Cool: OWS Rant

"When I fuck up, Who bails me out!"

True shit
Bankruptcy court, unemployment handouts, AFDC, WIC, food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance, heating assistance....That's who.

Maybe if you play your cards right, you could even dig up this asshole:

The Republicans may nominate a guy(Cain) who used to work for the Federal Reserve.
"When I fuck up, Who bails me out!"

True shit
Bankruptcy court, unemployment handouts, AFDC, WIC, food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance, heating assistance....That's who.

Maybe if you play your cards right, you could even dig up this asshole:


Damn those poor people!

Why can't they just starve and freeze to death quietly!
Typical change-the-subject bullshit from a typical brain dead leftist kook.

The ignoramus dickweed in the OP's "cool rant" wanted to know where his bailouts are and I supplied the list of them.

You are now cordially invited to go pound sand.

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