Coolest Summer I can remember...

Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5 C since early 2007. Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this. This is completely contrary to the CO2 caused global warming theory, which states that the earth's temperature should be quickly rising because atmospheric CO2 is rising quickly.

The AGW "theory" supports the rise in CO2 equates a rise in temperature. However the last 17 years completely contradicts the AGW "theory".

In other words AGW is a religion not based on science.

No warming...




No warming at all
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Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5 C since early 2007. Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this. This is completely contrary to the CO2 caused global warming theory, which states that the earth's temperature should be quickly rising because atmospheric CO2 is rising quickly.

The AGW "theory" supports the rise in CO2 equates a rise in temperature. However the last 17 years completely contradicts the AGW "theory".

In other words AGW is a religion not based on science.

No warming...




No warming at all

So how does this prove AGW?

How does this prove that CO2 drives climate?


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.

Nope no warming when put in context, something the AGW cult does not understand.
And, with the feedbacks, what will CO2 levels be in 25,000 years?

SSDD, you're just not very good at this. Why do you keep trying? You have to know you're just going to keep finding new ways to fail.

CO2 does not drive climate.

Has always been this way.


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.


Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.

Sorry but I hate seeing numbers and data when all that really matters to me is the result and not just presented with these. But these are useful though, I am just not a fan of research and all. Seems to me, that the authorities or anyone in the higher position who are assigned for this matter isn't doing any better, this is just my opinion. But thanks Kosh for the info your presented.
A rise of 4-6C and 15-20 feet of sea level will arrive in our children's lifetimes. The ice age you mention will not arrive within the next 25,000 years.

Probably no ice age at all. Unless we cut the CO2 levels, we've cancelled the next ice age.

When the ice age that we are currently in began, CO2 levels were close to 600ppm...the cold period before that started with CO2 levels at nearly 2500ppm...the ice age before that began with CO2 levels in excess of 4000ppm. What makes warmers so stupid?

What makes you so Goddamned stupid as to think we accept your numbers without referances or links to sources.
A rise of 4-6C and 15-20 feet of sea level will arrive in our children's lifetimes. The ice age you mention will not arrive within the next 25,000 years.

It arrived by the year 2000. I mean, in 1990 the high priests of your foolish religion, Algore and Micheal Mann stated this unequivocally. So it obviously already happened - we were just all pub dupe hater deniers, so we couldn't recognize the revealed word of Gaia....

Standard Disclaimer: You DO grasp that you are really quite insane, utterly delusional, don't you?

You do grasp that you are fucking stupid, correct?
I am an "native" of Colorado. I remember the cool rains in the summer like every third day or so here in Denver going back a few years, (fifty decades) cooling off the place in mid summer. Last summer, record days of temps over 100 for a over a week , that was ridiculous. Is it getting "cooler" because it's under 100, yeah. Is that normal Colorado weather? Umm. No. it is getting warmer and drier, thanks for asking. So says a native with a few years experience.

It was in the low 60s yesterday... And record rain the day before. I am a Native... 43 years. And we've had hot dry Summers and rainy ones. This Summer is very odd.


And, with the feedbacks, what will CO2 levels be in 25,000 years?

SSDD, you're just not very good at this. Why do you keep trying? You have to know you're just going to keep finding new ways to fail.

What feedbacks? Tell me which feedbacks you are talking about...quantify them...and provide the proof to support the quantification. Lets hear about the feedbacks.
Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5 C since early 2007. Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this. This is completely contrary to the CO2 caused global warming theory, which states that the earth's temperature should be quickly rising because atmospheric CO2 is rising quickly.

The AGW "theory" supports the rise in CO2 equates a rise in temperature. However the last 17 years completely contradicts the AGW "theory".

In other words AGW is a religion not based on science.

No warming...




No warming at all

You just aren't good with graphs are you? Par for a fake ocean engineer. Your graph seems to show less ocean heat accumulation post 2000...and other than being a bit flatter since the warming stopped, doesn't show anything unusual happening. Describe the mechanism by which you think the oceans ate the non existent warming and when you think the oceans are going to cough up the non existent warming.
Probably no ice age at all. Unless we cut the CO2 levels, we've cancelled the next ice age.

When the ice age that we are currently in began, CO2 levels were close to 600ppm...the cold period before that started with CO2 levels at nearly 2500ppm...the ice age before that began with CO2 levels in excess of 4000ppm. What makes warmers so stupid?

What makes you so Goddamned stupid as to think we accept your numbers without referances or links to sources.

Every word you utter makes me think you are damned stupid. You claim to be a geologist....a lie of course, but even a fake geologist should have an inkling of what past CO2 levels were...are you saying that you don't?
The global warmings is outta control. CNN tolds me so.

LOL.....but probably not. CNN released a story not too long ago, and posted up in here.....that they do very little climate change stories because, "There is very little interest.":funnyface::lmao::funnyface: And that's on CNN:eek:.......only the anti-American left watch that network and ALL embrace climate alarmism doom shit.!!!:D
And.......they have nothing to prove their claim. It's flippin hilarious that they continue day after day, hour after hour, and still nothing. Then they ask that question. Too funny, too funny!

And now we'll get all the useless graphs again. hahahahahahahahahaha, it's all they got. Repeated daily.
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Record cold this winter and record lows this summer, wish it twas like this every year...

And wouldn't you know that Crick lives in heat. That's too funny also, wow all of these killer laughs today. Not sure I can take much more of this fun!
A rise of 4-6C and 15-20 feet of sea level will arrive in our children's lifetimes. The ice age you mention will not arrive within the next 25,000 years.

It arrived by the year 2000. I mean, in 1990 the high priests of your foolish religion, Algore and Micheal Mann stated this unequivocally. So it obviously already happened - we were just all pub dupe hater deniers, so we couldn't recognize the revealed word of Gaia....

Standard Disclaimer: You DO grasp that you are really quite insane, utterly delusional, don't you?

You do grasp that you are fucking stupid, correct?

I grasp that your religion made predictions of doom - the EXACT ones that your mentally retarded acolyte crick is making now - about sea level rise, BY THE YEAR 2000, which not only failed to be dramatic, but failed to happen at all.

In other words, your voodoo priests are proven frauds, you're just too fucking stupid to grasp basic reality.

Hey, Algore has made hundreds of millions on this fraud, Mann has made tens of millions. THEY are charlatans - crooks fleecing the stupid. IF you are not stealing grant monies from the AGW fraud, then you are nothing but a fool. Now maybe you're a crook - OR you are just stupid - those are the only options.

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