cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

We'll likely never know that for sure. It's all part of Patriot Act secrecy. You'll only know if they want you to know. They get to make that call. They have all the power.

so they are snatching people off the street never to be seen or heard from again ?

Can't say. But anything's possible i guess. With unlimited power,they can do almost anything they want. They can re-write your history and erase you anytime they choose. They have access to every aspect of your life. From your bank account to what you purchase at every store you visit. They have access to it all. And there's nothing you can do about it. I know it sounds like paranoia but it's actually fact. Your Government does own you. But hey,you can be dismissive and call me a "Wingnut" if you want to. I've been called worse.

i know they flew them on the plane into the Pentagon, wait ......that was a missle

the World Trade Center
so they are snatching people off the street never to be seen or heard from again ?

Can't say. But anything's possible i guess. With unlimited power,they can do almost anything they want. They can re-write your history and erase you anytime they choose. They have access to every aspect of your life. From your bank account to what you purchase at every store you visit. They have access to it all. And there's nothing you can do about it. I know it sounds like paranoia but it's actually fact. Your Government does own you. But hey,you can be dismissive and call me a "Wingnut" if you want to. I've been called worse.

i know they flew them on the plane into the Pentagon, wait ......that was a missle

the World Trade Center

I haven't said that but there is definitely more to 911 then what we've been told. The 911 Commission was a farce. But that's another thing we'll likely never get the complete story on.
Can't say. But anything's possible i guess. With unlimited power,they can do almost anything they want. They can re-write your history and erase you anytime they choose. They have access to every aspect of your life. From your bank account to what you purchase at every store you visit. They have access to it all. And there's nothing you can do about it. I know it sounds like paranoia but it's actually fact. Your Government does own you. But hey,you can be dismissive and call me a "Wingnut" if you want to. I've been called worse.

i know they flew them on the plane into the Pentagon, wait ......that was a missle

the World Trade Center

I haven't said that but there is definitely more to 911 then what we've been told. The 911 Commission was a farce. But that's another thing we'll likely never get the complete story on.

good lord, moses, mary and joe rogan
Can't say. But anything's possible i guess. With unlimited power,they can do almost anything they want. They can re-write your history and erase you anytime they choose. They have access to every aspect of your life. From your bank account to what you purchase at every store you visit. They have access to it all. And there's nothing you can do about it. I know it sounds like paranoia but it's actually fact. Your Government does own you. But hey,you can be dismissive and call me a "Wingnut" if you want to. I've been called worse.

i know they flew them on the plane into the Pentagon, wait ......that was a missle

the World Trade Center

I haven't said that but there is definitely more to 911 then what we've been told. The 911 Commission was a farce. But that's another thing we'll likely never get the complete story on.

How bout we try having a peaceful protest with no Police around? Lets see what happens. I'm pretty sure with no Police presence,the protest will stay peaceful. So whata ya say Big Brother,how bout sitting one out?
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

chicago "68 "they're killing our babies"...
Why is it that so many can't fathom having a protest without the Police being there? How far have we fallen? We can't possibly have a protest without the State being there to harass and control everyone? How did this mindset develop? I really am very disappointed in many on this Baord who call themselves Conservatives. Less Government intrusion in our lives is what we're supposed to be fighting for. Many sure have lost their way.
Why is it that so many can't fathom having a protest without the Police being there? How far have we fallen? We can't possibly have a protest without the State being there to harass and control everyone? How did this mindset develop? I really am very disappointed in many on this Baord who call themselves Conservatives. Less Government intrusion in our lives is what we're supposed to be fighting for. Many sure have lost their way.

when the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. ben franklin
Never forget the Police work for us. I still don't understand why so many have forgotten this. I mean i understand the Police forgetting this,but why have so many citizens forgotten this? Must be the years & years of State-Run propaganda i guess. We don't have to fear or bow to the Police. More people just need to start standing up. There really is strength in numbers. They work for us. Seriously,it's true.
Never forget the Police work for us. I still don't understand why so many have forgotten this. I mean i understand the Police forgetting this,but why have so many citizens forgotten this? Must be the years & years of State-Run propaganda i guess. We don't have to fear or bow to the Police. More people just need to start standing up. There really is strength in numbers. They work for us. Seriously,it's true.

And so do the Senators and Congressman and woman and the President and they seem to do a bunch of stuff that I don't care for.
Why do so many Citizens now fear the Police? This is a very important question many better start asking themselves. We're not supposed to fear the civil servants who work for us. Think about that for a bit. Take care.
Why do so many Citizens now fear the Police? This is a very important question many better start asking themselves. We're not supposed to fear the civil servants who work for us. Think about that for a bit. Take care.

Go out there tomorrow and fire one. I mean, just walk up to him or her and say 'you work for ME, and now you are FIRED.' :rolleyes:
Why do so many Citizens now fear the Police? This is a very important question many better start asking themselves. We're not supposed to fear the civil servants who work for us. Think about that for a bit. Take care.
I don't fear 'em.......Nobody I know fears 'em.

I've been pulled over many times in my life.......I still get pulled over all the time. My Harley and WCC Custom both have pipes that are borderline legal, they check me out all the time.....I'm respectful to them, they are respectful to me. No problems whatsoever.

And why can't you take into consideration that the cops main purpose when they show up at protests and demonstrations, is to ensure the safety of those doing the protesting and demonstrating.......If those protesters start provoking the cops, as we've seen many times from these OWS morons, the cops have a right to do what is neccessry to control the situation......And we've seen many times that the cops weren't even around until reports of illegal activity by these OWS morons were being reported by other citizens.

Your obvious paranoia of "the man" is downright comical, and highly entertaining, Paul.
Still posting from the prison library, I see. Isn't it about time for count? You better scurry on back to your cell block!

lol! Nice. But i didn't say anything that isn't true. If you're ok with what these Police Officers did,there isn't much hope for you ever recovering your humanity.

So you think Acts of Civil Disobedience, Ignoring the lawful Orders of a Police, Should have no consequences?

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.

And the students who wanted in that building to go to their classes, but could not: What about them? Are they just supposed to turn around and go home and forget about getting their education?

You know there COULD have been a riot between the students who were blocking the door and the serious students who wanted in. What went down was small potatoes. I would have been seriously pissed if my children or I had been blocked from entering the college classroom by a bunch of hooligans. I would be in the office of the Dean the very next day.

I'll admit I didn't read the whole story. Please show me a link where it says that the students were denied entry to the building.
thats fucking bullshit.

Just going by what most people have been telling me lately. They can point out many incidents where the Police have harassed them for even the most trivial reasons. But they can't seem to point out very many times they were helped by Police. This constant harassment is wearing thin on the People. Not enough 'Protecting & Serving' anymore. Just seems like a whole lot of oppression instead.

their existence obviously prevents violence and chaos. The police brutality thing is so shamelessly overblown, and perpetuated by the left, it's despicable.
It's true that police serve an essential purpose in society. It's also true that police brutality is not presently a commonplace problem -- mainly because the vast majority of Americans are law-abiding and, except for traffic violations, have little to no contact or dealing with police. But those of us who have been around for awhile are aware of the militarization of police in America and their gradual detachment from the local social order.

Cops no longer walk beats and relate to local citizens on a personal level. Today they are anonymous. They ride in computer-equipped patrol cars and come in contact with citizens only during traffic stops, criminal investigations or emergencies. The effect of this detachment has been gradual transition from a personal (human) interaction to that of impersonal distance with authoritarian overtones deriving mainly from an endless flow of imaginative police melodrama in movies and on tv.

The effect of the authoritarian mystique associated with the contemporary police image depends on the individual citizen's personal makeup. The authoritarian personality tends to glorify police, some to the extreme level of being sexually aroused by the idea of aggressive and/or brutal police conduct, while the more ordinary individual tends to have a realistic awareness of the oppressive potential of today's militarized and impersonal version of what once was "Officer Joe." They are pre-consciously aware that what once was the familiar and friendly "beat" cop has morphed into this:


And those who are not yet aware of the serious danger inherent in the militarization of America's new police should visit the following website and have a closer look at the new reality:
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

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