cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

Please explain how police are not supposed to enforce the laws.


Obviously i didn't say that. You can defend the indefensible if you want to but it wont make this right. Our Police are not being trained properly. This is not how you interact with the populace. More & more they're not showing any common sense or acting in a civil manner towards the Citizens. This is because they are being trained to be jack-booted thugs. It's all part of the ongoing militarization of our country. 'To Protect and To Serve.' That should be their number one priority. These innocent protesters have been wronged and deserve justice. Committing crimes against the Poeple all in the name of "But i was just following orders" should never be tolerated. We should have already learned that from history. These Police Officers should be arrested themselves. This is not how we should treat our fellow Citizens.
Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

Please explain how police are not supposed to enforce the laws.


Obviously i didn't say that. You can defend the indefensible if you want to but it wont make this right. Our Police are not being trained properly. This is not how you interact with the populace. More & more they're not showing any common sense or acting in a civil manner towards the Citizens. This is because they are being trained to be jack-booted thugs. It's all part of the ongoing militarization of our country. 'To Protect and To Serve.' That should be their number one priority. These innocent protesters have been wronged and deserve justice. Committing crimes against the Poeple all in the name of "But i was just following orders" should never be tolerated. We should have already learned that from history. These Police Officers should be arrested themselves. This not how we should treat our fellow Citizens.

But you did.

And you can't explain it.
The officers are now on suspension.......

OAKLAND — Two University of California, Davis police officers involved in pepper spraying seated protesters are being placed on administrative leave as the chancellor of the school accelerates the investigation into the incident.

UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi on Sunday said she has been inundated with reaction over the incident, in which an officer dispassionately fires pepper spray on a line of sitting demonstrators.

Video of the incident was circulated widely on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter on Saturday, and the university's faculty association called on Katehi to resign, saying in a letter there had been a "gross failure of leadership."

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave - US news - Life -

Good, any cop that could casually and emotionlessly inflict that much pain has no business with a badge.
That "administrative leave" routine is bullshit. It means time off with pay until everything calms down. At most they will be "fined" a few days pay, like the New York City Deputy Inspector who not only sprayed some girls in the face but who punched one kid for no reason. He was fined ten days suspension without pay. If I sprayed someone with pepper gas and/or punched someone in the face I would be doing at least a year on Rikers Island.

I'll say

next they will be forcing us to buy things under the threat of breaking the law

never mind

Your attempts to deflect the discussion away from the topic will not be successful.

The fact that you had to respond, shows this not to be the case
they are exactly the same
the only difference being, you agree with obeying one law but not the other

very relevant
And you excuse and pretend the law breaking by the republican party in elections doesnt exsist

Good, any cop that could casually and emotionlessly inflict that much pain has no business with a badge.
That "administrative leave" routine is bullshit. It means time off with pay until everything calms down. At most they will be "fined" a few days pay, like the New York City Deputy Inspector who not only sprayed some girls in the face but who punched one kid for no reason. He was fined ten days suspension without pay. If I sprayed someone with pepper gas and/or punched someone in the face I would be doing at least a year on Rikers Island.

If you did it as a OWS protester then you could claim it was your right
There will be protests until we win our democracy back.

The reps dont listen because they are not ELECTED by the people anymore
Yea you mindless drones go on defending the indefensible. They did that in Nazi Germany too...

[ame=]US cops use pepper spray on Wall St protestors - YouTube[/ame]
It's good to see the Right, and by extension the Republican party, align themselves with the jackbooted thugs in this incident.

That'll work out real well politically out in normal America. :lol::lol:
So, why are they thugs?

They are thugs because they used excessive force. Do you understand what excessive force means?

Tell us what it means, so we know you know what it means.
Good, any cop that could casually and emotionlessly inflict that much pain has no business with a badge.
That "administrative leave" routine is bullshit. It means time off with pay until everything calms down. At most they will be "fined" a few days pay, like the New York City Deputy Inspector who not only sprayed some girls in the face but who punched one kid for no reason. He was fined ten days suspension without pay. If I sprayed someone with pepper gas and/or punched someone in the face I would be doing at least a year on Rikers Island.

If you did it as a OWS protester then you could claim it was your right

"Claim" being the operative word here! :rolleyes:
Do you think your average teabagger would take a pepper spray to the face for their cause? They hate the government yet they are still saying that we should meekly follow the orders of the authorities when THEY decide your rights just ran out.

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