cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

It's might makes right, nothing complicated, reptile brains at work.

Yea i guess,but how did this happen to so many Americans? I'll never get all this love and worship of authority. We were never a nation who believed in that. We were always independent-minded and strong. To see all these people cheering and bowing to authority,really is very sad. They'll defend anything their jack-booters do. It's so damn weird. How did they brainwash the masses that way? Crazy stuff.
Come on, son, just admit it............You've had many run-ins with the cops, got stupid, was put in your place, and now you're all butthurt and bitter that they wouldn't play along with your stupidity.

"Jack Boots"....."Gestapo"......Yeah, you're not an entertaining, paranoid loon.:50:

You fuckin' people are say the least.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Sorry you feel that way. But if our original Tea Partiers adored & worshipped authoritarian jerks as much as you do,we wouldn't even have a United States of America. The Police are not always right and there is no need to worship them. They work for us and should be respected as equals. Nothing more,nothing less. Hopefully one day you'll see that. But hey,we're not gonna agree on this anytime soon. So i would like to call a truce and move on. I'm pretty sure we agree on other things. Thanks for your replies. A good spirited debate is always welcome with me. Thanks and take care.
[Come on, son, just admit it............You've had many run-ins with the cops, got stupid, was put in your place, and now you're all butthurt and bitter that they wouldn't play along with your stupidity.

paulitician is michael mineo
Yea i guess,but how did this happen to so many Americans? I'll never get all this love and worship of authority. We were never a nation who believed in that. We were always independent-minded and strong. To see all these people cheering and bowing to authority,really is very sad. They'll defend anything their jack-booters do. It's so damn weird. How did they brainwash the masses that way? Crazy stuff.
Come on, son, just admit it............You've had many run-ins with the cops, got stupid, was put in your place, and now you're all butthurt and bitter that they wouldn't play along with your stupidity.

"Jack Boots"....."Gestapo"......Yeah, you're not an entertaining, paranoid loon.:50:

You fuckin' people are say the least.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Sorry you feel that way. But if our original Tea Partiers adored & worshipped authoritarian jerks as much as you do,we wouldn't even have a United States of America. The Police are not always right and there is no need to worship them. They work for us and should be respected as equals. Nothing more,nothing less. Hopefully one day you'll see that. But hey,we're not gonna agree on this anytime soon. So i would like to call a truce and move on. I'm pretty sure we agree on other things. Thanks for your replies. A good spirited debate is always welcome with me. Thanks and take care.



You take care too, buddy, sincerely......And I hope ya' get help for your paranoid complex.
Those student loan brats should have obeyed orders. No matter how petty the crime or disobedience may be the moment you resist an officers orders over and over you put yourself in that situation. Instead of obeying the law they actually got into a circle and surrounded the police. Perhaps the pepper spray was a bit harsh but these protesters are by no means innocent in all this.

Yes we must all submit to our Gestapo masters. My God,what happened to Americans? When did they become such submissive pussies? Our original Tea Partiers would not have submitted to the King's thugs this way. If they had subscribed to such obedient submission,we wouldn't have a United States of America. So to Hell with these jack-booted morons. I hope they get prosecuted. Fuck em.

While that may be true, I don't have much sympathy for these kids who got sprayed. And it's not as though the officer surprised them, he branded the canister and they had plenty of time to high tail it out of there.
One day a psycho got some arousing action.
He gave delicious pain to the OWS faction.
he smiled while he sprayed
the bugs with raid
and tried to hide an enormous erection.
What is it with this love & admiration for authoritarian jerks? So many Americans are now so quick to defend and worship these jerks. The American heart & spirit seems dead at this point. What happened? We used to be a nation that prided itself on not bowing to authoritarian oppression. Looks like we're the complete opposite now. So many are so quick to make excuses for the authoritarians. Is it out of fear or just a fascination with men in black military uniforms holding big weapons. I just don't get it. America has lost its independent spirit. It's so sad.
The authoritarian streak you refer to is rather widespread in America's national character and is plainly manifest in most Americans' fascination with the police imago. Evidence of this is the almost obsessive popularity of police melodrama in movies and on television. It is impossible to thumb through the range of cable tv channels without coming upon several cop shows of one kind or another.

As an interesting exercise, try to write down all the police oriented movies and television programs you can remember. You probably can't remember them all and unless you are quite young you will be amazed at how many you can remember.

I'm old enough to remember the most popular police tv show of the 50s, which was Dragnet. I recently watched an episode of that show on TCM. Comparing the behavior and attitudes of the lead characters, Sergeant Friday (Jack Webb) and his partner with those of their contemporary counterparts on Law & Order, for one example, revealed a striking change in the disposition of police toward the general public. The shift toward a subtly contemptuous, sometimes almost menacing attitude and bearing of today's police character is unmistakable and revealing. Most interesting is the popularity of this Law & Order program, which means the American people appreciate and accept such overbearing and contemptuously aggressive behavior from their police.

I prefer British melodrama including the new police program, Wallander, in which the lead character, Kurt Wallander, is played by Kenneth Branagh, who displays a sharp contrast to his American police detective counterparts. There is not a trace of the authoritarian characteristic in his bearing regardless of the type of personalities he's dealing with, from wealthy professionals to junkies and petty criminals.

If you'd like to read a very interesting examination of the authoritarian personality I highly recommend, Escape From Freedom, by Dr. Erich Fromm. It's available in paperback from Amazon.
One day a psycho got some arousing action.
He gave delicious pain to the OWS faction.
he smiled while he sprayed
the bugs with raid
and tried to hide an enormous erection.

You got the bugs part right. Maybe the spray killed some of their lice? He was doing them a favor.
What is it with this love & admiration for authoritarian jerks? So many Americans are now so quick to defend and worship these jerks. The American heart & spirit seems dead at this point. What happened? We used to be a nation that prided itself on not bowing to authoritarian oppression. Looks like we're the complete opposite now. So many are so quick to make excuses for the authoritarians. Is it out of fear or just a fascination with men in black military uniforms holding big weapons. I just don't get it. America has lost its independent spirit. It's so sad.
The authoritarian streak you refer to is rather widespread in America's national character and is plainly manifest in most Americans' fascination with the police imago. Evidence of this is the almost obsessive popularity of police melodrama in movies and on television. It is impossible to thumb through the range of cable tv channels without coming upon several cop shows of one kind or another.

As an interesting exercise, try to write down all the police oriented movies and television programs you can remember. You probably can't remember them all and unless you are quite young you will be amazed at how many you can remember.

I'm old enough to remember the most popular police tv show of the 50s, which was Dragnet. I recently watched an episode of that show on TCM. Comparing the behavior and attitudes of the lead characters, Sergeant Friday (Jack Webb) and his partner with those of their contemporary counterparts on Law & Order, for one example, revealed a striking change in the disposition of police toward the general public. The shift toward a subtly contemptuous, sometimes almost menacing attitude and bearing of today's police character is unmistakable and revealing. Most interesting is the popularity of this Law & Order program, which means the American people appreciate and accept such overbearing and contemptuously aggressive behavior from their police.

I prefer British melodrama including the new police program, Wallander, in which the lead character, Kurt Wallander, is played by Kenneth Branagh, who displays a sharp contrast to his American police detective counterparts. There is not a trace of the authoritarian characteristic in his bearing regardless of the type of personalities he's dealing with, from wealthy professionals to junkies and petty criminals.

If you'd like to read a very interesting examination of the authoritarian personality I highly recommend, Escape From Freedom, by Dr. Erich Fromm. It's available in paperback from Amazon.

It is psycho politics at its finest. Rather Hitler like wouldn't you say?
What is it with this love & admiration for authoritarian jerks? So many Americans are now so quick to defend and worship these jerks. The American heart & spirit seems dead at this point. What happened? We used to be a nation that prided itself on not bowing to authoritarian oppression. Looks like we're the complete opposite now. So many are so quick to make excuses for the authoritarians. Is it out of fear or just a fascination with men in black military uniforms holding big weapons. I just don't get it. America has lost its independent spirit. It's so sad.
The authoritarian streak you refer to is rather widespread in America's national character and is plainly manifest in most Americans' fascination with the police imago. Evidence of this is the almost obsessive popularity of police melodrama in movies and on television. It is impossible to thumb through the range of cable tv channels without coming upon several cop shows of one kind or another.

As an interesting exercise, try to write down all the police oriented movies and television programs you can remember. You probably can't remember them all and unless you are quite young you will be amazed at how many you can remember.

I'm old enough to remember the most popular police tv show of the 50s, which was Dragnet. I recently watched an episode of that show on TCM. Comparing the behavior and attitudes of the lead characters, Sergeant Friday (Jack Webb) and his partner with those of their contemporary counterparts on Law & Order, for one example, revealed a striking change in the disposition of police toward the general public. The shift toward a subtly contemptuous, sometimes almost menacing attitude and bearing of today's police character is unmistakable and revealing. Most interesting is the popularity of this Law & Order program, which means the American people appreciate and accept such overbearing and contemptuously aggressive behavior from their police.

I prefer British melodrama including the new police program, Wallander, in which the lead character, Kurt Wallander, is played by Kenneth Branagh, who displays a sharp contrast to his American police detective counterparts. There is not a trace of the authoritarian characteristic in his bearing regardless of the type of personalities he's dealing with, from wealthy professionals to junkies and petty criminals.

If you'd like to read a very interesting examination of the authoritarian personality I highly recommend, Escape From Freedom, by Dr. Erich Fromm. It's available in paperback from Amazon.
Christ, you're a fuckin' loon!:cuckoo:
I'm old enough to remember the most popular police tv show of the 50s, which was Dragnet. I recently watched an episode of that show on TCM. Comparing the behavior and attitudes of the lead characters, Sergeant Friday (Jack Webb) and his partner with those of their contemporary counterparts on Law & Order, for one example, revealed a striking change in the disposition of police toward the general public. Escape From Freedom, by Dr. Erich Fromm. It's available in paperback from Amazon.

Yeah. Remember back in the 50's also...when all the Mexican cartels were reigning violence into America, Islamic terrorists were planning massive attacks on the homeland, crazed mentally whacked nuts were attacking schools, malls with assault rifles, crack fueled gang violence was exploding in inner cities.............

Oh. Wait. None of that happened back then. But police used to lynch black people back then. You want THAT back?

Let Andy Griffith start patrolling our streets and see how quickly the shit hits the fan.
What is it with this love & admiration for authoritarian jerks? So many Americans are now so quick to defend and worship these jerks. The American heart & spirit seems dead at this point. What happened? We used to be a nation that prided itself on not bowing to authoritarian oppression. Looks like we're the complete opposite now. So many are so quick to make excuses for the authoritarians. Is it out of fear or just a fascination with men in black military uniforms holding big weapons. I just don't get it. America has lost its independent spirit. It's so sad.

It's might makes right, nothing complicated, reptile brains at work.

Yea i guess,but how did this happen to so many Americans? I'll never get all this love and worship of authority. We were never a nation who believed in that. We were always independent-minded and strong. To see all these people cheering and bowing to authority,really is very sad. They'll defend anything their jack-booters do. It's so damn weird. How did they brainwash the masses that way? Crazy stuff.

Do you know the level of AUTHORITY it would take to redistribute the nation's wealth the way OWS is demanding?

How fucking ironic right?
OWS'ers DO realize that dont they? The ones on this thread are outraged against the "authority" and "Jackboots" and "Gestapo" of a supposed police state.

Well who in the fuck do they think will enforce the laws they want to create wealth redistribution? THEIR OWN CAUSE calls for an extreme level of heavy handed authoritarian rule to take peoples property and reissue it.

All that happened now is some punks got OC sprayed for acting like morons and surrounding cops and trying to prevent them from transporting some prisoners. Nothing more, nothing less. Lesson learned: If cops have prisoners and are trying to transport them, and you form a human circle and refuse to stand aside, your ass is getting sprayed.

But hey, the nicer, kinder gentler cops of yesteryear woulda just beat your brains in with a night stick, or fired up the water cannons and hosed you down the street like they did black people back then. HOW DARE today's "Gestapo" spray a liquid pepper that wears off in 30 minutes with no side effects, right?

God you OWS'ers are an embarrassment to the 10 minutes of work your mommy and daddy spent making you in Vegas.
Did you all know the UC Davis cop is a former Sgt in the US Marine Corp? Shame on you all for speaking about a vet that way.
The gig is up for the L.A. squatters.......A judge has ordered they leave the property around City Hall by 9am monday morning, or law enforcement and city workers will begin clearing them out.

GOOD!......Put on your Birkenstocks and hit your ass on down the road, SLOBS!......You're done.
What is it with this love & admiration for authoritarian jerks? So many Americans are now so quick to defend and worship these jerks. The American heart & spirit seems dead at this point. What happened? We used to be a nation that prided itself on not bowing to authoritarian oppression. Looks like we're the complete opposite now. So many are so quick to make excuses for the authoritarians. Is it out of fear or just a fascination with men in black military uniforms holding big weapons. I just don't get it. America has lost its independent spirit. It's so sad.
The authoritarian streak you refer to is rather widespread in America's national character and is plainly manifest in most Americans' fascination with the police imago. Evidence of this is the almost obsessive popularity of police melodrama in movies and on television. It is impossible to thumb through the range of cable tv channels without coming upon several cop shows of one kind or another.

As an interesting exercise, try to write down all the police oriented movies and television programs you can remember. You probably can't remember them all and unless you are quite young you will be amazed at how many you can remember.

I'm old enough to remember the most popular police tv show of the 50s, which was Dragnet. I recently watched an episode of that show on TCM. Comparing the behavior and attitudes of the lead characters, Sergeant Friday (Jack Webb) and his partner with those of their contemporary counterparts on Law & Order, for one example, revealed a striking change in the disposition of police toward the general public. The shift toward a subtly contemptuous, sometimes almost menacing attitude and bearing of today's police character is unmistakable and revealing. Most interesting is the popularity of this Law & Order program, which means the American people appreciate and accept such overbearing and contemptuously aggressive behavior from their police.

I prefer British melodrama including the new police program, Wallander, in which the lead character, Kurt Wallander, is played by Kenneth Branagh, who displays a sharp contrast to his American police detective counterparts. There is not a trace of the authoritarian characteristic in his bearing regardless of the type of personalities he's dealing with, from wealthy professionals to junkies and petty criminals.

If you'd like to read a very interesting examination of the authoritarian personality I highly recommend, Escape From Freedom, by Dr. Erich Fromm. It's available in paperback from Amazon.

Are you fucking kidding or what? If not, you are far more juvenile, insipid, and insecure even than I had thought.
I wasn't aware of an increase in the number of "no-knock home invasions" by the police, to point me to some statistics on this problem?

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

Talk:No-knock warrant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the Cato Institute is a Conservative think tank. They are not Liberals. Also, the info in the Map is several years old and has not yet been updated.

Your cites show an increase in SWAT teams across the country, something which I hardly find surprising in the wake of Columbine and 9/11. Where are your stats on the increase of "no knock" raids?
[Yeah. Remember back in the 50's also...when all the Mexican cartels were reigning violence into America, Islamic terrorists were planning massive attacks on the homeland, crazed mentally whacked nuts were attacking schools, malls with assault rifles, crack fueled gang violence was exploding in inner cities.............

Oh. Wait. None of that happened back then. But police used to lynch black people back then. You want THAT back?

Let Andy Griffith start patrolling our streets and see how quickly the shit hits the fan.
Blame the totally counterproductive "War On Drugs" for the Mexican cartels.

Blame our aggressive military intrusions into Middle East nations for the terrorism.

And attrubute the occasional armed outburst on the very nature of our culture, which includes a massive, largely armed and highly stressed population. Briefly stated, we are not a mentally stable nation to begin with. These things will occasionally happen and there is nothing short of imposing totally repressive police state controls that we can do about it.

Last, your paranoia is rather obvious. You should consider therapy because it will enable you to lead a happier life.

Addenda: (I forgot) Happy Thanksgiving!
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