Conversion Therapy For Minors Rejected By U.S. Supreme Court!


This is about consent.

Children can't consent.

Conversion therapy may change behavior but not character.

In this case, the government is right to step in for the parents' who are making bad choices.
One day the SC will rule since minors are humans they can consent. Opens the book to pedophiles,selling ciggs and alcohol to minors,voting etc....yep. Its coming.
Not a chance. If anything 18 is too low for most things. Their sex lives is about the only place it gets complicated. Otherwise they are kids.
I wonder if this ruling applies even when the child wants that therapy for themselves; to erase painful memories and compulsions associated to their having been molested/imprinted by a same-gendered perp?

Or is this ruling an assertion that states have the right to regulate matters of sexual orientation?
If the kids were going to be forced into it, then that is a bad thing. But from what I understand, they've banned any form of therapy that might help a kid who isn't "gay" about being a queer...that's wrong. I might be wrong, someone feel free to correct me, if I am wrong about the total ban..
It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |
This is soo children won't be able to receive the much needed therapy to help them escape the perverted hell of homosexuality. .. :(

Good point. I guess we can't get therapy to help them escape Islamism or Republicanism, either.

What a sad day.
People Can Change - An alternative, healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.

Just because spiritual healing therapy doesn't apply to all people
doesn't mean it doesn't help other people, and save lives and marriages!

NOTE: this is NOT the same as forced conversion that I agree is malpractice and fraud/abuse.
The point is not to confuse that fraud with lifesaving effective recovery that works for people who are naturally heterosexual.

It's total nonsense. It's for people raised in overtly religious ways that can't deal with reality and when reality strikes they seek out even more nonsense to try and deal with what they were raised never to accept. If God creates life then he creates plenty of gay life as well.

YES the Bible does teach that some "eunuchs" are born from the womb, some made by man, and some made for God's spiritual purposes.

Accepting those who are naturally or spiritually gay
does NOT negate those who are naturally heterosexual who were healed and changed.
These are distinct.

You are making this an adversarial "either/or" situation
when it is not.

It is ALL INCLUSIVE of diversity (not all one way or all the same).
SOME are natural, SOME are unnatural,
SOME are spiritually meant to be, or meant to change.

Not all experiences are the same. That is your mistake, [MENTION=47594]PaintMyHouse[/MENTION]
and it is just as Wrongful and Harmful as those who falsely assume
"all homosexuality needs to change" which is wrong for the same reasons as you!
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Our son got this sick idea in his head that he wanted to date a black girl. But we fixed him right up with some "reparative therapy".

Thank God!

Just a reminder, being black and being gay are way two different things.
People Can Change - An alternative, healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.

Just because spiritual healing therapy doesn't apply to all people
doesn't mean it doesn't help other people, and save lives and marriages!

NOTE: this is NOT the same as forced conversion that I agree is malpractice and fraud/abuse.
The point is not to confuse that fraud with lifesaving effective recovery that works for people who are naturally heterosexual.

It's total nonsense. It's for people raised in overtly religious ways that can't deal with reality and when reality strikes they seek out even more nonsense to try and deal with what they were raised never to accept. If God creates life then he creates plenty of gay life as well.

YES the Bible does teach that some "eunuchs" are born from the womb, some made by man, and some made for God's spiritual purposes.

Accepting those who are naturally or spiritually gay
does NOT negate those who are naturally heterosexual who were healed and changed.
These are distinct.

You are making this an adversarial "either/or" situation
when it is not.

It is ALL INCLUSIVE of diversity (not all one way or all the same).
SOME are natural, SOME are unnatural,
SOME are spiritually meant to be, or meant to change.

Not all experiences are the same. That is your mistake, [MENTION=47594]PaintMyHouse[/MENTION]
and it is just as Wrongful and Harmful as those who falsely assume
"all homosexuality needs to change" which is wrong for the same reasons as you!

These are not Eunuchs, these are people rejecting reality because it offends their theology. I have no tolerance for that, nor should I in this case.
It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |

Maybe when that "minority" was inappropriately artificially imprinted with a destructive compulsive behavior they want to throw off?

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Now as a matter of law in California, minors may not "unlearn" that "social learning" until it's too late and the behavior becomes too ingrained via compulsive repetition: age 18. And of course the gay senator from that state who pushed hard for that Bill knew that by then it would be too late for the converted "chicken" to change back by then.

It's funny how when "inappropriate attempts to change a child's sexual orientation" get a pass when people like Harvey Milk do it.

And this from the CDC might shed some light on why some kids might want access to therapy to help themselves before many other co-morbid issues set in:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Yes, once a child's sexual orientation is artificially tampered with, let's make it a matter of law to not allow it to be "tampered with" back to normal again...until they're 18...when it's too late and it's permanently ingrained....along with a lot of other morbid behaviors...

We will look back at this era in human history with the deepest of shame and regret. It really is a true-life version of the allegory of "The Emperor's New Clothes"...only with no little boys in the Supreme Court to actually stand up and say what's really going on..
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Our son got this sick idea in his head that he wanted to date a black girl. But we fixed him right up with some "reparative therapy".

Thank God!

oh knock it look like a frikken loony toon

That is exactly how you defenders of "reparative therapy" sound. Like frikken loony toons.

I don't know if a homosexual can be treated with reparative therapy, I doubt it. But in theory they should be able to be repaired. Since homosexuality is not natural it therefore is something that can be changed, just don't know if once a gay always a gay. And the truth is that I don't believe that the gays know that something in their life caused them to go against that which is natural. So it seems natural to them.

Personally I don't care if someone does the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter, that is their choice. But don't try and tell me it doesn't go against nature. I am not sure why pro-gay folks are so anti-science.
It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |

Maybe when that "minority" was inappropriately artificially imprinted with a destructive compulsive behavior they want to throw off?

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Now as a matter of law in California, minors may not "unlearn" that "social learning" until it's too late and the behavior becomes too ingrained via compulsive repetition: age 18. And of course the gay senator from that state who pushed hard for that Bill knew that by then it would be too late for the converted "chicken" to change back by then.

It's funny how when "inappropriate attempts to change a child's sexual orientation" get a pass when people like Harvey Milk do it.

And this from the CDC might shed some light on why some kids might want access to therapy to help themselves before many other co-morbid issues set in:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Yes, once a child's sexual orientation is artificially tampered with, let's make it a matter of law to not allow it to be "tampered with" back to normal again...until they're 18...when it's too late and it's permanently ingrained....along with a lot of other morbid behaviors...

We will look back at this era in human history with the deepest of shame and regret. It really is a true-life version of the allegory of "The Emperor's New Clothes"...only with no little boys in the Supreme Court to actually stand up and say what's really going on..
But don't lose sight of the fact that it was with the great help of Christian CONSERVATIVES, the REPUBLICANS on the court who ruled against this therapy since Liberal Justices are currently in the minority! So, they have now made a statement that it doesn't rate as others may think it does and they are the highest court in the land.
Liberal torch do you think your BS suddenly erases my post in your quote? Seriously? Three sentences from Liberaltorch and suddenly decades of research and studies are swiped off the map and the gay agenda gets to call the shots?

Wake up. You're dreaming. This decision was machiavellian. It is tantamount to disallowing the fallout of child rape from accessing escape from the mental torture that follows in a compulsive nightmare called "coming out gay" for an adolescent victim of child sexual abuse.
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It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |

That isn't what I am saying. If you like being a queer...fine. But for those who would wish to be a normal human being, they should have the option to seek whatever help there is out there for them.

You seem to think that that help shouldn't exist. You're a Homosexual Fascist if this is true. Do you think gays who wish to no longer be gay shouldn't be able to seek out whatever kind of treatment they want, adult or child?
It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |

holy smokes
you are just a ugly person who can dig up the ugliest stuff
you people aren't happy unless you're miserable or crying about something
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It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |

That isn't what I am saying. If you like being a queer...fine. But for those who would wish to be a normal human being, they should have the option to seek whatever help there is out there for them.

You seem to think that that help shouldn't exist. You're a Homosexual Fascist if this is true. Do you think gays who wish to no longer be gay shouldn't be able to seek out whatever kind of treatment they want, adult or child?
Everytime I hear someone call out "queer" or "homosexual" I see it as an actual reflection on who they really are but they just don't have the guts to admit it.
Born Perfect shows that there is no need for this dangerous type of therapy on beautiful human beings who are perfect in their own right.

#BornPerfect: The Campaign to End Conversion Therapy - National Center for Lesbian Rights
The main reason the Homos are cheering this SC decision is quite simple.

Since queers basically don't reproduce the number of available partners is limited and always in decline due to disease and suicide.

They need an continual influx of new victims to fill their ranks.

And young confused children are the perfect source for recruits into their perverted lifestyle. .... :doubt:
It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |

holy smokes
you are just a ugly person who can dig up the ugliest stuff
you people aren't happy unless you're miserable or crying about something
Why the opposition to Bigot Conversion Therapy? They need it you know. And that's the truth. If that makes you so uncomfortable so be it.

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