cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

Yes they are protecting the only persons who matter anymore, the corporate persons.
And Fascism marches forward with an American flag, a bible and the full support of conservatives everywhere.
Ah. So when a few prevent the many from their right to attend classes without hassle by the few, it's fascism to disperse those few who are infringing on the many, and use force on them when they will not.


Notice the hypocrisy on the Left's part, they are concerned about this
but very little is made of the rapes that happen at OWS

In fact, It appears NOW has not even made a statement against it

  • According to ABC News, this past Saturday night a 23-year-old reported being raped by a 50-year-old inside a tent at Occupy Philadelphia.
  • A 14-year-old child was allegedly raped at Occupy Dallas.
  • At Occupy Cleveland, a 19-year-old told police she was raped after sharing a tent with an unknown man.
  • After reporting her rape at Occupy Baltimore, a young woman claimed occupiers refused to help find her attacker.
  • Reports of rape and attempted rape in Zuccotti Park are surfacing.
Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

Please explain how police are not supposed to enforce the laws.

The officers are now on suspension.......

OAKLAND — Two University of California, Davis police officers involved in pepper spraying seated protesters are being placed on administrative leave as the chancellor of the school accelerates the investigation into the incident.

UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi on Sunday said she has been inundated with reaction over the incident, in which an officer dispassionately fires pepper spray on a line of sitting demonstrators.

Video of the incident was circulated widely on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter on Saturday, and the university's faculty association called on Katehi to resign, saying in a letter there had been a "gross failure of leadership."

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave - US news - Life -
And Fascism marches forward with an American flag, a bible and the full support of conservatives everywhere.
Ah. So when a few prevent the many from their right to attend classes without hassle by the few, it's fascism to disperse those few who are infringing on the many, and use force on them when they will not.


Notice the hypocrisy on the Left's part, they are concerned about this
but very little is made of the rapes that happen at OWS

In fact, It appears NOW has not even made a statement against it

  • According to ABC News, this past Saturday night a 23-year-old reported being raped by a 50-year-old inside a tent at Occupy Philadelphia.
  • A 14-year-old child was allegedly raped at Occupy Dallas.
  • At Occupy Cleveland, a 19-year-old told police she was raped after sharing a tent with an unknown man.
  • After reporting her rape at Occupy Baltimore, a young woman claimed occupiers refused to help find her attacker.
  • Reports of rape and attempted rape in Zuccotti Park are surfacing.
NOW is a fucking joke and has been since they couldn't bring themselves to advocate for the many victims of honor killings here and in Canada.

So, this is no surprise to me.
Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

Yes they are protecting the only persons who matter anymore, the corporate persons.

Well that should make Papa Obama happy

Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Harvard University $878,164
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Google Inc $814,540
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
Time Warner $624,618

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor in 2008 election cycle
Ah. So when a few prevent the many from their right to attend classes without hassle by the few, it's fascism to disperse those few who are infringing on the many, and use force on them when they will not.


Notice the hypocrisy on the Left's part, they are concerned about this
but very little is made of the rapes that happen at OWS

In fact, It appears NOW has not even made a statement against it

  • According to ABC News, this past Saturday night a 23-year-old reported being raped by a 50-year-old inside a tent at Occupy Philadelphia.
  • A 14-year-old child was allegedly raped at Occupy Dallas.
  • At Occupy Cleveland, a 19-year-old told police she was raped after sharing a tent with an unknown man.
  • After reporting her rape at Occupy Baltimore, a young woman claimed occupiers refused to help find her attacker.
  • Reports of rape and attempted rape in Zuccotti Park are surfacing.
NOW is a fucking joke and has been since they couldn't bring themselves to advocate for the many victims of honor killings here and in Canada.

So, this is no surprise to me.

You are right about that, Si modo.
The officers are now on suspension.......

OAKLAND — Two University of California, Davis police officers involved in pepper spraying seated protesters are being placed on administrative leave as the chancellor of the school accelerates the investigation into the incident.

UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi on Sunday said she has been inundated with reaction over the incident, in which an officer dispassionately fires pepper spray on a line of sitting demonstrators.

Video of the incident was circulated widely on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter on Saturday, and the university's faculty association called on Katehi to resign, saying in a letter there had been a "gross failure of leadership."

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave - US news - Life -

Good, any cop that could casually and emotionlessly inflict that much pain has no business with a badge.
Lets see, we can either manhandle them to the scrams of police brutality or we can pepper spray them. Which one is better?
Actually the difference is purely a matter of perception. The vast majority of Americans believe that police are sufficiently trained as to benignly manhandle the protesters into compliance and peaceably remove them. But what they are seeing is some fat slob walking around spraying pepper gas into the faces of seated college kids and at least one elderly woman. And they saw a young Army veteran's skull fractured by some sadistic, masked sonofabitch who shot him in the head with a tear-gas canister. The public doesn't know which cop did that but they know it was one of them.
Ah. So when a few prevent the many from their right to attend classes without hassle by the few, it's fascism to disperse those few who are infringing on the many, and use force on them when they will not.


Notice the hypocrisy on the Left's part, they are concerned about this
but very little is made of the rapes that happen at OWS

In fact, It appears NOW has not even made a statement against it

  • According to ABC News, this past Saturday night a 23-year-old reported being raped by a 50-year-old inside a tent at Occupy Philadelphia.
  • A 14-year-old child was allegedly raped at Occupy Dallas.
  • At Occupy Cleveland, a 19-year-old told police she was raped after sharing a tent with an unknown man.
  • After reporting her rape at Occupy Baltimore, a young woman claimed occupiers refused to help find her attacker.
  • Reports of rape and attempted rape in Zuccotti Park are surfacing.
NOW is a fucking joke and has been since they couldn't bring themselves to advocate for the many victims of honor killings here and in Canada.

So, this is no surprise to me.

I didn't even know that NOW was still around.
The officers are now on suspension.......

OAKLAND — Two University of California, Davis police officers involved in pepper spraying seated protesters are being placed on administrative leave as the chancellor of the school accelerates the investigation into the incident.

UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi on Sunday said she has been inundated with reaction over the incident, in which an officer dispassionately fires pepper spray on a line of sitting demonstrators.

Video of the incident was circulated widely on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter on Saturday, and the university's faculty association called on Katehi to resign, saying in a letter there had been a "gross failure of leadership."

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave - US news - Life -

Good, any cop that could casually and emotionlessly inflict that much pain has no business with a badge.

Hate to disappoint you
but it is SOP to put an officer on leave when an investigation is being done
Administrative leave means they will get paid without having to do any work


he is eligible to become a OWS protester now
The officers are now on suspension.......

OAKLAND — Two University of California, Davis police officers involved in pepper spraying seated protesters are being placed on administrative leave as the chancellor of the school accelerates the investigation into the incident.

UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi on Sunday said she has been inundated with reaction over the incident, in which an officer dispassionately fires pepper spray on a line of sitting demonstrators.

Video of the incident was circulated widely on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter on Saturday, and the university's faculty association called on Katehi to resign, saying in a letter there had been a "gross failure of leadership."

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave - US news - Life -

Good, any cop that could casually and emotionlessly inflict that much pain has no business with a badge.
And, any protestor who infringes on the rights of many should be stopped. And when they refuse to stop infringing on the rights of the many, the cops can make them stop. And, in the interest of the rights of the many, the cops BETTER make them stop.

And, they did. :thup:
Notice the hypocrisy on the Left's part, they are concerned about this
but very little is made of the rapes that happen at OWS

In fact, It appears NOW has not even made a statement against it

  • According to ABC News, this past Saturday night a 23-year-old reported being raped by a 50-year-old inside a tent at Occupy Philadelphia.
  • A 14-year-old child was allegedly raped at Occupy Dallas.
  • At Occupy Cleveland, a 19-year-old told police she was raped after sharing a tent with an unknown man.
  • After reporting her rape at Occupy Baltimore, a young woman claimed occupiers refused to help find her attacker.
  • Reports of rape and attempted rape in Zuccotti Park are surfacing.
NOW is a fucking joke and has been since they couldn't bring themselves to advocate for the many victims of honor killings here and in Canada.

So, this is no surprise to me.

I didn't even know that NOW was still around.

too funny

Yeah, maybe the last round of Papa Obama's Pork Bill has kept them
NOW is a fucking joke and has been since they couldn't bring themselves to advocate for the many victims of honor killings here and in Canada.

So, this is no surprise to me.

I didn't even know that NOW was still around.

too funny

Yeah, maybe the last round of Papa Obama's Pork Bill has kept them

They never did anything for me. I got everything I have without the NOW. Fancy that!

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