cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Looks like the Police were prepared for War. Look at what they were wearing and how armed they were. Says a lot about the current state of our Police Force no?
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

I don't like cops either but you're intellectually dishonest..

Oh they got sprayed, however nothing was shoved down their throats...

Furthermore OWS can take their ignorant asses and go jump off a bridge..

In what fucking universe does OWS believe they have the right to impede people???

You have the right to protest - you don't have the right to stop others from getting on with their everyday lives...

The audacity of OWS is truly remarkable...

Anti-capitalist anarchist fucks is what they are..
No we don't have a problem with our Police. No way.

AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to Elli Pearson. Elli, describe exactly what happened on Friday.

ELLI PEARSON: Well, we were protesting together, and the riot cops came at us, and we linked arms and sat down peacefully to protest their presence on our campus. And at one point, they were—we had encircled them, and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us. But we were on the ground, you know, heads down. And all I could see was people telling me to cover my head, protect myself, and put my head down. And the next thing I know, I was pepper-sprayed.

Read more: UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn't Let Them Leave |

Won't read that anywhere else.
I had to laugh when i read this morning that some of these Police were actually claiming they were frightened of these completely unarmed kids sitting and protesting. They're saying this while at the same time wearing their black uniforms armed with body armor,tasers,pepper spray,clubs,and automatic weapons. Now that's some funny shit. They were scared? How bout these poor kids? This is why more people are turning on the Police. They lie.

I figured that out at the Rodney King trial. According to their report, the car Rodney and 3 of his friends, all weighing over 200 pounds were in was going in speeds over 100 mph, sometimes uphill. They were in a Hundai, of all things. All I can say is if I ever get a Hundai, I want that one.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to Elli Pearson. Elli, describe exactly what happened on Friday.

ELLI PEARSON: Well, we were protesting together, and the riot cops came at us, and we linked arms and sat down peacefully to protest their presence on our campus. And at one point, they were—we had encircled them, and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us. But we were on the ground, you know, heads down. And all I could see was people telling me to cover my head, protect myself, and put my head down. And the next thing I know, I was pepper-sprayed.

Read more: UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn't Let Them Leave |

Won't read that anywhere else.

I saw the video, the cops were behind the students and walked in front of them to spray them,, how could they do that if they were surrounded?
Has anyone bothered to post proof with a vid or link that the cops held down the protesters while feeding them the spray yet?
You morons are so obsessed with "what they were wearing". Ok, YET ANOTHER lesson in police tactics for libs:

The uniforms:

Police tac teams, riot teams, etc, wear BDU style uniforms. Why? One reason is more pockets. With large crowds, you may need more handcuffs, more paper, pens, ammo, who knows what may happen. More pockets mean, well, MORE room for shit.

Why BDU's? The traditional police polyester uniforms are more expensive. BDU's are more durable, cheaper, and easier to maintain. So, it's much more efficient to use for tac and riot teams. More pockets, more efficient, more durable.

Finallly the "all black" which dumbass libs are so irate about. Some PD's use black BDU's. Some green. Some camo (bought from military surplus because its so much cheaper). So why black instead of a friendlier red or yellow or pink or white???? Black is easy to wash and dirt doesn't show.

You moronic liberals have no grasp of common sense, so naturally I dont expect you to understand my PD lessons for you. But black, or navy, or green, BDU's, or as liberals call it "Call of Duty war gear", is cheaper, more efficient, easier to clean, and more durable. Thats why the military uses it. And why PD's use it.

As for spray, I've hashed out that lesson numerous times, search it on the forum. I'm not providing this free education to you libs forever ya know.
Has anyone bothered to post proof with a vid or link that the cops held down the protesters while feeding them the spray yet?

No. The only link was a UC Davis student admitting the purposely sought out the cops, surrounded them, and sat to impede their operation. The students begged for this incident, and hey, they got what they wanted.

SOmeone said "But cops came up from behind them".

Yes. There were more cops on campus than the ones that were surrounded. They came to help. But if you surround a bunch of cops, then refuse to step aside, guess what happens?
AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to Elli Pearson. Elli, describe exactly what happened on Friday.

ELLI PEARSON: Well, we were protesting together, and the riot cops came at us, and we linked arms and sat down peacefully to protest their presence on our campus. And at one point, they were—we had encircled them, and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us. But we were on the ground, you know, heads down. And all I could see was people telling me to cover my head, protect myself, and put my head down. And the next thing I know, I was pepper-sprayed.

Read more: UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn't Let Them Leave |

Won't read that anywhere else.
If it is true that the protesters acted aggressively toward the cops, deliberately obstructing them would qualify as aggression. That means the spraying occured defensively and the police response could have been much worse than it was. But in light of this new testimony we need to learn more about what happened before drawing any conclusions.
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Thats right. Once the UC crowd realize that he not only was the pepper sprayer, but a MARINE, oh man their hatred will amplify! Theres few things the typical far lefty hates more than a cop, but a squared away Marine may be one of them.
You call that sloppy-looking porker squared away?

I was speaking in generality. Not about him individually. Although I'm sure he was squared away 20 years ago when he was a young Marine. 95% of Americans his age are sloppy porkers. Our nation is too fat. You likely are too.

The mention of his military service is stupidly irrelevent. So what if he's an ex-Marine. So am I. And all that proves is your theory about hating cops is truly ridiculous.
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AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to Elli Pearson. Elli, describe exactly what happened on Friday.

ELLI PEARSON: Well, we were protesting together, and the riot cops came at us, and we linked arms and sat down peacefully to protest their presence on our campus. And at one point, they were—we had encircled them, and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us. But we were on the ground, you know, heads down. And all I could see was people telling me to cover my head, protect myself, and put my head down. And the next thing I know, I was pepper-sprayed.

Read more: UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn't Let Them Leave |

Won't read that anywhere else.
If it is true that the protesters acted aggressively toward the cops, and deliberately obstructing them would qualify as aggression, then the spraying occured defensively and police response could have been much worse than it was. But in light of this new testimony we need to learn more about what happened before drawing any conclusions.

I just made a thread on this. Included a photo....a NEW photo....of the circle. Cops were trapped inside it. The man who sprayed was actually on the outside of the encircled cops. They told cops "go through us". One UC professor whined the cops "should've just stepped over them".

No. Thats not how it works. They circled them on purpose, refused to let them leave.
By use of force standards, the cops would have been justified in using hands-on force, batons, tazers since the students were preventing the movement of the cops, aka, obstructing justice and, technically, committing "kidnapping" as all 50 states classify "any unlawful act which prevents the free movement of another human being".


  • $Pepper%20Spray_0.jpg
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You call that sloppy-looking porker squared away?

I was speaking in generality. Not about him individually. Although I'm sure he was squared away 20 years ago when he was a young Marine. 95% of Americans his age are sloppy porkers. Our nation is too fat. You likely are too.

The mention of his military service is stupidly irrelevent. So what if he's an ex-Marine. So am I. And all that proves is your theory about hating cops is truly ridiculous.

If he was a Marine, then he obviously has extensive discipline experience. He can keep his composure under a hail of bombs and guns, so surely he would keep it under this little campus incident.

Which tells me......the action was just, and he did it by the book.

Which my new thread, and the student's admission, AND the new photo showing the encircled cops, all lays out.

Libtards jumped the gun on this one. What ever happend to "innocent until proven guilty?"
And she deserved it too right? So sad.


Why was such an elderly lady placed at the FRONT of a horde of protesting morons to get close to the spray anyhow?

OH THATS police riot team training, they have countless documented cases of protest organizers stating they try to place women, children and minorities near the front because they know it will cause havoc if police enforce anything on these groups.

Blame the assholes who put grandma at the front of the protest, not the cops enforcing the laws.

Fucking pathetic what the liberal masses have turned into in this country. I welcome as many Mexicans as possible, as you all are better workers and citizens than the typical domestic liberal.
Won't read that anywhere else.
If it is true that the protesters acted aggressively toward the cops, and deliberately obstructing them would qualify as aggression, then the spraying occured defensively and police response could have been much worse than it was. But in light of this new testimony we need to learn more about what happened before drawing any conclusions.

I just made a thread on this. Included a photo....a NEW photo....of the circle. Cops were trapped inside it. The man who sprayed was actually on the outside of the encircled cops. They told cops "go through us". One UC professor whined the cops "should've just stepped over them".

No. Thats not how it works. They circled them on purpose, refused to let them leave.
By use of force standards, the cops would have been justified in using hands-on force, batons, tazers since the students were preventing the movement of the cops, aka, obstructing justice and, technically, committing "kidnapping" as all 50 states classify "any unlawful act which prevents the free movement of another human being".

The UC Davis truth fiinally comes out.

And we get silence in response from libtards.
And she deserved it too right? So sad.


Why was such an elderly lady placed at the FRONT of a horde of protesting morons to get close to the spray anyhow?

OH THATS police riot team training, they have countless documented cases of protest organizers stating they try to place women, children and minorities near the front because they know it will cause havoc if police enforce anything on these groups.

Blame the assholes who put grandma at the front of the protest, not the cops enforcing the laws.

Fucking pathetic what the liberal masses have turned into in this country. I welcome as many Mexicans as possible, as you all are better workers and citizens than the typical domestic liberal.

lol! Pretty hard to converse with some on this Board. Somehow it always gets back to never being the Police's fault. It's always the Protesters' fault. Some really should try looking at things from both perspectives instead of always rushing to defend the Police. Your Government & Police are wrong sometimes. Seriously,it's true. So many Americans just refuse to accept that. It's so bizarre.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to Elli Pearson. Elli, describe exactly what happened on Friday.

ELLI PEARSON: Well, we were protesting together, and the riot cops came at us, and we linked arms and sat down peacefully to protest their presence on our campus. And at one point, they were—we had encircled them, and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us. But we were on the ground, you know, heads down. And all I could see was people telling me to cover my head, protect myself, and put my head down. And the next thing I know, I was pepper-sprayed.

Read more: UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn't Let Them Leave |

Won't read that anywhere else.
If it is true that the protesters acted aggressively toward the cops, and deliberately obstructing them would qualify as aggression, then the spraying occured defensively and police response could have been much worse than it was. But in light of this new testimony we need to learn more about what happened before drawing any conclusions.
You've already drawn your conclusions, pussy....To the point of stating you wish to see cops killed.

You're a fucking low life scumbag, nothing more.
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And she deserved it too right? So sad.


Why was such an elderly lady placed at the FRONT of a horde of protesting morons to get close to the spray anyhow?

OH THATS police riot team training, they have countless documented cases of protest organizers stating they try to place women, children and minorities near the front because they know it will cause havoc if police enforce anything on these groups.

Blame the assholes who put grandma at the front of the protest, not the cops enforcing the laws.

Fucking pathetic what the liberal masses have turned into in this country. I welcome as many Mexicans as possible, as you all are better workers and citizens than the typical domestic liberal.

lol! Pretty hard to converse with some on this Board. Somehow it always gets back to never being the Police's fault. It's always the Protesters' fault. Some really should try looking at things from both perspectives instead of always rushing to defend the Police. Your Government & Police are wrong sometimes. Seriously,it's true. So many Americans just refuse to accept that. It's so bizarre.
Yeah, and you've already claimed it's ALWAYS the police's fault......Now we have new information that shows the protesters were at fault, for acting like a bunch of disrespectful piles of garbage, who were not only looking for a confrontation with campus security, but also shitting all over the rights of students who simply wanted to get to class.

Get a damn clue!:evil:

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