cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Why was such an elderly lady placed at the FRONT of a horde of protesting morons to get close to the spray anyhow?

OH THATS police riot team training, they have countless documented cases of protest organizers stating they try to place women, children and minorities near the front because they know it will cause havoc if police enforce anything on these groups.

Blame the assholes who put grandma at the front of the protest, not the cops enforcing the laws.

Fucking pathetic what the liberal masses have turned into in this country. I welcome as many Mexicans as possible, as you all are better workers and citizens than the typical domestic liberal.

lol! Pretty hard to converse with some on this Board. Somehow it always gets back to never being the Police's fault. It's always the Protesters' fault. Some really should try looking at things from both perspectives instead of always rushing to defend the Police. Your Government & Police are wrong sometimes. Seriously,it's true. So many Americans just refuse to accept that. It's so bizarre.
Yeah, and you've already claimed it's ALWAYS the police's fault......Now we have new information that shows the protesters were at fault, for acting like a bunch of disrespectful piles of garbage, who were not only looking for a confrontation with campus security, but also shitting all over the rights of students who simply wanted to get to class.

Get a damn clue!:evil:

lol! Heil Hitler back at ya. :)
Next time just shoot em all and be done with it. Think of the Tax Dollars we would save? How dare they protest the State. Who do they think they are?...American Citizens or something? The Police are always right and the Protesters are always wrong. That's what the State teaches us no? So they should know better than to challenge the State. Next time just exterminate them and be done with it. They're all just filthy animals anyway.
Next time just shoot em all and be done with it. Think of the Tax Dollars we would save? How dare they protest the State. Who do they think they are?...American Citizens or something? The Police are always right and the Protesters are always wrong. That's what the State teaches us no? So they should know better than to challenge the State. Next time just exterminate them and be done with it. They're all just filthy animals anyway.

Next time just shoot em all and be done with it. Think of the Tax Dollars we would save? How dare they protest the State. Who do they think they are?...American Citizens or something? The Police are always right and the Protesters are always wrong. That's what the State teaches us no? So they should know better than to challenge the State. Next time just exterminate them and be done with it. They're all just filthy animals anyway.
How about those slobs not break the laws, or shit all over the rights of their fellow citizens?

Sounds like you believe the Constitution is good for nothing more then toilet paper.....Seeeing as though you support slobs who shit all over their fellow citizens rights.
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Next time just shoot em all and be done with it. Think of the Tax Dollars we would save? How dare they protest the State. Who do they think they are?...American Citizens or something? The Police are always right and the Protesters are always wrong. That's what the State teaches us no? So they should know better than to challenge the State. Next time just exterminate them and be done with it. They're all just filthy animals anyway.
How about those slobs not break the laws, or shit all over the rights of their fellow citiezens?

Sounds like you believe the Constitution is good for nothing more then toilet paper.....Seeeing as though you support slobs who shit all over their fellow citizens rights.

But if they aren't breaking the laws how will they get any attention?
The drama it trite and absurd and has un its course.
The sensational has become banal.
lol! Pretty hard to converse with some on this Board. Somehow it always gets back to never being the Police's fault. It's always the Protesters' fault. Some really should try looking at things from both perspectives instead of always rushing to defend the Police. Your Government & Police are wrong sometimes. Seriously,it's true. So many Americans just refuse to accept that. It's so bizarre.
That's the authoritarian mentality. They either are at your throat or at your feet. And, sadly, that orientation usually is so deeply imbedded they are incapable of objective reasoning.

All you can do is try.
I just made a thread on this. Included a photo....a NEW photo....of the circle. Cops were trapped inside it. The man who sprayed was actually on the outside of the encircled cops. They told cops "go through us". One UC professor whined the cops "should've just stepped over them".
Yes. You opened a new thread on this subject. And in spite of having read my statement here you complain there that your opposition is silent. So you seem naturally inclined to deceive.

No. Thats not how it works. They circled them on purpose, refused to let them leave.

By use of force standards, the cops would have been justified in using hands-on force, batons, tazers since the students were preventing the movement of the cops, aka, obstructing justice and, technically, committing "kidnapping" as all 50 states classify "any unlawful act which prevents the free movement of another human being".
You weren't there and neither was I and I've stated my reservation. So let's wait for something more substantive than the statement of some girl, who thus far is speaking for herself, and a photo of a cop spraying some seated protesters. I also see a clearly open path in the background and some standing spectators. So far I haven't seen or heard anything that suggests those cops wanted to leave but were forcibly constrained.

You clearly are reading your preferred scenario into that photo.
Too much of that 'Call of Duty' video game for many on this Board. So amped up to crush anyone who dares to question the State. Seriously,what happened to our country? When did so many decide to bow & praise Authority so much? How did it happen? Most don't even seem to realize they've become boot-lickers. And that's the scariest part. Can we ever change this mentality or is it permanent?
Too much of that 'Call of Duty' video game for many on this Board. So amped up to crush anyone who dares to question the State. Seriously,what happened to our country? When did so many decide to bow & praise Authority so much? How did it happen? Most don't even seem to realize they've become boot-lickers. And that's the scariest part. Can we ever change this mentality or is it permanent?
You seem to think that it's perfectly right for those slobs to shit all over their fellow citizens rights.

Why is that?

Does the constitution mean anything to you?

Do laws mean anything to you, Paul?
Too much of that 'Call of Duty' video game for many on this Board. So amped up to crush anyone who dares to question the State. Seriously,what happened to our country? When did so many decide to bow & praise Authority so much? How did it happen? Most don't even seem to realize they've become boot-lickers. And that's the scariest part. Can we ever change this mentality or is it permanent?
The authoritarian streak in American character is believed (see, Escape From Freedom, by Dr. Erich Fromm) to be fostered by widespread adherence to Christian dogma, which imposes a submissive predisposition in some and a strong will to dominate in others. The symbolic influence of this faith is most apparent in the mandates and rituals of Catholicism which include Communion, Confession, Penance for expiation of guilt, Commandments, Worship of and absolute Obedience to the godhead, Accession to Heaven and Condemnation to Hell. The final effect of this powerful pre-conscious imperative is conditioning of the mind to accept and conform with the secular manifestations of Worship. But the authoritarian influence is just as strong in other denominations of Christianity, principally Evangelism.

In case you happen to be watching the current Sunday-night HBO Special, Boardwalk Empire, the writers have very cleverly worked this phenomenon into the character of Federal Agent Nelson vanAlden -- in all his perversely brutal authoritarian and hypocritical glory.
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Won't read that anywhere else.
If it is true that the protesters acted aggressively toward the cops, and deliberately obstructing them would qualify as aggression, then the spraying occured defensively and police response could have been much worse than it was. But in light of this new testimony we need to learn more about what happened before drawing any conclusions.
You've already drawn your conclusions, pussy....To the point of stating you wish to see cops killed.

You're a fucking low life scumbag, nothing more.

I don't think the cops should be killed, but I don't think they should be pepper spraying peaceful protesters either. If they were violent, or vandalizing, or something other than sitting peacefully..then yeah, but they weren't.
If it is true that the protesters acted aggressively toward the cops, and deliberately obstructing them would qualify as aggression, then the spraying occured defensively and police response could have been much worse than it was. But in light of this new testimony we need to learn more about what happened before drawing any conclusions.
You've already drawn your conclusions, pussy....To the point of stating you wish to see cops killed.

You're a fucking low life scumbag, nothing more.

I don't think the cops should be killed, but I don't think they should be pepper spraying peaceful protesters either. If they were violent, or vandalizing, or something other than sitting peacefully..then yeah, but they weren't.

They were violating the rights of students who simply wanted to get to class.

They were violating the law, and were given ample warnings to move their slovenly asses.....They were provoking a confrontation, and they got it......To bad for those slobs that they were on the losing end.

Maybe next time, those idiotic, slovenly lil' whiners will think twice before trying to provoke anybody.
It is pretty clear the Government would like to end all protesting. Now they're even requiring Citizens to purchase 'Protest Licenses.' Forcing Citizens to pay to protest? That's as Un-American as it gets in my opinion. And now some are arguing if anyone gets even slightly inconvenienced,their rights are being violated therefore the Government has the right to crush the protesters. That's some twisted logic for sure. If we keep going down this path,protesting will be impossible. But i guess that's what some have always wanted. They'll just continue to make it so difficult to protest that most Citizens just wont bother anymore. It's a very smart but evil tactic. When we lose the right to Protest,we will have lost our country forever.
I am still waiting for someone to put up video to validate the thread title.

cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis student
And guess who will end up paying for this stupidity? American Taxpayers will. Several Lawsuits are still pending against the Police. WTG Gestapo assholes!

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