cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Lets be decent people. Lets not meet peaceful protests with ignorance & brutality. These Police Officers wronged these Citizens and they should be held accountible. Nothing less will suffice.

The use of pepper spray under the circumstances was perfectly a-ok.

Fuck the shitters.

Move along, tykes.

Will you feel the same way when a Tea Partier is wronged this way?

When the police ask us to move at the Tea Party Rallys that I've been to, we move.

End of story
Our Police are becoming increasingly above the law. They have been given too much power. The average Citizen has less rights than the Police do. But how did that happen? I suspect 911 had a lot to do with it. Your word against a Police Officer's word is almost worthless these days. The Police must always be watched and kept honest. So keep your video equipment handy because you never know when you'll need it.

What's amusing about that statement, Paul is that the police are actually filming their arrests and their use of pepper spray so that they can refute claims by the OWS protesters that "brutality" took place.

You think 911 has something to do with police brutality? Wow...that's quite the stretch. Careful, you're entering tin foil hat territory with that kind of nonsense.
[emphasis mine] Then, that explains his clear retardation.
Lets be decent people. Lets not meet peaceful protests with ignorance & brutality. These Police Officers wronged these Citizens and they should be held accountible. Nothing less will suffice.

The OWS protesters refused to disperse even though they were breaking the law and had been told what the consequences of doing so would involve. You want a special dispensation for them because you believe in their cause. That's not the way it works. Just because they believe strongly in something doesn't give them the right to deprive others of THEIR rights.
Our Police are becoming increasingly above the law. They have been given too much power. The average Citizen has less rights than the Police do. But how did that happen? I suspect 911 had a lot to do with it. Your word against a Police Officer's word is almost worthless these days. The Police must always be watched and kept honest. So keep your video equipment handy because you never know when you'll need it.

What's amusing about that statement, Paul is that the police are actually filming their arrests and their use of pepper spray so that they can refute claims by the OWS protesters that "brutality" took place.

You think 911 has something to do with police brutality? Wow...that's quite the stretch. Careful, you're entering tin foil hat territory with that kind of nonsense.

It would still be wise to keep your own video equipment handy. And yes,the Patriot Act does likely have something to do with our Police gaining too much power & control. I'm pretty sure there is a Patriot Act provision that covers these types of issues. It's probably not too difficult to be branded a 'Terrorist' these days. The Patriot Act has certainly made it easier anyway.
It's probably not too difficult to be branded a 'Terrorist' these days. The Patriot Act has certainly made it easier anyway.

i worry more about a safe falling out of a window and hitting me wiley coyote-style
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Our Police are becoming increasingly above the law. They have been given too much power. The average Citizen has less rights than the Police do. But how did that happen? I suspect 911 had a lot to do with it. Your word against a Police Officer's word is almost worthless these days. The Police must always be watched and kept honest. So keep your video equipment handy because you never know when you'll need it.

What's amusing about that statement, Paul is that the police are actually filming their arrests and their use of pepper spray so that they can refute claims by the OWS protesters that "brutality" took place.

You think 911 has something to do with police brutality? Wow...that's quite the stretch. Careful, you're entering tin foil hat territory with that kind of nonsense.
[emphasis mine] Then, that explains his clear retardation.

Years ago I was attending an "after hours" party in Boston which was primarily taking place on a rooftop deck four floors up. Some of the party goers decided that throwing fire crackers at people walking by on the sidewalk down below would be fun. They even threw some at the police who were called when people complained. Let me tell you what you don't want to do...throw M-80s at a bunch of Boston's finest. They arrested the entire party and anyone who resisted arrest got dragged down eight flights of stairs. I got out of there because I was sitting on the first floor stairs chatting up a girl and very respectfully told the police remaining at the door as about a dozen others charged up the stairs that we'd had nothing to do with what was happening upstairs and that I would greatly appreciate it if they let myself and the girl go home. They did. The cops weren't the assholes that friends at the party were. But someone like Paul wouldn't see things that way. In his world the cops are jack booted thugs. If he'd been sitting where I was he probably would have called them "Nazis" and he probably would have gone to jail along with everyone else.
Lets be decent people. Lets not meet peaceful protests with ignorance & brutality. These Police Officers wronged these Citizens and they should be held accountible. Nothing less will suffice.

The OWS protesters refused to disperse even though they were breaking the law and had been told what the consequences of doing so would involve. You want a special dispensation for them because you believe in their cause. That's not the way it works. Just because they believe strongly in something doesn't give them the right to deprive others of THEIR rights.

Would you want your Police shooting or pepper spraying Gandhi,Martin Luther King,or the Dahli Lama for merely inconveniencing some people? I'm pretty sure Gandhi probably inconvenienced some Indians along the way during his peaceful protests. I don't approve of Police meeting those peaceful protests with beliggerant aggression. And i feel the same way about peaceful protesters in this country right now. Our Police need to be trained to be decent and humane. Their current jack-boot routine really is losing the People. Something needs to change.
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What do you think the protestors hoped would happen?

Do you think they wanted to be carried?
Would you want your Police shooting or pepper spraying Gandhi,Martin Luther King,or the Dahli Lama for merely inconveniencing some people?

break the law and repeated direct orders regarding the same ?

I'd hold their donut while the spray tanning ensued
This pic also clearly show a police man spraying non-violent, prone citizens: Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave - US news - Life -

Pretty awful. I just don't get how so many can defend this. I don't even care whether you support these protesters or not. This is jack-booted thuggery at its worst. Of course these officers should be punished.
Ensuring inherent rights of non-protesters has nothing to do with thuggery. It has everything to do with police work and keeping the peace.

But, you are a whackjob truther, so who knows what goes on inside your cranium.
I just love this:

The Teas Partiers are these law abiding citizens who are the epitome of what every good american should be.

The OWS are unemployed bums who mooch off the state....RATFLMAO

Couldn't make this shit up if you tried....
This pic also clearly show a police man spraying non-violent, prone citizens: Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave - US news - Life -

Pretty awful. I just don't get how so many can defend this. I don't even care whether you support these protesters or not. This is jack-booted thuggery at its worst. Of course these officers should be punished.
Ensuring inherent rights of non-protesters has nothing to do with thuggery. It has everything to do with police work and keeping the peace.

But, you are a whackjob truther, so who knows what goes on inside your cranium.

They did the opposite of keeping the peace. They used an aggressive & violent tactic when it was totally unnecessary. The Protesters were peaceful. The Police were not.
Pretty awful. I just don't get how so many can defend this. I don't even care whether you support these protesters or not. This is jack-booted thuggery at its worst. Of course these officers should be punished.
Ensuring inherent rights of non-protesters has nothing to do with thuggery. It has everything to do with police work and keeping the peace.

But, you are a whackjob truther, so who knows what goes on inside your cranium.

They did the opposite of keeping the peace. They used an aggressive & violent tactic when it was totally unnecessary. The Protesters were peaceful. The Police were not.
It was necessary. They were told several times to go. They did not. The cops made them go and they protected the rights of the non-protesters.

I just love this:

The Teas Partiers are these law abiding citizens who are the epitome of what every good american should be.

The OWS are unemployed bums who mooch off the state....RATFLMAO

Couldn't make this shit up if you tried....

with good reason:

you know how the right loves its lobbyists:

I just love this:

The Teas Partiers are these law abiding citizens who are the epitome of what every good american should be.

The OWS are unemployed bums who mooch off the state....RATFLMAO

Couldn't make this shit up if you tried....

with good reason:

you know how the right loves its lobbyists:


I'm a little curious about something, my friend.

How can this letter be dated Nov 24, 2011 when today is only Nov 20th??
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