Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

And that is where the logic breaks down. The officer told him not to move and he did, now doubt enters the picture cause the dude told him he had a gun. That's why the commands by a LEO are to be obeyed. Removes the doubt.
Sorry, but I refuse to accept the Liberal idea of a police state.
Wrong. The driver was told not to move. He moved. Under the circumstances the shooting is justified.

If it is not, you are going to see far fewer cops nationwide, because none of sound mind are going to accept that kind of risk.
So, if a schoolgirl says "I'm going to kill you" and reaches into her little pink pony backpack, you'd feel justified in blowing her fucking little head off? Interesting.

What's interesting is your level of abject stupidity.
you certainly did you low life

i see you are too much of a prick to admit it
Admit what? That I called you on claiming reaching under a seat is justification for shooting someone? Calling you on your claim a gun was seen? Calling you on your misreading of the Minnisotat statutes? Fine, let the courts work it out, but I strongly doubt you'll like the precedent of "suspicion" becoming justification for being shot. If you want to push that idea and interpret 609.065 as meaning "suspicion is enough to justify taking a life", then I hope a pissed off neighbor of yours never calls 911 and reports your description, car and plate number as seen leaving the scene of a crime.

609.066 - 2015 Minnesota Statutes

609.065 - 2015 Minnesota Statutes
The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor's place of abode.
What's interesting is your level of abject stupidity.
That's fine. I get it all the time from both Left and Right Wing extremist dumasses. These people are always too fucking stupid to think for themselves and simply parrot the memes of the crowd they are running with.
Want some more "guesses"?
The gun used in the robbery and the gun recovered from underneath the driver's seat is a rare model. Very uncommon. Turns out it was stolen from a collection a couple of years ago.
Fact. The negro caught on the convenience store surveillance tape was wearing the SAME clothing as the 'victim' in the car.
Go figure.
The police have stated no CCW application was ever made by the 'victim'. The NYTs has tracked down the false claim the 'victim' had a CCW and debunked the claim.
The LEO who shot the 'victim' has given a sworn statement that he repeatedly told the 'victim' to keep BOTH hands on the steering wheel. (The LEO had called for back-up and was waiting for assistance). The LEO has stated he could see the butt end of a handgun under the driver's seat and the 'victim' kept trying to make a grab for the gun.
When the 'victim's' hand touched the gun the LEO opened fire.
It doesn't matter if it turns out he was an ISIS operative and planning to nuke Minneapolis, the fact remains suspicion is not justification for shooting. You can bullshit all you want, use all the 20/20 hindsight all you and use post-shooting evidence all you want, but in a court of law, all that will matter is whether or not the police officer had proper justification to shoot at the moment he did so.
Golly, really? You're a tower of brilliance.
I said we don't have the facts about the shooting, didn't say it was justified or not. You are smarmy lying cocksucker. II see I'm not the only one drawing that conclusion "divine wind". Go stink up another board.
It is odd. That's because it occurs between your fucking ears. An odd place indeed. Thanks for the "divine wind". Now somebody open a window please.
I think troll is an apt description for him/her. He regularly misrepresents what people say in order to try to appear above you. Since the words are still there it's either brain damage or trolling, I don't see another option.
Who said it was? How did you get to be such a gasbag?
Post where I said I didn't post it. So that's two now. My challenge to you was simple. You claimed I called it a good shooting so I said post where I said that or be a little cvnt.

You can't so that makes you a little cvnt. A stupid one at that.
It's interesting that I've had such an influence on you that you felt to post so many angry posts in response.

BTW, it's spelled "C-U-N-T", dumb ass. At first I thought it was a typo, but since you've repeatedly spelled it "cvnt", clearly you're not only a misogynistic hothead, but an ignorant illiterate waste of space too.
Golly, really? You're a tower of brilliance.
I said we don't have the facts about the shooting, didn't say it was justified or not. You are smarmy lying cocksucker. II see I'm not the only one drawing that conclusion "divine wind". Go stink up another board.
It is odd. That's because it occurs between your fucking ears. An odd place indeed. Thanks for the "divine wind". Now somebody open a window please.
I think troll is an apt description for him/her. He regularly misrepresents what people say in order to try to appear above you. Since the words are still there it's either brain damage or trolling, I don't see another option.
Who said it was? How did you get to be such a gasbag?
Post where I said I didn't post it. So that's two now. My challenge to you was simple. You claimed I called it a good shooting so I said post where I said that or be a little cvnt.

You can't so that makes you a little cvnt. A stupid one at that.
It's interesting that I've had such an influence on you that you felt to post so many angry posts in response.

BTW, it's spelled "****", dumb ass. At first I thought it was a typo, but since you've repeatedly spelled it "cvnt", clearly you're not only a misogynistic hothead, but an ignorant illiterate waste of space too.
Ah, here he is humping my leg again.

That word is censored, LOL. How dumb can you be? So where did I say it was a good shooting? Or bad. You missed that part and focused (stupidly) on a censored word.
...You missed that part and focused (stupidly) on a censored word.
Missed what point? That a self-described weasel made multiple long ridiculing another person's username? That you are posting opinion as fact? That you are severely pissed at me and, lacking both education and intellect, simply spend your time calling me a "cvnt"?
looking at the title of this thread
Cop shoots dead licensed conceal carry holder,
I dont see a problem here, evidently the guy was already dead.
the question is why was the woman driving around with a body in the car?
that being said, does anyone else thing she was maybe just a bit too calm and collective considering what happened?

some people do remain amazingly calm during

very traumatic events
...You missed that part and focused (stupidly) on a censored word.
Missed what point? That a self-described weasel made multiple long ridiculing another person's username? That you are posting opinion as fact? That you are severely pissed at me and, lacking both education and intellect, simply spend your time calling me a "cvnt"?
I called you a cvnt for a reason. You act like a little hurt cvnt. Thanks for "correcting" the spelling, lol. As I was saying, you were claiming I said it was a good shooting so I challenged you on it and yet here you are, humping my leg instead.
the gun was legal

that is actually still an unknown
Agreed. Legal or not, permit or not, to be a lawful shooting, he had to produce a gun and the police officer had to have a reasonable fear he'd use it. Having an illegal gun without a permit is not a justifiable reason for killing someone.

to be a lawful shooting, he had to produce a gun

that actually is not true
So you think a police officer can just shoot him for being black? Reaching under his seat?

609.066 - 2015 Minnesota Statutes
Subdivision 1.Deadly force defined.

For the purposes of this section, "deadly force" means force which the actor uses with the purpose of causing, or which the actor should reasonably know creates a substantial risk of causing, death or great bodily harm. The intentional discharge of a firearm, other than a firearm loaded with less lethal munitions and used by a peace officer within the scope of official duties, in the direction of another person, or at a vehicle in which another person is believed to be, constitutes deadly force. "Less lethal munitions" means projectiles which are designed to stun, temporarily incapacitate, or cause temporary discomfort to a person. "Peace officer" has the meaning given in section 626.84, subdivision 1.

Subd. 2.Use of deadly force.

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 609.06 or 609.065, the use of deadly force by a peace officer in the line of duty is justified only when necessary:

(1) to protect the peace officer or another from apparent death or great bodily harm;

(2) to effect the arrest or capture, or prevent the escape, of a person whom the peace officer knows or has reasonable grounds to believe has committed or attempted to commit a felony involving the use or threatened use of deadly force; or

(3) to effect the arrest or capture, or prevent the escape, of a person whom the officer knows or has reasonable grounds to believe has committed or attempted to commit a felony if the officer reasonably believes that the person will cause death or great bodily harm if the person's apprehension is delayed.

why are you lying about what i posted makes you look like a low life troll

is that what you are asshole

you posted this to be a lawful shooting, he had to produce a gun

which is obviously incorrect

the perp does not have to produce a a gun or any other weapon

you didnt read 609.065 did ya


The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor's place of abode.

in addition clause one of your link

(1) to protect the peace officer or another from apparent death or great bodily harm;

the cop said he saw his firearm

and was refusing lawful orders

oh btw it is looking like the pistol was exposed in his waistband
I think troll is an apt description for him/her. He regularly misrepresents what people say in order to try to appear above you. Since the words are still there it's either brain damage or trolling, I don't see another option.

yeah that seems to be about right
you certainly did you low life

i see you are too much of a prick to admit it
Admit what? That I called you on claiming reaching under a seat is justification for shooting someone? Calling you on your claim a gun was seen? Calling you on your misreading of the Minnisotat statutes? Fine, let the courts work it out, but I strongly doubt you'll like the precedent of "suspicion" becoming justification for being shot. If you want to push that idea and interpret 609.065 as meaning "suspicion is enough to justify taking a life", then I hope a pissed off neighbor of yours never calls 911 and reports your description, car and plate number as seen leaving the scene of a crime.

609.066 - 2015 Minnesota Statutes

609.065 - 2015 Minnesota Statutes
The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor's place of abode.

That I called you on claiming reaching under a seat is justification for shooting someone?

there you go with your lies again

sad really for you lies are all you have

never once did i post that it was justified

your claim is false

where the fuck in the law does it say a cop needs to see a gun

in order to claim self defense
I called you a cvnt for a reason. You act like a little hurt cvnt. Thanks for "correcting" the spelling, lol. As I was saying, you were claiming I said it was a good shooting so I challenged you on it and yet here you are, humping my leg instead.
Thanks for, once again, proving me correct.
there you go with your lies again

sad really for you lies are all you have

never once did i post that it was justified

your claim is false

where the fuck in the law does it say a cop needs to see a gun

in order to claim self defense
You're a little all over the place here, Jon.

First you accuse me of lying about the reaching under a seat is justification for shooting, claim I'm "false" about how suspicion alone isn't justification for shooting then you say a "cop" doesn't need to see a gun to shoot someone one. WTF?
How, did, I, prove, you, correct, Mr. Spelling Bee?
That you are a low-intellect hothead who devolves into name-calling when called on false statements.

BTW, habitually angry people often have health problems and end up dying before happy people. My revenge will be to outlive all the hotheaded racist assholes so I can drink a beer over their graves before letting my dog take a shit on it. ;)

7 Ways Anger Is Ruining Your Health
1. An angry outburst puts your heart at great risk.

2. Anger ups your stroke risk.

3. It weakens your immune system.

4. Anger problems can make your anxiety worse.

5. Anger is also linked to depression.

6. Hostility can hurt your lungs.

7. Anger can shorten your life.
there you go with your lies again

sad really for you lies are all you have

never once did i post that it was justified

your claim is false

where the fuck in the law does it say a cop needs to see a gun

in order to claim self defense
You're a little all over the place here, Jon.

First you accuse me of lying about the reaching under a seat is justification for shooting, claim I'm "false" about how suspicion alone isn't justification for shooting then you say a "cop" doesn't need to see a gun to shoot someone one. WTF?

quit going around in circles

it is boring and childish

and a sign you lost

in your lies
I watched the video earlier this morning. The girlfriend claims he has no criminal record and is licensed to carry, and if that proves to be true then it really was a senseless shooting. If he was legal to carry and had no warrants or record then he would have no reason to be reaching for his gun. Seeing as how the video starts after the shooting though all the facts may never come out.

more facts need to come out

she said he was reaching for his license

she corrected the cop

she said "you told him to get his license then shot him 4 times "

at this point i tend to believe her

I would sure like to see more facts and see who that cop was. I'm mostly believing the story of the woman at this point as well
Why? What's been factual? He was a suspect, she said he had a CC card. Said he was going for his ID , nope to all she said, makes her a liar.
cop says he could see the gun and the suspect refused to stop moving
What the hell else would he say?! "I panicked and blasted him?"
Dude in car had gun few days earlier when he armed robbery carton of Newports and some cash? Reasonable suspicion.

many of you owe Danny an apology (or partial? ) I think he called it all early on but you don't like his choice of words always. When you all perfect, let us know.
Are you on LSD?

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