cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Have your papers with you at all times too. The TSA is now setting up randomn checkpoints to harass innocent American Citizens. Government checkpoints demanding to see your papers? Sound familiar? Yea,we've handed so much of our freedom & liberty over to the jack-booters. It's so damn sad.

TSA checkpoints are in Airports

I know. They're expanding now. It's not enough for em molesting old ladies and children in Airports. Time to get to some serious harassment.
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

I am all for protesting VIOLENTLY if necessary if our Constitutional rights to life, liberty or property is adversely affected.

Which one of those rights are the students defending?


Your Constitutional rights say you can protest anything you want

In that case hose them down and get them the fuck out of the area with specific instructions to quit fucking around.

I agree that the police should not use pepper spray - they should taze the motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have your papers with you at all times too. The TSA is now setting up randomn checkpoints to harass innocent American Citizens. Government checkpoints demanding to see your papers? Sound familiar? Yea,we've handed so much of our freedom & liberty over to the jack-booters. It's so damn sad.

Where, pray tell...have these random checkpoints been set up, Paul? I know you wouldn't make this stuff up...right?

Yes they have. They're doing it in Tennessee right now. But don't worry,you'll find out soon enough when the jack-booters stop you and demand to search your vehicle and demand you show them your papers. And guess what? You'll do it or you'll end up in jail. Isn't today's America great?

The TSA is setting up random checkpoints in Tennessee? Care to provide a link to that?
I know that you wouldn't be stupid enough to get suckered into the stories that were going around on liberal blogs about that...right, Paul?
Where, pray tell...have these random checkpoints been set up, Paul? I know you wouldn't make this stuff up...right?

Yes they have. They're doing it in Tennessee right now. But don't worry,you'll find out soon enough when the jack-booters stop you and demand to search your vehicle and demand you show them your papers. And guess what? You'll do it or you'll end up in jail. Isn't today's America great?

The TSA is setting up random checkpoints in Tennessee? Care to provide a link to that?

I know,it's hard to believe huh? Like we don't already have enough jack-booters harassing Citizens on our Highways. How many Government Departments are we up to now on our Highways? Yea,we're not a Police/Prison State. No way,can't be...

Prison » TSA deploys ‘VIPR’ teams throughout Tennessee to set up illegal security checkpoints on interstates
[ame=]You will respect my Authoritah! - YouTube[/ame]
Yes they have. They're doing it in Tennessee right now. But don't worry,you'll find out soon enough when the jack-booters stop you and demand to search your vehicle and demand you show them your papers. And guess what? You'll do it or you'll end up in jail. Isn't today's America great?

The TSA is setting up random checkpoints in Tennessee? Care to provide a link to that?

I know,it's hard to believe huh? Like we don't already have enough jack-booters harassing Citizens on our Highways. How many Government Departments are we up to now on our Highways? Yea,we're not a Police/Prison State. No way,can't be...

Prison » TSA deploys ‘VIPR’ teams throughout Tennessee to set up illegal security checkpoints on interstates

Apparently you were foolish enough
The TSA is setting up random checkpoints in Tennessee? Care to provide a link to that?

I know,it's hard to believe huh? Like we don't already have enough jack-booters harassing Citizens on our Highways. How many Government Departments are we up to now on our Highways? Yea,we're not a Police/Prison State. No way,can't be...

Prison » TSA deploys ‘VIPR’ teams throughout Tennessee to set up illegal security checkpoints on interstates

Apparently you were foolish enough

Try forgetting your ID at home one day and then get stopped by a jack-booter. We'll see what they have in store for you. And keep in mind,you don't have to be driving a vehicle. You can be stopped just walking down your own street. I really do hope this doesn't happen to you though. You seem like a nice enough person and jail would definitely not suit you well. You would be scarred for life. And it would change your views on the Police State quite a bit. Anyway,good luck and God bless.
resisting arrest is a felony

Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

For someone who doesn't pay attention to them (except when the police get involved), you sure do know about them. I'm willing to bet you've posted about them at least once before, without mentioning the police confrontations.

I don't agree with what the OWS has to say. But they have the constitutional right to protest about any grievances they have against the government. And your rights (that's right your rights), are being taken away increasingly in this country (especially after 9/11) in the name of "safety".

Why does the TSA need to be groping individuals, and these high-tech machines now? not ONE-that's right, not ONE single terrorist has EVER high-jacked a plane, after going through TSA security. And they still keep adding on more and more "security" at the airport. Not only that-but 0 Americans have died from a large-scale terrorist attack in the past 10 years on US soil. Yet that's the justification to take away your freedoms. It's insane.
Try forgetting your ID at home one day and then get stopped by a jack-booter. We'll see what they have in store for you. And keep in mind,you don't have to be driving a vehicle. You can be stopped just walking down your own street. I really do hope this doesn't happen to you though. You seem like a nice enough person and jail would definitely not suit you well. You would be scarred for life. And it would change your views on the Police State quite a bit. Anyway,good luck and God bless.
While I would be outraged at being stopped and searched, which is a clear violation of Amendment Four, I must say I would have no objection to being stopped in a place where and when it does not seriously inconvenience or impose on me and asked to identify myself as a U.S. citizen (papers). In fact I am strongly in favor of a required biometric citizen ID card. I believe these requirements to be the most directly realistic and effective means of ending the problem of illegal immigration.
Try forgetting your ID at home one day and then get stopped by a jack-booter. We'll see what they have in store for you. And keep in mind,you don't have to be driving a vehicle. You can be stopped just walking down your own street. I really do hope this doesn't happen to you though. You seem like a nice enough person and jail would definitely not suit you well. You would be scarred for life. And it would change your views on the Police State quite a bit. Anyway,good luck and God bless.
While I would be outraged at being stopped and searched, which is a clear violation of Amendment Four, I must say I would have no objection to being stopped in a place where and when it does not seriously inconvenience or impose on me and asked to identify myself as a U.S. citizen (papers). In fact I am strongly in favor of a required biometric citizen ID card. I believe these requirements to be the most directly realistic and effective means of ending the problem of illegal immigration.

If you want to crack down on illegal immigration-you go by the laws now. And you throw the book at employers.
I just thank God this was recorded on video. If it wasn't,we would have never seen this brutality. The Police would have lied and claimed these protesters were being violent. People shouldn't kid themselves. The Police lie all the time. They have no problem filing false reports. After all,it's your word against the Police. And who do you think wins on that most of the time? I'll give you a hint...It's not you. It's always the protesters' fault according to the Police. Standard operating procedure for them. Having your own recording equipment handy is vital these days. The Police will lie. That's just fact.
I know,it's hard to believe huh? Like we don't already have enough jack-booters harassing Citizens on our Highways. How many Government Departments are we up to now on our Highways? Yea,we're not a Police/Prison State. No way,can't be...

Prison » TSA deploys ‘VIPR’ teams throughout Tennessee to set up illegal security checkpoints on interstates

Apparently you were foolish enough

Try forgetting your ID at home one day and then get stopped by a jack-booter. We'll see what they have in store for you. And keep in mind,you don't have to be driving a vehicle. You can be stopped just walking down your own street. I really do hope this doesn't happen to you though. You seem like a nice enough person and jail would definitely not suit you well. You would be scarred for life. And it would change your views on the Police State quite a bit. Anyway,good luck and God bless.

It actually did happen to me, Paul. I got stopped for having an expired tag on my plates and then realized that I'd left the house without my wallet. I explained to the policeman that I didn't have my wallet with me but that I lived about a mile away. He very nicely agreed to follow me home so I could get my license. Far from being "scarred" by the experience it reinforced my already held belief that most cops are good people just trying to do a job.
Apparently you were foolish enough

Try forgetting your ID at home one day and then get stopped by a jack-booter. We'll see what they have in store for you. And keep in mind,you don't have to be driving a vehicle. You can be stopped just walking down your own street. I really do hope this doesn't happen to you though. You seem like a nice enough person and jail would definitely not suit you well. You would be scarred for life. And it would change your views on the Police State quite a bit. Anyway,good luck and God bless.

It actually did happen to me, Paul. I got stopped for having an expired tag on my plates and then realized that I'd left the house without my wallet. I explained to the policeman that I didn't have my wallet with me but that I lived about a mile away. He very nicely agreed to follow me home so I could get my license. Far from being "scarred" by the experience it reinforced my already held belief that most cops are good people just trying to do a job.

Not to pry,but how long ago was that? Just curious.
Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

For someone who doesn't pay attention to them (except when the police get involved), you sure do know about them. I'm willing to bet you've posted about them at least once before, without mentioning the police confrontations.

I don't agree with what the OWS has to say. But they have the constitutional right to protest about any grievances they have against the government. And your rights (that's right your rights), are being taken away increasingly in this country (especially after 9/11) in the name of "safety".

Why does the TSA need to be groping individuals, and these high-tech machines now? not ONE-that's right, not ONE single terrorist has EVER high-jacked a plane, after going through TSA security. And they still keep adding on more and more "security" at the airport. Not only that-but 0 Americans have died from a large-scale terrorist attack in the past 10 years on US soil. Yet that's the justification to take away your freedoms. It's insane.

How could anyone NOT know about the OWS protests? Their ongoing conflicts with police have been in the news for months now. As for what I've posted about them? After trying to figure out what it was that they were "for" I posted numerous times that they either didn't know what they wanted or their demands were so ridiculous as to be farcical.

In regards to using the fact that nobody has died from a terrorist attack in the past 10 years as a reason to stop TSA screens? I'm sorry but that makes zero sense to me. I fly constantly and I have ZERO problem with scans or body pats if it's going to keep some idiot with a shoe bomb from blowing me out of the sky. The fact that we haven't had a successful attack tells me that we're doing something right...not wrong.

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