Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

I am not a racist and have never advocated violence against anyone. You lied. But that'll all get sorted out. And stay tuned, i have a few more Police State updates for ya. The problem isn't going away. Nothing's gonna change till we reverse this Militarization process.
Dude, you're clearly a racist and you've been inciting violence for a lot longer than I've been calling you on it.

Let the FBI and jury decide. $1000 bet says I win.

The problem with these racist people is they are so used to it and don't even realize that they are racist. Maybe they were born that way.
You said how you conduct business. maybe you lied about all of it, who knows. I said it was bullshit and you flew into a rage and did nothing but prove you're full of shit. No way all 28 cops would express their thoughts on gun rights to you let alone think armed civilians are a bad thing. Thing is most are married to a civilian, have friends and uphold the constitution. Like I said, I've been a long time member of a LEO forum and have a good idea what most believe. The fact you are this tweaked out over it demonstrates a problem. You talked shit, got busted on it and are trying desperately to save face. You don't have the temperament to run a business so I doubt that's even true.

Dude I'm trying to clear your stupidity. You don't even know me and telling me about my temper. How stupid can you be? And I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not. Look at Trump temper is he not a businessman?

I gave you an example that cops don't like armed civilians. And still you cannot grasp. You assumed that all armed civilians are good guys. Since when I mentioned about gun rights?
I doubt that you are even involved in LEO activities at all.
If a cop stop any civilians ............... What do you think they are scared about? Or suspect something they have? GUNS GUNS GUNS.......
Please don't tell me cops are scared that this civilians has a donut.
If this do not get to your brain I don't know what else to tell you.
Detroit Police Chief Recommends Concealed Carry | The Arms Guide

From what I can tell most cops don't really care if a person with a CC permit is carrying

That is if the cop knew the person.

If you are a cop or ask the cop that you know.......
1. Do they assumed that a person carrying a gun has a cc permit? Or should feel confident that a person carrying a gun is a law abiding citizen. I don't think so.
2. Do they assumed that all civilians carrying a gun is a good guy? I don't think so.
3. All I mean ALL cops are jittery and paranoid when they hear a word gun or see a gun. That's a proven facts.
4. When they stop a civilians the most they are concerned with is ........... GUNS........ Is this person armed? That's a fact.
5. When they go places or any places the most they are scared with is gunfights. That's a fact.
Now tell me......... if cops like armed civilians.

Now if I ask 2aguy ......... The whole world should be armed like Chicago and ME. And that's a problem.
Weasel? I don't know what to tell you.

If we are talking traffic stops a cop appreciates it when the driver hands his cc permit over with his license and even in states that do not require notification this is what I recommend.

As I have posted earlier I have had experience with being pulled over while carrying

Have you actually talked to any cops about this?

I have. I shoot with some state troopers and know about a half dozen other local cops in various towns. They don't worry about legal CC permit holders as much as you say

Cops are trained to be wary at all traffic stops and not just because of guns

Yes and I agree 100%. Cops don't worry about CC permits.........I have 28 LEO working for me as security guard and I know the very well after many years. They are spread in 3 locations Atlanta, Allentown and San Diego.

My point and argument with Weasel was......... LEO don't like armed civilians running around. Every time they stop any motorist .......... First question............ Is this person armed?Always assumed that this person is armed or stupid......... The rest read my post #789 again.

Good example Castile and Sterling shooting.

On the side ......... Castile was a robbery suspect that is why backup was there right on the spot. If they suspect him of ARMED robbery............... Meaning he is extremely dangerous. Why did Yanez approached him? Normally the protocol is use a bullhorn or something to get him out of his car. Ask him hands up walk slowly backward or lay on the ground................... I got this information from 2 of my cops that are working the other day.
Why would a cop want someone to get out of a car? Makes no logical sense. The cop in his car becomes vulnerable. How stupid is that?

Damn I hate stupid.
The problem with these racist people is they are so used to it and don't even realize that they are racist. Maybe they were born that way.
Racism is cultural, not genetic. However, human beings are naturally xenophobic as a survival trait, but the human ability to reason can overcome that inclination.
Dude I'm trying to clear your stupidity. You don't even know me and telling me about my temper. How stupid can you be? And I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not. Look at Trump temper is he not a businessman?

I gave you an example that cops don't like armed civilians. And still you cannot grasp. You assumed that all armed civilians are good guys. Since when I mentioned about gun rights?
I doubt that you are even involved in LEO activities at all.
If a cop stop any civilians ............... What do you think they are scared about? Or suspect something they have? GUNS GUNS GUNS.......
Please don't tell me cops are scared that this civilians has a donut.
If this do not get to your brain I don't know what else to tell you.
Detroit Police Chief Recommends Concealed Carry | The Arms Guide

From what I can tell most cops don't really care if a person with a CC permit is carrying

That is if the cop knew the person.

If you are a cop or ask the cop that you know.......
1. Do they assumed that a person carrying a gun has a cc permit? Or should feel confident that a person carrying a gun is a law abiding citizen. I don't think so.
2. Do they assumed that all civilians carrying a gun is a good guy? I don't think so.
3. All I mean ALL cops are jittery and paranoid when they hear a word gun or see a gun. That's a proven facts.
4. When they stop a civilians the most they are concerned with is ........... GUNS........ Is this person armed? That's a fact.
5. When they go places or any places the most they are scared with is gunfights. That's a fact.
Now tell me......... if cops like armed civilians.

Now if I ask 2aguy ......... The whole world should be armed like Chicago and ME. And that's a problem.
Weasel? I don't know what to tell you.

If we are talking traffic stops a cop appreciates it when the driver hands his cc permit over with his license and even in states that do not require notification this is what I recommend.

As I have posted earlier I have had experience with being pulled over while carrying

Have you actually talked to any cops about this?

I have. I shoot with some state troopers and know about a half dozen other local cops in various towns. They don't worry about legal CC permit holders as much as you say

Cops are trained to be wary at all traffic stops and not just because of guns

Yes and I agree 100%. Cops don't worry about CC permits.........I have 28 LEO working for me as security guard and I know the very well after many years. They are spread in 3 locations Atlanta, Allentown and San Diego.

My point and argument with Weasel was......... LEO don't like armed civilians running around. Every time they stop any motorist .......... First question............ Is this person armed?Always assumed that this person is armed or stupid......... The rest read my post #789 again.

Good example Castile and Sterling shooting.

On the side ......... Castile was a robbery suspect that is why backup was there right on the spot. If they suspect him of ARMED robbery............... Meaning he is extremely dangerous. Why did Yanez approached him? Normally the protocol is use a bullhorn or something to get him out of his car. Ask him hands up walk slowly backward or lay on the ground................... I got this information from 2 of my cops that are working the other day.
Why would a cop want someone to get out of a car? Makes no logical sense. The cop in his car becomes vulnerable. How stupid is that?

Damn I hate stupid.

You don't have any clue what you are talking about........... This just shows how ignorant you are.......... Why do you think the back up was there when they stopped Castile? Suspect of ARMED robbery...........
Meaning he is armed and dangerous. You do NOT approach a car if you suspect him/her of armed robbery...........
Cops stay next to their patrol car with door open and gun drawn............. Then use a bullhorn to get the suspect out of the car. Hands up walk backward move away from the car. Then hand cuff him.................. That is the standard protocol. Idiot.
Officer Yanez approached the car. Look what happened. Idiot.
Have you been watching car chase? At the end of the chase ............. Cops do not immediately approach the car they ask these asshole to get out of the car move away from the car hand up or lay on ground. Then handcuffs these idiots like you. That is the standard protocol. Stupid.
Detroit Police Chief Recommends Concealed Carry | The Arms Guide

From what I can tell most cops don't really care if a person with a CC permit is carrying

That is if the cop knew the person.

If you are a cop or ask the cop that you know.......
1. Do they assumed that a person carrying a gun has a cc permit? Or should feel confident that a person carrying a gun is a law abiding citizen. I don't think so.
2. Do they assumed that all civilians carrying a gun is a good guy? I don't think so.
3. All I mean ALL cops are jittery and paranoid when they hear a word gun or see a gun. That's a proven facts.
4. When they stop a civilians the most they are concerned with is ........... GUNS........ Is this person armed? That's a fact.
5. When they go places or any places the most they are scared with is gunfights. That's a fact.
Now tell me......... if cops like armed civilians.

Now if I ask 2aguy ......... The whole world should be armed like Chicago and ME. And that's a problem.
Weasel? I don't know what to tell you.

If we are talking traffic stops a cop appreciates it when the driver hands his cc permit over with his license and even in states that do not require notification this is what I recommend.

As I have posted earlier I have had experience with being pulled over while carrying

Have you actually talked to any cops about this?

I have. I shoot with some state troopers and know about a half dozen other local cops in various towns. They don't worry about legal CC permit holders as much as you say

Cops are trained to be wary at all traffic stops and not just because of guns

Yes and I agree 100%. Cops don't worry about CC permits.........I have 28 LEO working for me as security guard and I know the very well after many years. They are spread in 3 locations Atlanta, Allentown and San Diego.

My point and argument with Weasel was......... LEO don't like armed civilians running around. Every time they stop any motorist .......... First question............ Is this person armed?Always assumed that this person is armed or stupid......... The rest read my post #789 again.

Good example Castile and Sterling shooting.

On the side ......... Castile was a robbery suspect that is why backup was there right on the spot. If they suspect him of ARMED robbery............... Meaning he is extremely dangerous. Why did Yanez approached him? Normally the protocol is use a bullhorn or something to get him out of his car. Ask him hands up walk slowly backward or lay on the ground................... I got this information from 2 of my cops that are working the other day.
Why would a cop want someone to get out of a car? Makes no logical sense. The cop in his car becomes vulnerable. How stupid is that?

Damn I hate stupid.

You don't have any clue what you are talking about........... This just shows how ignorant you are.......... Why do you think the back up was there when they stopped Castile? Suspect of ARMED robbery...........
Meaning he is armed and dangerous. You do NOT approach a car if you suspect him/her of armed robbery...........
Cops stay next to their patrol car with door open and gun drawn............. Then use a bullhorn to get the suspect out of the car. Hands up walk backward move away from the car. Then hand cuff him.................. That is the standard protocol. Idiot.
Officer Yanez approached the car. Look what happened. Idiot.
Have you been watching car chase? At the end of the chase ............. Cops do not immediately approach the car they ask these asshole to get out of the car move away from the car hand up or lay on ground. Then handcuffs these idiots like you. That is the standard protocol. Stupid.
sorry friend, I have never seen that on a routine stop to investigate. they have always stated for the driver to stay in the vehicle. Period. It is control for them. Seems you have a lot to learn. If the dude already had his gun in his hand, that would have been completely different.
That is if the cop knew the person.

If you are a cop or ask the cop that you know.......
1. Do they assumed that a person carrying a gun has a cc permit? Or should feel confident that a person carrying a gun is a law abiding citizen. I don't think so.
2. Do they assumed that all civilians carrying a gun is a good guy? I don't think so.
3. All I mean ALL cops are jittery and paranoid when they hear a word gun or see a gun. That's a proven facts.
4. When they stop a civilians the most they are concerned with is ........... GUNS........ Is this person armed? That's a fact.
5. When they go places or any places the most they are scared with is gunfights. That's a fact.
Now tell me......... if cops like armed civilians.

Now if I ask 2aguy ......... The whole world should be armed like Chicago and ME. And that's a problem.
Weasel? I don't know what to tell you.

If we are talking traffic stops a cop appreciates it when the driver hands his cc permit over with his license and even in states that do not require notification this is what I recommend.

As I have posted earlier I have had experience with being pulled over while carrying

Have you actually talked to any cops about this?

I have. I shoot with some state troopers and know about a half dozen other local cops in various towns. They don't worry about legal CC permit holders as much as you say

Cops are trained to be wary at all traffic stops and not just because of guns

Yes and I agree 100%. Cops don't worry about CC permits.........I have 28 LEO working for me as security guard and I know the very well after many years. They are spread in 3 locations Atlanta, Allentown and San Diego.

My point and argument with Weasel was......... LEO don't like armed civilians running around. Every time they stop any motorist .......... First question............ Is this person armed?Always assumed that this person is armed or stupid......... The rest read my post #789 again.

Good example Castile and Sterling shooting.

On the side ......... Castile was a robbery suspect that is why backup was there right on the spot. If they suspect him of ARMED robbery............... Meaning he is extremely dangerous. Why did Yanez approached him? Normally the protocol is use a bullhorn or something to get him out of his car. Ask him hands up walk slowly backward or lay on the ground................... I got this information from 2 of my cops that are working the other day.
Why would a cop want someone to get out of a car? Makes no logical sense. The cop in his car becomes vulnerable. How stupid is that?

Damn I hate stupid.

You don't have any clue what you are talking about........... This just shows how ignorant you are.......... Why do you think the back up was there when they stopped Castile? Suspect of ARMED robbery...........
Meaning he is armed and dangerous. You do NOT approach a car if you suspect him/her of armed robbery...........
Cops stay next to their patrol car with door open and gun drawn............. Then use a bullhorn to get the suspect out of the car. Hands up walk backward move away from the car. Then hand cuff him.................. That is the standard protocol. Idiot.
Officer Yanez approached the car. Look what happened. Idiot.
Have you been watching car chase? At the end of the chase ............. Cops do not immediately approach the car they ask these asshole to get out of the car move away from the car hand up or lay on ground. Then handcuffs these idiots like you. That is the standard protocol. Stupid.
sorry friend, I have never seen that on a routine stop to investigate. they have always stated for the driver to stay in the vehicle. Period. It is control for them. Seems you have a lot to learn. If the dude already had his gun in his hand, that would have been completely different.

Sorry to tell you that you are basing your opinion on a routine traffic stop............ Let me repeat. The back up was there right on the spot. Why do you think that is? He was SUSPECT of armed robbery. This was NOT a routine traffic stop.
If they stop YOU ( hoping that you are not a suspect)........... for not wearing seatbelt or something........... Then your point is valid. But if you are suspect or running from the law. You do not expect to be treated the same........
This just show that you do not know anything or no experience at all kid.
Castile shooting alone should teach you a lot of lesson what went wrong.
If we are talking traffic stops a cop appreciates it when the driver hands his cc permit over with his license and even in states that do not require notification this is what I recommend.

As I have posted earlier I have had experience with being pulled over while carrying

Have you actually talked to any cops about this?

I have. I shoot with some state troopers and know about a half dozen other local cops in various towns. They don't worry about legal CC permit holders as much as you say

Cops are trained to be wary at all traffic stops and not just because of guns

Yes and I agree 100%. Cops don't worry about CC permits.........I have 28 LEO working for me as security guard and I know the very well after many years. They are spread in 3 locations Atlanta, Allentown and San Diego.

My point and argument with Weasel was......... LEO don't like armed civilians running around. Every time they stop any motorist .......... First question............ Is this person armed?Always assumed that this person is armed or stupid......... The rest read my post #789 again.

Good example Castile and Sterling shooting.

On the side ......... Castile was a robbery suspect that is why backup was there right on the spot. If they suspect him of ARMED robbery............... Meaning he is extremely dangerous. Why did Yanez approached him? Normally the protocol is use a bullhorn or something to get him out of his car. Ask him hands up walk slowly backward or lay on the ground................... I got this information from 2 of my cops that are working the other day.
Why would a cop want someone to get out of a car? Makes no logical sense. The cop in his car becomes vulnerable. How stupid is that?

Damn I hate stupid.

You don't have any clue what you are talking about........... This just shows how ignorant you are.......... Why do you think the back up was there when they stopped Castile? Suspect of ARMED robbery...........
Meaning he is armed and dangerous. You do NOT approach a car if you suspect him/her of armed robbery...........
Cops stay next to their patrol car with door open and gun drawn............. Then use a bullhorn to get the suspect out of the car. Hands up walk backward move away from the car. Then hand cuff him.................. That is the standard protocol. Idiot.
Officer Yanez approached the car. Look what happened. Idiot.
Have you been watching car chase? At the end of the chase ............. Cops do not immediately approach the car they ask these asshole to get out of the car move away from the car hand up or lay on ground. Then handcuffs these idiots like you. That is the standard protocol. Stupid.
sorry friend, I have never seen that on a routine stop to investigate. they have always stated for the driver to stay in the vehicle. Period. It is control for them. Seems you have a lot to learn. If the dude already had his gun in his hand, that would have been completely different.

Sorry to tell you that you are basing your opinion on a routine traffic stop............ Let me repeat. The back up was there right on the spot. Why do you think that is? He was SUSPECT of armed robbery. This was NOT a routine traffic stop.
If they stop YOU ( hoping that you are not a suspect)........... for not wearing seatbelt or something........... Then your point is valid. But if you are suspect or running from the law. You do not expect to be treated the same........
This just show that you do not know anything or no experience at all kid.
Castile shooting alone should teach you a lot of lesson what went wrong.
well if it wasn't considered routine, why did he walk up to the window of the dude's car? My point is made based on the cops action. It is still my contention, the officer didn't draw his gun until he saw the gun under the dude's shirt or when the dude stated he had one if that is indeed what he said. I haven't heard anything different than what the passenger stated.
Yes and I agree 100%. Cops don't worry about CC permits.........I have 28 LEO working for me as security guard and I know the very well after many years. They are spread in 3 locations Atlanta, Allentown and San Diego.

My point and argument with Weasel was......... LEO don't like armed civilians running around. Every time they stop any motorist .......... First question............ Is this person armed?Always assumed that this person is armed or stupid......... The rest read my post #789 again.

Good example Castile and Sterling shooting.

On the side ......... Castile was a robbery suspect that is why backup was there right on the spot. If they suspect him of ARMED robbery............... Meaning he is extremely dangerous. Why did Yanez approached him? Normally the protocol is use a bullhorn or something to get him out of his car. Ask him hands up walk slowly backward or lay on the ground................... I got this information from 2 of my cops that are working the other day.
Why would a cop want someone to get out of a car? Makes no logical sense. The cop in his car becomes vulnerable. How stupid is that?

Damn I hate stupid.

You don't have any clue what you are talking about........... This just shows how ignorant you are.......... Why do you think the back up was there when they stopped Castile? Suspect of ARMED robbery...........
Meaning he is armed and dangerous. You do NOT approach a car if you suspect him/her of armed robbery...........
Cops stay next to their patrol car with door open and gun drawn............. Then use a bullhorn to get the suspect out of the car. Hands up walk backward move away from the car. Then hand cuff him.................. That is the standard protocol. Idiot.
Officer Yanez approached the car. Look what happened. Idiot.
Have you been watching car chase? At the end of the chase ............. Cops do not immediately approach the car they ask these asshole to get out of the car move away from the car hand up or lay on ground. Then handcuffs these idiots like you. That is the standard protocol. Stupid.
sorry friend, I have never seen that on a routine stop to investigate. they have always stated for the driver to stay in the vehicle. Period. It is control for them. Seems you have a lot to learn. If the dude already had his gun in his hand, that would have been completely different.

Sorry to tell you that you are basing your opinion on a routine traffic stop............ Let me repeat. The back up was there right on the spot. Why do you think that is? He was SUSPECT of armed robbery. This was NOT a routine traffic stop.
If they stop YOU ( hoping that you are not a suspect)........... for not wearing seatbelt or something........... Then your point is valid. But if you are suspect or running from the law. You do not expect to be treated the same........
This just show that you do not know anything or no experience at all kid.
Castile shooting alone should teach you a lot of lesson what went wrong.
well if it wasn't considered routine, why did he walk up to the window of the dude's car? My point is made based on the cops action. It is still my contention, the officer didn't draw his gun until he saw the gun under the dude's shirt or when the dude stated he had one if that is indeed what he said. I haven't heard anything different than what the passenger stated.

No dude. You are deflecting.
My opinion was based from 2 cops as security guards that are working the other day. And they told me that officer Yanez made a big mistake for not following the protocol.......... Then you call me names without aaaaany any understanding what is NOT a routine traffic stop.

NOW........ You are questioning the Yanez action. That was totally different story when you attacked me.
To answer your question........... Maybe Yanez has so much adrenaline at that moment that is why he is in trouble or Castile made a big mistake.

If Yanez followed the normal protocol maybe there were no shooting at all. From there........ As far as I know Yanez made a big error that end up in senseless killing.
What kind of racist white cop has the name Yanez? Anyways, white cops are out of control. I mean geez look what this white cop did here. I bet this white cop already knew he was going to shoot him before he got of his car. The guy was black and we all know white people DONT play that. It's unacceptable. After all, the cop was white and we all know how white people are and stuff. I saw it in a movie once..... Actually I see it in every movie I've ever watched... White people are bad.
"Officer Mistook Philando Castile for a Robbery Suspect, Tapes Show"
Officer Mistook Philando Castile for a Robbery Suspect, Tapes Show
"'I'm going to stop a car,' one of the officers calmly begins, according to copies of radio transmissions obtained by KARE-11, an NBC affiliate in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Moments later, the officer reports that his reason to pull the car over was that 'the two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery.' He goes on to explain: 'The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just 'cause of the wide-set nose."
"Officer Mistook Philando Castile for a Robbery Suspect, Tapes Show"
Officer Mistook Philando Castile for a Robbery Suspect, Tapes Show
"'I'm going to stop a car,' one of the officers calmly begins, according to copies of radio transmissions obtained by KARE-11, an NBC affiliate in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Moments later, the officer reports that his reason to pull the car over was that 'the two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery.' He goes on to explain: 'The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just 'cause of the wide-set nose."
. Was Philando Castile involved in a robbery prior to the stop, and did the officer suspect him based upon his profile ? Did the officer actually use the term "wide set nose", and was an alledged robber known to have such a feature or was this a case of racial profiling of the victim who was innocent ? Did the victim have a ccp or not ? Was it strange in the way the girlfriend was so calm after such a tragic thing to have happened took place ? Were both in the car profiled ? Was this a racist cop shooting an innocent blackman ? Why was the media allowed to run with this prior to the investigation of all the facts ? Does the media have blood on it's hands ? What's wrong with the media withholding their findings until the investigation is over, and then compare it to what they have, and if they see something wrong with the investigation that took place, then release their information to counter a cover up ?
Why would a cop want someone to get out of a car? Makes no logical sense. The cop in his car becomes vulnerable. How stupid is that?

Damn I hate stupid.

You don't have any clue what you are talking about........... This just shows how ignorant you are.......... Why do you think the back up was there when they stopped Castile? Suspect of ARMED robbery...........
Meaning he is armed and dangerous. You do NOT approach a car if you suspect him/her of armed robbery...........
Cops stay next to their patrol car with door open and gun drawn............. Then use a bullhorn to get the suspect out of the car. Hands up walk backward move away from the car. Then hand cuff him.................. That is the standard protocol. Idiot.
Officer Yanez approached the car. Look what happened. Idiot.
Have you been watching car chase? At the end of the chase ............. Cops do not immediately approach the car they ask these asshole to get out of the car move away from the car hand up or lay on ground. Then handcuffs these idiots like you. That is the standard protocol. Stupid.
sorry friend, I have never seen that on a routine stop to investigate. they have always stated for the driver to stay in the vehicle. Period. It is control for them. Seems you have a lot to learn. If the dude already had his gun in his hand, that would have been completely different.

Sorry to tell you that you are basing your opinion on a routine traffic stop............ Let me repeat. The back up was there right on the spot. Why do you think that is? He was SUSPECT of armed robbery. This was NOT a routine traffic stop.
If they stop YOU ( hoping that you are not a suspect)........... for not wearing seatbelt or something........... Then your point is valid. But if you are suspect or running from the law. You do not expect to be treated the same........
This just show that you do not know anything or no experience at all kid.
Castile shooting alone should teach you a lot of lesson what went wrong.
well if it wasn't considered routine, why did he walk up to the window of the dude's car? My point is made based on the cops action. It is still my contention, the officer didn't draw his gun until he saw the gun under the dude's shirt or when the dude stated he had one if that is indeed what he said. I haven't heard anything different than what the passenger stated.

No dude. You are deflecting.
My opinion was based from 2 cops as security guards that are working the other day. And they told me that officer Yanez made a big mistake for not following the protocol.......... Then you call me names without aaaaany any understanding what is NOT a routine traffic stop.

NOW........ You are questioning the Yanez action. That was totally different story when you attacked me.
To answer your question........... Maybe Yanez has so much adrenaline at that moment that is why he is in trouble or Castile made a big mistake.

If Yanez followed the normal protocol maybe there were no shooting at all. From there........ As far as I know Yanez made a big error that end up in senseless killing.
sure Frances.
Was Philando Castile involved in a robbery prior to the stop, and did the officer suspect him based upon his profile ? Did the officer actually use the term "wide set nose", and was an alledged robber known to have such a feature or was this a case of racial profiling of the victim who was innocent ?
On July 2nd a local store was robbed by a pair of black males who bore a striking resemblance to Philando. The officer who pulled him over was well aware of that. I'm not clear on where the "broken taillight came from, and, since the officer was not wearing a body camera/recorder, we'll probably never know for sure why he shot Philando.
Was Philando Castile involved in a robbery prior to the stop, and did the officer suspect him based upon his profile ? Did the officer actually use the term "wide set nose", and was an alledged robber known to have such a feature or was this a case of racial profiling of the victim who was innocent ?
On July 2nd a local store was robbed by a pair of black males who bore a striking resemblance to Philando. The officer who pulled him over was well aware of that. I'm not clear on where the "broken taillight came from, and, since the officer was not wearing a body camera/recorder, we'll probably never know for sure why he shot Philando.
. Body cams should be mandatory now, and there should be no stops without them. The cams should somehow work with a black box where the information is then stored somehow. The investigators would have access to the box, but not the officers. What about the police cruiser dash cam, does it have any valuable information recorded in the stop ?
a routine traffic stop for a broken taillight

turns to police shooting licensed CC holder

in Minnesota very disturbing


Did you find any citations that prove the victim of the police shooting actually had a CCW license?

I know there has been hear-say and gossip about it and that his GF b!tch said it.

But do we have proof yet ??
Was Philando Castile involved in a robbery prior to the stop, and did the officer suspect him based upon his profile ? Did the officer actually use the term "wide set nose", and was an alledged robber known to have such a feature or was this a case of racial profiling of the victim who was innocent ?
On July 2nd a local store was robbed by a pair of black males who bore a striking resemblance to Philando. The officer who pulled him over was well aware of that. I'm not clear on where the "broken taillight came from, and, since the officer was not wearing a body camera/recorder, we'll probably never know for sure why he shot Philando.
. Body cams should be mandatory now, and there should be no stops without them. The cams should somehow work with a black box where the information is then stored somehow. The investigators would have access to the box, but not the officers. What about the police cruiser dash cam, does it have any valuable information recorded in the stop ?
Ultimately I think body cam's will become a standard requirement, yes.

This is good for everybody.

Good for the police and good for everybody else too.
"Officer Mistook Philando Castile for a Robbery Suspect, Tapes Show"
Officer Mistook Philando Castile for a Robbery Suspect, Tapes Show
"'I'm going to stop a car,' one of the officers calmly begins, according to copies of radio transmissions obtained by KARE-11, an NBC affiliate in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Moments later, the officer reports that his reason to pull the car over was that 'the two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery.' He goes on to explain: 'The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just 'cause of the wide-set nose."
. Was Philando Castile involved in a robbery prior to the stop, and did the officer suspect him based upon his profile ? Did the officer actually use the term "wide set nose", and was an alledged robber known to have such a feature or was this a case of racial profiling of the victim who was innocent ? Did the victim have a ccp or not ? Was it strange in the way the girlfriend was so calm after such a tragic thing to have happened took place ? Were both in the car profiled ? Was this a racist cop shooting an innocent blackman ? Why was the media allowed to run with this prior to the investigation of all the facts ? Does the media have blood on it's hands ? What's wrong with the media withholding their findings until the investigation is over, and then compare it to what they have, and if they see something wrong with the investigation that took place, then release their information to counter a cover up ?
Anybody can be pulled over at any time as a suspect for anything.

And if you are dressed up like a hoodie then you even more likely to get pulled over.

So when you are pulled over because you are dressed up like a hoodie then it is most wise to do exactly what the cop tells you.

Castile was shot and died because he failed to comply.
a routine traffic stop for a broken taillight

turns to police shooting licensed CC holder

in Minnesota very disturbing


Did you find any citations that prove the victim of the police shooting actually had a CCW license?

I know there has been hear-say and gossip about it and that his GF b!tch said it.

But do we have proof yet ??

no no positive information has come forward

the only CC information was from the county in which he lived in Ramsey county

and the sheriff office reported that they did not issue him a CC permit
Was Philando Castile involved in a robbery prior to the stop, and did the officer suspect him based upon his profile ? Did the officer actually use the term "wide set nose", and was an alledged robber known to have such a feature or was this a case of racial profiling of the victim who was innocent ?
On July 2nd a local store was robbed by a pair of black males who bore a striking resemblance to Philando. The officer who pulled him over was well aware of that. I'm not clear on where the "broken taillight came from, and, since the officer was not wearing a body camera/recorder, we'll probably never know for sure why he shot Philando.
. Body cams should be mandatory now, and there should be no stops without them. The cams should somehow work with a black box where the information is then stored somehow. The investigators would have access to the box, but not the officers. What about the police cruiser dash cam, does it have any valuable information recorded in the stop ?
That's a good question concerning the dash cam. I hadn't heard anything about one. Possibly, any footage is being held for courtrooms that are soon to come? I guess the worst part is knowing we may never know what inspired the shooting, and even if we do, blind partisans will never accept it.

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