial that arose out of Christianity. Hospitals, schools, orphanages, immunizations, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor? Forget about it. Means nothing. Because to acknowledge anything good would be to imply that other religious and philosophies are not AS good.

A corollary is that everyone and everything is equal, and must be dealt with neutrally. People rioting in the streets? Looting? Setting fire to businesses? There is nothing "wrong" with that; one MUST presume that ANYONE in the same circumstances would do the same. To suppose otherwise would mean that those people are "bad," and there is no good or bad.

Sayet illustrates the point with coverage of a theoretical football game where one team wins 83-3. To an objective journalist, the winning team proved that it was the better team. But the Liberal, "neutral" journalist sees it quite differently. Both teams are presumed to be "equal," so the story line is trying to explain why, with two equal teams, the result was so lopsided. The winning team must have cheated.

"Income inequality" anyone? If all people are equally meritorious, and if one group of the population ends up with more income/wealth than another group, then it MUST have occurred through some sort of deviousness, theft, or interference. It couldn't POSSIBLY have been the normal and natural result of hard work, intelligent effort, or well-calculated risk-taking. Therefore "income inequality" is a problem requiring a (government) solution. The same philosophy motivates the move to a higher minimum wage. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that certain people are incapable or unwilling to EARN a living wage; that would mean that they were inferior to their economic betters.

It is all so clear to me now.
Mindless red meat disinformation for gullible extremist rightwingers to swallow without questioning!

Wow, you dismantled that whole piece in a few short words. Not really. Every conservative that read it knows what he means, they didn't just learn it.
Another "smart" conservative tries to dissect liberal thought with the blunt instrument of conservative thought, and fails. If you want to understand liberalism do not turn to some conservative to whom altruism is an alien concept.
In other words, you'll simply bury your head back up your ass since it hits too close to home to deal with. Everything I read was spot on. Liberalism is driven by emotion, you can't articulate a reasoned response.
Liberalism is driven by emotion, just like conservatism. I prefer the positive higher emotions to the negative primal ones that rule conservative thought. You actually think conservatism operates rationally?
Liberalism is driven by emotion, just like conservatism. I prefer the positive higher emotions to the negative primal ones that rule conservative thought. You actually think conservatism operates rationally?
You actually think? I call bull.

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