cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

This is exactly why more & more Americans are now saying "FUCK THE POLICE!!" They brought that on themselves.
This is exactly why more & more Americans are now saying "FUCK THE POLICE!!" They brought that on themselves.

I've been saying it for the longest.

They acted stupidly. And their doing it more frequently, and more recently.
I still want to know who called the Gestapo in. Was it the Chancellor? People need to be fired over this.
their existence obviously prevents violence and chaos. The police brutality thing is so shamelessly overblown, and perpetuated by the left, it's despicable.
It's true that police serve an essential purpose in society. It's also true that police brutality is not presently a commonplace problem -- mainly because the vast majority of Americans are law-abiding and, except for traffic violations, have little to no contact or dealing with police. But those of us who have been around for awhile are aware of the militarization of police in America and their gradual detachment from the local social order.

Cops no longer walk beats and relate to local citizens on a personal level. Today they are anonymous. They ride in computer-equipped patrol cars and come in contact with citizens only during traffic stops, criminal investigations or emergencies. The effect of this detachment has been gradual transition from a personal (human) interaction to that of impersonal distance with authoritarian overtones deriving mainly from an endless flow of imaginative police melodrama in movies and on tv.

The effect of the authoritarian mystique associated with the contemporary police image depends on the individual citizen's personal makeup. The authoritarian personality tends to glorify police, some to the extreme level of being sexually aroused by the idea of aggressive and/or brutal police conduct, while the more ordinary individual tends to have a realistic awareness of the oppressive potential of today's militarized and impersonal version of what once was "Officer Joe." They are pre-consciously aware that what once was the familiar and friendly "beat" cop has morphed into this:


And those who are not yet aware of the serious danger inherent in the militarization of America's new police should visit the following website and have a closer look at the new reality:
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

You need to research a very basic aspect of sexual aberration which is erotic sado/masochism, one aspect of which is the authoritarian/submissive erotic orientation. In case you don't know what that is, there are people who derive sexual gratification from being dominated by "masters" or "mistresses" who typically dress in police or gestapo-type uniforms and punish and humiliate their submissive subjects.

These extreme erotic submissives enjoy being handcuffed or tied up and whipped, stepped on, urinated on, verbally excoriated, etc. For them, thoughts of being mistreated by police has strong erotic connotations.

If you still don't believe it go ahead and educate yourself via Google. You'll come away a bit smarter than you are now.
They sure do love their 'Call of Duty' military gear don't they? All that for a couple of unarmed college kids? Yea we don't have a problem with our Police. Not at all.
I still want to know who called the Gestapo in. Was it the Chancellor? People need to be fired over this.
That's the big question in a nutshell. I believe the answer is contained in the old saying, "Put a gun in a fool's hand and it won't be long before he shoots it."

There is a serious problem in that the utterly counterproductive war on drugs has transformed America's law-enforcement agencies into paramilitary strike forces which are beginning to behave like the Gestapo -- as was seen in the Waco Massacre, the raid on Ruby Ridge, and in the increasing number of outragrous home invasions as reported in these links:

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids
I still want to know who called the Gestapo in. Was it the Chancellor? People need to be fired over this.
That's the big question in a nutshell. I believe the answer is contained in the old saying, "Put a gun in a fool's hand and it won't be long before he shoots it."

There is a serious problem in that the utterly counterproductive war on drugs has transformed America's law-enforcement agencies into paramilitary strike forces which are beginning to behave like the Gestapo -- as was seen in the Waco Massacre, the raid on Ruby Ridge, and in the increasing number of outragrous home invasions as reported in these links:

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

Yes you said it better than i could. It is in their poor training. They are currently being trained to behave like Gestapo Jack-booters,therefore they are behaving that way. We really do need to change how we train our Police Force. If things don't change,we're gonna see much more unrest.
I still want to know who called the Gestapo in. Was it the Chancellor? People need to be fired over this.
That's the big question in a nutshell. I believe the answer is contained in the old saying, "Put a gun in a fool's hand and it won't be long before he shoots it."

There is a serious problem in that the utterly counterproductive war on drugs has transformed America's law-enforcement agencies into paramilitary strike forces which are beginning to behave like the Gestapo -- as was seen in the Waco Massacre, the raid on Ruby Ridge, and in the increasing number of outragrous home invasions as reported in these links:

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids
Hey coward, who called for the dragging of senators from their homes to be tortured, and believes rocks should be thrown through the windows of Walker supporters.

You asked Bucs when has anybody ever seen violence that would justify police departments across this country having to take a more militaristic approach in certain situations....It was provided to you, and you are cowardly avoiding it like the plague...Why is that, coward?

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I'd hardly call paulitician "left wing"
Yeah, he is......Like many o' Pauls supporters, they put up a good front.....But deep down inside, they are more left wing then many left wingers themselves.:cool:

There's nothing left, or right wing about defending the constitution.
Oh, come on man........Stop with the charade, it ain't about the constitution with you people, it's about legal dope and hookers.:cool:

Oh well, that's youngin's these days!:razz:
Very true. I worked for years as a cop with ATL PD. And we saw countless videos of these type things, in the US and oversees. I got out about a year after Columbine, and that changed SWAT/patrol operations drastically. North Holly changed equipment and got rifles on the road. Columbine changed tactics. After Columbine, PD's realized two things:

- We are outgunned, and have to keep getting rifles.
- SWAT is gonna take to long to respond to active shootings of innocent people.

We are seeing a steady change. It's less often hostages now, and more often just madmen going on killing sprees. So the patrol cop MUST go in immediately, and draw fire. If they're shooting at US, they AREN'T shooting innocents. But, we gotta have armor and weapons, AND training. Lots of SWAT and basic academy tactics are straight out of the Army and USMC small unit movements, tactics, etc.

And a side not of that...lots of citizens hate the image of the M16 on streets. But in a mass killing spree like VA Tech, or like the Salt Lake City mall, there will be hundreds of innocent people and 1 or 2 bad guys. With a glock pistol at 40 yards, the cop likely misses and the bullet will KEEP GOING somehwere. The M16 wont miss. The thread ends quicker, and less likely a bullet goes astray. It's not like the movies. Cops dont make 100 yard shots with 1 hand while jumping into the open window of a Porsche.

But I'm sure you and any military guy will agree: It's impossible to train someone to have the mindset of running into gunfire, but expect them to be a pansy pushover the rest of the time. Tough, brave men are just that, and we can't make them be Barney Fife if they aren't wired that way.
I have no problem with police having M-16s in their patrol cars -- helmets and body armor as well.

But I have a big problem with the kind of excessive force used against the OWS protesters and the outrageously excessive aggression demonstrated in the increasing number of no-knock home invasions being carried out in increasing number by helmeted, machinegun-armed goon squads all over the U.S. And nothing you can say about the occasional cop being killed or injured or anything else can justify these abuses of police authority and the incremental rise of an American police state.
I still want to know who called the Gestapo in. Was it the Chancellor? People need to be fired over this.
What Gestapo?

You left wing loons and your paranoia is fuckin' laughable.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'd hardly call paulitician "left wing"

I'd agree with that, Marc but when it comes to his attitude towards the police he "is" a full fledged loon. The police in America are not the Gestapo that he seems to think they are. In my experience, bigoted statements like that can only come from ignorance.
Very true. I worked for years as a cop with ATL PD. And we saw countless videos of these type things, in the US and oversees. I got out about a year after Columbine, and that changed SWAT/patrol operations drastically. North Holly changed equipment and got rifles on the road. Columbine changed tactics. After Columbine, PD's realized two things:

- We are outgunned, and have to keep getting rifles.
- SWAT is gonna take to long to respond to active shootings of innocent people.

We are seeing a steady change. It's less often hostages now, and more often just madmen going on killing sprees. So the patrol cop MUST go in immediately, and draw fire. If they're shooting at US, they AREN'T shooting innocents. But, we gotta have armor and weapons, AND training. Lots of SWAT and basic academy tactics are straight out of the Army and USMC small unit movements, tactics, etc.

And a side not of that...lots of citizens hate the image of the M16 on streets. But in a mass killing spree like VA Tech, or like the Salt Lake City mall, there will be hundreds of innocent people and 1 or 2 bad guys. With a glock pistol at 40 yards, the cop likely misses and the bullet will KEEP GOING somehwere. The M16 wont miss. The thread ends quicker, and less likely a bullet goes astray. It's not like the movies. Cops dont make 100 yard shots with 1 hand while jumping into the open window of a Porsche.

But I'm sure you and any military guy will agree: It's impossible to train someone to have the mindset of running into gunfire, but expect them to be a pansy pushover the rest of the time. Tough, brave men are just that, and we can't make them be Barney Fife if they aren't wired that way.
I have no problem with police having M-16s in their patrol cars -- helmets and body armor as well.

But I have a big problem with the kind of excessive force used against the OWS protesters and the outrageously excessive aggression demonstrated in the increasing number of no-knock home invasions being carried out in increasing number by helmeted, machinegun-armed goon squads all over the U.S. And nothing you can say about the occasional cop being killed or injured or anything else can justify these abuses of police authority and the incremental rise of an American police state.

I wasn't aware of an increase in the number of "no-knock home invasions" by the police, to point me to some statistics on this problem?
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