Conversion Therapy Crusader Has Something To Say: He's Gay

Heterosexuality is the default. False comparison
Wrong and stupid. This would imply everyone starts at the "default" state and actively moves to another state.
They do. You are born heterosexual. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Do you believe in science?

Libs are delusional enough they think Bruce Jenner is a broad.
Your continual use of the term "broad" tells us every thing that we need to know about just how backward and stupid your are. Your emotional development seems to have been arrested at about the age of 13
Bruce Jenner can whack off his junk, but he can't change his chromosomes.
Heterosexuality is the default. False comparison
Wrong and stupid. This would imply everyone starts at the "default" state and actively moves to another state.
They do. You are born heterosexual. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Do you believe in science?

Libs are delusional enough they think Bruce Jenner is a broad.
Your continual use of the term "broad" tells us every thing that we need to know about just how backward and stupid your are. Your emotional development seems to have been arrested at about the age of 13
Is Bruce Jenner a woman or a man in drag?

A man

A man who wants to be a woman

And I don't understand why....he was a very attractive man.

But can not read these people minds.
Wrong and stupid. This would imply everyone starts at the "default" state and actively moves to another state.
They do. You are born heterosexual. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Do you believe in science?

Libs are delusional enough they think Bruce Jenner is a broad.
Your continual use of the term "broad" tells us every thing that we need to know about just how backward and stupid your are. Your emotional development seems to have been arrested at about the age of 13
Is Bruce Jenner a woman or a man in drag?

A man

A man who wants to be a woman

And I don't understand why....he was a very attractive man.

But can not read these people minds.
I believe he's mentally ill.
Got ANYTHING to the contrary?

You are the one trying to affirm a positive position, i.e. It does no harm. The burden of proof is on you.

And so far, unlike conversion therapy, blockers do no harm. They, in fact, help. We KNOW what conversion therapy does in the long and short term.

You are fucking dense. Blockers stop a natural biological process, leaving permanent results. You have ZERO proof they do no harm, but you harp the point because you can't admit the hypocrisy of your position.

So again, why is gender fluid, but sexuality not?

Answer the fucking question.

All the studies that they have done show no difference in teens that took them and teens that did not. They have been tested and are being monitored by medical professionals . (The exact opposite of what goes on with conversion “therapy”)

Simmer down, princess. You get really pissy when you don’t get your way, don’t you? No wonder you like Trump so much...

I'm sure most of the professionals are just as hackey as you are. On the other hand....

Health Effects Of Transitioning In Teen Years Remain Unknown

It's funny that you support child abuse to further your own political agenda.

Wrong as usual. I support science. Doctors recommend the blockers. The blockers are given to trans youth under the care and monitoring of actual medical professionals.

American Academy of Pediatrics’ new guidelines support gender change for kids

Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents

Conversion "therapy" is not. All major medical and mental health organization have stated that conversion or reparative therapy is, well, crap.

Transitioning isn't child abuse. Allowing a kid to transition isn't child abuse. Parents who are supportive and understanding of their child's need to be their true selves is not child abuse. It's the opposite of that.

Transitioning is patient led...."Conversion" therapy is not.
One is proven to be harmful, one is not. Doctors recommend blockers, they don't recommend conversion therapy.

Some doctors do, some doctors don't. Stop trying to claim "all' doctors do, which is what you are implying.

And again, you didn't answer my question. Why is gender fluid and sexuality not?

Actually, sexuality IS fluid. Conversion therapy does not allow for fluidity only rigidity to heterosexuality.

Wrong, it's purpose is to allow a person to come to a place where they can accept their CHOSEN sexuality.

I don't think it should be done on kids, but adults should be able to choose it. You on the other hand are OK with pumping hormones into kids while banning basically talking to the same kids because it goes against your agenda.

How fucking pathetic.

No, that is not what the goal of conversion therapy is. How ignorant can you be?

Conversion therapy is the pseudoscientific practice of trying to change an individual's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using psychological or spiritual interventions.

It’s not at all about sexual fluidity and only about adherence to heterosexuality.

But if sexuality is fluid, those definitions are not set in stone.

Sorry, but heterosexuality is the biological default. If an adult person desires to go back to the default, why are you so against it?

I'm not against it for adults. If an adult wants to torture themselves, I'm fine with it. There are even clubs for adults that like torture. No one under 18 allowed.
Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Could I use therapy on you and chase away your heterosexuality?
Heterosexuality is the default. False comparison.
My point was, you can just therapy away what people are attracted to.
Gay therapy is pseudo religious bullshit.

And a girl who feels she is a boy attracted to other boys isn't pseudo ideological bullshit...
That's mental illness
Wrong and stupid. This would imply everyone starts at the "default" state and actively moves to another state.
They do. You are born heterosexual. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Do you believe in science?

Libs are delusional enough they think Bruce Jenner is a broad.
Your continual use of the term "broad" tells us every thing that we need to know about just how backward and stupid your are. Your emotional development seems to have been arrested at about the age of 13
Is Bruce Jenner a woman or a man in drag?

A man

A man who wants to be a woman

And I don't understand why....he was a very attractive man.

But can not read these people minds.
I am absolutely amazed at the high level of intellectual discourse and philosophical wisdom displayed by you and others on the USMB .Keep up the good work!
After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.
After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.

The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.
After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.

The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.

You don't know the first fucking thing about therapy. A legitimate therapist would help them to sort out their feeling about their sexuality and to decide who they are and what they really want. Therapists don't tell patients that anything is hopeless. That is as stupid as stupid gets
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After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.

The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.

You don't know the first fucking thing about therapy. A legitimate therapist would help them to sort out their feeling about their sexuality and to decide who they are and what they really want. Therapists don't tell patients that anything is hopeless. That is as stupid as stupid gets
A person who lives by feelings is immature. A mature person doesn't give in to feelings. Feelings are fickle. My opinion is homosexuals are simply people who never matured sexually.
After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.

The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.

You don't know the first fucking thing about therapy. A legitimate therapist would help them to sort out their feeling about their sexuality and to decide who they are and what they really want. Therapists don't tell patients that anything is hopeless. That is as stupid as stupid gets
A person who lives by feelings is immature. A mature person doesn't give in to feelings. Feelings are fickle. My opinion is homosexuals are simply people who never matured sexually.
And there in lies your problem . You feel nothing . You don't understand that a mature and rational person is able to balance feelings and rational thought process to come to a conclusion as to who they are and what direction they want their life to take. My opinion is that people like you who are so wrapped up in your own narrow and limited world view- who believe that others should be just like you, or they have no value have never matured intellectually and emotionally - and probobly not sexually either.

I see that your fuck buddy the Polish Princess hasn't had anything more to say about therapy. You are both pathetically ignorant on so many levels

I'm willing to bet that both you and the Polish Princess are struggling with your own sexual identity issues and are frightened to fucking death about who and what YOU really are.
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Conversion therapy crusader has something to say: He’s gay

A South Carolina man who founded one of the nation's biggest conversion therapy ministries has something to say: he's gay.

The Post and Courier reports Hope for Wholeness founder McKrae Game came out of the closet this summer, nearly two years after he was fired from the faith-based conversion therapy program. He's now trying to come to terms with the harm he inflicted when he was advocating for religious efforts to change a person's sexuality.

“Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful,” Game told The Post and Courier.

Conversion therapy leader for 2 decades, McKrae Game disavows movement he helped fuel

“I was a religious zealot that hurt people,” Game said in an interview. “People said they attempted suicide over me and the things I said to them. People, I know, are in therapy because of me. Why would I want that to continue?”

Game recently published a written apology to his personal Facebook page in which he called for the dissolution of any conversion therapy practice or ex-gay ministry. Though he condemned the practices, Game also said a group like Hope for Wholeness could serve as a community for those that believe “homosexuality is incongruent with their faith.”
Fuckin' hilarious.

In other news, Kanye West has announced that he's a gay fish.
After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.

The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.

You don't know the first fucking thing about therapy. A legitimate therapist would help them to sort out their feeling about their sexuality and to decide who they are and what they really want. Therapists don't tell patients that anything is hopeless. That is as stupid as stupid gets
A person who lives by feelings is immature. A mature person doesn't give in to feelings. Feelings are fickle. My opinion is homosexuals are simply people who never matured sexually.
And there in lies your problem . You feel nothing . You don't understand that a mature and rational person is able to balance feelings and rational thought process to come to a conclusion as to who they are and what direction they want their life to take. My opinion is that people like you who are so wrapped up in your own narrow and limited world view- who believe that others should be just like you, or they have no value have never matured intellectually and emotionally - and probobly not sexually either.

I see that your fuck buddy the Polish Princess hasn't had anything more to say about therapy. You are both pathetically ignorant on so many levels

I can't speak for anyone else,but I've seen therapy on TV, and how therapists like Bob Newhart work.

Personally, I think a lot of it is bullshit.

If there is going to be a cure to straighten people out , it will come from the pharmaceutical industry, or perhaps surgery. If top phrenologists can find the part of the brain which controls the desire- or lack thereof- to take it in the caboose, it would not be a problem to go in and alter that- IF the person wants to change sexual preferences.
Homo's should be rounded up in the name of public safety, and forced to have lobotomies in order to cure them of their sexual deviancy. .. :gay:

I don't know if a lobotomy would be effective in changing someone's sexual preferences, However, it should be noted that the Nobel Prize committee awarded the prize in medicine in 1949 for the development of the Prefrontal Lobotomy.

It was established science,just like manmade global warming is today
After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.

The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.

You don't know the first fucking thing about therapy. A legitimate therapist would help them to sort out their feeling about their sexuality and to decide who they are and what they really want. Therapists don't tell patients that anything is hopeless. That is as stupid as stupid gets
A person who lives by feelings is immature. A mature person doesn't give in to feelings. Feelings are fickle. My opinion is homosexuals are simply people who never matured sexually.
And there in lies your problem . You feel nothing . You don't understand that a mature and rational person is able to balance feelings and rational thought process to come to a conclusion as to who they are and what direction they want their life to take. My opinion is that people like you who are so wrapped up in your own narrow and limited world view- who believe that others should be just like you, or they have no value have never matured intellectually and emotionally - and probobly not sexually either.

I see that your fuck buddy the Polish Princess hasn't had anything more to say about therapy. You are both pathetically ignorant on so many levels

I can't speak for anyone else,but I've seen therapy on TV, and how therapists like Bob Newhart work.

Personally, I think a lot of it is bullshit.

If there is going to be a cure to straighten people out , it will come from the pharmaceutical industry, or perhaps surgery. If top phrenologists can find the part of the brain which controls the desire- or lack thereof- to take it in the caboose, it would not be a problem to go in and alter that- IF the person wants to change sexual preferences.
The cure that is need is for people like you who think that y9ou have the right and the mandate to dictate what is normal and moral . You and you alone are the ones who need to be straighten out
Because soo many homo's are pedophiles. The best way to rid society of the gay plague, and also protect children. Would be to round all the homo's up and castrate them. .... :thup:
The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.

You don't know the first fucking thing about therapy. A legitimate therapist would help them to sort out their feeling about their sexuality and to decide who they are and what they really want. Therapists don't tell patients that anything is hopeless. That is as stupid as stupid gets
A person who lives by feelings is immature. A mature person doesn't give in to feelings. Feelings are fickle. My opinion is homosexuals are simply people who never matured sexually.
And there in lies your problem . You feel nothing . You don't understand that a mature and rational person is able to balance feelings and rational thought process to come to a conclusion as to who they are and what direction they want their life to take. My opinion is that people like you who are so wrapped up in your own narrow and limited world view- who believe that others should be just like you, or they have no value have never matured intellectually and emotionally - and probobly not sexually either.

I see that your fuck buddy the Polish Princess hasn't had anything more to say about therapy. You are both pathetically ignorant on so many levels

I can't speak for anyone else,but I've seen therapy on TV, and how therapists like Bob Newhart work.

Personally, I think a lot of it is bullshit.

If there is going to be a cure to straighten people out , it will come from the pharmaceutical industry, or perhaps surgery. If top phrenologists can find the part of the brain which controls the desire- or lack thereof- to take it in the caboose, it would not be a problem to go in and alter that- IF the person wants to change sexual preferences.
The cure that is need is for people like you who think that y9ou have the right and the mandate to dictate what is normal and moral . You and you alone are the ones who need to be straighten out

You don't get it. It isn't what I think. Its what individual members of the LGBTQ+ community think. And many of those folks want to straighten out. Not every homo wants to change, but some certainly do. And my opinion on the matter has nothing to do with it.
After all the damage this guy has caused and all the lives he’s ruined you would think he would have more to say than a “whoops, sorry“.

I wonder if he still votes Republican.

The people who came to him voluntarily were trying to break the butt sex habit.

At least they had some hope for awhile. If they had gone to a PC liberal therapist, they would have told them there was no hope.

Of course there is always hope, people can change, they can regain their manhoods.

You don't know the first fucking thing about therapy. A legitimate therapist would help them to sort out their feeling about their sexuality and to decide who they are and what they really want. Therapists don't tell patients that anything is hopeless. That is as stupid as stupid gets
A person who lives by feelings is immature. A mature person doesn't give in to feelings. Feelings are fickle. My opinion is homosexuals are simply people who never matured sexually.
And there in lies your problem . You feel nothing . You don't understand that a mature and rational person is able to balance feelings and rational thought process to come to a conclusion as to who they are and what direction they want their life to take. My opinion is that people like you who are so wrapped up in your own narrow and limited world view- who believe that others should be just like you, or they have no value have never matured intellectually and emotionally - and probobly not sexually either.

I see that your fuck buddy the Polish Princess hasn't had anything more to say about therapy. You are both pathetically ignorant on so many levels

I'm willing to bet that both you and the Polish Princess are struggling with your own sexual identity issues and are frightened to fucking death about who and what YOU really are.
Any person who believes that the anus is a sex organ is far from mature.

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