Convince an atheist God exists

If you can't use your own words to convince a hypothetical atheist God exists then why even post to this thread? Is your faith so completely wrapped up in other people's ideas or have you formed any of your own?
"Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." But I say, "The unchallenged faith is not worth sharing. For just as vigorous exercise causes microscopic tears in muscle, and fractures in bones which then grow back stronger than before, so does having our faith in things challenged, struck, shaken, and scutinized, after which, it reforms stronger precisely because it was attacked.""
- Me.
If you can't use your own words to convince a hypothetical atheist God exists then why even post to this thread? Is your faith so completely wrapped up in other people's ideas or have you formed any of your own?

What original ideas have you presented on these forums in the last year?
Not many.
Your knowledge of the Scripture you reject offhand is virtually nill except for cynicism your have cut and paste from other sites.
I asked you what your religion is and if you are Jewish if have received any Torah education and you ran off.
Are you ashamed by your lack of a knowledge base?
"Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." But I say, "The unchallenged faith is not worth sharing. For just as vigorous exercise causes microscopic tears in muscle, and fractures in bones which then grow back stronger than before, so does having our faith in things challenged, struck, shaken, and scutinized, after which, it reforms stronger precisely because it was attacked.""
- Me.

I don't know, guy.
You must be one bad assed self-hating Jew.
I think I better understand religious people and religion now. Took logging off and a few games of Tetris but it's like an old Star Trek episode where a society is controlled in their every action by a computer. It makes all their decisions for them and they walk around like in a trance receiving messages from the computer. When Kirk breaks the computer and the people all suddenly forced to make their own decisions they can't. That's what religions are. It's a refuge for people unable to, or afraid to think for themselves.

When I asked people to convince an atheist God exists they couldn't. Deprive them of the Bible (the computer in the analogy) and they can't think independently and convince anyone of anything. They've never had to before. Everyone at their church or synagogue or mosque already agrees with them whole or in part so their faith's never been challenged. But that's the way they want it. Whereas those that were raised to question everything especially authority, have asked questions about things like God, the validity of government, and the sciences. We unplugged ourselves long ago and can think independently.

If your faith matters to you, you should consider asking questions about it. If you believe God exists, explaining why to someone who doesn't already agree with you shouldn't be that hard. It's not about proving it, but convincing someone of a belief. Beliefs don't have to be proved. Yet when challenged everyone thinks that's what the question meant.

Convince an atheist God exists. Not 'prove it exists' but simply explain in your own words minus your religious texts why you personally believe.
That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
I think I better understand religious people and religion now. Took logging off and a few games of Tetris but it's like an old Star Trek episode where a society is controlled in their every action by a computer. It makes all their decisions for them and they walk around like in a trance receiving messages from the computer. When Kirk breaks the computer and the people all suddenly forced to make their own decisions they can't. That's what religions are. It's a refuge for people unable to, or afraid to think for themselves.

When I asked people to convince an atheist God exists they couldn't. Deprive them of the Bible (the computer in the analogy) and they can't think independently and convince anyone of anything. They've never had to before. Everyone at their church or synagogue or mosque already agrees with them whole or in part so their faith's never been challenged. But that's the way they want it. Whereas those that were raised to question everything especially authority, have asked questions about things like God, the validity of government, and the sciences. We unplugged ourselves long ago and can think independently.

If your faith matters to you, you should consider asking questions about it. If you believe God exists, explaining why to someone who doesn't already agree with you shouldn't be that hard. It's not about proving it, but convincing someone of a belief. Beliefs don't have to be proved. Yet when challenged everyone thinks that's what the question meant.

Convince an atheist God exists. Not 'prove it exists' but simply explain in your own words minus your religious texts why you personally believe.

You posted the assertion that the Bible cannot prove itself.
I posted a link to a seminar that will disprove that assertion.
You disappeared.
You think I can be convinced of ANYTHING in one or two postings?
I have to understand the subject before I start believing something.
Let's see if minus the name-calling and rude remarks anyone actually can without deflecting the question to a flame war. :) Bear in mind, no religious text proves its' own claims any more than the Twilight books proves the existence of vampires with sparkly skin. :)
Well of course God exists. It is quite obvious that we are not self-made beings. And we did not evolve from a tree, a rock, or the ocean. There has always been God, since time immemorial, who created us in our physical perfection and gave us our bodies so that we can carry-on and function in this life and dimension of existence.

No one has seen God and that appears to be the question many would point to for actual proof. They are seeking empirical evidence. But they will never find it because God is Spirit and spirit vibrates at a much higher rate that those who are incarnate who have a much denser body that vibrates at a much much lower rate than spirit. That is why we cannot see the spirit world that is all around us. But it exists. It is the same as we not being able to see television and radio waves yet they also exist and if it was not for them we could not receive a moving picture on television or hear voice and music on the radio. And then there is the air. Who has ever seen the air I would ask? We can feel it and hear it at times. The same with God if we are open to Him. Therefore, we cannot discount the fact that God exists simply because we cannot see Him. Man will never be able to fully understand anything other than perhaps that which is of the physical world. God is Spirit and man cannot grasp completely that which is of a spiritual nature. There is much more to say on this subject matter as I have made a study of it for many years so I am familiar with it.

Biblically speaking, there is only One true God. He is God in The Holy Trinity that is composed of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three persons in ONE. Some may not be able to grasp that concept but that does not invalidate His existence of course. That is why Jesus Christ said:

"I and my Father are One." -- JOHN 10:30 KJV

"Have we not all One Father? Hath not One God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our Father's?" -- MALACHI 2:10 KJV

"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is LORD of Heaven and Earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though He needed any thing, seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;" -- ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 17:24-25 KJV

"I Am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou has not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the West, there is none beside me. I Am the LORD, and there is none else." -- ISAIAH 45:5-6 KJV

Let's see if minus the name-calling and rude remarks anyone actually can without deflecting the question to a flame war. :) Bear in mind, no religious text proves its' own claims any more than the Twilight books proves the existence of vampires with sparkly skin. :)

Dear [MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION]:
the problem is the change is MUTUAL.

it takes as many theists to quit teaching that "personifying God" is "the only way" or is a different form of God "in conflict" with teaching laws of science and the universe as natural laws which atheists, nontheists and secular gentiles/humanists believe in and follow by conscience.

If more Christians/theists quit "excluding" nontheists, atheists and secular gentiles,
then we could create an environment where these views can be reconciled and aligned
as expressions of the same universal laws in life.

So it takes changing minds on both sides.
NOT changing theists or nontheists to each other's views!
But spreading this understanding that nobody NEEDS to convert from one view to the other.

These can be reconciled as they already exist
if people quit teaching it wrong, on BOTH sides, to be conflicting or mutually exclusive.

I AM interested in forming a consensus on God.
The biggest battle we face is changing the perception that the views are incompatible
and involve converting anyone. Once you get rid of that misperception, the work to reconcile still takes mutual effort, but at least people aren't fighting against each other but working to resolve adn deal with differences as they are, and aren't defeating themselves.

So it's easier but still a lot of work.

This can be done. People resolve differences all the time.
But it seems the only people we hear about, that determine the perception in the public an media are the absolute/fundamentalists who insist that one side is right and the other is wrong. That divisive exclusive approach must be resolved first, then the rest can follow.

I believe in forming a consensus as not only possible but inevitable, as we are meant to come to an understanding of common truth, including all our differences as they exist.
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PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! SEEK GOD IN HIS WORD AND TRUTH(PROOF) WILL BE REVEALED TO THOSE that really seek it,but if you are really just hoping their is no GOD so you can go on living in your pet sins and avoid your very near final judgment day WELL!!! DREAM ON!!

Audience? Any atheists? Did that convince you? :)

A BELIEVER'S DUTY is to give the poor,blinded unbeliever the TRUTH=THE WORD OF GOD not to ""convince" him,the unbeliever must chose to believe or reject GOD'S LOVE AND TRUTH.

God's love and truth? Is that the same God that says to kill your enemies or is it as Jesus said to love your enemies? And which religion's God is the real God or are we all worshiping the same God in different ways? A devout Christian will tell you that the Christian God is the only God, but a Muslim will tell you that Allah is the only God. And what about Jews who supposedly believe in the same God as Christians but reject that Christ was the son of God?
Can you convince a blind man that the sky is blue?

Speaking of blind people, do they see black like we would eyes-closed? Is black a color? Or do they 'see' something else entirely? Guess it'd depend on why they're blind, but generally speaking.
Only Emily get's a gold star. Another post was about to, but the second half was Scripture which doesn't mean anything to an atheist.
Convince an atheist God exists

I can't convince you that God exists anymore than you can convince me that God does not exist. In order for you to believe that God exists, you must have faith. If you do not have faith, you will never believe that God exists. It's all a matter of what you choose to believe. Personally, I believe in God but that's just me. If you do not believe that God exists, that's your choice and you are free to have that choice just as I am free to believe that God exists.
Convince an atheist God exists

I can't convince you that God exists anymore than you can convince me that God does not exist. In order for you to believe that God exists, you must have faith. If you do not have faith, you will never believe that God exists. It's all a matter of what you choose to believe. Personally, I believe in God but that's just me. If you do not believe that God exists, that's your choice and you are free to have that choice just as I am free to believe that God exists.

Can I ask you about why you chose to have faith in God? What reasons convinced you to choose? I don't think you just randomly chose to have faith, right, BBD? Something had to happen that made it seem to you that it made more sense to believe in God than not to. What as that?
Know ya asked another but he hasn't answered yet. So I'll offer you mine.

It's a big universe. To close the book on the possibility of God is foolish. Besides, what version of God is it you're using to say there is, or isn't? If you can define what God is, you've either invented your own or are describing something with an objective reality others looking at would agree, "yup, that's God all right."

Just because we invented religions about gods and God and they can be refuted and proven wrong doesn't mean the gods or God they're about doesn't exist. Just means the authors were wrong. Better then perhaps to keep an open mind and conceed every religion on Earth might be wrong, but God might still exist nonetheless. Is it really plausible a human mind could describe something capable of creating the whole universe and everything within it? We're still defining what the universe is and the things in it. Dark matter and energy and new fundamental particles like the Higgs' boson are still be discovered. Until we finish the book "This is what the universe is" expecting anyone to then tell you about who or what created it is asking a bit much. But closing the book on God before it's even done being written is silly.
Know ya asked another but he hasn't answered yet. So I'll offer you mine.

It's a big universe. To close the book on the possibility of God is foolish. Besides, what version of God is it you're using to say there is, or isn't? If you can define what God is, you've either invented your own or are describing something with an objective reality others looking at would agree, "yup, that's God all right."

Just because we invented religions about gods and God and they can be refuted and proven wrong doesn't mean the gods or God they're about doesn't exist. Just means the authors were wrong. Better then perhaps to keep an open mind and conceed every religion on Earth might be wrong, but God might still exist nonetheless. Is it really plausible a human mind could describe something capable of creating the whole universe and everything within it? We're still defining what the universe is and the things in it. Dark matter and energy and new fundamental particles like the Higgs' boson are still be discovered. Until we finish the book "This is what the universe is" expecting anyone to then tell you about who or what created it is asking a bit much. But closing the book on God before it's even done being written is silly.

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