Conversion Therapy Crusader Has Something To Say: He's Gay

Does this mean homosexuality is no longer a sin?
It means that people who are in touch with reality don't give a rat's hind parts about "sin"
Do you support the first amendment?
I DON'T support child abuse...which is what conversion therapy is
Do you support those people who decide that their four-year-old is transgender and then dress / treat him like a girl and begin the process of transitioning before he is old enough to even understand what is going on?
Does this mean homosexuality is no longer a sin?
It means that people who are in touch with reality don't give a rat's hind parts about "sin"
Do you support the first amendment?
I DON'T support child abuse...which is what conversion therapy is
Do you support those people who decide that their four-year-old is transgender and then dress / treat him like a girl and begin the process of transitioning before he is old enough to even understand what is going on?

If that is actually happening it is wrong. Children should not undergo any treatment that is irreversible. However, I'm willing to bet that your scenario is a bunch of made up bullshit. Do you have a link to a legitimate source?
What about when adults pressure children to examine their sexuality? Is that okay?
What are you talking about? What EXACTLY are adults doing to children?
Oh, this is the part where you play dumb.
No, I want you to explain exactly what the fuck your talking about. I am not going to respond to some vague allegations and get sucked into your stupidity. How EXACTLY are parents "encouraging " children to examine their sexuality. Site specific examples with full details.
Gender neutral row: Parents won't tell anyone if 'theyby' tot is a boy or girl

Just one example of many where people have lost their damn minds.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

And this represents a real problem. 8 year old children undergoing sex change operations are a crystal clear example of abuse. It amazes me that this is even on the table.
This is misleading . They are not undergoing irreversible sex change treatment. They are being supported and helped to understand and to deal with their gender dysphoria until they are old enough to make an informed decision about gender. These histrionics are rediculous

What is so god damned funny buttercup?
"Culture wars" fucking dumb. Most of the christians in this country would laugh in that guy's face.
You keep thinking that.

Why don't you cult people just go somewhere and live your lives? We've got Hasidic Jews, Amish, all kinds of groups that we basically leave alone. And they leave the rest of us alone. Why is it that you cult people try to dominate everyone else's life and our public institutions? You may be concerned for your sect, but nobody else is.

LGBTQ leaders are trying to force normative people not just to accept but to affirm and participate in it, even to bake a cake for the practice.

If homos and trannies just did there own business without publicity, it would be something different.
"did there own business without publicity, " ? Please explain exactly what that would look like in reality. Out of sight, out of mind? Back in the closet? Due tell princess.
Only perverts would make a parade bragging about taking it up the poop shut.
You and Polish Princess should hook up and work on your "taking up the poop shoot " problem
It means that people who are in touch with reality don't give a rat's hind parts about "sin"
Do you support the first amendment? the point where it means that people have the right to follow the tenants of their religion in their daily lives, and to worship freely, openly without fear of persecution. I do not support the more recent interpretation of religious freedom that says that people can discriminate in the name of God and impose their religious beliefs on others.

" the point where it means that people have the right to follow the tenants of their religion in their daily lives, and to worship freely, openly without fear of persecution"

"I do not support the more recent interpretation of religious freedom that says that people can discriminate in the name of God "

What you really mean is you support their "right" to practice their beliefs in a manner that you agree with.
Horseshit.! And you know it. Or maybe not. You do not strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed

Which should bum you out because I'm clearly sharper than you.
What are you talking about? What EXACTLY are adults doing to children?
Oh, this is the part where you play dumb.
No, I want you to explain exactly what the fuck your talking about. I am not going to respond to some vague allegations and get sucked into your stupidity. How EXACTLY are parents "encouraging " children to examine their sexuality. Site specific examples with full details.
Gender neutral row: Parents won't tell anyone if 'theyby' tot is a boy or girl

Just one example of many where people have lost their damn minds.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

And this represents a real problem. 8 year old children undergoing sex change operations are a crystal clear example of abuse. It amazes me that this is even on the table.
This is misleading . They are not undergoing irreversible sex change treatment. They are being supported and helped to understand and to deal with their gender dysphoria until they are old enough to make an informed decision about gender. These histrionics are rediculous

What is so god damned funny buttercup?

It was funny to me because you (and many others here) are so fully on board with the whole transgender thing, which to me shows that people are so easily manipulated or conditioned. But that’s another topic.
It is true.

Actually, it was a commercial decision more than a political one.

Homosexuals are now among America's largest consumers of psychological "therapy". Calling sodomy a "mental illness" really wasn't helping to attract this group to employ a Bob Newhart wannabe on a weekly basis.

It was actually a very smart marketing idea, allowing professional shrinks to pay their children's orthodontic and tuition expenses;

Considering the fact that psychiatry still hasn't found the key to straightening out homosexuals, they really weren't seeing many homos cured of their desire take it in the ass. So, it was definitely more financially advantageous to pander.

After an effective therapy is invented, Homo Activists aren't going to be happy when everyone knows it is there choice to refuse a cure.

Why should there be a "cure"? why does anyone have to "straighten out" anyone else. I understand that the latest alt-right strangulation of language is the term "normative," to characterize people me like who is a woman attracted to men, but do I need to be "cured" of this attraction? What would it mean to you and to society if I could undergo "conversion therapy" and come out a lesbian? Judging from the right-wing men I've seen, who are also trying to push male domination on the country, would "conversion therapy" offer heterosexual women a way out?

How about obeying our public-accommodation laws? You are arguing that, if I were in commerce, I should not be forced to serve people like southern baptists.


Some people are dissatisfied with being homosexuals- don't those people deserve some hope that they can be rid of this?
A lot of renown doctors , like Dr. Marcus Bachmann, work with guys who are tired of taking it in the caboose and need help trying to break the Sodomy habit. If they could come up with a cure, a pill or injection, to permanently masculinize a man, it would eliminate a lot of pain and suffering

Are you serious about this? Isn't this guy Bachmann married to Michelle Bachmann? Is what he produces by his voodoo a curse to a woman who entertains a relationship with one of this poor guys?

You don't think there are homos out there who might prefer to be normal?

If there are such people, why should they be treated with such disdain by the libs? Isn't America supposed to be the place where anyone can be anything they choose? If someone has a quest, a desire , for Normalcy, the American thing to do is to help him out.

That's all Dr. Bachmann is engaged in, helping out suffering souls.

Are his methods effective? I don't know. But if they aren't, let's see if the Family Research Council can find methods with are successful

Where are these "suffering" thousands who wish to be straight? If they want to and they are adults who are capable making their own decisions, they can go for "conversion therapy." Meanwhile, thousands throughout the world attend pride marches, and they seem quite happy. I remember hundreds of same-sex couples queuing up to be married when the doors of the courts and registrars opened up the day after same-sex became legal in their respective countries. The FRC is a right-wing joke.

What's it to ya, anyway? Go home and do whatever you wish to do with your consenting adult. If you two want to swing from the chandelier, make sure it is firmly anchored in a beam, and remember to close the drapes.
You keep thinking that.

Why don't you cult people just go somewhere and live your lives? We've got Hasidic Jews, Amish, all kinds of groups that we basically leave alone. And they leave the rest of us alone. Why is it that you cult people try to dominate everyone else's life and our public institutions? You may be concerned for your sect, but nobody else is.

LGBTQ leaders are trying to force normative people not just to accept but to affirm and participate in it, even to bake a cake for the practice.

If homos and trannies just did there own business without publicity, it would be something different.
"did there own business without publicity, " ? Please explain exactly what that would look like in reality. Out of sight, out of mind? Back in the closet? Due tell princess.
Only perverts would make a parade bragging about taking it up the poop shut.
You and Polish Princess should hook up and work on your "taking up the poop shoot " problem
We don't have a problem. The problem is celebrating perversion and demonizing people who speak out against it.
Heterosexuality is the default. False comparison
Wrong and stupid. This would imply everyone starts at the "default" state and actively moves to another state.
They do. You are born heterosexual. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Do you believe in science?

Libs are delusional enough they think Bruce Jenner is a broad.
Your continual use of the term "broad" tells us every thing that we need to know about just how backward and stupid your are. Your emotional development seems to have been arrested at about the age of 13
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Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Could I use therapy on you and chase away your heterosexuality?
Heterosexuality is the default. False comparison.
My point was, you can just therapy away what people are attracted to.
Gay therapy is pseudo religious bullshit.

And a girl who feels she is a boy attracted to other boys isn't pseudo ideological bullshit...
Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Could I use therapy on you and chase away your heterosexuality?
Heterosexuality is the default. False comparison.
My point was, you can just therapy away what people are attracted to.
Gay therapy is pseudo religious bullshit.

And a girl who feels she is a boy attracted to other boys isn't pseudo ideological bullshit...

Gender dysphoria is not directly related to sexual attraction. Attraction is not the only thing that sexual identity impacts.
Heterosexuality is the default. False comparison
Wrong and stupid. This would imply everyone starts at the "default" state and actively moves to another state.
They do. You are born heterosexual. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Do you believe in science?
We do . You believe in bullshit prejudice and superstition
No, I believe in science. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Scientific fact.

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