cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

nope as long as someone breaks the law after repeated warning

non-lethal spray tan

Breaking what law exactly.

Why don't you point out the particular law they were breaking by literally being peaceful protesters?

no camping

you can protest but no camping

they closed the uc berkely camp

and uc davis thought they would show authority and set one up there

asked to stand down and remove tents

formed interlocked circle

spray tan ensued

So literally any small misdemeanor deserves violent reaction from police?

I'm trying to understand where the line is drawn here.
Too many roided up gung-ho officers are just itching to play with their toys. These kids weren't hurting anyone. This was a stupid unnecessary action. And our original Tea Partiers would have never allowed the British to treat them this way. Oh well,i guess they gotta try out their new toys like pepper spray & tasers. Try em out on the animals. Because that's what most of these roided up officers think about protesters. And yes,that includes Tea Party protesters. Move the Police out instead of the protesters and these protests will stay peaceful.

I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible to hold a discussion about this issue with someone that has such an irrational view of the police. The restraint show by the police throughout the OWS protests has actually been rather remarkable and a testament to their training. You can't see that though because you're too busy calling them storm troopers to look at what's happened and why it's happened in a rational way. I have no idea why you have such hatred of the police but it's quite apparent that it is more of an issue with you than it is with the police.
Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

I agree that police should enforce the law.
The law was being broken.
They enforced the law.
Why don't you go out and piss on a police cruiser and see what that gets ya, imbecile.

So if I flipped off a cop I get what's coming to me?

You flip off a cop these days,you'll be lucky if you're not arrested and imprisoned under a Patriot Act provision. It's open-season on Citizens now. They're arresting & imprisoning Citizens for almost anything these days. Don't even look at a Police Officer anymore. The wrong look could very well land you in jail. They've been given too much power & control. The People have become powerless against them. Good thing there was a camera here because the Police would have definitely lied about the incident. Keep your recording equipment handy because Police do lie. Play it safe.
Breaking what law exactly.

Why don't you point out the particular law they were breaking by literally being peaceful protesters?

no camping

you can protest but no camping

they closed the uc berkely camp

and uc davis thought they would show authority and set one up there

asked to stand down and remove tents

formed interlocked circle

spray tan ensued

So literally any small misdemeanor deserves violent reaction from police?

a misdemeaner which leads to disregarding a direct order from authorty under the specific circumstances, demonstrated patterns and evolution of the OWS protests earns you what it earns you
Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

I agree that police should enforce the law.
The law was being broken.
They enforced the law.
Why don't you go out and piss on a police cruiser and see what that gets ya, imbecile.

So if I flipped off a cop I get what's coming to me?

Look, you stupid fuck. I am sure the protesters were asked to move, and asked to move again, and asked to make a fucking hole - and move again! Then they were warned, and warned and warned. Then they were sprayed.

No cop in his right mind would do anything inappropriate with all those video cameras around. I am certain they followed procedure.

You weren't there - and neither was I - but I'll take the side of professional adults over scumbag lazy liberal shitbirds any day of the week.
You flip off a cop these days,you'll be lucky if you're not arrested and imprisoned under a Patriot Act provision. It's open-season on Citizens now. They're arresting & imprisoning Citizens for almost anything these days.

please link a citizen being trivially arrested under the patriot act
Too many roided up gung-ho officers are just itching to play with their toys. These kids weren't hurting anyone. This was a stupid unnecessary action. And our original Tea Partiers would have never allowed the British to treat them this way. Oh well,i guess they gotta try out their new toys like pepper spray & tasers. Try em out on the animals. Because that's what most of these roided up officers think about protesters. And yes,that includes Tea Party protesters. Move the Police out instead of the protesters and these protests will stay peaceful.

I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible to hold a discussion about this issue with someone that has such an irrational view of the police. The restraint show by the police throughout the OWS protests has actually been rather remarkable and a testament to their training. You can't see that though because you're too busy calling them storm troopers to look at what's happened and why it's happened in a rational way. I have no idea why you have such hatred of the police but it's quite apparent that it is more of an issue with you than it is with the police.

His view is a little too extreme, I know most police are simply doing their job, and don't throw out unneeded physical punishment unless it is absolutely necessary.

This isn't the case though, a violent reaction to a non violent misdemeanor is not deserving of physical pain.

Sure you can call it an obstruction of justice, but what kind of justice is it in the first place?
You flip off a cop these days,you'll be lucky if you're not arrested and imprisoned under a Patriot Act provision. It's open-season on Citizens now. They're arresting & imprisoning Citizens for almost anything these days.

please link a citizen being trivially arrested under the patriot act

While the Patriot Act is incredibly unconstitutional, I do not recall a single case of someone being imprisoned trivially because of it.
This isn't the case though, a violent reaction to a non violent misdemeanor is not deserving of physical pain.

Sure you can call it an obstruction of justice, but what kind of justice is it in the first place?

resisting arrest is a felony
This isn't the case though, a violent reaction to a non violent misdemeanor is not deserving of physical pain.

Sure you can call it an obstruction of justice, but what kind of justice is it in the first place?

resisting arrest is a felony

Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.
This isn't the case though, a violent reaction to a non violent misdemeanor is not deserving of physical pain.

Sure you can call it an obstruction of justice, but what kind of justice is it in the first place?

resisting arrest is a felony

Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

i understand you think they should be able to break the law however they want cause you support them

put your big boy pants on
We are rapidly becoming a Police/Prison State. I just don't undertand why how so many can't see that. They're locking more & more Americans up every year. The roided up officers really are just itching to throw those cuffs on and haul you away. My God,try forgetting your ID at home and then having one of these roiders demand it. They can detain you in jail for it if they choose to. So have your papers on you at all times or else. Man,does that sound eerily familiar or what? No,we've handed way too much power & control over to our Police Force. It's time to demand our freedom back.
resisting arrest is a felony

Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

i understand you think they should be able to break the law however they want cause you support them

put your big boy pants on

Next time you get a parking ticket, you should keep an eye out for a cop coming to pepper spray your ass, you felon.
Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

i understand you think they should be able to break the law however they want cause you support them

put your big boy pants on

Next time you get a parking ticket, you should keep an eye out for a cop coming to pepper spray your ass, you felon.

parking ticket is a civil infraction by civil authority
You flip off a cop these days,you'll be lucky if you're not arrested and imprisoned under a Patriot Act provision. It's open-season on Citizens now. They're arresting & imprisoning Citizens for almost anything these days.

please link a citizen being trivially arrested under the patriot act

Oh because there's no link,it never happens? Why do you think they have to link any info for you? You don't have that right. They have more rights than you have. Homeland Security can do anything they like and you can't do anything about it. How does that feel? Not too good huh? You just need to shut up and take it because that's what Police/Prison State U.S.A. is all about.
i understand you think they should be able to break the law however they want cause you support them

put your big boy pants on

Next time you get a parking ticket, you should keep an eye out for a cop coming to pepper spray your ass, you felon.

parking ticket is a civil infraction by civil authority

Wow, guess that flew over your head too.

It would be like a cop pepper spraying you for running a stop light.
You flip off a cop these days,you'll be lucky if you're not arrested and imprisoned under a Patriot Act provision. It's open-season on Citizens now. They're arresting & imprisoning Citizens for almost anything these days.

please link a citizen being trivially arrested under the patriot act

Oh because there's no link,it never happens? Why do you think they have to link any info for you? You don't have that right. They have more rights than you have. Homeland Security can do anything they like and you can't do anything about it. How does that feel? Not too good huh? You just need to shut up and take it because that's what Police/Prison State U.S.A. is all about.

no I want a link cause I know your assertion is plain wrong

if true the net and media would be ripe with examples

you know that

thats why you came back with what you did instead of a link to validate your assertion
This isn't the case though, a violent reaction to a non violent misdemeanor is not deserving of physical pain.

Sure you can call it an obstruction of justice, but what kind of justice is it in the first place?

resisting arrest is a felony

Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?
Next time you get a parking ticket, you should keep an eye out for a cop coming to pepper spray your ass, you felon.

parking ticket is a civil infraction by civil authority

Wow, guess that flew over your head too.

It would be like a cop pepper spraying you for running a stop light.

resisting arrest is not a civil infraction

its a felony

and can easily earn you a spray tan or hickory shampoo

turn on the news across the nation
resisting arrest is a felony

Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

Were they pushing people out?

And yes, I absolutely think they should all go home and rethink the direction of their protest.

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