cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

What police action?

Paranoid much, or just a full time drama queen?:eusa_whistle:

action:The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

I'm sorry, but were the cops in the video not doing something, and didn't they have an aim to achieve?

I do apologized for using words that you apparently do not know the meaning of, and I'm sorry if you think anyone who knows what words mean is a "drama queen" - must be a fucked up view of the world.
They are not "cops"....they are nothing more then campus security, period.
At my university the university police have full authority to arrest anyone in their jurisdiction for breaking any law, and may carry guns - is it different in Cali? They are subject to less stringent hiring standards, but have the same authority as city police withing campus.

Take it up with the LIBERAL run California State University system , who hires, trains, and pays those campus security personnel.

Get your facts straight.

So now you're saying the cops did something wrong?

Please make up your mind.
action:The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

I'm sorry, but were the cops in the video not doing something, and didn't they have an aim to achieve?

I do apologized for using words that you apparently do not know the meaning of, and I'm sorry if you think anyone who knows what words mean is a "drama queen" - must be a fucked up view of the world.
They are not "cops"....they are nothing more then campus security, period.
At my university the university police have full authority to arrest anyone in their jurisdiction for breaking any law, and may carry guns - is it different in Cali? They are subject to less stringent hiring standards, but have the same authority as city police withing campus.

Take it up with the LIBERAL run California State University system , who hires, trains, and pays those campus security personnel.

Get your facts straight.

So now you're saying the cops did something wrong?

Please make up your mind.

I didn't realize cops had the permission to pepper-spray people sitting in a submissive position.
I think we already covered that. They do help sometimes,when they're forced to. But for the most part they only harass the Citizenry. That's what they've become. I know it's sad but it is reality.

Only cops I know who help people are the causeway cops. Their exclusive beat is the 4 lane divided highway bridge that crosses the Lake Ponchartrain from Jefferson Parish to Covington. This nearly 24 mile over water bridge has no emergency lanes, therefore breakdowns can be extremely dangerous for everyone really quick. If you breakdown on this highway,a causeway cop will be with you in minutes - like 2 minutes. If you violate traffic laws you will be pulled over immediately. I was driving the causeway bridge once and some jerk was tailgating me. A cop put his lights on and pulled the a-hole over. This is the only time a cop has ever protected me - and it was the kinda cop that other cops prolly look down on.
Bring your ass to L.A. and take a ride along with LAPD's 77th street division, and see what those officers put up with on a daily basis.....I guarantee you'll be thanking them for what they do on a daily basis, the shit they put up with, and the carnage they see every shift.

You're fuckin' clueless, dude.

I'm sure they do a wonderful job of arresting crackheads, go 77th St division! Stop that crackhead, he's smoking crack, and runnin really fast! Get him!

Busting crackheads and hippies for drugs is the easiest possible police work there is, that's why the cops who concentrate on those crimes tend to be some of the dumbest people around.

LAPD - they've got a steller rep, right?
More than 70 police officers in the CRASH unit were implicated in misconduct, making it one of the most widespread cases of documented police misconduct in United States history
The convicted offenses include unprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of evidence, framing of suspects, stealing and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and covering up evidence of these activities.[1]

Rampart scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry but these guys were no better than the people they arrest. Even worse - as they did it in the name of the citizens they were supposed to protect
Yeah - I could trust an LAPD to "protect" me, right.
action:The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

I'm sorry, but were the cops in the video not doing something, and didn't they have an aim to achieve?

I do apologized for using words that you apparently do not know the meaning of, and I'm sorry if you think anyone who knows what words mean is a "drama queen" - must be a fucked up view of the world.
They are not "cops"....they are nothing more then campus security, period.
At my university the university police have full authority to arrest anyone in their jurisdiction for breaking any law, and may carry guns - is it different in Cali? They are subject to less stringent hiring standards, but have the same authority as city police withing campus.

Take it up with the LIBERAL run California State University system , who hires, trains, and pays those campus security personnel.

Get your facts straight.

So now you're saying the cops did something wrong?

Please make up your mind.
I haven't said anything about guilt or innocence of those SECURITY GUARDS.

I'm not ignorant enough to claim guilt or innocence, based on an edited video, that does not show what may have happened before the incident.

University Campus Security here in Cali is restricted to campus jurisdiction.....They have no police powers beyond the campus perimiter, unless a suspect is chased off the campus, and fleeing a violent crime.....They are required to call for immediate back up from real cops when that happens. And when the real cops show up, they take over the incident. The campus security are basically nothing more then witnesses at that point.
Only cops I know who help people are the causeway cops. Their exclusive beat is the 4 lane divided highway bridge that crosses the Lake Ponchartrain from Jefferson Parish to Covington. This nearly 24 mile over water bridge has no emergency lanes, therefore breakdowns can be extremely dangerous for everyone really quick. If you breakdown on this highway,a causeway cop will be with you in minutes - like 2 minutes. If you violate traffic laws you will be pulled over immediately. I was driving the causeway bridge once and some jerk was tailgating me. A cop put his lights on and pulled the a-hole over. This is the only time a cop has ever protected me - and it was the kinda cop that other cops prolly look down on.
Bring your ass to L.A. and take a ride along with LAPD's 77th street division, and see what those officers put up with on a daily basis.....I guarantee you'll be thanking them for what they do on a daily basis, the shit they put up with, and the carnage they see every shift.

You're fuckin' clueless, dude.

I'm sure they do a wonderful job of arresting crackheads, go 77th St division! Stop that crackhead, he's smoking crack, and runnin really fast! Get him!

Busting crackheads and hippies for drugs is the easiest possible police work there is, that's why the cops who concentrate on those crimes tend to be some of the dumbest people around.

LAPD - they've got a steller rep, right?
More than 70 police officers in the CRASH unit were implicated in misconduct, making it one of the most widespread cases of documented police misconduct in United States history
The convicted offenses include unprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of evidence, framing of suspects, stealing and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and covering up evidence of these activities.[1]

Rampart scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry but these guys were no better than the people they arrest. Even worse - as they did it in the name of the citizens they were supposed to protect
Yeah - I could trust an LAPD to "protect" me, right.
No dipshit, they patrol one of the most violent, gang ridden areas in the country.....They deal with people you would run away from in a second. People who would put a bullet in your head for simply driving through their neighborhood......They see carnage on par with war zones.

They are not dealing with some whitebread, pampered lil' college boy such as yourself....They deal with the worst of the worst.

You're a fuckin' cartoon......You talk a good game, but that's about it. Typical liberal pansy, nothing more!

And that's the facts, Jacks!:cool:
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They are not "cops"....they are nothing more then campus security, period.
At my university the university police have full authority to arrest anyone in their jurisdiction for breaking any law, and may carry guns - is it different in Cali? They are subject to less stringent hiring standards, but have the same authority as city police withing campus.

Take it up with the LIBERAL run California State University system , who hires, trains, and pays those campus security personnel.

Get your facts straight.

So now you're saying the cops did something wrong?

Please make up your mind.
I haven't said anything about guilt or innocence of those SECURITY GUARDS.

I'm not ignorant enough to claim guilt or innocence, based on an edited video, that does not show what may have happened before the incident.

University Campus Security here in Cali is restricted to campus jurisdiction.....They have no police powers beyond the campus perimiter, unless a suspect is chased off the campus, and fleeing a violent crime.....They are required to call for immediate back up from real cops when that happens. And when the real cops show up, they take over the incident. The campus security are basically nothing more then witnesses at that point.

Do real cops have police powers beyond their jurisdiction?
No dipshit, they patrol one of the most violent, gang ridden areas in the country.....They deal with people you would run away from in a second. People who would put a bullet in your head for simply driving through their neighborhood......They see carnage on par with war zones.
Good for them. When I'm in trouble in their district,I'll be sure to give them a call. I've no doubt they will arrive before I am riddled with bullet holes. But since they are doing such a GREAT job of getting the gangs off the streets, I shouldn't worry right? Jeez - you're actually saying these guys are great cops because they are so piss poor at preventing crime?

They are not dealing with some whitebread, pampered lil' college boy such as yourself....They deal with the worst of the worst.
Right - they deal with black people - the worst of the worst - I got that. Who did you think I was referring to when I said "crackheads" - white people in ivory towers?

You're a fuckin' cartoon......You talk a good game, but that's about it. Typical liberal pansy, nothing more!

And that's the facts, Jacks!:cool:

OOooooh, you called me a "typical liberal pansy" - that's an original one there!
No dipshit, they patrol one of the most violent, gang ridden areas in the country.....They deal with people you would run away from in a second. People who would put a bullet in your head for simply driving through their neighborhood......They see carnage on par with war zones.
Good for them. When I'm in trouble in their district,I'll be sure to give them a call. I've no doubt they will arrive before I am riddled with bullet holes. But since they are doing such a GREAT job of getting the gangs off the streets, I shouldn't worry right? Jeez - you're actually saying these guys are great cops because they are so piss poor at preventing crime?

They are not dealing with some whitebread, pampered lil' college boy such as yourself....They deal with the worst of the worst.
Right - they deal with black people - the worst of the worst - I got that. Who did you think I was referring to when I said "crackheads" - white people in ivory towers?

You're a fuckin' cartoon......You talk a good game, but that's about it. Typical liberal pansy, nothing more!

And that's the facts, Jacks!:cool:

OOooooh, you called me a "typical liberal pansy" - that's an original one there!
No, they deal with all races down there. The hispanic gangs are just as bad as the black gangs, and white skinhead types .....Liberal policies keep the poor where they are. They keep 'em where they want them, and then expect the police to deal with it......It's just the way it is.

And don't blame me that libs are pansy's.....Look within yourselves to find the reasons why....I'm just simply pointing out the fact, Whitebread.:cool:
No one finds it ironic that ring wingers tend to express that they are the only side that believes in liberty, while supporting such brutal police activity that is obvious the opposite of their views.

Someone fucking explain this condescending attitude towards liberty!

Is there one god damn right wing person on this god damn forum who sees this?
No one finds it ironic that ring wingers tend to express that they are the only side that believes in liberty, while supporting such brutal police activity that is obvious the opposite of their views.

Someone fucking explain this condescending attitude towards liberty!

Is there one god damn right wing person on this god damn forum who sees this?
What the fuck you babblin' about?:cuckoo:
No one finds it ironic that ring wingers tend to express that they are the only side that believes in liberty, while supporting such brutal police activity that is obvious the opposite of their views.

Someone fucking explain this condescending attitude towards liberty!

Is there one god damn right wing person on this god damn forum who sees this?
What the fuck you babblin' about?:cuckoo:

I see countless people who express themselves as the political right, and explicitly state that the right is the only proper form of liberty, but they are the first to turn around and claim police brutality was well deserved by whoever receives it.

That doesn't seem like hypocrisy to you?
No one finds it ironic that ring wingers tend to express that they are the only side that believes in liberty, while supporting such brutal police activity that is obvious the opposite of their views.

Someone fucking explain this condescending attitude towards liberty!

Is there one god damn right wing person on this god damn forum who sees this?
What the fuck you babblin' about?:cuckoo:

I see countless people who express themselves as the political right, and explicitly state that the right is the only proper form of liberty, but they are the first to turn around and claim police brutality was well deserved by whoever receives it.

That doesn't seem like hypocrisy to you?
I haven't formed an opinion on guilt or innocence either way.

As I said, i'm not ignorant enough to form an opinion based on an edited video, and without the full story....We have no idea what happened before the spraying incident.

And, I also see clear hypocrisy from most of the libs, and a couple of Paullette's, who have imediatelly condemned the security guards, without all the facts........Lets just hope idiotic morons like that never sit on a fuckin' jury.

And I have a feeling that the couple o' idiots who are doing all the cop bashing, are doing it becaus they've stupidly had many run ins with cops, due to their own stupidity, and may have had their ignorant heads cracked for being stupid.

One thing that I see definitely has been established, is that those ignorant OWS morons were infringing on the rights of students who were trying to get to class, by impedeing their ability to do so.
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The difference between the rank and file TEA PARTY players and the OWS players?

If a Tea Party player had been chemically attacked by the cops the OWS people would have been outraged on behalf of their FELLOW CITIZENS.
The difference between the rank and file TEA PARTY players and the OWS players?

If a Tea Party player had been chemically attacked by the cops the OWS people would have been outraged on behalf of their FELLOW CITIZENS.
Before or after those unbathed OWS losers sobered up, or were done raping that ho'?:cool:
The difference between the rank and file TEA PARTY players and the OWS players?

If a Tea Party player had been chemically attacked by the cops the OWS people would have been outraged on behalf of their FELLOW CITIZENS.
Before or after those unbathed OWS losers sobered up, or were done raping that ho'?:cool:

You condescend yourself fairly quickly.

In one post you claim you cannot form an opinion on edited videos and immediately afterwards do exactly that.

I completely agree that both sides have their hypocrisies, but contextually this hypocrisy appears to come only from the right.
The difference between the rank and file TEA PARTY players and the OWS players?

If a Tea Party player had been chemically attacked by the cops the OWS people would have been outraged on behalf of their FELLOW CITIZENS.

In your opinion

In my opinion

The Left and the MSM would be reporting to us how dangerous they are
they are causing riots etc

They did it anyway and no one was arrested
Oh wait were not some anti-Tea Party protesters arrested at one?
The douche bags should have obeyed the law and the commands given to them and moved when they were told to do so.

You don't have the liberty to do whatever you want on someone else's property.

The people whose property it is have the liberty to not have the snot nosed prima donnas do whatever they want on their property.
No one finds it ironic that ring wingers tend to express that they are the only side that believes in liberty, while supporting such brutal police activity that is obvious the opposite of their views.

Someone fucking explain this condescending attitude towards liberty!

Is there one god damn right wing person on this god damn forum who sees this?
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The difference between the rank and file TEA PARTY players and the OWS players?

If a Tea Party player had been chemically attacked by the cops the OWS people would have been outraged on behalf of their FELLOW CITIZENS.
Before or after those unbathed OWS losers sobered up, or were done raping that ho'?:cool:

You condescend yourself fairly quickly.

In one post you claim you cannot form an opinion on edited videos and immediately afterwards do exactly that.

I completely agree that both sides have their hypocrisies, but contextually this hypocrisy appears to come only from the right.

What is hypocritical about my view that the police are simply doing their jobs?

Look, the truth is...without the confrontations with police, the OWS protests would have been complete non-events. The protesters themselves only have vague notions about what they are protesting against and every time they do try to draw up specific things that they want to see happen they are ridiculed for the absurdity of what they seek.

The hypocrisy here is how so many of you tried to accuse the Tea Party protests of being dangerous threats to our society when they were in fact peaceful gatherings in which a group of people presented their views to the powers that be and demanded change. They got behind political candidates that held the same views as they did and worked to get them elected DEMOCRATICALLY. That's the way it SHOULD be done. Now contrast that with the OWS protests who's goal is shut down transportation systems or block access to businesses or campuses in order to bring about anarchy. That's the way it SHOULDN'T be.
Okay I have refrained from saying much on this topic since I posted my thoughts on it originally, but think this is worth mentioning. One of the reasons I admired these young kids for voicing their opinion is that they are choosing to exercise their rights given to them and paid for by the sacrifice of many generations old and young. Having said that, my daughter who is a college student has participated in these protests and this is what I tell her, to exercise your freedoms is a wonderful thing and you should voice your opinions regardless of who agrees with you or disagrees with you, however do so in a manner that brings respect upon yourself and the point your trying to get across. These young people involved in OWS are for the most part decent kids who have every right to exerise their freedoms and take part in the very nation in which they live. In a lot of way's I have more respect for that than someone who would sit on the sidelines and watch and do nothing for their country and let everyone else shoulder the burden of this nation. Having said that, the Police Oiificers are some of the very people who guard those freedoms here at home and in some cases die for them both here and wearing the uniform of their nation, so if one wishes to exercise a voice and express it and have it heard, then perhaps the best way to go about that is not to disrespect some of the very people who guard those freedoms? Sure there are bad people in every profession as well as mixed in with these kids , so rather than focus on the whole , perhaps we point out the bad one's and not condemn everyone for the actions of a few.

I commend you for the mostly objective post. However, when are the whole of the participants following the rules of the protest? Are they getting their permit to assemble and rally? Are they paying for their permits as the Tea Party did? Are they following the rules of the parks by refraining from camping in areas not allowed? Are they intentionally closing down ports and interfering others from going to their JOBS?

Are participants kicking out protestors that are not following the laws by vandalizing, damaging city property, stealing and assaulting? I would question my son if he would join such a group. You are known by the "friends" you keep.

When the OWS starts following the laws, perhaps they will garner the respect you would like to see them have.

I tend to think that the actions of poeple be they Police Officers or protesters should be judged not on the basis of bad actions of a few but rather the actions of the many. Take these kids in OWS for instance for the most part they are kids like at UC Davis or as in the case of my daughter another University that want to see their nation a better place and harbor nothing but the best intentions for this nation. While unlike the Tea Party which was better organized and had a singular message , this movement has none of that and is for the most part kids trying to express themselves in ways that are for the most part peaceful. Now, like most of these groups they will attract all sorts of people with agendas and that is the same with the Tea Party which should not be judged on the people that come to their protests with agendas as well. As for me, I see these young people as being frustrated at the direction in which the nation in which they live is taking and are trying to express that frustration to effect a positive change. Let me give you some thoughts here, in my day back in the stone age LOL, we had many opportunities after college in the private sector as well as the public sector with a nation that had a large manufacturing base as well as service sector. Today however as our nation builds very little and with limited opportunities , you have limited choices out of college and many of these kids find themselves with a degree in hand working in the same jobs they were in while they were in college in such places as Wal Mart or Burger King. So in regards to wanting to make our nation a stronger place for all and a Govt. that spends more on things it should not be spending them on, perhaps the Tea Party and these kids might have something in common.

My other feeling is this, if someone cannot put across a message in a manner that does not harm others then it is self defeating. Further, to destroy property, denegrate others that are simply trying to do a hard job of protecting the public serves little but to make others who would be willing to listen to you, to tune you out, not to mention the fact it dishonors those people doing that hard work. Those that are in any profession that abuse that profession regardless of the situtation be it a Police Officer or Naval Officer do not belong in that profession. I suppose the bottom line for me here is this, when we start to realize as a people that we are ALL in this as Americans and not as US AND THEM and this ship sinks or floats with all of us then that is when we will get back to the business of righting this nation. That starts with being able to disagree with others but respecting them as our fellow citizens.
I asked this yesterday but I didn't see an answer.

What did the protestors expect the police to do when they continued to break the law?

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