Copout: Parents brought children to America; no fault of their own

Just because a child is brought here by a parent has he/she lost his citizenship in his native country? No. He/she can exist there.

It's a copout to say oh we're hurting these children who were brought here through no fault of their own. That's b.s. families are responsible for their fates. And to reward those families while other families are legally waiting is irresponsible.

Frankly, it's obvious that Obama created this bleeding heart narrative on the heels of an election b/c who wants to be a hard ass and say fair is fair?

Sorry dude, but the standard is you're a citizen of your native country and you have to legally apply for citizenship. Just b/c your mommy or daddy broke the law doesn't give you any special rights that others do not have.
kids aren't responsible for the sins of their parents.

That's not the question. The question is, should kids be rewarded for the sins of their parents when other kids receive no such reward for their parents doing things the honest way?
I'm not seeing how they are being rewarded. They get to have work permits. Big fucking whoop.
The bank robbery scenario is ludicrous and how silly the extremists have become.

We in the mainstream GOP accept the executive order and know that Romney will expand it even more. We need many more Latinos in the party to make and maintain majority status.

You believe it 'extreme' for me to think that one should wait their turn and not be rewarded because their parent decided to break the law?

Please elucidate.
It does not matter what you think any more.

BHO's EO and Romney's support of it makes your concern dead to the Republican Party.
Just because a child is brought here by a parent has he/she lost his citizenship in his native country? No. He/she can exist there.

It's a copout to say oh we're hurting these children who were brought here through no fault of their own. That's b.s. families are responsible for their fates. And to reward those families while other families are legally waiting is irresponsible.

Frankly, it's obvious that Obama created this bleeding heart narrative on the heels of an election b/c who wants to be a hard ass and say fair is fair?

Sorry dude, but the standard is you're a citizen of your native country and you have to legally apply for citizenship. Just b/c your mommy or daddy broke the law doesn't give you any special rights that others do not have.

Since those children have spent so much of their life here, and many of them didn't even know they were not citizens, they should not be forced into a one-size-fits-all solution that is applied to adults. They need to have one tailored to their special circumstances and should be given an opportunity to become citizens by a different path than an adult who comes here illegally.

It gets complicated because then the argument is that we can't deport their parents either because it would separate families. The parents know when they come here that our laws are not upheld and they know that special deals, amnesty, etc, are always being proposed.

We need to secure the borders before anything else. How many more are flooding here after the latest round of promises? We'll never get a handle on this if we don't secure the borders. As it is, there are literally maps on how to get here and they point out the rest areas with water stations en route. It's a giant welcome mat. Our own government is helpful in telling illegals where to go to apply for aid. There is no discouragement from coming illegally and if we were to secure borders, deport all criminals and then let it be known that no more are allowed and that no more special favors after this will be granted, then they might stop coming. We also need to clarify the constitution regarding automatic citizenship. If parents are here illegally, the child should not be granted citizenship and the entire family will be deported. No jobs, no ITIN numbers, no more using other peoples' social security numbers and no more welfare. Word has it that Mexico's economy is doing better, so they can build a life there.

Moving to a new place isn't horrible if there are opportunities there. Isn't that why the illegals came here after growing up in another country? I am sure their children would get used to Mexico if their parents found work there.
kids aren't responsible for the sins of their parents.

That's not the question. The question is, should kids be rewarded for the sins of their parents when other kids receive no such reward for their parents doing things the honest way?
I'm not seeing how they are being rewarded. They get to have work permits. Big fucking whoop.

You're not being honest. The thousands who risk life and limb to come here illegally sure as hell see how they are being rewarded. Those who spend enormous time, effort, energy, and $$ to come here legally sure as hell see how they are being rewarded.
It does not matter what you think any more.

BHO's EO and Romney's support of it makes your concern dead to the Republican Party.

IOW you don't want to explain why my wanting people to wait their turn is 'extreme', got it, thanks! And can you show me where Romney said he suppoted this move, other than the military clause? TIA
Just because a child is brought here by a parent has he/she lost his citizenship in his native country? No. He/she can exist there.

It's a copout to say oh we're hurting these children who were brought here through no fault of their own. That's b.s. families are responsible for their fates. And to reward those families while other families are legally waiting is irresponsible.

Frankly, it's obvious that Obama created this bleeding heart narrative on the heels of an election b/c who wants to be a hard ass and say fair is fair?

Sorry dude, but the standard is you're a citizen of your native country and you have to legally apply for citizenship. Just b/c your mommy or daddy broke the law doesn't give you any special rights that others do not have.

So are we being told all Illegal immigrants here that are under 30 were all brought here Against their will by their Parents? That is BS, the Vast Majority came here after Reaching adulthood. Many on Student Visa's they have now Over Stayed.

What exactly earns them a spot at the front of a long line?
That's not the question. The question is, should kids be rewarded for the sins of their parents when other kids receive no such reward for their parents doing things the honest way?
I'm not seeing how they are being rewarded. They get to have work permits. Big fucking whoop.

You're not being honest. The thousands who risk life and limb to come here illegally sure as hell see how they are being rewarded. Those who spend enormous time, effort, energy, and $$ to come here legally sure as hell see how they are being rewarded.
You aren't making a whole lot of sense. I have friends, family, and business associates that cross their ts and dot their is and still cant become citizens.

Being dragged here as a child shouldn't count against anyone.
I actually have a good friend and Co worker who is a Legal Resident Alien. He has been trying to become a Citizen for about 6 Years now. Came here from Nigeria. He is 33 Years old. How is he any less Deserving than a 30 Year old Illegal Immigrant from Where ever?

I mean, Don't get me wrong I am for giving these people a path to Citizenship, I just think this is a really fucked up, and frankly Unconstitutional Way to go about it.
I actually have a good friend and Co worker who is a Legal Resident Alien. He has been trying to become a Citizen for about 6 Years now. Came here from Nigeria. He is 33 Years old. How is he any less Deserving than a 30 Year old Illegal Immigrant from Where ever?

Who is saying he isn't? You are comparing apples and oranges.
I actually have a good friend and Co worker who is a Legal Resident Alien. He has been trying to become a Citizen for about 6 Years now. Came here from Nigeria. He is 33 Years old. How is he any less Deserving than a 30 Year old Illegal Immigrant from Where ever?

I mean, Don't get me wrong I am for giving these people a path to Citizenship, I just think this is a really fucked up, and frankly Unconstitutional Way to go about it.

I'm not seeing how they are being rewarded. They get to have work permits. Big fucking whoop.

You're not being honest. The thousands who risk life and limb to come here illegally sure as hell see how they are being rewarded. Those who spend enormous time, effort, energy, and $$ to come here legally sure as hell see how they are being rewarded.
You aren't making a whole lot of sense. I have friends, family, and business associates that cross their ts and dot their is and still cant become citizens.

Being dragged here as a child shouldn't count against anyone.

It shouldn't entitle you to anything. Do you not understand the concept of not making incentives for lawlessness?
CaféAuLait;5508810 said:
and Co worker who is a Legal Resident Alien. He has been trying to become a Citizen for about 6 Years now. Came here from Nigeria. He is 33 Years old. How is he any less Deserving than a 30 Year old Illegal Immigrant from Where ever?

I mean, Don't get me wrong I am for giving these people a path to Citizenship, I just think this is a really fucked up, and frankly Unconstitutional Way to go about it.

Coming here illegally should not be a means for a path to citizenship. Go home and get in the back of the line.
I have friends, family, and business associates that cross their ts and dot their is and still cant become citizens.

And if, due to the illegal behavior of a relative of theirs they could, they would recognize that they were being rewarded.
We in the mainstream GOP.
No one believes you no matter how many times you chant your 'I'm mainstream!' mantra, champ. Give it up.
You are right, you are speaking for nobody. You are not mainstream, just, at best, very marginal. Your extremist position on this does not count with the mainstream GOP, in which I am in the center.
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We in the mainstream GOP.
No one believes you no matter how many times you chant your 'I'm mainstream!' mantra, champ. Give it up.
You are right, you are speaking for nobody. You are not mainstream, just, at best, very marginal. Your extremist position on this does not count with the mainstream GOP, in which I am in the center.

You have officially become the Rainman.

I'm mainstream, definately, definately mainstream. Yeah. Definately mainstream. Uh-oh! Time for Wapner!

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