Coolest Summer I can remember...

It arrived by the year 2000. I mean, in 1990 the high priests of your foolish religion, Algore and Micheal Mann stated this unequivocally. So it obviously already happened - we were just all pub dupe hater deniers, so we couldn't recognize the revealed word of Gaia....

Standard Disclaimer: You DO grasp that you are really quite insane, utterly delusional, don't you?

You do grasp that you are fucking stupid, correct?

I grasp that your religion made predictions of doom - the EXACT ones that your mentally retarded acolyte crick is making now - about sea level rise, BY THE YEAR 2000, which not only failed to be dramatic, but failed to happen at all.

In other words, your voodoo priests are proven frauds, you're just too fucking stupid to grasp basic reality.

Hey, Algore has made hundreds of millions on this fraud, Mann has made tens of millions. THEY are charlatans - crooks fleecing the stupid. IF you are not stealing grant monies from the AGW fraud, then you are nothing but a fool. Now maybe you're a crook - OR you are just stupid - those are the only options.

Be more impressive if you would post links to what you state someone said. No link? Assumption is that you lied.
Why do you say that?

Because you are. All of you CAGW pushers are anti science.

I see. The American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Physics, the Geological Society of America, the American Geophysical Union, the National Academy of Science, yes, and even the Royal Society, the oldest scientific society in the world, are all anti-science. :eek::cuckoo:
You do grasp that you are fucking stupid, correct?

I grasp that your religion made predictions of doom - the EXACT ones that your mentally retarded acolyte crick is making now - about sea level rise, BY THE YEAR 2000, which not only failed to be dramatic, but failed to happen at all.

In other words, your voodoo priests are proven frauds, you're just too fucking stupid to grasp basic reality.

Hey, Algore has made hundreds of millions on this fraud, Mann has made tens of millions. THEY are charlatans - crooks fleecing the stupid. IF you are not stealing grant monies from the AGW fraud, then you are nothing but a fool. Now maybe you're a crook - OR you are just stupid - those are the only options.

Be more impressive if you would post links to what you state someone said. No link? Assumption is that you lied.

Just because it is safe to assume that you always lie does not make it safe to assume that everyone else always lies...That is the problem with being a habitual know that you do it all the time and therefore must either believe that there is something wrong with you or that everyone else does it all the time.

You have proven that you lie, fabricate, or misrepresent everything all the time...your suggestion above of all scientists being onboard the AGW hoax for example because the political heads of those organizations are onboard...Deliberate misrepresentation and very's just what you do...everyone else, however doesn't do it.
I grasp that your religion made predictions of doom - the EXACT ones that your mentally retarded acolyte crick is making now - about sea level rise, BY THE YEAR 2000, which not only failed to be dramatic, but failed to happen at all.

In other words, your voodoo priests are proven frauds, you're just too fucking stupid to grasp basic reality.

Hey, Algore has made hundreds of millions on this fraud, Mann has made tens of millions. THEY are charlatans - crooks fleecing the stupid. IF you are not stealing grant monies from the AGW fraud, then you are nothing but a fool. Now maybe you're a crook - OR you are just stupid - those are the only options.

Be more impressive if you would post links to what you state someone said. No link? Assumption is that you lied.

Just because it is safe to assume that you always lie does not make it safe to assume that everyone else always lies...That is the problem with being a habitual know that you do it all the time and therefore must either believe that there is something wrong with you or that everyone else does it all the time.

You have proven that you lie, fabricate, or misrepresent everything all the time...your suggestion above of all scientists being onboard the AGW hoax for example because the political heads of those organizations are onboard...Deliberate misrepresentation and very's just what you do...everyone else, however doesn't do it.

SSDD.......Ive known Ray for a long time now. Although in my view he might be misguided imo, he isn't dishonest like the other knuckleheads in here. Ray believes deeply in the AGW stuff......there is no doubt. He is no phoney........he backs his stuff with links all the time.

Now......these other bozo's are another matter. THEY do need to be painted as what they are.......frauds. Confused, naïve, weak minded hack frauds.:D:D
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In Colorado...

Anyone else experiencing the same?...

Spring was downright cold.



Here in New England too.

The weather has been fabulous. We've only hit 90 a couple times so far this summer and the humidity has been extremely low.
It's going to be 78 today on August 1st... It's a fucking Heatwave!... Global Warming has returned with a Vengeance!...

I knew I should've Voted for algore way back there in 20 and aught-aught.


It's going to be 78 today on August 1st... It's a fucking Heatwave!... Global Warming has returned with a Vengeance!...

I knew I should've Voted for algore way back there in 20 and aught-aught.



Same forcast here in deep east Texas. In a normal year I'd have picked 30 - 40 gallons of tomatoes, this year I stll wait for my first one to ripen.
I miss global warming.
Your cool summer is being caused by a Rossby wave which is a rearrangement of Arctic air, does not represent any cooling of average global temperatures and is, in fact, caused by increased temperatures of the tropical sea surface; ie, the Pacific warming that has prevented surface temperatures elsewhere from climbing for the last 15 years or so.
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Out in the Pocono's this weekend.......45 degree's last night and yesterday, temps in the mid 60's........mid-August. And shit.....some of the tree's leaves are turning gold. At this hotel Im at, all the people are scratching their head, saying "WTF?". Of course, my response is always, "We need some global warming around here!!". Volumes of laughter.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about Rossby waves in Scranton Pennsylvania.........they just know that they are freezing their balls off in summer. Only the AGW meatheads think people are feeling this cold and writing their representatives, "Shit......better pass some legislation nut sack is turning blue!!"
Out in the Pocono's this weekend.......45 degree's last night and yesterday, temps in the mid 60's........mid-August. And shit.....some of the tree's leaves are turning gold. At this hotel Im at, all the people are scratching their head, saying "WTF?". Of course, my response is always, "We need some global warming around here!!". Volumes of laughter.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about Rossby waves in Scranton Pennsylvania.........they just know that they are freezing their balls off in summer. Only the AGW meatheads think people are feeling this cold and writing their representatives, "Shit......better pass some legislation nut sack is turning blue!!"

I live in the deep south...typically it is hot here in the summer. I haven't been able to cut my grass now for going on 2 weeks because it doesn't get hot enough during the day to dry the dew off the grass...deep south....mid august...and the dew is still on the grass in late afternoon....and climate science is trying to say that this is one of the hottest summers ever.

I don't know that there has ever been a bigger bunch of liars in the history of the world. I hope I live long enough to see the legal consequences of this hoax catch up to the perpetrators.
Out in the Pocono's this weekend.......45 degree's last night and yesterday, temps in the mid 60's........mid-August. And shit.....some of the tree's leaves are turning gold. At this hotel Im at, all the people are scratching their head, saying "WTF?". Of course, my response is always, "We need some global warming around here!!". Volumes of laughter.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about Rossby waves in Scranton Pennsylvania.........they just know that they are freezing their balls off in summer. Only the AGW meatheads think people are feeling this cold and writing their representatives, "Shit......better pass some legislation nut sack is turning blue!!"

I live in the deep south...typically it is hot here in the summer. I haven't been able to cut my grass now for going on 2 weeks because it doesn't get hot enough during the day to dry the dew off the grass...deep south....mid august...and the dew is still on the grass in late afternoon....and climate science is trying to say that this is one of the hottest summers ever.

I don't know that there has ever been a bigger bunch of liars in the history of the world. I hope I live long enough to see the legal consequences of this hoax catch up to the perpetrators.

It is as close to the perfect scam as you can get. There is a plausible engineered explanation for every change in the climate we see........all based upon conjecture of course, cloaked as "science". Whats amazing is.....we have this largely low-information public out there that automatically buys the established narrative and which is reinforced every time there is a thunderstorm or a breezy day. Thankfully, since they are low information people, either way, their heads are up their ass or otherwise in the ground so they are having zero impact on public policy in the area of climate science as it relates to energy policy. And thank God for makes it a slam dunk that the science doesn't matter and is nothing more than an internet hobby and topic of discussion on college campuses. Other than that, nobody cares.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

It......"climate change" really has become irrelevant in 2014!! When is the last time you saw a TV show on it or even anything in the paper. Know why? Because it is a ratings snooze-fest.............networks don't dare run these stories because they lose viewers in droves!!!! Zukerman at CNN even admitted it a few months ago...............said the viewing public doesn't give a rats ass about climate change.

Who's not winning?????????
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NYC we're not getting above 83 for the rest of the "summer"

Might want to ask Michael Mann for a refund on the pool pass
Why do you say that?

Because you are. All of you CAGW pushers are anti science.

I see. The American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Physics, the Geological Society of America, the American Geophysical Union, the National Academy of Science, yes, and even the Royal Society, the oldest scientific society in the world, are all anti-science. :eek::cuckoo:

They are all pro government grant money
"Anti-science"..................nope...................anti-crock of shit!!!:funnyface:

The AGW nutters think they are going to initiate some groundswell of activism to convert people to their version of the "science". Nothing could be more absurd........nobody cares. "Anti-science" is another buzzword talking point for the established narrative these climate obsessed bozo's wish to perpetuate. Go check any of the material in the far left manifesto's.....people like Saul Alinsky........its a means to an ends for the creation of the socialistic utopia's these nuts have embraced since their first readings of the social philosophers, who, by the way, never wrote about how the economics of their societies would work. That was conveniently ignored.:D:coffee:, yeah, the thing of it is that the unseasonable cool is accounted for in the models once activate the retroactive data adjuster
August 16, deep south...sunny skies...just walked out to the barn to get my mower and my feet were soaked by the time I got there....dew as heavy on the grass as one usually sees at 5 in the morning. Hottest summer my ass.
Do you really think your morning walk out to the barn allows you to make a valid judgement for the rest of the northern hemisphere?

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