Conversion Therapy For Minors Rejected By U.S. Supreme Court!

Gays do not qualify for marriage unless they're marrying someone of the opposite sex like normal people. Fight for your civil union, Jake...I along with a lot of people wouldn't oppose it. We are against redefining marriage, because that sends the message tha they are the same, when their relationship clearly is NOT, nor is it healthy.

The electorate and the Courts in the last two years tell you that you are wrong.

Your opinion is your opinion, but it will not be law in the next 24 months at the most.

Oh, I don't need civil union. I am male and have been married nearly forty years; my first wife died, I married again.

I have only been with those two women (can you say you are morally chaste?). I have three living children and fourteen grand children and several who are like that to me.

In no way shape or manner has marriage equality harmed me or mine at all. Nor has it harmed you.
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I believe that the option to seek help to change IF THEY WANT TO should be there.

The issue is that (1) children can't consent and the (2) therapy does not work.
There are ex-gays who disagree obviously. And what do you mean a child can't give consent to get therapy? Kids go to all kinds of therapy. All the kid has to say is "I have a problem with my orientation, I would like to seek help", then take the kid to a therapist.

Kids can't give consent, what a crock...
I believe that the option to seek help to change IF THEY WANT TO should be there.

The issue is that (1) children can't consent and the (2) therapy does not work.
There are ex-gays who disagree obviously. And what do you mean a child can't give consent to get therapy? Kids go to all kinds of therapy. All the kid has to say is "I have a problem with my orientation, I would like to seek help", then take the kid to a therapist.

Kids can't give consent, what a crock...

Show me one kid who wanted to change his sexual orientation, who also had parents who were accepting of his sexuality.

I will bet you any kid who doesn't accept his/her own sexuality also has parents who don't accept it.
How many of you hetero-fascists have committed fornication or adultery or been bi-sexual or in sexual groups?

Almost all of you, I bet.
I believe that the option to seek help to change IF THEY WANT TO should be there.

The issue is that (1) children can't consent and the (2) therapy does not work.
There are ex-gays who disagree obviously. And what do you mean a child can't give consent to get therapy? Kids go to all kinds of therapy. All the kid has to say is "I have a problem with my orientation, I would like to seek help", then take the kid to a therapist.
Kids can't give consent, what a crock...

The law is clear: the kids can't consent.

The law is clear: reparative therapy is a crock and not right for children.
That is exactly how you defenders of "reparative therapy" sound. Like frikken loony toons.

I don't know if a homosexual can be treated with reparative therapy, I doubt it. But in theory they should be able to be repaired. Since homosexuality is not natural it therefore is something that can be changed, just don't know if once a gay always a gay. And the truth is that I don't believe that the gays know that something in their life caused them to go against that which is natural. So it seems natural to them.

Personally I don't care if someone does the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter, that is their choice. But don't try and tell me it doesn't go against nature. I am not sure why pro-gay folks are so anti-science.

Can you "repair" someone with Red hair? How about someone with Autism?

Then why would you think you can change someone who is gay?

Genetics and evolution can explain red hair, Autism the same as homosexuality, do you really want to go there?

What evolutionary advantage is there to being gay? Or don't you believe in evolution and survival of the specie?
And it does appear they are talking about a specific form of therapy & I actually agree with the decision since it is limited to religious-based conversion therapy, it does seem counter-productive..I don't agree that minors cannot give their consent to enter into therapy however. Maybe infants & toddlers can't, but saying ALL kids can't is retarded.
I don't know if a homosexual can be treated with reparative therapy, I doubt it. But in theory they should be able to be repaired. Since homosexuality is not natural it therefore is something that can be changed, just don't know if once a gay always a gay. And the truth is that I don't believe that the gays know that something in their life caused them to go against that which is natural. So it seems natural to them.

Personally I don't care if someone does the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter, that is their choice. But don't try and tell me it doesn't go against nature. I am not sure why pro-gay folks are so anti-science.

Can you "repair" someone with Red hair? How about someone with Autism?

Then why would you think you can change someone who is gay?

Genetics and evolution can explain red hair, Autism the same as homosexuality, do you really want to go there?

What evolutionary advantage is there to being gay? Or don't you believe in evolution and survival of the specie?

No evolutionary advantage. Unless you consider a better sense of style an advantage.

What advantage does Autism have? What advantage do red heads have?

The point is that you can't fix those things just like you can't fix being gay.
Only people with sub human IQ's think Conversion Therapy is science.

Its nothing more the fundy christian baboonism cloaked as "science"

Only left wing loons think that mental disorders can not be cured.
And it does appear they are talking about a specific form of therapy & I actually agree with the decision since it is limited to religious-based conversion therapy, it does seem counter-productive..I don't agree that minors cannot give their consent to enter into therapy however. Maybe infants & toddlers can't, but saying ALL kids can't is retarded.

No it isn't.

It's retarded to think you can "fix" being gay. That's retarded.
Queers are a promiscuos lot from what I've heard...and photos & video in the media of their "pride" parades seem to verify it.

I think Political Flamer is just opposed to the idea for the fear that conversion therapy will take young buttholes off the market for him & his deviant buddies.

Yeah, that's probably what it is.
From what you've heard or from something else? Quit being in such denial already, Closet Case.
Born Perfect shows that there is no need for this dangerous type of therapy on beautiful human beings who are perfect in their own right.

#BornPerfect: The Campaign to End Conversion Therapy - National Center for Lesbian Rights
The main reason the Homos are cheering this SC decision is quite simple.

Since queers basically don't reproduce the number of available partners is limited and always in decline due to disease and suicide.

They need an continual influx of new victims to fill their ranks.

And young confused children are the perfect source for recruits into their perverted lifestyle. .... :doubt:
You heard it here first folks, from the Jihadist.
All muslims are jihadists (workers) for the your jab means nothing......but please continue using it. .. :eusa_angel:

But I noticed that you didn't/couldn't refute my post which is 100% accurate as to why queers target children to join their perverted lifestyle. .. :cool:
Why would I need to do that when you guys are always saying noone would choose to be homosexual because of how horrible their lot in life is? If what you all say is true, how hard is it to believe some gays would rather not be gay, children or adults? You people can't even keep your arguments straight, pun not intended.

And to Jake, then the law has effectively religated children to second class citizen status. You support that?
The issue is that (1) children can't consent and the (2) therapy does not work.
There are ex-gays who disagree obviously. And what do you mean a child can't give consent to get therapy? Kids go to all kinds of therapy. All the kid has to say is "I have a problem with my orientation, I would like to seek help", then take the kid to a therapist.

Kids can't give consent, what a crock...

Show me one kid who wanted to change his sexual orientation, who also had parents who were accepting of his sexuality.

I will bet you any kid who doesn't accept his/her own sexuality also has parents who don't accept it.
The main reason the Homos are cheering this SC decision is quite simple.

Since queers basically don't reproduce the number of available partners is limited and always in decline due to disease and suicide.

They need an continual influx of new victims to fill their ranks.

And young confused children are the perfect source for recruits into their perverted lifestyle. .... :doubt:
You heard it here first folks, from the Jihadist.
All muslims are jihadists (workers) for the your jab means nothing......but please continue using it. .. :eusa_angel:

But I noticed that you didn't/couldn't refute my post which is 100% accurate as to why queers target children to join their perverted lifestyle. .. :cool:

Shouldn't you be at flight school or learning how to make a bomb to strap to yourself?
Why would I need to do that when you guys are always saying noone would choose to be homosexual because of how horrible their lot in life is? If what you all say is true, how hard is it to believe some gays would rather not be gay, children or adults? You people can't even keep your arguments straight, pun not intended.

And to Jake, then the law has effectively religated children to second class citizen status. You support that?
There are ex-gays who disagree obviously. And what do you mean a child can't give consent to get therapy? Kids go to all kinds of therapy. All the kid has to say is "I have a problem with my orientation, I would like to seek help", then take the kid to a therapist.

Kids can't give consent, what a crock...

Show me one kid who wanted to change his sexual orientation, who also had parents who were accepting of his sexuality.

I will bet you any kid who doesn't accept his/her own sexuality also has parents who don't accept it.

Because people like you try to convince them that they are broken and need to be "fixed". Try growing up hearing that sort of shit. Especially from your own religious, bigoted parents. Who the fuck wants to hear that? No one. Of course some will want that feeling to go away. That doesn't mean they aren't gay, they just don't want to feel like an outcast that small minded assholes like you make them feel.

So my question stands. Show me one person who had supportive parents/family/friends and still wanted to "fix" his sexual orientation. Give it a shot champ.
Translation of Political Flamer's schizo post: " Quit telling the truth about us deviant perverts! I want little boy buttholes on tap!"

Queers are a promiscuos lot from what I've heard...and photos & video in the media of their "pride" parades seem to verify it.

I think Political Flamer is just opposed to the idea for the fear that conversion therapy will take young buttholes off the market for him & his deviant buddies.

Yeah, that's probably what it is.
From what you've heard or from something else? Quit being in such denial already, Closet Case.
And once again the racist far left Obama drones prove they are against choice.

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