cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

The original Tea Partiers would probably support these protesters on this. They would not have allowed the British to treat them this way. They knew all about Government Tyranny. They lived it under the King's oppression.

I'm sorry man. The massive peaceful protests of the tea parties in just the past few years complete refutes your assertion that we live in a police state. And that was directed at the government itself. If we live under such a tyrannical government, would it not have defended itself from the tea parties rhetoric in the same manner?
Move the Police out instead of the Protesters and i'm sure these protests will be peaceful. Why do so many people think the State needs to be involved with everything? Let the People protest in peace for God's sake. The Police need to stand down. They're only instigating violence now.

And let Iran have a nuke and I'm sure they will use it to grow flowers. You Ron Paul zombies are fucking stupid beyond all measure.

Left alone these filthy ows idiots managed disease, defecation, rape, theft, assault, and banging on plastic drums like monkeys in a tupperware factory. You sir, are deeply, deeply stupid.
Maybe this should be the point of this whole thread: You don't know what happened or what those people were doing leading up to that point in time. They were obviously attempting to block the police from going somewhere. But do protestors have the right to restrict the movements of cops through a public space that they are charged with supervising? My inclination is to think that peaceful assembly does not include physically restricting the free movement of others - even cops. I don't know one way or the other who was wrong, yet a bunch of people are jumping to conclusions based upon a one sided story and calling the cops pigs and thugs instead of even trying to get the whole story. Talk about irrational behavior.

If the cops weren't doing anything wrong why are they on administrative leave?

How hard would it be for the cops to simply step over the line of protesters and continue on their merry way? Were the cops just mentally retarded or something? Because if I was surrounded by a single line of hippies sitting on the ground in a nuclear bomb drill position, it wouldn't take many brain cells for me to figure out how to get out of that "trap". If the cops are truly that stupid they shouldn't be cops.

Yeah, cop cars can levitate too, can't they? Maybe you should rethink the direction of that retard comment? I just gave one simple example of how the protestors were not acting "peacefully" which is the crux of your entire argument. It doesn't matter that you can subvert someone elses attempt to physically deter you. An attempt to use physical force is not acting peacefully.

In regards to the administrative leave, that means little or nothing. It's not hard to get cops put on administrative leave through political pressure. It doesn't indicate anything other than an investigation into the events are taking place. Do you consider someone on trial automatically guilty because they are on trial? Damn. You do respect the rule of law.

Levitate? Jesus fucking Christ, you're as retarded as these cops are.

Look dude:


all the cop with the spray had to do to get out of the "trap" the protesters set is to left up a leg, place it over the protesters between two of them, where their height is the lowest, and then lift the other leg up behind him and over - and all of a sudden - FREE! Free as a bird! ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE MORON. You and these cops are dumber than a mouse in a maze.

Or, more than likely, these cops weren't as retarded as you are and actually knew they could easily "escape" the "trap" the hippies set, and just sprayed them because they're assholes.'

I fail to see what the protesters are doing that isn't peaceful.
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Move the Police out instead of the Protesters and i'm sure these protests will be peaceful. Why do so many people think the State needs to be involved with everything? Let the People protest in peace for God's sake. The Police need to stand down. They're only instigating violence now.

And let Iran have a nuke and I'm sure they will use it to grow flowers. You Ron Paul zombies are fucking stupid beyond all measure.

Left alone these filthy ows idiots managed disease, defecation, rape, theft, assault, and banging on plastic drums like monkeys in a tupperware factory. You sir, are deeply, deeply stupid.

These kids were unarmed. Pretty sure they didn't have nukes. And they weren't doing any of the things you mentioned. They were just conducting a peaceful protest. It was the Police who turned it into a violent situation.
Hey folks, I think we know what the right wing would have done to this guy:


Hey - he's defying the law - so roll over him!
I bet that officer was blind and thought he was actually fertilizing the lawn.
If the cops weren't doing anything wrong why are they on administrative leave?

How hard would it be for the cops to simply step over the line of protesters and continue on their merry way? Were the cops just mentally retarded or something? Because if I was surrounded by a single line of hippies sitting on the ground in a nuclear bomb drill position, it wouldn't take many brain cells for me to figure out how to get out of that "trap". If the cops are truly that stupid they shouldn't be cops.

Yeah, cop cars can levitate too, can't they? Maybe you should rethink the direction of that retard comment? I just gave one simple example of how the protestors were not acting "peacefully" which is the crux of your entire argument. It doesn't matter that you can subvert someone elses attempt to physically deter you. An attempt to use physical force is not acting peacefully.

In regards to the administrative leave, that means little or nothing. It's not hard to get cops put on administrative leave through political pressure. It doesn't indicate anything other than an investigation into the events are taking place. Do you consider someone on trial automatically guilty because they are on trial? Damn. You do respect the rule of law.

Levitate? Jesus fucking Christ, you're as retarded as these cops are.

Look dude:


all the cop with the spray had to do to get out of the "trap" the protesters set is to left up a leg, place it over the protesters between two of them, where their height is the lowest, and then lift the other leg up behind him and over - and all of a sudden - FREE! Free as a bird! ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE MORON. You and these cops are dumber than a mouse in a maze.

You didn't even watch the video did you? There's a cop car in there, and my understanding is that the cops were trying to escort detained individuals out of the area and the people sitting across there were blocking them from doing so. So again, you not only don't know the circumstances which precluded this event, you don't know the immediate circumstances. Thanks for proving you just want to shit on cops no matter the circumstances.
If the cops weren't doing anything wrong why are they on administrative leave?

How hard would it be for the cops to simply step over the line of protesters and continue on their merry way? Were the cops just mentally retarded or something? Because if I was surrounded by a single line of hippies sitting on the ground in a nuclear bomb drill position, it wouldn't take many brain cells for me to figure out how to get out of that "trap". If the cops are truly that stupid they shouldn't be cops.

Yeah, cop cars can levitate too, can't they? Maybe you should rethink the direction of that retard comment? I just gave one simple example of how the protestors were not acting "peacefully" which is the crux of your entire argument. It doesn't matter that you can subvert someone elses attempt to physically deter you. An attempt to use physical force is not acting peacefully.

In regards to the administrative leave, that means little or nothing. It's not hard to get cops put on administrative leave through political pressure. It doesn't indicate anything other than an investigation into the events are taking place. Do you consider someone on trial automatically guilty because they are on trial? Damn. You do respect the rule of law.

Levitate? Jesus fucking Christ, you're as retarded as these cops are.

Look dude:


all the cop with the spray had to do to get out of the "trap" the protesters set is to left up a leg, place it over the protesters between two of them, where their height is the lowest, and then lift the other leg up behind him and over - and all of a sudden - FREE! Free as a bird! ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE MORON. You and these cops are dumber than a mouse in a maze.

Or, more than likely, these cops weren't as retarded as you are and actually knew they could easily "escape" the "trap" the hippies set, and just sprayed them because they're assholes.'

I fail to see what the protesters are doing that isn't peaceful.

This doesn't reflect well on our nation. It reminds people of brutal oppressive regimes around the World. These Police were shockingly callous. No emotion on their faces. We need to train our Police differently and better.
The original Tea Partiers would probably support these protesters on this. They would not have allowed the British to treat them this way. They knew all about Government Tyranny. They lived it under the King's oppression.

I'm sorry man. The massive peaceful protests of the tea parties in just the past few years complete refutes your assertion that we live in a police state. And that was directed at the government itself. If we live under such a tyrannical government, would it not have defended itself from the tea parties rhetoric in the same manner?

The Tea Party supports big business and hence supports the government.
Yeah, cop cars can levitate too, can't they? Maybe you should rethink the direction of that retard comment? I just gave one simple example of how the protestors were not acting "peacefully" which is the crux of your entire argument. It doesn't matter that you can subvert someone elses attempt to physically deter you. An attempt to use physical force is not acting peacefully.

In regards to the administrative leave, that means little or nothing. It's not hard to get cops put on administrative leave through political pressure. It doesn't indicate anything other than an investigation into the events are taking place. Do you consider someone on trial automatically guilty because they are on trial? Damn. You do respect the rule of law.

Levitate? Jesus fucking Christ, you're as retarded as these cops are.

Look dude:


all the cop with the spray had to do to get out of the "trap" the protesters set is to left up a leg, place it over the protesters between two of them, where their height is the lowest, and then lift the other leg up behind him and over - and all of a sudden - FREE! Free as a bird! ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE MORON. You and these cops are dumber than a mouse in a maze.

You didn't even watch the video did you? There's a cop car in there, and my understanding is that the cops were trying to escort detained individuals out of the area and the people sitting across there were blocking them from doing so. So again, you not only don't know the circumstances which precluded this event, you don't know the immediate circumstances. Thanks for proving you just want to shit on cops no matter the circumstances.

Take the prisoners out of the car and walk them across. WOW - that took so many fucking brain cells to figure out.

Or - try throwing a bag of pot or a guitar in front of the hippies. That will make them break the line immediately.

I'm sorry - but do you really want to trust your life to a police force that can't handle a bunch of stinking hippies?
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Levitate? Jesus fucking Christ, you're as retarded as these cops are.

Look dude:


all the cop with the spray had to do to get out of the "trap" the protesters set is to left up a leg, place it over the protesters between two of them, where their height is the lowest, and then lift the other leg up behind him and over - and all of a sudden - FREE! Free as a bird! ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE MORON. You and these cops are dumber than a mouse in a maze.

You didn't even watch the video did you? There's a cop car in there, and my understanding is that the cops were trying to escort detained individuals out of the area and the people sitting across there were blocking them from doing so. So again, you not only don't know the circumstances which precluded this event, you don't know the immediate circumstances. Thanks for proving you just want to shit on cops no matter the circumstances.

Take the prisoners out of the car and walk them across. WOW - that took so many fucking brain cells to figure out.

Or - try throwing a bag of pot or a guitar in front of the hippies. That will make them break the line immediately.

I'm sorry - but do you really want to trust your life to a police force that can't handle a bunch of stinking hippies?

And then carry the car across too? You really do like avoiding reality don't you?

Thanks for tacitly admitting they were not being peaceful and were actually breaking the law though ;)
If the cops weren't doing anything wrong why are they on administrative leave?

How hard would it be for the cops to simply step over the line of protesters and continue on their merry way? Were the cops just mentally retarded or something? Because if I was surrounded by a single line of hippies sitting on the ground in a nuclear bomb drill position, it wouldn't take many brain cells for me to figure out how to get out of that "trap". If the cops are truly that stupid they shouldn't be cops.

Yeah, cop cars can levitate too, can't they? Maybe you should rethink the direction of that retard comment? I just gave one simple example of how the protestors were not acting "peacefully" which is the crux of your entire argument. It doesn't matter that you can subvert someone elses attempt to physically deter you. An attempt to use physical force is not acting peacefully.

In regards to the administrative leave, that means little or nothing. It's not hard to get cops put on administrative leave through political pressure. It doesn't indicate anything other than an investigation into the events are taking place. Do you consider someone on trial automatically guilty because they are on trial? Damn. You do respect the rule of law.

Levitate? Jesus fucking Christ, you're as retarded as these cops are.

Look dude:


all the cop with the spray had to do to get out of the "trap" the protesters set is to left up a leg, place it over the protesters between two of them, where their height is the lowest, and then lift the other leg up behind him and over - and all of a sudden - FREE! Free as a bird! ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE MORON. You and these cops are dumber than a mouse in a maze.

Or, more than likely, these cops weren't as retarded as you are and actually knew they could easily "escape" the "trap" the hippies set, and just sprayed them because they're assholes.'

I fail to see what the protesters are doing that isn't peaceful.

Looks like Abu Ghraib and GITMO. Wonder when they'll start shipping protesters off to some remote island prison? Seriously people,is this what you really want from your Police?
Reminds you of Abu Graib. Is this what we're becoming. Next they'll be shipping protesters off to GITMO. No one should defend this stuff.

You've reached "farce" stage at this point, Paul.

All your ranting about jack booted thugs ignores one very obvious fact and that is that the protesters are the ones that have consistently created confrontations with the police and they have done that in order to gain media attention. Your saying that the police should go elsewhere misses the point of what the protesters are trying to do which is to have a conflict with the police in order to get attention for their cause. If the police HAD gone elsewhere the protesters would eventually go to where they are because if there is no confrontations with the police then their protests don't really amount to anything because they don't seem to know what they want. Even a liberally biased main stream media is going to get tired of filming a bunch of slackers sitting around getting stoned. Without the conflict with police this whole OWS thing is BORING.
You didn't even watch the video did you? There's a cop car in there, and my understanding is that the cops were trying to escort detained individuals out of the area and the people sitting across there were blocking them from doing so. So again, you not only don't know the circumstances which precluded this event, you don't know the immediate circumstances. Thanks for proving you just want to shit on cops no matter the circumstances.

Take the prisoners out of the car and walk them across. WOW - that took so many fucking brain cells to figure out.

Or - try throwing a bag of pot or a guitar in front of the hippies. That will make them break the line immediately.

I'm sorry - but do you really want to trust your life to a police force that can't handle a bunch of stinking hippies?

And then carry the car across too? You really do like avoiding reality don't you?

Thanks for tacitly admitting they were not being peaceful and were actually breaking the law though ;)

What, is the car going to disintegrate from all the forces from the crystals that the hippies carry? LOL! Sorry genius, BUT IT WILL STILL BE THERE IN THE MORNING. After the hippies smoke some more dope they'd probably even forget it was empty and would think they are being watched the whole time.

Thanks for tacitly admitted you molest children and rape babies.

See how easy it is to put words in someone's mouth for them? I'll stop doing it to you if you stop doing it to me.
Look at these images closely. It does sort of remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO. People are right to be concerned.
Reminds you of Abu Graib. Is this what we're becoming. Next they'll be shipping protesters off to GITMO. No one should defend this stuff.

You've reached "farce" stage at this point, Paul.

All your ranting about jack booted thugs ignores one very obvious fact and that is that the protesters are the ones that have consistently created confrontations with the police and they have done that in order to gain media attention. Your saying that the police should go elsewhere misses the point of what the protesters are trying to do which is to have a conflict with the police in order to get attention for their cause.

How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?
If the police HAD gone elsewhere the protesters would eventually go to where they are because if there is no confrontations with the police then their protests don't really amount to anything because they don't seem to know what they want.

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.
Reminds you of Abu Graib. Is this what we're becoming. Next they'll be shipping protesters off to GITMO. No one should defend this stuff.

You've reached "farce" stage at this point, Paul.

All your ranting about jack booted thugs ignores one very obvious fact and that is that the protesters are the ones that have consistently created confrontations with the police and they have done that in order to gain media attention. Your saying that the police should go elsewhere misses the point of what the protesters are trying to do which is to have a conflict with the police in order to get attention for their cause.

How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?
If the police HAD gone elsewhere the protesters would eventually go to where they are because if there is no confrontations with the police then their protests don't really amount to anything because they don't seem to know what they want.

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.

You just nailed it. The Police can detain you for almost anything these days. They really do have all the power now. Try forgetting your ID at home and then having one of these jack-booters stop you and demand it. They can detain you in jail for not having it. It just happened to some poor college girl in New York recently. So now you better have your papers on you at all times or else. 911 gave them so much power. We the People are just gonna have to demand they give us our rights back. They can start by demanding they get rid of the Patriot Act. That would be an excellent start.
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You've reached "farce" stage at this point, Paul.

All your ranting about jack booted thugs ignores one very obvious fact and that is that the protesters are the ones that have consistently created confrontations with the police and they have done that in order to gain media attention. Your saying that the police should go elsewhere misses the point of what the protesters are trying to do which is to have a conflict with the police in order to get attention for their cause.

How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?
If the police HAD gone elsewhere the protesters would eventually go to where they are because if there is no confrontations with the police then their protests don't really amount to anything because they don't seem to know what they want.

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.

You just nailed it. The Police can detain you for almost anything these days. They really do have all the power now. Try forgetting your ID at home and then having one of these jack-booters stop you and demand it. They can detain you in jail for not having it. It just happened to some poor college girl in New York recently. So now you better have your papers on you at all times or else. 911 gave them so much power. We the People are just gonna have to demand they give us our rights back. They can start by demanding they get rid of the Patriot Act. That would be an excellent start.

I know a guy who was arrested for accidentally crossing a poorly marked police line in pitch black dark. The power was off in that party of the city and he was just trying to walk home, instead, he took a trip to the jail. Of course, when they found out he was a lawyer - someone who might have actual power - they let him go with a summons and without booking him through the jail system.

I also know a guy who was arrested for asking the police why they were arresting someone. It is apparently a crime to talk to the police.

And I know another guy who was arrested because he put his head down in a bar for 10 minutes. He was more than willing to leave the premises after management confronted him, but instead was detained for arrest.

Another dude I know is facing felony terrorist threat charges because he got frustrated on a job at Exxon once and said 'this is the kinda shit that makes you wanna get your gun' to some humorless dickface who called the police.
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