Conversion Therapy For Minors Rejected By U.S. Supreme Court!

Only people with sub human IQ's think Conversion Therapy is science.

Its nothing more the fundy christian baboonism cloaked as "science"

Only left wing loons think that mental disorders can not be cured.

So I assume you disagree with all of those people who say homosexuality is a choice. Right?

Nope, I think something happened to them, don't know what for sure. But I do know if science is true there is no logically evolutionary reason for homosexuality. So thus if not natural then it must be caused by something. Which doesn't mean that homosexuals know the difference. In other words they didn't necessarily make a choice. That said, everyone has a choice in what they do.
So because I don't lie to them & consider their lifestyle normal or healthy(because it's not), they don't want to be gay? Well, tough shit.

I don't owe them anything & I am not willing to lie about it so they feel better about themselves. If that's their issue, they need to get over it.

If you're happy to be a homo, then what I say shouldn't matter, but since they are paranoid schizophrenics, they cannot be completely happy with what they are doing.

I don't sugarcoat shit, when that is what it is...Shit.
Why would I need to do that when you guys are always saying noone would choose to be homosexual because of how horrible their lot in life is? If what you all say is true, how hard is it to believe some gays would rather not be gay, children or adults? You people can't even keep your arguments straight, pun not intended.

And to Jake, then the law has effectively religated children to second class citizen status. You support that?
Show me one kid who wanted to change his sexual orientation, who also had parents who were accepting of his sexuality.

I will bet you any kid who doesn't accept his/her own sexuality also has parents who don't accept it.

Because people like you try to convince them that they are broken and need to be "fixed". Try growing up hearing that sort of shit. Especially from your own religious, bigoted parents. Who the fuck wants to hear that? No one. Of course some will want that feeling to go away. That doesn't mean they aren't gay, they just don't want to feel like an outcast that small minded assholes like you make them feel.

So my question stands. Show me one person who had supportive parents/family/friends and still wanted to "fix" his sexual orientation. Give it a shot champ.
Only left wing loons think that mental disorders can not be cured.

So I assume you disagree with all of those people who say homosexuality is a choice. Right?

Nope, I think something happened to them, don't know what for sure. But I do know if science is true there is no logically evolutionary reason for homosexuality. So thus if not natural then it must be caused by something. Which doesn't mean that homosexuals know the difference. In other words they didn't necessarily make a choice. That said, everyone has a choice in what they do.

So is it a mental disorder or not? Make up your mind.

If it's a mental disorder, tell me what other mental disorders people can choose to have.

You people are amazing with your lack of consistency.
Shouldn't you be somewhere getting your fudge packed?? ... :lol: :lol:

Why would I? I'm not gay. But you ARE a terrorist.
Hey, it's Ok to admit your a homo...... everyone on the board already knows it. .. :lol: :lol:

Let's put it this way. I'm not gay, but if it were a choice and I had to choose. I'd rather be gay than have to be a dirty, camel fucking muslim whose greatest achievement in life is strapping a bomb to your chest and killing some kids in a public market. You must be so proud.
Sad day when children are banned from getting the mental health help they so desperately need.

lol...conversion therapy isn't a mental health treatment. As proven elsewhere on this forum, it's snake oil sales.

Would you really take your son to this guy to convert him?


That was funny. But before you say it might be photoshopped (I honestly doubt it :)), try this one:


So because I don't lie to them & consider their lifestyle normal or healthy(because it's not), they don't want to be gay? Well, tough shit.

I don't owe them anything & I am not willing to lie about it so they feel better about themselves. If that's their issue, they need to get over it.

If you're happy to be a homo, then what I say shouldn't matter, but since they are paranoid schizophrenics, they cannot be completely happy with what they are doing.

I don't sugarcoat shit, when that is what it is...Shit.
Why would I need to do that when you guys are always saying noone would choose to be homosexual because of how horrible their lot in life is? If what you all say is true, how hard is it to believe some gays would rather not be gay, children or adults? You people can't even keep your arguments straight, pun not intended.

And to Jake, then the law has effectively religated children to second class citizen status. You support that?

Because people like you try to convince them that they are broken and need to be "fixed". Try growing up hearing that sort of shit. Especially from your own religious, bigoted parents. Who the fuck wants to hear that? No one. Of course some will want that feeling to go away. That doesn't mean they aren't gay, they just don't want to feel like an outcast that small minded assholes like you make them feel.

So my question stands. Show me one person who had supportive parents/family/friends and still wanted to "fix" his sexual orientation. Give it a shot champ.

So are you going to be showing me a single example of someone who didn't want to be gay but did have supportive parents/family?

We both know you can't but it's funny to watch you twist around like the bigoted closed minded inbred that you are.
So I assume you disagree with all of those people who say homosexuality is a choice. Right?

Nope, I think something happened to them, don't know what for sure. But I do know if science is true there is no logically evolutionary reason for homosexuality. So thus if not natural then it must be caused by something. Which doesn't mean that homosexuals know the difference. In other words they didn't necessarily make a choice. That said, everyone has a choice in what they do.

So is it a mental disorder or not? Make up your mind.

If it's a mental disorder, tell me what other mental disorders people can choose to have.

You people are amazing with your lack of consistency.

What are you talking about? As I said something happened to them that "made them that way." I doubt that the person even knows why they just are. Thus it is a mental disorder and if something happened to cause it one would think that something could happen to "change them back" for lack of better words. You must agree unless you disagree with science and evolution.
Why would I? I'm not gay. But you ARE a terrorist.
Hey, it's Ok to admit your a homo...... everyone on the board already knows it. .. :lol: :lol:

Let's put it this way. I'm not gay, but if it were a choice and I had to choose. I'd rather be gay than have to be a dirty, camel fucking muslim whose greatest achievement in life is strapping a bomb to your chest and killing some kids in a public market. You must be so proud.
I never saw such a frenzied denial from a closeted gay. .. :lol: :lol:
Ex-gays exist, RDD. I don't need to waste my time looking for specific examples that meet your criteria. You yourself probably have never even looked into it.

You're boring me.
I believe that the option to seek help to change IF THEY WANT TO should be there.

The issue is that (1) children can't consent and the (2) therapy does not work.
There are ex-gays who disagree obviously. And what do you mean a child can't give consent to get therapy? Kids go to all kinds of therapy. All the kid has to say is "I have a problem with my orientation, I would like to seek help", then take the kid to a therapist.
Kids can't give consent, what a crock...

The law is clear: the kids can't consent.

The law is clear: reparative therapy is a crock and not right for children.
Jake I already replied to that post, it is within a reply to RDD on the previous page. No need to copy & paste it again.

Go read what I said & answer the question, Im not reposting it.
I read almost twenty years ago that perhaps as many as 2/3ds of LG in a ten year span move through that world and later have children and marry. The best you can say for former "gays" is that they were bi-sexual.

The consensus of the medical community and the courts are the right place to decide these matters, not the weekly Board of Deacons or Finance Committee over at the SBC building.
Jake I already replied to that post, it is within a reply to RDD on the previous page. No need to copy & paste it again.

Go read what I said & answer the question, Im not reposting it.

That is the answer, and I understand you don't get it.

Not my, or anybody else's, problem.
That is not the answer, it really has nothing to do with what I asked you.

Quit being lazy & go back to read it, if you did read it.. Then answer the question. Laws can be changed, so the post you copied & pasted is not an answer to what I asked you.

So you're okay with the law relegating children to second class citizen status, Im guessing.
I read almost twenty years ago that perhaps as many as 2/3ds of LG in a ten year span move through that world and later have children and marry. The best you can say for former "gays" is that they were bi-sexual.

The consensus of the medical community and the courts are the right place to decide these matters, not the weekly Board of Deacons or Finance Committee over at the SBC building.

All gays could be bisexual for all we know, they just choose to stick with the one they find they are attracted to most at the time. At this point in time, you'd be hard pressed to find one that'll admit it if it were true because it would undermine their movement.

And I agree with you that the medical community is the best to listen to, as long as they're not ran by radgay agenda driven psuedo-science. Like the gay gene hunters for example.

Unbiased organizations, sure.

And you probably missed where I said I ultimately agree with the decision, just think that saying ALL children cannot give consent makes them second class citizens under the law.

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