Conversion Therapy For Minors Rejected By U.S. Supreme Court!

I wonder if this ruling applies even when the child wants that therapy for themselves; to erase painful memories and compulsions associated to their having been molested/imprinted by a same-gendered perp

Should it apply to those of us who, as children (I was 11, molested by a female school counselor), were violated by heterosexuals?

And is molesting a form of imprinting?
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scratch a liberal especially a liberal/homosexual find a FASCIST

[MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] @Diablo Blanco [MENTION=11674]Sunni Man[/MENTION]
Why not turn the tables on liberal politics?

If people want to "ban the choice" of treatment they fear as harmful,
ask them to apply the same to abortion which has been argued for years as harmful.

So let's do the research.
Let's compare the research of harm resulting from abortion
with harm from conversion therapy.

So if you are going to ban one, what about the other?

Here is the problem with you very flawed logic. First, every major mental health and medical association on earth has said that reparative therapy is not a viable means to address homosexuality because homosexuality is not a mental illness. Second, there is not one major medical association that says abortions are harmful. They can be given specific circumstances like prior health problems. The problem is that when people stop looking at the facts when they go against their worldview, the convince themselves that the lies make more sense and make stupid statements like yours.

If people are going to insist on believing propaganda because it affirms their beliefs, then, really, their opinion does not matter because it is based on fallacies and religious dogma. I highly doubt you will "do the research" properly as you are going to go to google and type in the search bar: "Why abortions are harmful" and "Why gay therapy works" so you will be already be biased in your "source" choices. Now if you type into google: "Information on Abortion" and "Effectiveness of Conversion Therapy" you would get far more balanced search results and you would get angry becasue you will find you were wrong in your assumptions and you will go back to the original search to find something that affirms you limited understanding.

I could be wrong, but I'm not.
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Liberal torch do you think your BS suddenly erases my post in your quote? Seriously? Three sentences from Liberaltorch and suddenly decades of research and studies are swiped off the map and the gay agenda gets to call the shots?

Wake up. You're dreaming. This decision was machiavellian. It is tantamount to disallowing the fallout of child rape from accessing escape from the mental torture that follows in a compulsive nightmare called "coming out gay" for an adolescent victim of child sexual abuse.
Quit being in such denial of the facts already! The medical community has already said it causes great problems and now the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed. So, end of story. Kids don't need to go through that harmful stuff at all. No human being deserves to go through such torture, imho.
Sil, do get over yourself.

You are not Jeremiah crying on the walls or an Isiah in the wilderness.

The medical community is in agreement, which SCOTUS supports.

You are, simply, wrong.
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Ofcourse you think that, you're a part of a group of sexual deviants who until the 70's were classified as paranoid schizophrenics. It's bullshit, sorry to break it to ya.

I could've sworn I was toning down my rhetoric by referring to homosexuals as queers, don't they call themselves queers?

Now, are you against letting people who no longer want to be butt pirates to seek out whatever treatment they think will help them or what? actually are a faggot. You could be straight & still fit the bill in my book.

It's simply incredible how in this day and age there can be some people who would want to "change" a minority into something they feel is what that person should be! IMHO, that's just simply terribly sad. However, let's next try to convert bigots into well balanced, non-prejudiced human beings. That could surely have a far greater benefit to mankind!

Op-ed: End Corrective Therapy, Save Some Lives |

That isn't what I am saying. If you like being a queer...fine. But for those who would wish to be a normal human being, they should have the option to seek whatever help there is out there for them.

You seem to think that that help shouldn't exist. You're a Homosexual Fascist if this is true. Do you think gays who wish to no longer be gay shouldn't be able to seek out whatever kind of treatment they want, adult or child?
Everytime I hear someone call out "queer" or "homosexual" I see it as an actual reflection on who they really are but they just don't have the guts to admit it.
It would have been interesting if the subject had been a Liberal if the results would have been the same. And, imho, it could also be that the young man was not Gay to begin with. That's entirely possible. When that happens it's easy to say that it 'worked' notwithstanding the fact that he is the son of a Republican and they are the main ones pushing for acceptance of such therapies. So, how nice and convenient to have the son proclaim that the therapy suddenly worked for him so that his dad can take off with that and run! Hmmmm.... Oh and one more thing, this article is from the good Christian Post that might also more than likely be in favor of such therapies? So, hmmmm again.
Queers are a promiscuos lot from what I've heard...and photos & video in the media of their "pride" parades seem to verify it.

I think Political Flamer is just opposed to the idea for the fear that conversion therapy will take young buttholes off the market for him & his deviant buddies.

Yeah, that's probably what it is.
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The medical community and government agree that the therapy is bogus and children should not be forced into counter productive therapy.

Remember that you are here only for grins and chuckles.

Now, are you against letting people who no longer want to be butt pirates to seek out whatever treatment they think will help them or what?
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Born Perfect shows that there is no need for this dangerous type of therapy on beautiful human beings who are perfect in their own right.

#BornPerfect: The Campaign to End Conversion Therapy - National Center for Lesbian Rights
The main reason the Homos are cheering this SC decision is quite simple.

Since queers basically don't reproduce the number of available partners is limited and always in decline due to disease and suicide.

They need an continual influx of new victims to fill their ranks.

And young confused children are the perfect source for recruits into their perverted lifestyle. .... :doubt:
You heard it here first folks, from the Jihadist.
I never said I am in favor of "forcing" anything, dumbass. Go read the first post I made, where I said that I was NOT in favor of that.

I believe that the option to seek help to change IF THEY WANT TO should be there. I'm not sure if the SC was saying every last form of therapy is damaging or is refering to a specific form of therapy. Obviously some folks do change as the article Diablo posted points out. And there are quite a few ex-gays, so it seems obvious to me it's possible for some at the very least.

Pay attention next time, dummy. That way you don't end up looking like an idiot.

You're welcome for the advice.
More proof that the racist far left is anti-choice.

Scrambled as usual.

You would deny choice in a heart beat.

More unfound and ironic comments from the racist far left Obama drones.

So you will give gays the choice to marry one another.

So you recognize the choice of women for abortion and contraception.

So you allow the choice to continue stem cell research.

So children should have the right to choose sexual partners. [I know you do not believe that, and neither do I. I included the comment to show your silliness.]

So you allow the choice of free movement across our borders.
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I believe that the option to seek help to change IF THEY WANT TO should be there.

The issue is that (1) children can't consent and the (2) therapy does not work.
Only people with sub human IQ's think Conversion Therapy is science.

Its nothing more the fundy christian baboonism cloaked as "science"
Gays do not qualify for marriage unless they're marrying someone of the opposite sex like normal people. Fight for your civil union, Jake...I along with a lot of people wouldn't oppose it. We are against redefining marriage, because that sends the message tha they are the same, when their relationship clearly is NOT, nor is it healthy.
oh knock it look like a frikken loony toon

That is exactly how you defenders of "reparative therapy" sound. Like frikken loony toons.

I don't know if a homosexual can be treated with reparative therapy, I doubt it. But in theory they should be able to be repaired. Since homosexuality is not natural it therefore is something that can be changed, just don't know if once a gay always a gay. And the truth is that I don't believe that the gays know that something in their life caused them to go against that which is natural. So it seems natural to them.

Personally I don't care if someone does the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter, that is their choice. But don't try and tell me it doesn't go against nature. I am not sure why pro-gay folks are so anti-science.

Can you "repair" someone with Red hair? How about someone with Autism?

Then why would you think you can change someone who is gay?
Born Perfect shows that there is no need for this dangerous type of therapy on beautiful human beings who are perfect in their own right.

#BornPerfect: The Campaign to End Conversion Therapy - National Center for Lesbian Rights
The main reason the Homos are cheering this SC decision is quite simple.

Since queers basically don't reproduce the number of available partners is limited and always in decline due to disease and suicide.

They need an continual influx of new victims to fill their ranks.

And young confused children are the perfect source for recruits into their perverted lifestyle. .... :doubt:

Right, because gay children only come from gay parents. How fucking stupid can you be? Oh wait....I already know, you're a muslim.

You're in luck though, there is conversion therapy for your ailment.

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