Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

Found this. Letter dated about a year ago. Is it valid? Real? I don't know. I don't see how any traffic scofflaw (revoked? Warrants? Unpaid?) Can qualify. I suppose it could be real? Internet trick?
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That's weird? It worked fine earlier? Hmmmmm.......more funny business? My other comment (I was holding back lol) was could be letter to father? Sane name? I know I know......
i re posted the document itself for you

it says he had one a year ago looks legit


Found this. Letter dated about a year ago. Is it valid? Real? I don't know. I don't see how any traffic scofflaw (revoked? Warrants? Unpaid?) Can qualify. I suppose it could be real? Internet trick?
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That's weird? It worked fine earlier? Hmmmmm.......more funny business? My other comment (I was holding back lol) was could be letter to father? Sane name? I know I know......
maybe found it in a google search
Because they knew the cops were there.....they acted intelligently and let the cops, who were on the scene at the time of the attack do their job.

The problem 98.8% of mass public shootings, they take place in gun free zones with no police there are no cops there to immediately engage the can see the difference in body count where you have armed resistance immediately.......5 dead from a sniper firiing from a distance against mostly pistol armed police....vs. 49 dead in a crowded club with 300 unarmed people.....

The anti gun nuts always say that normal, law abiding people will act like rambos and then get shot by police.....and as this actual event shows.....that has no basis in abiding people with actual guns....retreated and let the police do their jobs...just like we always tell them will happen when we have these debates...

not one concealed carrier or rifle carrying civilian was shot by police.......

law abiding people rely on police when they are available...the point made by myself and other 2nd Amendment supporters is that the normal response time of police to an active shooter is 5 minutes....Sandy Hook...the shooter murdered 26 children in under 5 armed response is important in gun free zones when cops are minutes away....
. When the cops were the ones that were being targeted, the armed citizens should have layed down fire in the direction of the shooter who was targeting the cops. I guarantee you that if an armed citizen was nearest to the shooter, and he would have opened fire on the shooter who was killing the police, then I think the police would have recognized immediately (at least I hope they would have), that the citizen would be trying to save their lives once seeing the citizen shooting in the direction of the shooter. If this ain't the case, then we are way away from being where we need to be in this nation, where as we would or should have trust between the good guy's & the police who are armed, and both then being on the same page in order to deal with the killer who is armed and killing people.
STOP with your ignorant bullshit!
The armed 'civilians'! were exercising their rights to carry LEGAL firearms.
Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they have LE/Military combat training.
Your "laying down fire" demand by CIVILIANS is fucking ludicrous!
You watch too many movies asshole!
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....
. Well this was one unique situation for sure, because yes the cops were there, and yes the civilians were there with open carry weapons for what ?????????? Then the hell breaks loose, and wouldn't you know it that the cops are the ones who become the target of the gunner/shooter. Ok, in this unique situation, wouldn't you think that the civilians with weapons would have the responsibility to go into protect mode in order to save the lives of the policeman who were being shot down right beside them if were the case, otherwise if they had become the only thing between the cops being killed, and the gunman doing the killing ?

And had they been in that particular situation...where direct action could have saved a life they would have......but that wasn't the they did the responsible thing, they let the trained professionals handle the situation....there were a lot of cops there on the scene.....they were all armed and they immediately dealt with the attacker......

I am curious.....where do you stand on the gun issue in general....?
Because they knew the cops were there.....they acted intelligently and let the cops, who were on the scene at the time of the attack do their job.

The problem 98.8% of mass public shootings, they take place in gun free zones with no police there are no cops there to immediately engage the can see the difference in body count where you have armed resistance immediately.......5 dead from a sniper firiing from a distance against mostly pistol armed police....vs. 49 dead in a crowded club with 300 unarmed people.....

The anti gun nuts always say that normal, law abiding people will act like rambos and then get shot by police.....and as this actual event shows.....that has no basis in abiding people with actual guns....retreated and let the police do their jobs...just like we always tell them will happen when we have these debates...

not one concealed carrier or rifle carrying civilian was shot by police.......

law abiding people rely on police when they are available...the point made by myself and other 2nd Amendment supporters is that the normal response time of police to an active shooter is 5 minutes....Sandy Hook...the shooter murdered 26 children in under 5 armed response is important in gun free zones when cops are minutes away....
. When the cops were the ones that were being targeted, the armed citizens should have layed down fire in the direction of the shooter who was targeting the cops. I guarantee you that if an armed citizen was nearest to the shooter, and he would have opened fire on the shooter who was killing the police, then I think the police would have recognized immediately (at least I hope they would have), that the citizen would be trying to save their lives once seeing the citizen shooting in the direction of the shooter. If this ain't the case, then we are way away from being where we need to be in this nation, where as we would or should have trust between the good guy's & the police who are armed, and both then being on the same page in order to deal with the killer who is armed and killing people.
STOP with your ignorant bullshit!
The armed 'civilians'! were exercising their rights to carry LEGAL firearms.
Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they have LE/Military combat training.
Your "laying down fire" demand by CIVILIANS is fucking ludicrous!
You watch too many movies asshole!
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....

You are wrong...

Every shooting and killing perfectly fits your agenda just like in the movie. When BLM was protesting you know and they know that situation is always volatile and can get deadly. What is the purpose of these assholes with CC permits bringing their guns to a rally? What's the point? Are they supposed to mix in the crowd looking for the bad guy? Think what kind of headache is that for the cops. There is NO WAY NO WAY cops are happy seeing these assholes with guns strung to their shoulder. Stupid if you ask me.
Read Dallas Police Chief Brown comments see if he agree with you.He said they are suspects.
I previously mentioned to you many times when shooting start it's a panic and confusion people running all over. These people with CC permit ran for their life. They are part of the problem not part of the solution. We are asking too much for these cops to do their job on top of that they have to deal with these dude?

Friend or foe? Open-carry law poses challenge to police

PARIS, Texas (AP) — Gun-rights activists, some of them wearing camouflage and military-style gear and openly toting rifles and handguns, marched alongside the hundreds of people who flocked to downtown Dallas last week to protest police shootings of blacks.
Their presence was part of the new legal landscape in Texas, which earlier this year allowed people to openly carry firearms in public.
Moments later, when a sniper gunned down officers patrolling the peaceful march, killing five, the attack ignited panic and confusion. Who was shooting? Were the people with weapons friend or foe?

It was the same nightmare scenario that some law enforcement officials predicted when Texas approved the open-carry proposal.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown estimated that 20 to 30 open-carry activists attended the rally. He said some wore gas masks, bulletproof vests and fatigues. They ran when the shots rang out, but the presence of so many armed individuals at the scene of a sniper attack caused instant confusion.

"Doesn't make sense to us, but that's their right in Texas," Brown told CNN, adding: "For our officers, they were suspects. And I support that belief. Someone is shooting at you from a perched position, and people are running with AR-15s and camo gear and gas masks and bulletproof vests. They are suspects until we eliminate that."

Sorry...the actual event shows that you are wrong......what actually happened, not the fantasy you create, shows that everything you said would happen did not happen. Dittos the Giffords shooting.....we have to mass shootings with concealed carriers, on the scene, and at Dallas open carriers.....the responsible gun owners did not interfere, they did not get are just wrong. The cops knew they were not the problem because they weren't the ones shooting at people.....

The actual event shows you are fantasy was not correct.
. When the cops were the ones that were being targeted, the armed citizens should have layed down fire in the direction of the shooter who was targeting the cops. I guarantee you that if an armed citizen was nearest to the shooter, and he would have opened fire on the shooter who was killing the police, then I think the police would have recognized immediately (at least I hope they would have), that the citizen would be trying to save their lives once seeing the citizen shooting in the direction of the shooter. If this ain't the case, then we are way away from being where we need to be in this nation, where as we would or should have trust between the good guy's & the police who are armed, and both then being on the same page in order to deal with the killer who is armed and killing people.
STOP with your ignorant bullshit!
The armed 'civilians'! were exercising their rights to carry LEGAL firearms.
Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they have LE/Military combat training.
Your "laying down fire" demand by CIVILIANS is fucking ludicrous!
You watch too many movies asshole!
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....

You are wrong...

Every shooting and killing perfectly fits your agenda just like in the movie. When BLM was protesting you know and they know that situation is always volatile and can get deadly. What is the purpose of these assholes with CC permits bringing their guns to a rally? What's the point? Are they supposed to mix in the crowd looking for the bad guy? Think what kind of headache is that for the cops. There is NO WAY NO WAY cops are happy seeing these assholes with guns strung to their shoulder. Stupid if you ask me.
Read Dallas Police Chief Brown comments see if he agree with you.He said they are suspects.
I previously mentioned to you many times when shooting start it's a panic and confusion people running all over. These people with CC permit ran for their life. They are part of the problem not part of the solution. We are asking too much for these cops to do their job on top of that they have to deal with these dude?

Friend or foe? Open-carry law poses challenge to police

PARIS, Texas (AP) — Gun-rights activists, some of them wearing camouflage and military-style gear and openly toting rifles and handguns, marched alongside the hundreds of people who flocked to downtown Dallas last week to protest police shootings of blacks.
Their presence was part of the new legal landscape in Texas, which earlier this year allowed people to openly carry firearms in public.
Moments later, when a sniper gunned down officers patrolling the peaceful march, killing five, the attack ignited panic and confusion. Who was shooting? Were the people with weapons friend or foe?

It was the same nightmare scenario that some law enforcement officials predicted when Texas approved the open-carry proposal.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown estimated that 20 to 30 open-carry activists attended the rally. He said some wore gas masks, bulletproof vests and fatigues. They ran when the shots rang out, but the presence of so many armed individuals at the scene of a sniper attack caused instant confusion.

"Doesn't make sense to us, but that's their right in Texas," Brown told CNN, adding: "For our officers, they were suspects. And I support that belief. Someone is shooting at you from a perched position, and people are running with AR-15s and camo gear and gas masks and bulletproof vests. They are suspects until we eliminate that."

Sorry...the actual event shows that you are wrong......what actually happened, not the fantasy you create, shows that everything you said would happen did not happen. Dittos the Giffords shooting.....we have to mass shootings with concealed carriers, on the scene, and at Dallas open carriers.....the responsible gun owners did not interfere, they did not get are just wrong. The cops knew they were not the problem because they weren't the ones shooting at people.....

The actual event shows you are fantasy was not correct.

You are so funny. You should run for mayor.
Your post does not support what Chief Brown was saying. Instead you went around rambling your own version. Every scenario fits your perfect agenda like in the movie.
Did you read what Brown was saying or you did you just look at it? You made it sound that it was cool for these people running around with guns in this kind of rally. According to Chief David it is a problem a concern and just doesn't make sense at all. Read again.
Even Pastor TD Jakes blasted Grisham for bringing his guns with his buddies to this rally........ What was he thinking?

My post was based from Brown ............ How did it became my fantasy?
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Because they knew the cops were there.....they acted intelligently and let the cops, who were on the scene at the time of the attack do their job.

The problem 98.8% of mass public shootings, they take place in gun free zones with no police there are no cops there to immediately engage the can see the difference in body count where you have armed resistance immediately.......5 dead from a sniper firiing from a distance against mostly pistol armed police....vs. 49 dead in a crowded club with 300 unarmed people.....

The anti gun nuts always say that normal, law abiding people will act like rambos and then get shot by police.....and as this actual event shows.....that has no basis in abiding people with actual guns....retreated and let the police do their jobs...just like we always tell them will happen when we have these debates...

not one concealed carrier or rifle carrying civilian was shot by police.......

law abiding people rely on police when they are available...the point made by myself and other 2nd Amendment supporters is that the normal response time of police to an active shooter is 5 minutes....Sandy Hook...the shooter murdered 26 children in under 5 armed response is important in gun free zones when cops are minutes away....
. When the cops were the ones that were being targeted, the armed citizens should have layed down fire in the direction of the shooter who was targeting the cops. I guarantee you that if an armed citizen was nearest to the shooter, and he would have opened fire on the shooter who was killing the police, then I think the police would have recognized immediately (at least I hope they would have), that the citizen would be trying to save their lives once seeing the citizen shooting in the direction of the shooter. If this ain't the case, then we are way away from being where we need to be in this nation, where as we would or should have trust between the good guy's & the police who are armed, and both then being on the same page in order to deal with the killer who is armed and killing people.
STOP with your ignorant bullshit!
The armed 'civilians'! were exercising their rights to carry LEGAL firearms.
Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they have LE/Military combat training.
Your "laying down fire" demand by CIVILIANS is fucking ludicrous!
You watch too many movies asshole!
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....

You are wrong...

Every shooting and killing perfectly fits your agenda just like in the movie. When BLM was protesting you know and they know that situation is always volatile and can get deadly. What is the purpose of these assholes with CC permits bringing their guns to a rally? What's the point? Are they supposed to mix in the crowd looking for the bad guy? Think what kind of headache is that for the cops. There is NO WAY NO WAY cops are happy seeing these assholes with guns strung to their shoulder. Stupid if you ask me.
Read Dallas Police Chief Brown comments see if he agree with you.He said they are suspects.
I previously mentioned to you many times when shooting start it's a panic and confusion people running all over. These people with CC permit ran for their life. They are part of the problem not part of the solution. We are asking too much for these cops to do their job on top of that they have to deal with these dude?

Friend or foe? Open-carry law poses challenge to police

PARIS, Texas (AP) — Gun-rights activists, some of them wearing camouflage and military-style gear and openly toting rifles and handguns, marched alongside the hundreds of people who flocked to downtown Dallas last week to protest police shootings of blacks.
Their presence was part of the new legal landscape in Texas, which earlier this year allowed people to openly carry firearms in public.
Moments later, when a sniper gunned down officers patrolling the peaceful march, killing five, the attack ignited panic and confusion. Who was shooting? Were the people with weapons friend or foe?

It was the same nightmare scenario that some law enforcement officials predicted when Texas approved the open-carry proposal.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown estimated that 20 to 30 open-carry activists attended the rally. He said some wore gas masks, bulletproof vests and fatigues. They ran when the shots rang out, but the presence of so many armed individuals at the scene of a sniper attack caused instant confusion.

"Doesn't make sense to us, but that's their right in Texas," Brown told CNN, adding: "For our officers, they were suspects. And I support that belief. Someone is shooting at you from a perched position, and people are running with AR-15s and camo gear and gas masks and bulletproof vests. They are suspects until we eliminate that."
. I agree that they are suspects until cleared totally like Brown rightfully stated about them.... Yes, if they can't prove as to why or what was the exact reasoning behind why they came to the rally carrying the weapons in which they were carrying, then Houston we have a problem.... Is there a chance that they could have actually come there carrying with this notion that they needed to intimidate the police with the weapons carried (not actually figure on ever using them), but this in what they figured would keep them (the police) from acting in a manor that would become oppressive against the protestors at some point ????????

Who did they figure was the enemy of the protestors in which caused them to think that they needed to carry weapons at this rally like they did ????? Otherwise what was their purpose in carrying their weapons at the specific rally attended, and why didn't they help the police (i.e. if they were closer to the shooter possibly at some point, and more so than anyone else was when the gunman opened up on the police), if were the case ? Did anyone of these open carry citizens (who were carrying), know the gunman at all ? Was he (the gunman), mixed in with the open carry citizens at first, and this in order to conceal his intentions & identity until moving into a position to open fire on the police when he did ? Was he elevated, or was he at ground level behind the pillars in which he was shooting from or hiding behind while shooting ?

Many investigative questions to be answered or asked in it all, and probably will be without a doubt... Yes the cops and the good guy's carrying if be the case, need to get together in order to know each other for sure. This can be done in mandatory training sessions that are scheduled to include citizens of open carry & law enforcement. In these sessions great things can be learned, where as bonds can be made, friendships formed, and proper training given to both law enforcement and citizens who need to form these bonds or understandings.

Hopefully all the citizens can be cleared, because that was a tragic situation for all involved. Carrying at any event should come with a reason, and that reason better be a good one (especially when killings are involved). The open carry citizens or any open carry or ccw citizens should have been made to gain a separate permit to carry at the specific rally or at any rally for that matter. In the form filled out, the citizen should have to state the reason for carrying a loaded weapon at any rally to be attended.
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. When the cops were the ones that were being targeted, the armed citizens should have layed down fire in the direction of the shooter who was targeting the cops. I guarantee you that if an armed citizen was nearest to the shooter, and he would have opened fire on the shooter who was killing the police, then I think the police would have recognized immediately (at least I hope they would have), that the citizen would be trying to save their lives once seeing the citizen shooting in the direction of the shooter. If this ain't the case, then we are way away from being where we need to be in this nation, where as we would or should have trust between the good guy's & the police who are armed, and both then being on the same page in order to deal with the killer who is armed and killing people.
STOP with your ignorant bullshit!
The armed 'civilians'! were exercising their rights to carry LEGAL firearms.
Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they have LE/Military combat training.
Your "laying down fire" demand by CIVILIANS is fucking ludicrous!
You watch too many movies asshole!
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....
. Well this was one unique situation for sure, because yes the cops were there, and yes the civilians were there with open carry weapons for what ?????????? Then the hell breaks loose, and wouldn't you know it that the cops are the ones who become the target of the gunner/shooter. Ok, in this unique situation, wouldn't you think that the civilians with weapons would have the responsibility to go into protect mode in order to save the lives of the policeman who were being shot down right beside them if were the case, otherwise if they had become the only thing between the cops being killed, and the gunman doing the killing ?

And had they been in that particular situation...where direct action could have saved a life they would have......but that wasn't the they did the responsible thing, they let the trained professionals handle the situation....there were a lot of cops there on the scene.....they were all armed and they immediately dealt with the attacker......

I am curious.....where do you stand on the gun issue in general....?
I am pro-gun, but I am pro responsibility that requires all ridiculous loop holes, carelessness, and idiocy to be addressed by everyone involved.
Um, this stuff is pandering. And it's becoming boring. SO WHAT. What about videos showing people attacking and murdering unsuspecting cops? I am getting really tired of this spin and idiotic fixation on cops when criminals should be the overreaching issue.
STOP with your ignorant bullshit!
The armed 'civilians'! were exercising their rights to carry LEGAL firearms.
Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they have LE/Military combat training.
Your "laying down fire" demand by CIVILIANS is fucking ludicrous!
You watch too many movies asshole!
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....

You are wrong...

Every shooting and killing perfectly fits your agenda just like in the movie. When BLM was protesting you know and they know that situation is always volatile and can get deadly. What is the purpose of these assholes with CC permits bringing their guns to a rally? What's the point? Are they supposed to mix in the crowd looking for the bad guy? Think what kind of headache is that for the cops. There is NO WAY NO WAY cops are happy seeing these assholes with guns strung to their shoulder. Stupid if you ask me.
Read Dallas Police Chief Brown comments see if he agree with you.He said they are suspects.
I previously mentioned to you many times when shooting start it's a panic and confusion people running all over. These people with CC permit ran for their life. They are part of the problem not part of the solution. We are asking too much for these cops to do their job on top of that they have to deal with these dude?

Friend or foe? Open-carry law poses challenge to police

PARIS, Texas (AP) — Gun-rights activists, some of them wearing camouflage and military-style gear and openly toting rifles and handguns, marched alongside the hundreds of people who flocked to downtown Dallas last week to protest police shootings of blacks.
Their presence was part of the new legal landscape in Texas, which earlier this year allowed people to openly carry firearms in public.
Moments later, when a sniper gunned down officers patrolling the peaceful march, killing five, the attack ignited panic and confusion. Who was shooting? Were the people with weapons friend or foe?

It was the same nightmare scenario that some law enforcement officials predicted when Texas approved the open-carry proposal.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown estimated that 20 to 30 open-carry activists attended the rally. He said some wore gas masks, bulletproof vests and fatigues. They ran when the shots rang out, but the presence of so many armed individuals at the scene of a sniper attack caused instant confusion.

"Doesn't make sense to us, but that's their right in Texas," Brown told CNN, adding: "For our officers, they were suspects. And I support that belief. Someone is shooting at you from a perched position, and people are running with AR-15s and camo gear and gas masks and bulletproof vests. They are suspects until we eliminate that."

Sorry...the actual event shows that you are wrong......what actually happened, not the fantasy you create, shows that everything you said would happen did not happen. Dittos the Giffords shooting.....we have to mass shootings with concealed carriers, on the scene, and at Dallas open carriers.....the responsible gun owners did not interfere, they did not get are just wrong. The cops knew they were not the problem because they weren't the ones shooting at people.....

The actual event shows you are fantasy was not correct.

You are so funny. You should run for mayor.
Your post does not support what Chief Brown was saying. Instead you went around rambling your own version. Every scenario fits your perfect agenda like in the movie.
Did you read what Brown was saying or you did you just look at it? You made it sound that it was cool for these people running around with guns in this kind of rally. According to Chief David it is a problem a concern and just doesn't make sense at all. Read again.
Even Pastor TD Jakes blasted Grisham for bringing his guns with his buddies to this rally........ What was he thinking?

My post was based from Brown ............ How did it became my fantasy?

In the real,world......nothing he said was true, was it? Normal gun mowers with op ly displayed rifles..........when the shooting started these responsible gun owners got out of the way because the police were on the scene...they did not join in...they did not try to fight the gun,an....the police knew who the good guys were.....because they weren't shooting people......and they did their job.....

Face it.......this shooting and the Giffords shooting show that you have no clue what you are talking made up a fantasy that did not match what happen d in an actual mass public shooting...with normal people with rifles....

You were 100% wrong....totally wrong....
STOP with your ignorant bullshit!
The armed 'civilians'! were exercising their rights to carry LEGAL firearms.
Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they have LE/Military combat training.
Your "laying down fire" demand by CIVILIANS is fucking ludicrous!
You watch too many movies asshole!
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....
. Well this was one unique situation for sure, because yes the cops were there, and yes the civilians were there with open carry weapons for what ?????????? Then the hell breaks loose, and wouldn't you know it that the cops are the ones who become the target of the gunner/shooter. Ok, in this unique situation, wouldn't you think that the civilians with weapons would have the responsibility to go into protect mode in order to save the lives of the policeman who were being shot down right beside them if were the case, otherwise if they had become the only thing between the cops being killed, and the gunman doing the killing ?

And had they been in that particular situation...where direct action could have saved a life they would have......but that wasn't the they did the responsible thing, they let the trained professionals handle the situation....there were a lot of cops there on the scene.....they were all armed and they immediately dealt with the attacker......

I am curious.....where do you stand on the gun issue in general....?
I am pro-gun, but I am pro responsibility that requires all ridiculous loop holes, carelessness, and idiocy to be addressed by everyone involved.

Please make them and then explain how they work........because you guys throw out...reasonable gun control....and then move on as if that is all you need to say.....

It isn't...I am calling you out........tell us what you want and how exactly it would work....
there not really much to say

having a valid cc permit does not insure

you wont get shot during a stop
Agreed. OTOH, it appears being black does increase your chances of being shot.

Several friends have carry permits in Texas. None have ever reported a problem with police much less be shot.
there not really much to say

having a valid cc permit does not insure

you wont get shot during a stop
Agreed. OTOH, it appears being black does increase your chances of being shot.

Several friends have carry permits in Texas. None have ever reported a problem with police much less be shot.
Did any of those people tell the cop they were armed while they were reaching behind their backs?
Did any of those people tell the cop they were armed while they were reaching behind their backs?
Not to my knowledge. Is that what you claim Castile was doing?
It's what his girlfriend said he was doing

New Details on Minnesota Police Shooting as Philando Castile’s Girlfriend Speaks to Press

“My boyfriend carries all his information in a thick wallet in his right side back pocket,” Reynolds said. “As he’s reaching for his back pocket wallet he lets the officer know, ‘Officer, I have a firearm on me.’ I begin to yell, ‘But he’s licensed to carry.’ ” According to Reynolds, the officer started firing shortly after.
there not really much to say

having a valid cc permit does not insure

you wont get shot during a stop
Agreed. OTOH, it appears being black does increase your chances of being shot.

Several friends have carry permits in Texas. None have ever reported a problem with police much less be shot.

not convincing

not obeying lawful orders at stop

will though
Oh really now, then why is it that every time there is a terrorist attack, and people are shot to pieces, the big talk is always if someone would have had a gun, then less people would have gotten killed ? I guess that doesn't apply when cops are under attack, and there are civilians with guns who could help out but didn't eh ? What about all the talk about soft targets or gun free zones being targeted, and if someone with a gun would have been at the right place at the right time, then the situation would have been different ? If civilians are afraid to use their weapons in order to counter an attack if need be, then what good are they ? If citizens are going to carry weapons in the public or to public events, then they best have some kind of training, and the police need to be comfortable about who they are, and why they are open carrying in any public setting. are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....

You are wrong...

Every shooting and killing perfectly fits your agenda just like in the movie. When BLM was protesting you know and they know that situation is always volatile and can get deadly. What is the purpose of these assholes with CC permits bringing their guns to a rally? What's the point? Are they supposed to mix in the crowd looking for the bad guy? Think what kind of headache is that for the cops. There is NO WAY NO WAY cops are happy seeing these assholes with guns strung to their shoulder. Stupid if you ask me.
Read Dallas Police Chief Brown comments see if he agree with you.He said they are suspects.
I previously mentioned to you many times when shooting start it's a panic and confusion people running all over. These people with CC permit ran for their life. They are part of the problem not part of the solution. We are asking too much for these cops to do their job on top of that they have to deal with these dude?

Friend or foe? Open-carry law poses challenge to police

PARIS, Texas (AP) — Gun-rights activists, some of them wearing camouflage and military-style gear and openly toting rifles and handguns, marched alongside the hundreds of people who flocked to downtown Dallas last week to protest police shootings of blacks.
Their presence was part of the new legal landscape in Texas, which earlier this year allowed people to openly carry firearms in public.
Moments later, when a sniper gunned down officers patrolling the peaceful march, killing five, the attack ignited panic and confusion. Who was shooting? Were the people with weapons friend or foe?

It was the same nightmare scenario that some law enforcement officials predicted when Texas approved the open-carry proposal.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown estimated that 20 to 30 open-carry activists attended the rally. He said some wore gas masks, bulletproof vests and fatigues. They ran when the shots rang out, but the presence of so many armed individuals at the scene of a sniper attack caused instant confusion.

"Doesn't make sense to us, but that's their right in Texas," Brown told CNN, adding: "For our officers, they were suspects. And I support that belief. Someone is shooting at you from a perched position, and people are running with AR-15s and camo gear and gas masks and bulletproof vests. They are suspects until we eliminate that."

Sorry...the actual event shows that you are wrong......what actually happened, not the fantasy you create, shows that everything you said would happen did not happen. Dittos the Giffords shooting.....we have to mass shootings with concealed carriers, on the scene, and at Dallas open carriers.....the responsible gun owners did not interfere, they did not get are just wrong. The cops knew they were not the problem because they weren't the ones shooting at people.....

The actual event shows you are fantasy was not correct.

You are so funny. You should run for mayor.
Your post does not support what Chief Brown was saying. Instead you went around rambling your own version. Every scenario fits your perfect agenda like in the movie.
Did you read what Brown was saying or you did you just look at it? You made it sound that it was cool for these people running around with guns in this kind of rally. According to Chief David it is a problem a concern and just doesn't make sense at all. Read again.
Even Pastor TD Jakes blasted Grisham for bringing his guns with his buddies to this rally........ What was he thinking?

My post was based from Brown ............ How did it became my fantasy?

In the real,world......nothing he said was true, was it? Normal gun mowers with op ly displayed rifles..........when the shooting started these responsible gun owners got out of the way because the police were on the scene...they did not join in...they did not try to fight the gun,an....the police knew who the good guys were.....because they weren't shooting people......and they did their job.....

Face it.......this shooting and the Giffords shooting show that you have no clue what you are talking made up a fantasy that did not match what happen d in an actual mass public shooting...with normal people with rifles....

You were 100% wrong....totally wrong....

You are making all scenario the same just like the movie......
You are telling me that Chief David is not telling the truth just to prove your stupidity.
You are a rabid gun supporter that your opinion does not make any sense at all.
From the horses mouth........ It is a concern and immediate confusion. And you said NO?
You assumed that all people carrying guns has cc permits and good guys. A lunatic can easily mingle with the group the same way. A good cop always think that people like these assholes are suspects. They are very alert and keep on eye who will take aggressive actions like throwing rocks and molotov. Then they have to keep on eye on these assholes on top of what is going on. They do no take easily for granted.......... That's how a cop think............
I am not sure IF you understand how cops think at all......... From what i gathered from you........ You don't know nothing at all about how cops think just to support your addiction........ You take these issues like oh....... ALL or any people carrying guns are good guys........ That's okay don't worry about it. Do you realized how dumb you are?
Both Pastor and chief blasted this stupid Grisham and here you are they are good guys........ Maybe.... What if its not? What if somebody else? And what is the purpose that these assholes has to show up in rally like that? What's the point?
Maybe you didn't even know Castile has cc permit and he got SHOT. On top of that you are beri fanny beri fanny.
Last edited: are wrong on this.....

the guy wanted to murder police officers.....that is different than the nuts who want to kill unarmed civilians.....

There were cops at the scene of the attack....the normal, law abiding gun owners allowed the police to do their jobs and did not, in fact, get in the way. They did not turn into Rambo...which is what the anti gunners say they will do.....they were not shot by police, as the anti gunners say they will be.......

The police were right there, and took control of the situation....

What you don't understand is that in a gun free zone...the police are not at the scene when the attack happens.....they are about 5 minutes out....Sandy Hook shooter was done and committed suicide in under 5 minutes...he stopped shooting and killed himself as soon as he heard the sirens getting close......

Civilians with guns are useful when the cops are 5 minutes away and you have a shooter killing people.....they can and have stopped mass shooters......and saved lives doing it......

And again.......there were people there with rifles....and pistols...and nothing the anti gunners say would happen happened........they were wrong...

Anti gunners are wrong on every aspect of the gun debate in this country....

You are wrong...

Every shooting and killing perfectly fits your agenda just like in the movie. When BLM was protesting you know and they know that situation is always volatile and can get deadly. What is the purpose of these assholes with CC permits bringing their guns to a rally? What's the point? Are they supposed to mix in the crowd looking for the bad guy? Think what kind of headache is that for the cops. There is NO WAY NO WAY cops are happy seeing these assholes with guns strung to their shoulder. Stupid if you ask me.
Read Dallas Police Chief Brown comments see if he agree with you.He said they are suspects.
I previously mentioned to you many times when shooting start it's a panic and confusion people running all over. These people with CC permit ran for their life. They are part of the problem not part of the solution. We are asking too much for these cops to do their job on top of that they have to deal with these dude?

Friend or foe? Open-carry law poses challenge to police

PARIS, Texas (AP) — Gun-rights activists, some of them wearing camouflage and military-style gear and openly toting rifles and handguns, marched alongside the hundreds of people who flocked to downtown Dallas last week to protest police shootings of blacks.
Their presence was part of the new legal landscape in Texas, which earlier this year allowed people to openly carry firearms in public.
Moments later, when a sniper gunned down officers patrolling the peaceful march, killing five, the attack ignited panic and confusion. Who was shooting? Were the people with weapons friend or foe?

It was the same nightmare scenario that some law enforcement officials predicted when Texas approved the open-carry proposal.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown estimated that 20 to 30 open-carry activists attended the rally. He said some wore gas masks, bulletproof vests and fatigues. They ran when the shots rang out, but the presence of so many armed individuals at the scene of a sniper attack caused instant confusion.

"Doesn't make sense to us, but that's their right in Texas," Brown told CNN, adding: "For our officers, they were suspects. And I support that belief. Someone is shooting at you from a perched position, and people are running with AR-15s and camo gear and gas masks and bulletproof vests. They are suspects until we eliminate that."

Sorry...the actual event shows that you are wrong......what actually happened, not the fantasy you create, shows that everything you said would happen did not happen. Dittos the Giffords shooting.....we have to mass shootings with concealed carriers, on the scene, and at Dallas open carriers.....the responsible gun owners did not interfere, they did not get are just wrong. The cops knew they were not the problem because they weren't the ones shooting at people.....

The actual event shows you are fantasy was not correct.

You are so funny. You should run for mayor.
Your post does not support what Chief Brown was saying. Instead you went around rambling your own version. Every scenario fits your perfect agenda like in the movie.
Did you read what Brown was saying or you did you just look at it? You made it sound that it was cool for these people running around with guns in this kind of rally. According to Chief David it is a problem a concern and just doesn't make sense at all. Read again.
Even Pastor TD Jakes blasted Grisham for bringing his guns with his buddies to this rally........ What was he thinking?

My post was based from Brown ............ How did it became my fantasy?

In the real,world......nothing he said was true, was it? Normal gun mowers with op ly displayed rifles..........when the shooting started these responsible gun owners got out of the way because the police were on the scene...they did not join in...they did not try to fight the gun,an....the police knew who the good guys were.....because they weren't shooting people......and they did their job.....

Face it.......this shooting and the Giffords shooting show that you have no clue what you are talking made up a fantasy that did not match what happen d in an actual mass public shooting...with normal people with rifles....

You were 100% wrong....totally wrong....

You are making all scenario the same just like the movie......
You are telling me that Chief David is not telling the truth just to prove your stupidity.
You are a rabid gun supporter that your opinion does not make any sense at all.
From the horses mouth........ It is a concern and immediate confusion. And you said NO?
You assumed that all people carrying guns has cc permits and good guys. A lunatic can easily mingle with the group the same way. A good cop is always think that people like these assholes are suspects. They do no take easily for granted.......... That's how a cop think............
If you understand how a cop think that is IF........... From what i gathered from you........ You don't know nothing at all about how cops think just to support your addiction........ You take these issues like oh....... ALL people carrying a guns are good guys........ Do you realized how dumb you are?
Both Pastor and chief blasted this stupid Grisham and here you are they are good guys........ Maybe.... What if its not? What if somebody else? And what is the purpose that these assholes has to show up in rally like that? What's the point?
Maybe you didn't even know Castile has cc permit and he got SHOT.

Guy.....we have a situation that actually happened.....there were people in that crowd not only with concealed pistols and open carried pistols...they had rifles....and nothing you or the police chief said happened.....

The normal gun owners did not interfere..they let the professionals handle it.

The police easily recognized that the people who weren't shooting other people weren't the they didn't shoot them.

So from the actual event....the event that happened...nothing you are saying are just wrong.....

This isn't the only event like this had the Gifford's shooting...another case with concealed carriers who did not shoot, because they didn't have to and who weren't shot by police......

Nothing you or the anti gunners have said happened in real world, mass public are wrong.

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