Convince an atheist God exists

little man needs to learn his place in ALMIGHTY GOD'S creation.==BELIEVERS =Oh, what a wonderful God we have! How great are his wisdom and knowledge and riches! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his methods! 34 For who among us can know the mind of the Lord? Who knows enough to be his counselor and guide? 35 And who could ever offer to the Lord enough to induce him to act? 36 For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory. To him be glory evermore. Romans 11:33-36
Hi [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION]
I think you are listening to and repeating the WRONG people.
If you copy the wrong math answers, of course, those are NOT going to add up
and be consistent. So that is how you know those are not the full interpretations.
By definition the right answers will work for ALL people in order to be "universal truth."

1. The true believers among Muslims, Christians etc. will tell you it is the same God and the same Golden Rule and natural/divine law in all religions.
The differences are mainly cultural, just like Texas law is different from Alaskan laws.
These do not compete with each other and should all be consistent with the Constitution
as the law of the land for all people of all states. Similar with religions that are all under
one divine authority.

The true believers in Christ will also tell you that Jesus authority fulfills ALL tribes
and ALL laws of ALL people, nations and lands. They forgive and work with ALL people
regardless of faith or no faith.

Whoever tells you otherwise is being divided or divisive.
So be careful which people you listen to and repeat, so you don't multiply the false teachings
and obstruct the true teachers who have the message right where it works for all people of all faiths.

2. So if you repeat this division, and spread false teaching then you are being divisive and
equally false.

You cannot blame others if you are part of the problem!

You can find Universalists in any and ALL faiths, even atheists and secular humanists who do not reject any religion but include all cultures.

There is no reason to keep teaching only the "divisive" interpretations,
especially where these are contradictory! If you know something is wrong with that, why keep repeating and spreading it?

Obviously that is not the whole truth
if they don't even agree with each other, like math answers that don't match! Of course that means something is wrong!

When two people come up with conflicting answers,
Would you blame the math and throw out the system? Saying it's bogus because
no one is getting the same answers?

Or would you examine why people aren't agreeing, and find the people
who are getting consistent answers that match?
And use the RIGHT answers to correct the Wrong ones!

Otherwise, why the [heck] would you repeat the wrong answers
when the right ones are out there?

We wouldn't do that with math, why do this with religion?

The Bahai and Buddhists teach inclusion and independent investigation that treats all people as under the same laws and process of spiritual growth; I've met Atheists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus who teach that all people and all ways are included.

Why wouldn't you promote the interpretations of faith that work together under
universal laws as one for all humanity?

If you don't agree that one religion is right and the others are wrong
why the [heck] would you keep repeating this and spreading the problem?

If I know a math answer is wrong, I'm not going to spread that around everywhere.
I'm going to promote the right answers so nobody copies the wrong ones.

Doesn't that make more sense?

Audience? Any atheists? Did that convince you? :)

A BELIEVER'S DUTY is to give the poor,blinded unbeliever the TRUTH=THE WORD OF GOD not to ""convince" him,the unbeliever must chose to believe or reject GOD'S LOVE AND TRUTH.

God's love and truth? Is that the same God that says to kill your enemies or is it as Jesus said to love your enemies? And which religion's God is the real God or are we all worshiping the same God in different ways? A devout Christian will tell you that the Christian God is the only God, but a Muslim will tell you that Allah is the only God. And what about Jews who supposedly believe in the same God as Christians but reject that Christ was the son of God?
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Hi [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION]
I think you are listening to and repeating the WRONG people.
If you copy the wrong math answers, of course, those are NOT going to add up
and be consistent. So that is how you know those are not the full interpretations.
By definition the right answers will work for ALL people in order to be "universal truth."

1. The true believers among Muslims, Christians etc. will tell you it is the same God and the same Golden Rule and natural/divine law in all religions.
The differences are mainly cultural, just like Texas law is different from Alaskan laws.
These do not compete with each other and should all be consistent with the Constitution
as the law of the land for all people of all states. Similar with religions that are all under
one divine authority.

Whoever tells you otherwise is being divided or divisive.

2. So if you repeat this division, and spread false teaching then you are being divisive and
equally false.

You cannot blame others if you are part of the problem!

You can find Universalists in any and ALL faiths, even atheists and secular humanists who do not reject any religion but include all cultures.

There is no reason to keep teaching only the divisive interpretations,
especially where these are contradictory. obviously that is not the whole truth
if they don't even agree with each other, like math answers that don't match!

When two people come up with conflicting answers,
would you blame the math and throw out the system? Saying it's bogus because
no one is getting the same answers?

Or would you examine why people aren't agreeing, and find the people
who are getting consistent answers that match!

Now why the FU would you repeat the wrong answers
when the right ones are out there?

We wouldn't do that with math, why do this with religion?

The Bahai and Buddhists teach inclusion and independent investigation that treats all people as under the same laws and process of spiritual growth; I've met Atheists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus who teach that all people and all ways are included.

Why wouldn't you promote the interpretations of faith that work together under
universal laws as one for all humanity?

If you don't agree that one religion is right and the others are wrong
why the FU would you keep repeating this and spreading the problem?

A BELIEVER'S DUTY is to give the poor,blinded unbeliever the TRUTH=THE WORD OF GOD not to ""convince" him,the unbeliever must chose to believe or reject GOD'S LOVE AND TRUTH.

God's love and truth? Is that the same God that says to kill your enemies or is it as Jesus said to love your enemies? And which religion's God is the real God or are we all worshiping the same God in different ways? A devout Christian will tell you that the Christian God is the only God, but a Muslim will tell you that Allah is the only God. And what about Jews who supposedly believe in the same God as Christians but reject that Christ was the son of God?

LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED to get off your fat butt and seek truth. hint= you can find ALL truth in god's word!!!
I can't convince an atheist that God exists but I can introduce seeds of thought which the listener might nurture until a faith in God sprouts.

Seed #1. Prove you love your Mother.

I know you love her.

You know you love her.

Okay. Now, prove it.

Good luck!

Seed #2. Scientists measure what?

In a scientific attempt to prove or disprove or explain God scientists rely on the natural laws and elements for their experiments and theorems and scientific laws.

But who made the elements and who made the laws to work as they do?

Explain what came before the Big Bang theory and how.

These two seeds should set the stage for a decent start to discuss the existence of God.
For one, we cannot reason outside of our minds. However, we can reason that my mind emerges from a mind. And a mind, must be personal, since if I have something that that which my mind emerges out of does not have, then I must conclude that something can come from nothing, which is not only inconceivable but contradicts every claim I make about reality. Therefore, my mind emerges from a mind that is personal, which is god.

Or there is the old ontological argument...But I won't repeat it since everyone knows it.
DREAM ON!!! YOUR POSTS here prove otherwise!!!
It is dialogue like this that makes a conversation about God impossible. Ad hominems, personal attacks, references to intelligence, i.e. the truth about the existence or nonexistence of God is detailed in such a way that only people like ME can understand the details and you are not like ME but less intelligent. I think the issue of God is universal and people from all walks of life can contribute to where academic knowledge is irrelevant.

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