Conyers: Obama Is Bowing Down To “Nutty Right Wing” On Health Care

Like spoiled little brats, they're never ever satisfied....It's part of who they are.
I bet by 2020, EVERYTHING will be a "right" according to them.

Education and health care have been "rights" for some time.

Now, INTERNET is a "right."
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Conyers is right. Obama thinks that playing nice with the Republicans will get them to offer up some support. Unlike the chickenshit Conservadems like Bayh and Lincoln, the GOP has a higher ideological purity bar than the College of Cardinals.
What good did Shrubbie's "playing nice", in letting Ted Kennedy write NCLB and passing their silly Medicare D program, amongst other things, get the repubs?

Besides zilch.
What good did Shrubbie's "playing nice", in letting Ted Kennedy write NCLB and passing their silly Medicare D program, amongst other things, get the repubs?

Besides zilch.

NCLB wasn't a Democratic bill. Some Democrats (Kennedy in the Senate and Miller in the House) supported it because they felt it would significantly increase education funding (which it didn't: education spending in real terms only increased by nine percent from 2001 to 2007), but that was a small concession given to draw in a few Democrats to give the appearance of bipartisanship. The core elements of the bill (mechanisms which attempt to tie teacher pay to test scores and push vouchers) are GOP priorities.

Similarly with the Medicare Modernization Act. Bush gave the Democrats one thing they wanted (Medicare to cover prescription drugs) to get "bipartisan" support for an attempt to privatize Medicare. Bonus: the drug benefit was structured in such a way that while being very expensive, seniors don't save that much. Most of the money goes to subsidies for drug companies and insurance agents.
See what I mean, folx?

You can give the little Lord Fauntleroy Fabian socialists anything and everything they want, right down to outright stealing their "ideas", and it will never ever be good enough. And when it turns out that what they wanted ends up being a huge stinking shit heap, it will because they didn't do it right.

You clods are truly comical.
Dude somehow thinks that if you throw a few scraps to the left while enacting right-wing legislation counts as giving the left everything they want. He furthermore thinks anyone to the left of Pinochet is a socialist.

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