Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support

In normal times I would agree, but given a choice between Biden and Trump, I can't imagine that any intelligent black person would vote for Trump over Biden.

Biden would not be my first choice for the Democratic candidacy, but beating Trump is mandatory and Biden is our best chance.

Besides, do you really think that given a Democratic Congress, Biden would stand in the way of progress?
Every other voting block knows that their vote is an exchange for something, no group more than whites.

Biden's record is abysmal for blacks.

Trump is already President, he's already horrible, already unleashed the worst policies, rhetoric, culture, etc. He's already rammed the most far rightwing and authoritarian judges through the courts.

A thinking and intelligent black person sees that and asks the Democrats what are they going to commit to doing for blacks to fight all the above.

If a candidate can't or won't, then they don't deserve the black vote.

Does this makes sense to you now?

What was Obama’s record for Blacks? What did Obama do to reduce Black Unemployment? Did he lower corporate taxes? Reduce regulation?
Maxine Waters: Why isn't Obama in black communities?
Let’s be totally honest....unless us white folks send limos to the ghettos on Election Day to round up all the blacks you speak of you will claim Republicans are “suppressing” the Black vote...right?
Are you suggesting that Republicans AREN'T currently suppressing the black vote?
both parties will fuck anyone over,if they think they can get away with it......anyone....prove me wrong....
In normal times I would agree, but given a choice between Biden and Trump, I can't imagine that any intelligent black person would vote for Trump over Biden.

Biden would not be my first choice for the Democratic candidacy, but beating Trump is mandatory and Biden is our best chance.

Besides, do you really think that given a Democratic Congress, Biden would stand in the way of progress?
Every other voting block knows that their vote is an exchange for something, no group more than whites.

Biden's record is abysmal for blacks.

Trump is already President, he's already horrible, already unleashed the worst policies, rhetoric, culture, etc. He's already rammed the most far rightwing and authoritarian judges through the courts.

A thinking and intelligent black person sees that and asks the Democrats what are they going to commit to doing for blacks to fight all the above.

If a candidate can't or won't, then they don't deserve the black vote.

Does this makes sense to you now?

What was Obama’s record for Blacks? What did Obama do to reduce Black Unemployment? Did he lower corporate taxes? Reduce regulation?
Maxine Waters: Why isn't Obama in black communities?
I have to laugh about how disingenuous some of these people here are.
What has Crazy Uncle Joe ever done for black folks? I mean, compared to President Trump?

Trump has done nothing for blacks. The economy was growing when Trump took office. And black unemployment is still double that of whites.
tell them to move to California somewhere along the coast.....they should find a job....

No, tell whites to stop being racist. Black unemployment has historically been twice that of whites.
I did not watch your 48 minute video, but do you really think that Biden's views on racial issues are so bad that he would block a progressive congress?

If Biden wins he win probably win by a landslide - he'll appeal to the political middle, anti_Trump Conservatives, working whites, women, and most liberals. He's not only the best chance to beat Trump, but the best chance for a huge democratic congressional victory.

It won't help to have a pro-minority President if Congress is controlled by Republicans.
How will the or a "political middle" benefit blacks, specifically, as a group?
This is a question that really needs an answer. Because the middle seems to ignore the problem of consistent pro white candidates in both parties. And people elect republicans who are blatantly pro white.
Any black person who supports any Democrat is nothing but a weak political chump.

Your thought?
He hated the Republicans they're the more racist party.

They're currently actively seeking to continue to repress the black vote.

What's your thoughts on that fact?

Not a fact.


It is a fact. But what's even more of a fact is this happens to be 2020 and if you get Malcolm's stated opinion of what blacks should consider politically today I will definitely listen.
Right behind IM2 and Jillian, you are the 3rd stupidest USMB forumer. You are not intelligent enough to discern fact from fiction.

No matter how much you bitch and whine about IQ tests and claim they don't mean anything, the 500lb gorilla in the room is that everyone knows you're a stupid chump.
Here's an audiovidual essay on why this is...

Your thoughts?

the Republican idea seems to be that you shouldn't vote for Democrats because they are unable to overcome GOP obstruction in our obstruction friendly government system.
Any black person who supports any Democrat is nothing but a weak political chump.

Your thought?
He hated the Republicans they're the more racist party.

They're currently actively seeking to continue to repress the black vote.

What's your thoughts on that fact?

Not a fact.


It is a fact. But what's even more of a fact is this happens to be 2020 and if you get Malcolm's stated opinion of what blacks should consider politically today I will definitely listen.
Right behind IM2 and Jillian, you are the 3rd stupidest USMB forumer. You are not intelligent enough to discern fact from fiction.

No matter how much you bitch and whine about IQ tests and claim they don't mean anything, the 500lb gorilla in the room is that everyone knows you're a stupid chump.

All that doesn't present a comment from Malcolm X that reflects the political situation in 2019 or 2020.
What was Obama’s record for Blacks? What did Obama do to reduce Black Unemployment? Did he lower corporate taxes? Reduce regulation?
He made it such that one day after Trump was elected, he was able to tout how "great" and how "strong" the economy was.

Just one day after being elected.

That's what Obama did.

Ok, what specific policies did Obama execute? He said Manufacturing jobs were not coming back and then, they came back. What did Obama do?
In normal times I would agree, but given a choice between Biden and Trump, I can't imagine that any intelligent black person would vote for Trump over Biden.

Biden would not be my first choice for the Democratic candidacy, but beating Trump is mandatory and Biden is our best chance.

Besides, do you really think that given a Democratic Congress, Biden would stand in the way of progress?
Every other voting block knows that their vote is an exchange for something, no group more than whites.

Biden's record is abysmal for blacks.

Trump is already President, he's already horrible, already unleashed the worst policies, rhetoric, culture, etc. He's already rammed the most far rightwing and authoritarian judges through the courts.

A thinking and intelligent black person sees that and asks the Democrats what are they going to commit to doing for blacks to fight all the above.

If a candidate can't or won't, then they don't deserve the black vote.

Does this makes sense to you now?

What was Obama’s record for Blacks? What did Obama do to reduce Black Unemployment? Did he lower corporate taxes? Reduce regulation?
Maxine Waters: Why isn't Obama in black communities?
I have to laugh about how disingenuous some of these people here are.

I feel the same way about Maxine Walters. She is a clown.
Yet can they vote for Trump who continuously bashes Obama and they know how Trump feels about white supremacist who are fine people

Some blacks (KW) will still vote repub but the vast majority will not

The worst case scenario is they stay home

So it is up to Biden to convenience them to come out and vote

I believe OB will have some things to say when the demo primary winner is decided.

No matter what the race, color, religion, sexual orientation or creed, your candidate may lose if you vote but you will definitely lose if you stay at home
Any black person who supports any Democrat is nothing but a weak political chump.

Your thought?
He hated the Republicans they're the more racist party.

They're currently actively seeking to continue to repress the black vote.

What's your thoughts on that fact?

Not a fact.


It is a fact. But what's even more of a fact is this happens to be 2020 and if you get Malcolm's stated opinion of what blacks should consider politically today I will definitely listen.
Right behind IM2 and Jillian, you are the 3rd stupidest USMB forumer. You are not intelligent enough to discern fact from fiction.

No matter how much you bitch and whine about IQ tests and claim they don't mean anything, the 500lb gorilla in the room is that everyone knows you're a stupid chump.

All that doesn't present a comment from Malcolm X that reflects the political situation in 2019 or 2020.
Bullshit. You're an unintelligent disgusting chump.

The poster boy for requiring a minimum IQ to vote.
You’re stupid
Are you suggesting that Republicans AREN'T currently suppressing the black vote?

I'll go you one better no they're not and never have. Requiring an ID to ensure someone voting is indeed a registered voter and legal to vote isn't suppressing anyone other than illegal fraudulent voters and that's all. The only party to have done anything like that were Dixiecrats, i.e. Democrats. People have been duped by the democrats for years and you gullible chumps keep right on being sucked in year after year. Wake up and look around instead of having all that smoke pumped up your ass.
In normal times I would agree, but given a choice between Biden and Trump, I can't imagine that any intelligent black person would vote for Trump over Biden.

Biden would not be my first choice for the Democratic candidacy, but beating Trump is mandatory and Biden is our best chance.

Besides, do you really think that given a Democratic Congress, Biden would stand in the way of progress?
Every other voting block knows that their vote is an exchange for something, no group more than whites.

Biden's record is abysmal for blacks.

Trump is already President, he's already horrible, already unleashed the worst policies, rhetoric, culture, etc. He's already rammed the most far rightwing and authoritarian judges through the courts.

A thinking and intelligent black person sees that and asks the Democrats what are they going to commit to doing for blacks to fight all the above.

If a candidate can't or won't, then they don't deserve the black vote.

Does this makes sense to you now?

What was Obama’s record for Blacks? What did Obama do to reduce Black Unemployment? Did he lower corporate taxes? Reduce regulation?
Maxine Waters: Why isn't Obama in black communities?
I have to laugh about how disingenuous some of these people here are.

I feel the same way about Maxine Walters. She is a clown.

Go say that to her constituents. She's not my representative. So keep letting Trump tell you what to think.
You’re stupid
Are you suggesting that Republicans AREN'T currently suppressing the black vote?

I'll go you one better no they're not and never have. Requiring an ID to ensure someone voting is indeed a registered voter and legal to vote isn't suppressing anyone other than illegal fraudulent voters and that's all. The only party to have done anything like that were Dixiecrats, i.e. Democrats. People have been duped by the democrats for years and you gullible chumps keep right on being sucked in year after year. Wake up and look around instead of having all that smoke pumped up your ass.

And those dixiecrats are todays republicans. You need to stop trying to tell that lie.
He hated the Republicans they're the more racist party.

They're currently actively seeking to continue to repress the black vote.

What's your thoughts on that fact?
Not a fact.

It is a fact. But what's even more of a fact is this happens to be 2020 and if you get Malcolm's stated opinion of what blacks should consider politically today I will definitely listen.
Right behind IM2 and Jillian, you are the 3rd stupidest USMB forumer. You are not intelligent enough to discern fact from fiction.

No matter how much you bitch and whine about IQ tests and claim they don't mean anything, the 500lb gorilla in the room is that everyone knows you're a stupid chump.

All that doesn't present a comment from Malcolm X that reflects the political situation in 2019 or 2020.
Bullshit. You're an unintelligent disgusting chump.

The poster boy for requiring a minimum IQ to vote.

And that still doesn't present a comment from Malcolm X that reflects the political situation in 2019 or 2020.
I'll go you one better no they're not and never have. Requiring an ID to ensure someone voting is indeed a registered voter and legal to vote isn't suppressing anyone other than illegal fraudulent voters and that's all. The only party to have done anything like that were Dixiecrats, i.e. Democrats. People have been duped by the democrats for years and you gullible chumps keep right on being sucked in year after year. Wake up and look around instead of having all that smoke pumped up your ass.
I already posted the proof that they were.

The courts stated so itself.

You are liar and not worth my time responding to.

Have a good one.
Ok, what specific policies did Obama execute? He said Manufacturing jobs were not coming back and then, they came back. What did Obama do?
Whatever Obama did, it was such that just one day after Trump came into Office, he stated that the economy was "strong" and "great", the best ever.

Just one day after he was elected.

Go figure it out dunce.

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