Control the message and you can control it all. . .

The left controls almost the entire media or the media controls the left but either way they still will not be satisfied until they have it all. That's why they hate and attack Fox and now Elon Musk.
I do not want to believe this. Reading literature over it for decades when I was a lot younger, it is happening. The real pain is that men and women who broke their backs in employment and not privileged have been thrown to the wayside.

Yeah, I wish it weren't true.
Tonight Pete Hegsmeth, filling in for Jesse, hit on a theme I've been preaching for awhile now.

Ever since the cultural revolution of the 60's, those leaning left have been gravitating toward careers in media, education, scientific institutions, big business, entertainment, government, religion, and those in turn mentored like minded protogys and interns so that the leftism became more and more entrenched and pushed further left and became further extreme until it now seems to millions to be the cultural norm.

As a result no one born after Gen X has ever experienced what the WWII and Boomers would consider 'normal.' To the younger people now coming of age and beginning to vote, they have never heard that the Founders ever did anything good or significant, but they were all greedy slave owners. They've never been taught that the South had real grievances that had nothing to do with slavery but think they were all evil anti-Americans who fought to keep people slaves. They have never been taught anything other than Keynesian and socialist economics. Because we no longer have a 4th Estate, they know nothing of what was accomplished via tax reform, reduced regulation, a secure border, free trade infused with fairness etc.

They've never been taught that climate has been changing and changing dramatically long before the Industrial Revolution and they have always been taught that AGW is the worst threat humankind has ever faced. They are conditioned to believe migrants over running the border is normal, that it is normal and righteous to change pronouns that don't fit the 'woke' theology, that if you don't like your gender, change it, and if it wasn't for evil narrow minded bigoted racist Republicans and MAGAs there would be no war, no poverty, no suffering.

Our culture, our institutions, our language, and our vote is beginning to reflect all of that.

And I honestly don't know if there are enough people left who know our real history, who have studied real economics, etc. to turn it around.
Am 80 years old, been around long enough to have lived through many changes both for better & worse.
Now am living in a country filled with BLIND HATE. based on negative Propaganda, No desire for balance of power.
Common sense dictates Balance keeps the extremes from either major party running amuck & destroying our country.
I can always rely on these "we're doomed" posts from Foxfyre to cheer me up.

We've been doomed for like 70 years now. Give it a rest folks.
What number jab you up to, four or five? Stone cold dead by no later than 2025, perhaps this winter, you have a glob of worm like growth adhering itself to your arteries, most likely in the carotid or heart, mask up sweetie-pie and happy fucking trails to you! :banana:
The left controls almost the entire media or the media controls the left but either way they still will not be satisfied until they have it all. That's why they hate and attack Fox and now Elon Musk.
That's for sure. Rush Limbaugh pretty much put conservative talk radio on the map, and for the first time people were hearing concepts and ways of looking at things that the MSM were not providing. It became so successful that soon there were dozens of radio personalities providing critical thinking instead of mass indoctrination.

The left went crazy trying to shut it all down, especially Limbaugh. They tried their own radio shows, even their own network "Air America" but with nothing but propaganda and fuzzy concepts and criticism of the right to offer they were so boring they quickly went broke. A few liberal commentators--think Alan Colmes for one--enjoyed some success.

The idea of somebody other than a hardcore leftists owning a social media entity like Twitter created a firestorm of controversy and wailing and gnashing of teeth that 'free speech was dead' or some such, meaning that control of speech was dead. Never mind they have all the rest: Facebook, Instagram, etc.

The whole point of this thread is that unless EVERYBODY has a voice, everybody is allowed an opinion, everybody is encouraged to have all the information necessary to make a fully informed choice, there is no free speech. There is no critical thinking. And those who control that will have the power to control us all.
Still can't prove that Trump said "Mexicans are rapists", can you?

Might as well pick up your fat ass, saggy titties, and stinky pussy, and leave this thread.

You've been proven wrong and don't have a leg to stand on Twatpopotamus. :laughing0301:
DO not care what he said, I care that everything he says is negative about anyone who wont support his PERSONAL mind set. even other Republicans who disagree with some of his thoughts.
Am 80 years old, been around long enough to have lived through many changes both for better & worse.
Now am living in a country filled with BLIND HATE. based on negative Propaganda, No desire for balance of power.
Common sense dictates Balance keeps the extremes from either major party running amuck & destroying our country.

There is much truth to this. But we cannot know what 'balance' is without people being fully informed of the good and bad within policy, consequences, concepts, culture, even ideology. When critical thinking is discouraged or even sometimes becomes impossible because of lack of good information, when the public is educated in only one concept or train of thought, there can be no balance. And the extremes of one side or the other will rule and that will always result in more evil than good.
The left controls almost the entire media or the media controls the left but either way they still will not be satisfied until they have it all. That's why they hate and attack Fox and now Elon Musk.
The left does not control the whole media. Plain & simple not true.
But the Whole media has departed from as honest as possible information to the promoting of political propaganda .
Tonight Pete Hegsmeth, filling in for Jesse, hit on a theme I've been preaching for awhile now.

Ever since the cultural revolution of the 60's, those leaning left have been gravitating toward careers in media, education, scientific institutions, big business, entertainment, government, religion, and those in turn mentored like minded protogys and interns so that the leftism became more and more entrenched and pushed further left and became further extreme until it now seems to millions to be the cultural norm.

As a result no one born after Gen X has ever experienced what the WWII and Boomers would consider 'normal.' To the younger people now coming of age and beginning to vote, they have never heard that the Founders ever did anything good or significant, but they were all greedy slave owners. They've never been taught that the South had real grievances that had nothing to do with slavery but think they were all evil anti-Americans who fought to keep people slaves. They have never been taught anything other than Keynesian and socialist economics. Because we no longer have a 4th Estate, they know nothing of what was accomplished via tax reform, reduced regulation, a secure border, free trade infused with fairness etc.

They've never been taught that climate has been changing and changing dramatically long before the Industrial Revolution and they have always been taught that AGW is the worst threat humankind has ever faced. They are conditioned to believe migrants over running the border is normal, that it is normal and righteous to change pronouns that don't fit the 'woke' theology, that if you don't like your gender, change it, and if it wasn't for evil narrow minded bigoted racist Republicans and MAGAs there would be no war, no poverty, no suffering.

Our culture, our institutions, our language, and our vote is beginning to reflect all of that.

And I honestly don't know if there are enough people left who know our real history, who have studied real economics, etc. to turn it around.

In other words they do not hate people who you hate. That is anyone who does not like what you like. What you offer is hate and young people do not share that hate. This country has a future after all.
There is much truth to this. But we cannot know what 'balance' is without people being fully informed of the good and bad within policy, consequences, concepts, culture, even ideology. When critical thinking is discouraged or even sometimes becomes impossible because of lack of good information, when the public is educated in only one concept or train of thought, there can be no balance. And the extremes of one side or the other will rule and that will always result in more evil than good.

Critical thinking is hated on the right. Right wing Nazis want to ban ideas that do not agree with your views. They want to ignore the fact that the United States has done some not so good things in the past.
Its amazing how countries go from freedom back to bondage and dependence. They yearn for captivity. Its just a mind boggling thing to watch. It has precedent among many nations through the annals of history, even going back to the hebrews after they were freed, complaining about their conditions of freedom and how much better off they thought they were when they were under slavery in egypt.

That is exactly what Republicans are doing. They want to take over this country and if voters disagree with them, they will ignore the will of the voters. Rewpublicans are attacking our freedoms. You are the enemy of this country.
DO not care what he said, I care that everything he says is negative about anyone who wont support his PERSONAL mind set. even other Republicans who disagree with some of his thoughts.

Other Republicans like Liz Cheney, Cocaine Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Fucking Graham, Kevin "Stab 'em in the back" McCarthy, that goofy bitch Murkowski in Arizona who calls herself a "Republican", Paul "Stinky" Ryan, Jeb Bush, and John McCain?

Oh wait, John McCain is dead now, so he's voting for Democrats these days.

I don't care what other so-called "Republicans" think about Trump. They had their chance to fix this country and they all failed at it.
In other words they do not hate people who you hate. That is anyone who does not like what you like. What you offer is hate and young people do not share that hate. This country has a future after all.
Your 'in other words' has nothing to do with the OP. And so far you have batted absolutely zero on what I offer.
Critical thinking is hated on the right. Right wing Nazis want to ban ideas that do not agree with your views. They want to ignore the fact that the United States has done some not so good things in the past.
I just wonder if you ever read a history book or were thoughtful about anything?
Thank you for confirming my thesis as to what the leftists think.
Okay, idiot, you have obviously never spent so much as a minute reading the Declarations of Secession.

So here you go: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

You will notice the issue of slavery is mentioned no less than 83 times!

And then there's Mississippi's unequivocal, "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."

Don't be such an ignorant ass in public. You look really stupid.
Okay, idiot, you have obviously never spent so much as a minute reading the Declarations of Secession.

So here you go: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

You will notice the issue of slavery is mentioned no less than 83 times!

And then there's Mississippi's unequivocal, "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."

Don't be such an ignorant ass in public. You look really stupid.
Now how about reading the actual declarations of secession. I think three states mentioned 'other slave owning states' but not one otherwise mentioned slavery or that preserving slavery was their primary grievance if a grievance of all.
The civil war was about slavery, and nothing but slavery.

The aristocrats of the South were anti-Americans who conned the rubes into fighting to keep people slaves.
Bullshit you retard. That statement alone proves you argue from ignorance 100% of the time piss drinker. Stay under your rock.

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