cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Did anyone notice how no one on either side was wearing a mask? Even the bystanders who WERE close by. I've been in a crowd when pepper spray was used and it drifts and severely affects everyone. Even the ones directly sprayed didn't react as if it were pepper spray. And the surrounding crowd had little if any reaction to it.
Some people will always defend the jack-booters. You'll never get through to these people. The State can never be wrong. Years & years of State-Run propaganda since early childhood has closed their minds for good. So who watches the Watchers if not us? The Police should always be kept honest. Always have your own recording equipment ready. The Police will lie. This is fact.
Oh yeah it looked like those kids were really suffering!

They STILL didn't move.

Club them like harp seals and drag them off.
Oh yeah it looked like those kids were really suffering!

They STILL didn't move.

Club them like harp seals and drag them off.

Is that really what you want your Government doing? Clubbing them like seals? Seriously,you should reconsider your feelings.
People who are cheering these jack-booters on really should stop and think a bit more. Just ask yourself,who watches the watchers if not us? Someone has to watch the Police and keep them honest. It's the right thing to do. They need to feel like they're being watched all the time. That's the only way to guarantee they'll be decent. And God knows,they watch us enough no? They need to be watched. So keep the video cameras rolling. Hold their feet to the fire at every turn.
those dumb kinds instigated the situation, and i'm sure they were warned to move too. The spray was obviously non-potent, but now the propagandists get to have a field day because of the optics of the situation.

Those parents should be stemming mad at their kids. Their paying good money for their kids to go to school, not protest for an anti-american and foolish cause, while disobeying police.
those dumb kinds instigated the situation, and i'm sure they were warned to move too. The spray was obviously non-potent, but now the propagandists get to have a field day because of the optics of the situation.

Those parents should be stemming mad at their kids. Their paying good money for their kids to go to school, not protest for an anti-american and foolish cause, while disobeying police.

I'm willing to bet you that most of these kids pulled out student loans and grants to be there, as the average parent could never hope to afford to send a child to college.

Most of those kids are in debt already.
those dumb kinds instigated the situation, and i'm sure they were warned to move too. The spray was obviously non-potent, but now the propagandists get to have a field day because of the optics of the situation.

Those parents should be stemming mad at their kids. Their paying good money for their kids to go to school, not protest for an anti-american and foolish cause, while disobeying police.

I'm willing to bet you that most of these kids pulled out student loans and grants to be there, as the average parent could never hope to afford to send a child to college.

Most of those kids are in debt already.

I would probably disagree with you on that, but it was a throw in comment.

The point is these kids were wrong, and the campus police were justified in their actions.
Some people will always defend the jack-booters. You'll never get through to these people. The State can never be wrong. Years & years of State-Run propaganda since early childhood has closed their minds for good. So who watches the Watchers if not us? The Police should always be kept honest. Always have your own recording equipment ready. The Police will lie. This is fact.

or we know you break the law

then taunt the police

spray tan makes you mind
Who will watch the Watchers if not us?? Every American should always keep that in mind.

No one is saying lets not watch the watchers, but lets not disrespect them, and not cry wolf either.
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Here's the cop's name and supposed phone number...


384753_304528342899464_100000269019762_1193836_442887478_n - Occupy America Movement
Yeah, that cop looks like he's having a blast spraying those kids, and this goes on every minute of the day, in every hood in what you people call America especially.

The dishonesty people have when demonizing those that protect us every day is nothing short of disgusting!
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These local Governments need to order the Police to back off and get the hell away from the Protests. They are instigating the violence at this point. Why do they have to be right up in their faces? Just stop harassing the People. Can't the State just stay out of our lives even for just a couple of hours? Why does it always have to be about the harassment & control? Just get off our backs Government. We're sick of it. This is why all Americans should support less Government. Big Government always abuses their power. They can't help themselves.
These local Governments need to order the Police to back off and get the hell away from the Protests. They are instigating the violence at this point. Why do they have to be right up in their faces? Just stop harassing the People. Can't the State just stay out of our lives even for just a couple of hours? Why does it always have to be about the harassment & control? Just get off our backs Government. We're sick of it. This is why all Americans should support less Government. Big Government always abuses their power. They can't help themselves.

yes why cant i eat all the cookies before dinner

why why why

get off my back mommy
Police are now harassing Citizens more than helping them these days. The People are turning on them. This is a very bad problem they themelves have created. An Anti-Police sentiment is now running strong in this country. The People are sick of all the harassment. It has gone too far. Just by talking with people lately,most express the fact they've been harassed far more by Police than they've been helped by them over the years. Many on this board probably feel the same way. The State is now over-reaching into our lives more than ever before. I see much more unrest coming.
Who are you people that are constantly having problems with the police? My last contact with a police officer was the bailiff when I sat on a jury a year ago.. prior to that, I couldn't begin to tell you.

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