cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Try forgetting your ID at home one day and then get stopped by a jack-booter. We'll see what they have in store for you. And keep in mind,you don't have to be driving a vehicle. You can be stopped just walking down your own street. I really do hope this doesn't happen to you though. You seem like a nice enough person and jail would definitely not suit you well. You would be scarred for life. And it would change your views on the Police State quite a bit. Anyway,good luck and God bless.

It actually did happen to me, Paul. I got stopped for having an expired tag on my plates and then realized that I'd left the house without my wallet. I explained to the policeman that I didn't have my wallet with me but that I lived about a mile away. He very nicely agreed to follow me home so I could get my license. Far from being "scarred" by the experience it reinforced my already held belief that most cops are good people just trying to do a job.

Not to pry,but how long ago was that? Just curious.

Four years ago in Cape Coral, Florida
the police recorded it as well

Must be why they got suspended and are now being investigated. Like i said,thank God for Video. Who knows what stories they would have tried to tell?

were not suspended for what they did

leave with pay during investigation

very common in LE complaints

Glad to hear it. I'm sure they'll receive a nice fat promotion in the end. It wouldn't surprise me. Play it safe though. Always have your recording equipment handy when it comes to the Police. Your word against theirs just isn't gonna cut it for you. They lie. And they get away it.
It actually did happen to me, Paul. I got stopped for having an expired tag on my plates and then realized that I'd left the house without my wallet. I explained to the policeman that I didn't have my wallet with me but that I lived about a mile away. He very nicely agreed to follow me home so I could get my license. Far from being "scarred" by the experience it reinforced my already held belief that most cops are good people just trying to do a job.

Not to pry,but how long ago was that? Just curious.

Four years ago in Cape Coral, Florida

I'm glad you had a pleasant experience. I really am. But it can go the other way just as easily. And there isn't anything you can do about it. You have less rights than they have. We need to get that equality back. Things have swayed too far in their favor. Anyway,thanks for the reply.
I just thank God this was recorded on video.

the police recorded it as well

Must be why they got suspended and are now being investigated. Like i said,thank God for Video. Who knows what stories they would have tried to tell?

Do you not realize that every action the police take against the OWS protesters is done in front of a veritable sea of video cameras? You act like the police somehow got "caught" doing what they did and we were lucky to have the incident on film.
the police recorded it as well

Must be why they got suspended and are now being investigated. Like i said,thank God for Video. Who knows what stories they would have tried to tell?

Do you not realize that every action the police take against the OWS protesters is done in front of a veritable sea of video cameras? You act like the police somehow got "caught" doing what they did and we were lucky to have the incident on film.

You assume that all jack-booters are smart. I do not.
We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

For someone who doesn't pay attention to them (except when the police get involved), you sure do know about them. I'm willing to bet you've posted about them at least once before, without mentioning the police confrontations.

I don't agree with what the OWS has to say. But they have the constitutional right to protest about any grievances they have against the government. And your rights (that's right your rights), are being taken away increasingly in this country (especially after 9/11) in the name of "safety".

Why does the TSA need to be groping individuals, and these high-tech machines now? not ONE-that's right, not ONE single terrorist has EVER high-jacked a plane, after going through TSA security. And they still keep adding on more and more "security" at the airport. Not only that-but 0 Americans have died from a large-scale terrorist attack in the past 10 years on US soil. Yet that's the justification to take away your freedoms. It's insane.

How could anyone NOT know about the OWS protests? Their ongoing conflicts with police have been in the news for months now. As for what I've posted about them? After trying to figure out what it was that they were "for" I posted numerous times that they either didn't know what they wanted or their demands were so ridiculous as to be farcical.

In regards to using the fact that nobody has died from a terrorist attack in the past 10 years as a reason to stop TSA screens? I'm sorry but that makes zero sense to me. I fly constantly and I have ZERO problem with scans or body pats if it's going to keep some idiot with a shoe bomb from blowing me out of the sky. The fact that we haven't had a successful attack tells me that we're doing something right...not wrong.

I also fly all of the time. My point was that TSA has been batting a thousand. There was no need to introduce newer techniques that make some people uncomfortable-when it's not necessary. What part of that doesn't make sense?

And if you fly all the time-you'd know that you take your shoes off BEFORE entering the body scanner.
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

They should have tazed and waterboarded the assholes too.

Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

People selectively applying the rights of this country sicken me.
Are you denying that the OWS losers are stepping on the rights of their fellow citizens, in most places they occupy?

Christ, the hypocrisy coming from you people is fuckin' bizarre.:cuckoo:
You've reached "farce" stage at this point, Paul.

All your ranting about jack booted thugs ignores one very obvious fact and that is that the protesters are the ones that have consistently created confrontations with the police and they have done that in order to gain media attention. Your saying that the police should go elsewhere misses the point of what the protesters are trying to do which is to have a conflict with the police in order to get attention for their cause.

How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?
If the police HAD gone elsewhere the protesters would eventually go to where they are because if there is no confrontations with the police then their protests don't really amount to anything because they don't seem to know what they want.

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.

Do you really not understand that purposely blocking access to something that you don't own breaks the law? Your first amendment right to peaceful assembly doesn't give you the right to deprive others of their rights. When the OWS protesters try to block streets and bridges...take over ports...block college campuses...they aren't peacefully assembling to air their views...they are seeking to deprive their fellow citizens of something so that everyone will listen to them. The huge difference between the Tea Party movement and the OWS movement is that the Tea Party didn't feel the need to try and shut down the system in order to force people to listen to them. They used the system that we have in place to voice their displeasure. They organized. They backed candidates that believed as they did and then they voted those candidates into office. Contrast that with the progressive left in this country. When they lost Wisconsin they blocked elected representatives from entering the State House so they could vote. That isn't exercising first amendment rights...that imposing YOUR beliefs on others even though those beliefs were not those of a majority of voters.
What they are doing, is inciting confrontations........They want confrontation, it's the loony lefts prime tactic......You sure as hell didn't see the Tea Party breaking laws, acting like animals, impeding the rights of their fellow citizens, illegally assembling, trashing the places they occupied.......And we saw the effects of their cause during the last election.

Funny thing is, suppoort for the OWS is dropping like a rock. Once they started with the rudeness, destruction, violence, rapes, impeding on the RIGHTS of their fellow citizens, clear thinking people in this country lost respect for them.
If the Police aren't there,it's unlikely there will be violence. And who called the Police there anyway? That person should be fired immediately. They caused this whole mess. These kids were just conducting a peaceful protest. So who the hell called the Gestapo? They need to be held accountible too. In my obervations,it is the Police who instigate violence most of the time. Obviously they will lie about that but now we have great recording technology to keep them honest. People do need to be fired over this mess. Hopefully this will happen.
If the Police aren't there,it's unlikely there will be violence. And who called the Police there anyway? That person should be fired immediately. They caused this whole mess. These kids were just conducting a peaceful protest. So who the hell called the Gestapo? They need to be held accountible too. In my obervations,it is the Police who instigate violence most of the time. Obviously they will lie about that but now we have great recording technology to keep them honest. People do need to be fired over this mess. Hopefully this will happen.
Seriously, you're a paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:
If the Police aren't there,it's unlikely there will be violence. And who called the Police there anyway? That person should be fired immediately. They caused this whole mess. These kids were just conducting a peaceful protest. So who the hell called the Gestapo? They need to be held accountible too. In my obervations,it is the Police who instigate violence most of the time. Obviously they will lie about that but now we have great recording technology to keep them honest. People do need to be fired over this mess. Hopefully this will happen.
Seriously, you're a paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:

lol! Nice. But seriously,i want to know who called the Gestapo in. What is their name? They need to be fired right away. This whole mess could have been avoided if they just left the Gestapo out of it. We need to find who it was who called them in.
If the Police aren't there,it's unlikely there will be violence. And who called the Police there anyway? That person should be fired immediately. They caused this whole mess. These kids were just conducting a peaceful protest. So who the hell called the Gestapo? They need to be held accountible too. In my obervations,it is the Police who instigate violence most of the time. Obviously they will lie about that but now we have great recording technology to keep them honest. People do need to be fired over this mess. Hopefully this will happen.
Seriously, you're a paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:

lol! Nice. But seriously,i want to know who called the Gestapo in. What is their name? They need to be fired right away. This whole mess could have been avoided if they just left the Gestapo out of it. We need to find who it was who called them in.
What Gestapo?

Seriously, you're a fuckin' paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:
Seriously, you're a paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:

lol! Nice. But seriously,i want to know who called the Gestapo in. What is their name? They need to be fired right away. This whole mess could have been avoided if they just left the Gestapo out of it. We need to find who it was who called them in.
What Gestapo?

Seriously, you're a fuckin' paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:

Nobody is free to go about their business free of harassment by the police. We've created so many tiny laws for people to break that the cops can arrest anyone at anytime.

I actually know a guy who was arrested and booked on a sole count of resisting arrest. How the fuck does that happen? Why are they arresting him if there are no other actual charges? They literally arrested him just so they could arrest him!
lol! Nice. But seriously,i want to know who called the Gestapo in. What is their name? They need to be fired right away. This whole mess could have been avoided if they just left the Gestapo out of it. We need to find who it was who called them in.
What Gestapo?

Seriously, you're a fuckin' paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:

Nobody is free to go about their business free of harassment by the police. We've created so many tiny laws for people to break that the cops can arrest anyone at anytime.

I actually know a guy who was arrested and booked on a sole count of resisting arrest. How the fuck does that happen? Why are they arresting him if there are no other actual charges? They literally arrested him just so they could arrest him!

Thank you. A voice of reason. There are a gazillion Laws they can lock you up for these days. Most Americans are just completely oblivious to this until the jack-booters pay them a little visit. The Police now have near limitless power. 'Detaining' Citizens is now all the rage with them. You can be 'Detained' for almost anything these days. It really is out of control. We really have handed over too much power & control to the Police. And i do think 911 is the prime cause of this. So many Americans were just too willing to give all their rights away out of fear after 911. And now we're all suffering. We need to start demanding our rights back. The Tea Partiers & OWS Movement should be together on that. This stuff affects us all. Lets do it together.
lol! Nice. But seriously,i want to know who called the Gestapo in. What is their name? They need to be fired right away. This whole mess could have been avoided if they just left the Gestapo out of it. We need to find who it was who called them in.
What Gestapo?

Seriously, you're a fuckin' paranoid cartoon.:cuckoo:

Nobody is free to go about their business free of harassment by the police. We've created so many tiny laws for people to break that the cops can arrest anyone at anytime.

I actually know a guy who was arrested and booked on a sole count of resisting arrest. How the fuck does that happen? Why are they arresting him if there are no other actual charges? They literally arrested him just so they could arrest him!
Ya' don't want to get arrested, don't break the fucking law!

And why do I automatically assume that you're not telling the full story of your lil' buddy?.....Most likely, the resisting arrest charge carries a harsher penalty then his original offense. The boy needs to be taught a lesson for getting stupid with the police. And it sounds like the police did him a favor by only charging him with one offense, or the DA decided to drop the other charge/charges, and go after him for the more serious charge.
FIGHT THE POWER!! FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE!! Yea you probably wont win but fight anyway. Have some dignity. It's good for the soul.
It doesn't matter if it was "peaceful protests".

They are on private property. They were told to move. They refused.

The cops had every right to pepper spray them.

Next time obey the lawful commands and don't piss on other people's property :eusa_hand:

If they want to protest, in many local areas you need to get a permit.

If you want to try and take over private property, and do what you want on it, you get what's coming to you if you are pepper sprayed.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

For someone who doesn't pay attention to them (except when the police get involved), you sure do know about them. I'm willing to bet you've posted about them at least once before, without mentioning the police confrontations.

I don't agree with what the OWS has to say. But they have the constitutional right to protest about any grievances they have against the government. And your rights (that's right your rights), are being taken away increasingly in this country (especially after 9/11) in the name of "safety".

Why does the TSA need to be groping individuals, and these high-tech machines now? not ONE-that's right, not ONE single terrorist has EVER high-jacked a plane, after going through TSA security. And they still keep adding on more and more "security" at the airport. Not only that-but 0 Americans have died from a large-scale terrorist attack in the past 10 years on US soil. Yet that's the justification to take away your freedoms. It's insane.

How could anyone NOT know about the OWS protests? Their ongoing conflicts with police have been in the news for months now. As for what I've posted about them? After trying to figure out what it was that they were "for" I posted numerous times that they either didn't know what they wanted or their demands were so ridiculous as to be farcical.

In regards to using the fact that nobody has died from a terrorist attack in the past 10 years as a reason to stop TSA screens? I'm sorry but that makes zero sense to me. I fly constantly and I have ZERO problem with scans or body pats if it's going to keep some idiot with a shoe bomb from blowing me out of the sky. The fact that we haven't had a successful attack tells me that we're doing something right...not wrong.

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