Conversion Therapy For Minors Rejected By U.S. Supreme Court!

Conversion therapy is fraud. It doesn't cause a conversation it's aversion. It isn't. therapy because it isn't practicedby therapists. It's gay people that hate themselves telling other gay people to hate themselves. Ex gay people aren't straight.
What are you talking about? As I said something happened to them that "made them that way." I doubt that the person even knows why they just are. Thus it is a mental disorder and if something happened to cause it one would think that something could happen to "change them back" for lack of better words. You must agree unless you disagree with science and evolution.

So where does the choice come in?

A person makes a choice to have sex.

What on earth does that have to do with homosexuality?
If something so impactful could be changed, how could individuality actually exist?
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So is it a mental disorder or not? Make up your mind.

If it's a mental disorder, tell me what other mental disorders people can choose to have.

You people are amazing with your lack of consistency.

What are you talking about? As I said something happened to them that "made them that way." I doubt that the person even knows why they just are. Thus it is a mental disorder and if something happened to cause it one would think that something could happen to "change them back" for lack of better words. You must agree unless you disagree with science and evolution.

So where does the choice come in?

Everyone chooses who they have sex with.
We were elated to learn that this practice was rejected in California by a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court!! That is GREAT News! Children will now not have to fear being sent to get it!

U.S. Supreme Rejects Challenge To California?s Ban On Conversion Therapy For Minors| Gay News | Towleroad

Adults remain able to receive this therapy. I feel for those who are gay, and for various reasons, wish they were not. American society fully accepting gay Americans may help.
It as helped for quite some time now but there are still nutters who believe that being gay means you are going to Hell. Utter nonsense.

curious, you know they don't?
And it does appear they are talking about a specific form of therapy & I actually agree with the decision since it is limited to religious-based conversion therapy, it does seem counter-productive..I don't agree that minors cannot give their consent to enter into therapy however. Maybe infants & toddlers can't, but saying ALL kids can't is retarded.

a minor cannot give legal consent

That's why they have parents. And I worry about refusing to let parents make a decision like this. Well, not so much in this individual case because I think there is clear evidence as to the harm. But I don't agree with a lot of what other parents choose for their children. That doesn't mean they should not be allowed to raise their children as they see fit.

I would hate to see this ruling be "extended" into other parental decisions.

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