cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

I still want to know who called the Gestapo in. Was it the Chancellor? People need to be fired over this.
That's the big question in a nutshell. I believe the answer is contained in the old saying, "Put a gun in a fool's hand and it won't be long before he shoots it."

There is a serious problem in that the utterly counterproductive war on drugs has transformed America's law-enforcement agencies into paramilitary strike forces which are beginning to behave like the Gestapo -- as was seen in the Waco Massacre, the raid on Ruby Ridge, and in the increasing number of outragrous home invasions as reported in these links:

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids
Hey coward, who called for the dragging of senators from their homes to be tortured, and believes rocks should be thrown through the windows of Walker supporters.

You asked Bucs when has anybody ever seen violence that would justify police departments across this country having to take a more militaristic approach in certain situations....It was provided to you, and you are cowardly avoiding it like the plague...Why is that, coward?


I repped you for this post. The loony left will never grasp police work. It seems lately, only military people grasp it, because the military is being asked to police a society in the Middle East. While America isn't that, the concept of policing is universal. And America is slowly getting more and more violent. One thing the police have done well since Columbine, North Hollywood, VA Tech and 9-11 is they've tried to avoid the "preparing to fight the last war" that some Army guys told me the military once had trouble with. Police are thinking ahead, preparing.

But, cops also have come to accept one thing in America: No matter whats cops do THEY ARE WRONG. No matter what. If they hide behind a grocery store and read a book, they are wasting tax money and being lazy. If they go out instead and enforce traffic law, they are "gestapo" and being bullies and told to solve "REAL crime". If they do solve all the murders and robberies (btw which detectives do, not patrol cops) then they have nothing left to do for a while and can go hide behind a grocery store again. And the cycle continues.

LUCKILY, the cops in America have done a great job of seizing illegal assault weapons and enforcing laws on the lunatics at the petty level enough to keep mass violence like we see in Mexico and other nations to a minimum.

Or, as Al Pacino brilliantly said in a cop movie: "Our job is to protect the 99% from the other 1%. The only problem is, the better we do our job, the less the 99% think they need us." (Righteous Kill, came out back in 08, before "99% vs 1%" was an OWS slogan).
Very true. I worked for years as a cop with ATL PD. And we saw countless videos of these type things, in the US and oversees. I got out about a year after Columbine, and that changed SWAT/patrol operations drastically. North Holly changed equipment and got rifles on the road. Columbine changed tactics. After Columbine, PD's realized two things:

- We are outgunned, and have to keep getting rifles.
- SWAT is gonna take to long to respond to active shootings of innocent people.

We are seeing a steady change. It's less often hostages now, and more often just madmen going on killing sprees. So the patrol cop MUST go in immediately, and draw fire. If they're shooting at US, they AREN'T shooting innocents. But, we gotta have armor and weapons, AND training. Lots of SWAT and basic academy tactics are straight out of the Army and USMC small unit movements, tactics, etc.

And a side not of that...lots of citizens hate the image of the M16 on streets. But in a mass killing spree like VA Tech, or like the Salt Lake City mall, there will be hundreds of innocent people and 1 or 2 bad guys. With a glock pistol at 40 yards, the cop likely misses and the bullet will KEEP GOING somehwere. The M16 wont miss. The thread ends quicker, and less likely a bullet goes astray. It's not like the movies. Cops dont make 100 yard shots with 1 hand while jumping into the open window of a Porsche.

But I'm sure you and any military guy will agree: It's impossible to train someone to have the mindset of running into gunfire, but expect them to be a pansy pushover the rest of the time. Tough, brave men are just that, and we can't make them be Barney Fife if they aren't wired that way.
I have no problem with police having M-16s in their patrol cars -- helmets and body armor as well.

But I have a big problem with the kind of excessive force used against the OWS protesters and the outrageously excessive aggression demonstrated in the increasing number of no-knock home invasions being carried out in increasing number by helmeted, machinegun-armed goon squads all over the U.S. And nothing you can say about the occasional cop being killed or injured or anything else can justify these abuses of police authority and the incremental rise of an American police state.

Ah........alright man, here we go. Police 101 for you:

It was NOT excessive force. OC (pepper) spary is Oleorisin Capsicum, a damn liquid pepper basically, and has zero permanent side affects, and was introduced in the 80's, thus explaining why the 60's protestors didn't face it. It has NEVER been proven to have killed 1 single person. Harmless. Takes 30-45 minutes to fully recover (PPCT Police Tactics Manual).

"No Knock" is NOT the norm. It must be approved by a judge. Otherwise, the cops MUST knock, announce, wait, then enter if no answer. "NO KNOCK" warrants are ONLY approved through a judge, and the cops must justify to the judge why they need it. What warrants it? KNOWN presence of large weapons, and suspects known to live there with violent rap sheets, or possibility of an ambush or "booby trap" situation if the suspect is given a knock and time to prepare.

The "occassional cop being killed" is NOT ACCEPTABLE. You dont like that mindset? Well fuck you then. I wasn't gonna put my life or another cops in more danger just to satisfy a fucking guy like you who hates "no knock" warrants IF we have reason to believe a violent, heavily armed person is inside that house.

You should instead be pissed at the scumbags who kill cops, ambush cops, and create an atmosphere where M16s, body armor, and no knock warrants are needed.

And finally, let me ask you this question: You are the point man on a SWAT team. You have a warrant to serve on Bubba Jones. Bubba Jones is known to have a loaded AK47 in his home, and a subpoena shows he purchased booby trap equipment off the internet. His rap sheet has 3 violent shootings, and 1 where he fired a shot at cops but missed. Bubba is at home. You are the 1st one in the door. YOUR wife and kids are at home, awaiting your safe return later that day.

Are you gonna knock and say "Hey Bubba, it's the cops, we are here to get you, come to the door, or in 5 minutes we're coming in!"

Or you gonna bust the door, drop a flash bang, suprise him, and take him into custody?

Doubt you'll answer honestly.
That's the big question in a nutshell. I believe the answer is contained in the old saying, "Put a gun in a fool's hand and it won't be long before he shoots it."

There is a serious problem in that the utterly counterproductive war on drugs has transformed America's law-enforcement agencies into paramilitary strike forces which are beginning to behave like the Gestapo -- as was seen in the Waco Massacre, the raid on Ruby Ridge, and in the increasing number of outragrous home invasions as reported in these links:

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids
Hey coward, who called for the dragging of senators from their homes to be tortured, and believes rocks should be thrown through the windows of Walker supporters.

You asked Bucs when has anybody ever seen violence that would justify police departments across this country having to take a more militaristic approach in certain situations....It was provided to you, and you are cowardly avoiding it like the plague...Why is that, coward?


I repped you for this post. The loony left will never grasp police work. It seems lately, only military people grasp it, because the military is being asked to police a society in the Middle East. While America isn't that, the concept of policing is universal. And America is slowly getting more and more violent. One thing the police have done well since Columbine, North Hollywood, VA Tech and 9-11 is they've tried to avoid the "preparing to fight the last war" that some Army guys told me the military once had trouble with. Police are thinking ahead, preparing.

But, cops also have come to accept one thing in America: No matter whats cops do THEY ARE WRONG. No matter what. If they hide behind a grocery store and read a book, they are wasting tax money and being lazy. If they go out instead and enforce traffic law, they are "gestapo" and being bullies and told to solve "REAL crime". If they do solve all the murders and robberies (btw which detectives do, not patrol cops) then they have nothing left to do for a while and can go hide behind a grocery store again. And the cycle continues.

LUCKILY, the cops in America have done a great job of seizing illegal assault weapons and enforcing laws on the lunatics at the petty level enough to keep mass violence like we see in Mexico and other nations to a minimum.

Or, as Al Pacino brilliantly said in a cop movie: "Our job is to protect the 99% from the other 1%. The only problem is, the better we do our job, the less the 99% think they need us." (Righteous Kill, came out back in 08, before "99% vs 1%" was an OWS slogan).
Funny you mention enforcement of traffic laws.......Just over the hill in Thousand Oaks where we used to live, they have a really cool lil' community newspaper called the Acorn...I still subscribe to it 'cause it's a cool lil' paper.....Anyhow, the letters section is always pure entertainment......A couple o' weeks back some liberal asshole wrote in complaining about hsi girlfriend getting a ticket at a certain offramp, that is notorious for people blowing through the stop, and has caused many accidents...Anyhow, this slapdick was cackling on about how the VCSD are a bunch o' damn Nazi's, and should be out preventing real crime, and stop harrassing the citizens, Blah, blah, blah. loony liberal, blah, blah, blah.....Thing is, because of the VCSD and their pro-active policing, that liberal idiot lives in a city and county that has enjoyed "one of safest cities and counties in the US" status for many years on end.

And then just last week one of the notorious loony liberal regular letter writers wrote in pissing and moaning about her HIGH SCHOOL AGE daughter getting a J-walking ticket from a "grumpy" VCSD deputy........Of course she went on like the other liberal idiot about how the VCSD is a bunch o' Nazi's, blah, blah, blah, loony liberal blah, blah, blah......Well, the SD who wrote her the ticket saw the mothers letter and responded with one of his own....Come to find out, this womans daughter was hit by a car two years ago while j-walking on the same damn street, and the SD had given her a verbal warning the week before issuing the ticket, that if he caught her again, she was gettin' a ticket...Well, she got her friggin' ticket!.......Cost her mom 200 bucks, and neither she or her mom has learned a damn thing.

So, not only do the cops in this country have to deal with the worst of the worst on a regular basis, they too have to deal with the dumbest of the dumb!:cuckoo:
Standing up to the Police State isn't easy but someone's gotta do it. Many on this Board sure aint gonna help you get your Freedom & Liberty back.
Standing up to the Police State isn't easy but someone's gotta do it. Many on this Board sure aint gonna help you get your Freedom & Liberty back.
Yeah, and we all know your loony ass will be the first to call the cops when some thug is trying to strong arm you out of your book bag and lunch pail.
Hey coward, who called for the dragging of senators from their homes to be tortured, and believes rocks should be thrown through the windows of Walker supporters.

You asked Bucs when has anybody ever seen violence that would justify police departments across this country having to take a more militaristic approach in certain situations....It was provided to you, and you are cowardly avoiding it like the plague...Why is that, coward?


I repped you for this post. The loony left will never grasp police work. It seems lately, only military people grasp it, because the military is being asked to police a society in the Middle East. While America isn't that, the concept of policing is universal. And America is slowly getting more and more violent. One thing the police have done well since Columbine, North Hollywood, VA Tech and 9-11 is they've tried to avoid the "preparing to fight the last war" that some Army guys told me the military once had trouble with. Police are thinking ahead, preparing.

But, cops also have come to accept one thing in America: No matter whats cops do THEY ARE WRONG. No matter what. If they hide behind a grocery store and read a book, they are wasting tax money and being lazy. If they go out instead and enforce traffic law, they are "gestapo" and being bullies and told to solve "REAL crime". If they do solve all the murders and robberies (btw which detectives do, not patrol cops) then they have nothing left to do for a while and can go hide behind a grocery store again. And the cycle continues.

LUCKILY, the cops in America have done a great job of seizing illegal assault weapons and enforcing laws on the lunatics at the petty level enough to keep mass violence like we see in Mexico and other nations to a minimum.

Or, as Al Pacino brilliantly said in a cop movie: "Our job is to protect the 99% from the other 1%. The only problem is, the better we do our job, the less the 99% think they need us." (Righteous Kill, came out back in 08, before "99% vs 1%" was an OWS slogan).
Funny you mention enforcement of traffic laws.......Just over the hill in Thousand Oaks where we used to live, they have a really cool lil' community newspaper called the Acorn...I still subscribe to it 'cause it's a cool lil' paper.....Anyhow, the letters section is always pure entertainment......A couple o' weeks back some liberal asshole wrote in complaining about hsi girlfriend getting a ticket at a certain offramp, that is notorious for people blowing through the stop, and has caused many accidents...Anyhow, this slapdick was cackling on about how the VCSD are a bunch o' damn Nazi's, and should be out preventing real crime, and stop harrassing the citizens, Blah, blah, blah. loony liberal, blah, blah, blah.....Thing is, because of the VCSD and their pro-active policing, that liberal idiot lives in a city and county that has enjoyed "one of safest cities and counties in the US" status for many years on end.

And then just last week one of the notorious loony liberal regular letter writers wrote in pissing and moaning about her HIGH SCHOOL AGE daughter getting a J-walking ticket from a "grumpy" VCSD deputy........Of course she went on like the other liberal idiot about how the VCSD is a bunch o' Nazi's, blah, blah, blah, loony liberal blah, blah, blah......Well, the SD who wrote her the ticket saw the mothers letter and responded with one of his own....Come to find out, this womans daughter was hit by a car two years ago while j-walking on the same damn street, and the SD had given her a verbal warning the week before issuing the ticket, that if he caught her again, she was gettin' a ticket...Well, she got her friggin' ticket!.......Cost her mom 200 bucks, and neither she or her mom has learned a damn thing.

So, not only do the cops in this country have to deal with the worst of the worst on a regular basis, they too have to deal with the dumbest of the dumb!:cuckoo:

WOW ironic, same story here, in a Charleston suburb. The local mayor's wife got a ticket for doing 20 over. Well, he went public to the news, blasted the cops, said "anyone can strap on a gun and do their job", threatened to fire the chief and cops over it, said that the violent crime was out of control but the cops weren't doing anything (Mount Pleasant, SC, happens to be one of the safest cities in the entire Southeast).

So, he orders a stop to all speed enforcement. 2 months ago. Since then, 5 wrecks with major injury or death, 4 from DUI related. Last week, he went public saying the cops will be doing traffic enforcement. That caught a murder suspect fleeing from Florida this week on a turn signal violation. Guy was heading to the ex wifes parents home. Who knows what for.

Anyway, thanks for supporting the good cops. Lots of people do, but they aren't very vocal about it, which is fine. I just have to stick up for cops when they are getting unjust hate, which the left wing is doing right now. No matter how much I explain the law, or tactics being safer, or give examples, they'll revert to Obama's "Police acted stupidly" attitude, or just regular ole left wing Bill Ayers cop hate.
Standing up to the Police State isn't easy but someone's gotta do it. Many on this Board sure aint gonna help you get your Freedom & Liberty back.

No, it is easy. There are plenty of cowards that go around bad mouthing police, because it's cool. What's not so easy, is to be in the minority, and call out the bullshit. It is nothing short of a tragedy.
Standing up to the Police State isn't easy but someone's gotta do it. Many on this Board sure aint gonna help you get your Freedom & Liberty back.
Yeah, and we all know your loony ass will be the first to call the cops when some thug is trying to strong arm you out of your book bag and lunch pail.

It would probably be too late at that point no? And no i wouldn't expect much help from them afterwards. Not a sexy enough crime for them to give a shit about. They only like kicking Citizens' doors down looking for a trace amount of weed and pepper spraying poor unarmed kids at a peaceful protests. The Gestapo has a habit of only being around when you don't want them around. You can have em.
Standing up to the Police State isn't easy but someone's gotta do it. Many on this Board sure aint gonna help you get your Freedom & Liberty back.
Yeah, and we all know your loony ass will be the first to call the cops when some thug is trying to strong arm you out of your book bag and lunch pail.

It would probably be too late at that point no? And no i wouldn't expect much help from them afterwards. Not a sexy enough crime for them to give a shit about. They only like kicking Citizens' doors down looking for a trace amount of weed and pepper spraying poor unarmed kids at a peaceful protests. The Gestapo has a habit of only being around when you don't want them around. You can have em.

Grow up douche bag. I see you ignored my in depth lesson on "no knock warrants" and explained how they are a tiny percentage of warrants, and why they exist.

And my explanation of how pepper spray provided the least chance of injury to all involved, and had the kids not been obstructing the cops attempt to transport arrested prisoners, this wouldn't have happened. But the idiots formed a human circle around the cops and the prioners that had been arrested WTF did they think would happen, the cops just uncuff the prisoners and say "Oh well, the human chain stopped us, guess we'll let everyone go and give up". No.

You are free to be an obnoxious, cowardly pussy in this country ONLY becausae soldiers fought overseas and cops serve domestically to provide you a society that is rich as hell, free and tolerant of morons like yourself. Unappreciative prick. Grow the fuck up and get a job.
Yeah, and we all know your loony ass will be the first to call the cops when some thug is trying to strong arm you out of your book bag and lunch pail.

It would probably be too late at that point no? And no i wouldn't expect much help from them afterwards. Not a sexy enough crime for them to give a shit about. They only like kicking Citizens' doors down looking for a trace amount of weed and pepper spraying poor unarmed kids at a peaceful protests. The Gestapo has a habit of only being around when you don't want them around. You can have em.

Grow up douche bag. I see you ignored my in depth lesson on "no knock warrants" and explained how they are a tiny percentage of warrants, and why they exist.

And my explanation of how pepper spray provided the least chance of injury to all involved, and had the kids not been obstructing the cops attempt to transport arrested prisoners, this wouldn't have happened. But the idiots formed a human circle around the cops and the prioners that had been arrested WTF did they think would happen, the cops just uncuff the prisoners and say "Oh well, the human chain stopped us, guess we'll let everyone go and give up". No.

You are free to be an obnoxious, cowardly pussy in this country ONLY becausae soldiers fought overseas and cops serve domestically to provide you a society that is rich as hell, free and tolerant of morons like yourself. Unappreciative prick. Grow the fuck up and get a job.

Like i said,you can have your Gestapo. I'll have to pass though. Our entitre Police Force needs to be re-trained. This paramilitary gung-ho shit has gone too far. Time for change. The People want it.
It would probably be too late at that point no? And no i wouldn't expect much help from them afterwards. Not a sexy enough crime for them to give a shit about. They only like kicking Citizens' doors down looking for a trace amount of weed and pepper spraying poor unarmed kids at a peaceful protests. The Gestapo has a habit of only being around when you don't want them around. You can have em.

Grow up douche bag. I see you ignored my in depth lesson on "no knock warrants" and explained how they are a tiny percentage of warrants, and why they exist.

And my explanation of how pepper spray provided the least chance of injury to all involved, and had the kids not been obstructing the cops attempt to transport arrested prisoners, this wouldn't have happened. But the idiots formed a human circle around the cops and the prioners that had been arrested WTF did they think would happen, the cops just uncuff the prisoners and say "Oh well, the human chain stopped us, guess we'll let everyone go and give up". No.

You are free to be an obnoxious, cowardly pussy in this country ONLY becausae soldiers fought overseas and cops serve domestically to provide you a society that is rich as hell, free and tolerant of morons like yourself. Unappreciative prick. Grow the fuck up and get a job.

Like i said,you can have your Gestapo. I'll have to pass though. Our entitre Police Force needs to be re-trained. This paramilitary gung-ho shit has gone too far. Time for change. The People want it.

No, I dont have the Gestapo. I have American cops who do a great job.

Exactly how would you "retrain" cops? You want Andy Griffith patrolling Atlanta, LA, the border? You want Barney Fife to be responding to a crazed man with an AK47 shooting up a mall or school? You want the cop from South Park coming to your home when men invade it with a shotgun and have you, your wife and kids tied up? No. You want a badass cop with a gun who will fuck someone up to save you.

Or....maybe you can enlighten me on how modern cops should be trained and equipped?
It would probably be too late at that point no? And no i wouldn't expect much help from them afterwards. Not a sexy enough crime for them to give a shit about. They only like kicking Citizens' doors down looking for a trace amount of weed and pepper spraying poor unarmed kids at a peaceful protests. The Gestapo has a habit of only being around when you don't want them around. You can have em.

Grow up douche bag. I see you ignored my in depth lesson on "no knock warrants" and explained how they are a tiny percentage of warrants, and why they exist.

And my explanation of how pepper spray provided the least chance of injury to all involved, and had the kids not been obstructing the cops attempt to transport arrested prisoners, this wouldn't have happened. But the idiots formed a human circle around the cops and the prioners that had been arrested WTF did they think would happen, the cops just uncuff the prisoners and say "Oh well, the human chain stopped us, guess we'll let everyone go and give up". No.

You are free to be an obnoxious, cowardly pussy in this country ONLY becausae soldiers fought overseas and cops serve domestically to provide you a society that is rich as hell, free and tolerant of morons like yourself. Unappreciative prick. Grow the fuck up and get a job.

Like i said,you can have your Gestapo. I'll have to pass though. Our entitre Police Force needs to be re-trained. This paramilitary gung-ho shit has gone too far. Time for change. The People want it.
Seriously Paul, how old are you?

Legitimate question......I'm 47, pushin' old are you?
Ah........alright man, here we go. Police 101 for you:

It was NOT excessive force. OC (pepper) spary is Oleorisin Capsicum, a damn liquid pepper basically, and has zero permanent side affects, and was introduced in the 80's, thus explaining why the 60's protestors didn't face it. It has NEVER been proven to have killed 1 single person. Harmless. Takes 30-45 minutes to fully recover (PPCT Police Tactics Manual).
For those with asthma, taking other drugs, or subject to restraining techniques which restrict the breathing passages, there is a risk of death. The Los Angeles Times has reported at least 61 deaths associated with police use of pepper spray since 1990 in the USA.[7] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) documented 27 people in police custody who died after exposure to pepper spray in California since 1993. Pepper spray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Re: the Police Tactics Manual:

The head of the FBI's Less-Than-Lethal Weapons Program at the time of the 1991 study, Special Agent Thomas W. W. Ward, was fired by the FBI and was sentenced to two months in prison for receiving payments from a peppergas manufacturer while conducting and authoring the FBI study that eventually approved pepper spray for FBI (and police) use.[9][12][13] Prosecutors said that from December 1989 through 1990, Ward received about $5,000 a month for a total of $57,500, from Luckey Police Products, a Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based company that was a major producer and supplier of pepper spray. The payments were paid through a Florida company owned by Ward's wife.

"No Knock" is NOT the norm. It must be approved by a judge. Otherwise, the cops MUST knock, announce, wait, then enter if no answer. "NO KNOCK" warrants are ONLY approved through a judge, and the cops must justify to the judge why they need it. What warrants it? KNOWN presence of large weapons, and suspects known to live there with violent rap sheets, or possibility of an ambush or "booby trap" situation if the suspect is given a knock and time to prepare.
Then either most of the warrants are issued on the basis of lies, as in the ATF Waco raid, or the ease at which they are obtained is clear evidence of an emerging police state. And if you've taken the time to read the Cato report you should know that the vast majority of the break-ins are for relatively petty reasons, or are absolutely unnecessary, and in all-too-many cases are mistakes in which innocent people are killed or brutally humiliated. Read the reports!

The "occassional cop being killed" is NOT ACCEPTABLE. You dont like that mindset? Well fuck you then. I wasn't gonna put my life or another cops in more danger just to satisfy a fucking guy like you who hates "no knock" warrants IF we have reason to believe a violent, heavily armed person is inside that house.
Then you should have become a mail carrier or a bus driver. There are lots of safer jobs available to anyone who can pass a police test and you weren't drafted. That you wished to wear a badge, carry a gun and go about asserting yourself on others involves risk. So don't expect everyone to regard you as the hero you think you are. Also, being a police officer is not nearly as dangerous as many jobs in the construction field. In fact policework is far from the most dangerous jobs.

You should instead be pissed at the scumbags who kill cops, ambush cops, and create an atmosphere where M16s, body armor, and no knock warrants are needed.
As I said, there are safer jobs. You want to wear a uniform and a badge, don't expect a police state to be created just to minimize your risk. There are people out there who don't like cops. Some of them are crazy. Didn't anyone tell you that before you signed up?

And finally, let me ask you this question: You are the point man on a SWAT team. You have a warrant to serve on Bubba Jones. Bubba Jones is known to have a loaded AK47 in his home, and a subpoena shows he purchased booby trap equipment off the internet. His rap sheet has 3 violent shootings, and 1 where he fired a shot at cops but missed. Bubba is at home. You are the 1st one in the door. YOUR wife and kids are at home, awaiting your safe return later that day.
Again, did the police department you worked for come to you and ask you to join? Or did you go to them and ask them to hire you? If so, why? So please don't run that routine to me. I've known far too many cops and I am quite a bit more familiar with police and policework than you might think.

Are you gonna knock and say "Hey Bubba, it's the cops, we are here to get you, come to the door, or in 5 minutes we're coming in!"
I appreciate the melodramatic picture you've painted but based on everything I've learned the vast majority of the no-knock warrants being served all over America are for bullshit drug cases. And to be perfectly honest with you I regard narcs and vice cops to be the scumbags of law enforcement and I have absolutely no sympathy for any of them who get blown to hell serving one of their bullshit warrants.

Is that honest enough for you?
Ah........alright man, here we go. Police 101 for you:

It was NOT excessive force. OC (pepper) spary is Oleorisin Capsicum, a damn liquid pepper basically, and has zero permanent side affects, and was introduced in the 80's, thus explaining why the 60's protestors didn't face it. It has NEVER been proven to have killed 1 single person. Harmless. Takes 30-45 minutes to fully recover (PPCT Police Tactics Manual).
For those with asthma, taking other drugs, or subject to restraining techniques which restrict the breathing passages, there is a risk of death. The Los Angeles Times has reported at least 61 deaths associated with police use of pepper spray since 1990 in the USA.[7] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) documented 27 people in police custody who died after exposure to pepper spray in California since 1993. Pepper spray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Re: the Police Tactics Manual:

The head of the FBI's Less-Than-Lethal Weapons Program at the time of the 1991 study, Special Agent Thomas W. W. Ward, was fired by the FBI and was sentenced to two months in prison for receiving payments from a peppergas manufacturer while conducting and authoring the FBI study that eventually approved pepper spray for FBI (and police) use.[9][12][13] Prosecutors said that from December 1989 through 1990, Ward received about $5,000 a month for a total of $57,500, from Luckey Police Products, a Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based company that was a major producer and supplier of pepper spray. The payments were paid through a Florida company owned by Ward's wife.

"No Knock" is NOT the norm. It must be approved by a judge. Otherwise, the cops MUST knock, announce, wait, then enter if no answer. "NO KNOCK" warrants are ONLY approved through a judge, and the cops must justify to the judge why they need it. What warrants it? KNOWN presence of large weapons, and suspects known to live there with violent rap sheets, or possibility of an ambush or "booby trap" situation if the suspect is given a knock and time to prepare.
Then either most of the warrants are issued on the basis of lies, as in the ATF Waco raid, or the ease at which they are obtained is clear evidence of an emerging police state. And if you've taken the time to read the Cato report you should know that the vast majority of the break-ins are for relatively petty reasons, or are absolutely unnecessary, and in all-too-many cases are mistakes in which innocent people are killed or brutally humiliated. Read the reports!

Then you should have become a mail carrier or a bus driver. There are lots of safer jobs available to anyone who can pass a police test and you weren't drafted. That you wished to wear a badge, carry a gun and go about asserting yourself on others involves risk. So don't expect everyone to regard you as the hero you think you are. Also, being a police officer is not nearly as dangerous as many jobs in the construction field. In fact policework is far from the most dangerous jobs.

As I said, there are safer jobs. You want to wear a uniform and a badge, don't expect a police state to be created just to minimize your risk. There are people out there who don't like cops. Some of them are crazy. Didn't anyone tell you that before you signed up?

And finally, let me ask you this question: You are the point man on a SWAT team. You have a warrant to serve on Bubba Jones. Bubba Jones is known to have a loaded AK47 in his home, and a subpoena shows he purchased booby trap equipment off the internet. His rap sheet has 3 violent shootings, and 1 where he fired a shot at cops but missed. Bubba is at home. You are the 1st one in the door. YOUR wife and kids are at home, awaiting your safe return later that day.
Again, did the police department you worked for come to you and ask you to join? Or did you go to them and ask them to hire you? If so, why? So please don't run that routine to me. I've known far too many cops and I am quite a bit more familiar with police and policework than you might think.

Are you gonna knock and say "Hey Bubba, it's the cops, we are here to get you, come to the door, or in 5 minutes we're coming in!"
I appreciate the melodramatic picture you've painted but based on everything I've learned the vast majority of the no-knock warrants being served all over America are for bullshit drug cases. And to be perfectly honest with you I regard narcs and vice cops to be the scumbags of law enforcement and I have absolutely no sympathy for any of them who get blown to hell serving one of their bullshit warrants.

Is that honest enough for you?
It doesn't surprise me that a scumbag such as yourself would cheer the killings of cops.

After all, pussy, you're the scumbag who believes republican senators in Wisconsin should have been dragged from their homes in front of their families, and summarilly tortured...You're the pussy who says rocks should be thrown through the windows of Walkers supporters.

What you are, is the epitomy of a left wing coward.......A pussy who has no doubt had his cowardly ass beat many times in his lifetime.....A pussy who would ever have the balls to stand in a cops face and talk your loony drivel......A pussy who would never have the balls to throw said rocks through windows, but would stand behind someone who would, encourage it, only to run away like the lil' coward you are.

You're a disgusting piece o' shit, nothing more.
They've been trained to be paramilitary jack-booted thugs. So guess what? That's what they are. I don't even blame them so much. I blame the assholes who trained them that way. They're only following orders. But guess where we've heard that before? They need to be trained differently and better. They work for us after all. We don't bow to them. But obviously too many have forgotten that. Time to get some balance back. We shouldn't fear our public servants.
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They've been trained to be paramilitary jack-booted thugs. So guess what? That's what they are. I don't even blame them so much. I blame the assholes who trained them that way. They're only following orders. But guess where we've heard that before? They need to be trained differently and better. They work for us after all. We don't bow to them. But obviously too many have forgotten that. Time to get some balance back. We're shouldn't fear our public servants.

I think you should train them.:lol:

I don't fear them. I don't break any laws either.

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