cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students


If the constitution is not the supreme law of the land, which holds power over all other laws, then its time to start issuing guns and ammo to the protestors.

Holy crap you're stupid. I mean deeply, hopelessly stupid.

Whats stupid is fucking with a mans freedom, thats whats stupid. This aint china bitch, we stand up for ourselves around here.

So using your statement, the students denied access to their classes by the protestors would have been within their rights to force ably remove the protestors including the use of physical force? Or do only those you approve of have rights?
At what point does a "peaceful protest" become an infringement on the rights of others? That's my problem with the OWS protesters, isn't that I don't think they have have the right to peacefully assemble to let their views be's that they seem to feel that the best way to get attention paid to those views is to block passage of their fellow citizens. What right do the UCal Davis protesters have to keep students who had paid a hefty tuition to attend classes from attending those classes? What right do the NYC OWS protesters have to block the Brooklyn Bridge or occupy a private park?

All of our Citizens have the right to be treated humanely by our Police Force. These people were treated like animals instead of fellow American Citizens. I mean what the hell kind of training are our Police Officers getting these days? Doing such awful things in the name of "I was just following orders" isn't good enough for me. These officers need to be re-trained on being human beings rather than just emotionless cyborgs. They need to learn to treat their fellow peaceful Ciitizens as if they were their own mother,daughter,or sister. Was point-blank pepper spraying to the face really necessary in this case? Come on,just a little compassion and common sense is all i'm asking for.

Generally speaking our citizens are treated humanely by the police, seem to be confused by what occurs when citizens break the law and force the police to deal with that situation. The police can't just throw their hands up in the air if people who are breaking the law refuse to cooperate with them. It's their JOB to enforce the law. So the police start off by warning the protesters that they are in violation of the law and that if they don't disperse that they will have pepper spray used on them. They probably repeat that warning several times and then give the violators time to depart. When they don't the police use pepper spray. That's called a proportional response. They aren't using fire hoses on them or turning loose police dogs a la Bull Connor in the sixties. The police hit the protesters with a blast of spray and then let them deal with the consequences of their actions. I know that in your warped view of the universe this counts as brutality. To anyone with a modicum of common sense it's a predictable outcome to stupid behavior.

Yes but the more stupid behavior was on the part of the Police Officers. A totally unnecessary action. Maybe some pepper spray to the face and some time in jail would be a proper punishment for these idiots. This may also result in them learning how to be human again. And they wonder why more & more Americans distrust the Police these days? Completely clueless morons.
Borders had a paleontology section in the pre-schooler's area? No wonder they went out of business. :lol:
Sure they do! "Theo the Thesaurus" looks similar to Barney (not purple, though - there's just something terribly wrong with that color).

Theo's orange. ;)

:lmao: Theo is real!!! :lol:

Mrs. Hayes' class uses "Theo" the thesaurus to add excitement in their writing!

Greenwich Elementary School: Classroom Close-Up: Fourth Grade LA

No way!!!!!

Our Police are becoming increasingly above the law. They have been given too much power. The average Citizen has less rights than the Police do. But how did that happen? I suspect 911 had a lot to do with it. Your word against a Police Officer's word is almost worthless these days. The Police must always be watched and kept honest. So keep your video equipment handy because you never know when you'll need it.
Our Police are becoming increasingly above the law. They have been given too much power. The average Citizen has less rights than the Police do. But how did that happen? I suspect 911 had a lot to do with it. Your word against a Police Officer's word is almost worthless these days. The Police must always be watched and kept honest. Keep your video equipment handy because you never know when you'll need it.
Paranoid much?

Would you pepper spray your own daughter,mother,or sister? Would you like to see someone else do that to them? These idiot Police should think about that a bit before acting like storm trooper thugs. Our Police need to be re-trained on being civil and humane. Their training has unfortunatley become all about being emotionless and jack-booted. What they did was wrong and i'm sorry you can't see that.

The idiots are the ones breaking the law. Not the police.

The more you know....

Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnecessary action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.
Yes, I would approve of that under these circumstances. And, if I could ground them afterwards, I would.
The idiots are the ones breaking the law. Not the police.

The more you know....

Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnecessary action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.
Yes, I would approve of that under these circumstances. And, if I could ground them afterwards, I would.

Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.
Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnecessary action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.
Yes, I would approve of that under these circumstances. And, if I could ground them afterwards, I would.

Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.
Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnecessary action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.
Yes, I would approve of that under these circumstances. And, if I could ground them afterwards, I would.

Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.

So using your logic since these protestors were denying the right of other students to attend classes they paid for, those other students had the right to forceably move them? I mean you just claimed the cops could do NOTHING since doing something would interfere with the ILLEGAL sit in they staged.

What the cops could have done was forceably move those protestors. And if any of them resisted they could have defended themselves and charged the protestors with assault.
Yes, I would approve of that under these circumstances. And, if I could ground them afterwards, I would.

Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.

What rights of yours were stolen?
Yes, I would approve of that under these circumstances. And, if I could ground them afterwards, I would.

Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.

So using your logic since these protestors were denying the right of other students to attend classes they paid for, those other students had the right to forceably move them? I mean you just claimed the cops could do NOTHING since doing something would interfere with the ILLEGAL sit in they staged.

What the cops could have done was forceably move those protestors. And if any of them resisted they could have defended themselves and charged the protestors with assault.

Are you talking about the video in the OP?
Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.

What rights of yours were stolen?

She was speaking as if she were a student there. Every other student that had a class in the building these protestors were blocking had THEIR rights violated and had every right to expect the campus police to remove the protestors for free access to the building.
Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.

What rights of yours were stolen?
If I were a student at UC Davis, my right to have a campus look like an actual campus without it looking like the underpass in SE DC; my right to have free access to campus buildings at a university I was paying dearly to attend. If I were a professor, my right to the same as the first and my right to go to my office, my lab, and my place of work. If I were an employee there, my right to go to my work and make money that day.
Yes, I would approve of that under these circumstances. And, if I could ground them afterwards, I would.

Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.

I respect your rights and their rights. That's why i would fight for you too if you were pepper sprayed in the face while conducting a peaceful protest. I would defend every last Tea Partier who was treated this way too. This is not what we should want from our Police Force. It just baffles me that they wonder why so many are now turning on them. Don't treat Citizens like animals and they wont bite you. I really do believe we need to re-train our Police Force. I don't want a bunch of callous jack-booters running around harassing Citizens. The Police have been given too much power. It's time for them to give some of that power back to the People.
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.

What rights of yours were stolen?

She was speaking as if she were a student there. Every other student that had a class in the building these protestors were blocking had THEIR rights violated and had every right to expect the campus police to remove the protestors for free access to the building.

From what I saw, they could have walked around them. They seemed to be on a rostrum, or fountain or somesuch, or across a path? There would be many ways to get to class.

Universities are hot beds of protest - long may they be so..

Your country was founded on one huge fucking protest. You think the British should have done the equivalent to the framers of your constitution and your founding fathers (well, the 18th century equivalent, which would have involved more harsh measures than pepper spray)

I agree the protesters do not have the right to stop others going about their lawful business (if this is indeed what did happen), but protesting in itself is not a bad thing...
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Well then you deserve the Police/Prison State. But the rest of us don't.
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.

I respect your rights and their rights. That's why i would fight for you too if you were pepper sprayed in the face while conducting a peaceful protest. I would defend every last Tea Partier who was treated this way too. This is not what we should want from our Police Force. It just baffles me that they wonder why so many are now turning on them. Don't treat Citizens like animals and they wont bite you. I really do believe we need to re-train our Police Force. I don't want a bunch of callous jack-booters running around harassing Citizens. The Police have been given too much power. It's time for them to give some of that power back to the People.
Nope. You do not respect my rights if I were a non-protesting student or employee there.

You only respect the rights of those with whom you agree. That's quite fascist.
I really do believe we need to re-train our Police Force. I don't want a bunch of callous jack-booters running around harassing Citizens.

we need to teach them to ignore violations of the law and disobedience of fair warning
I deserve not to have my rights stolen by protesters. And I deserve to get my tax dollars' worth of police enforcement protecting my rights.

You, on the other hand, have zero respect for my rights. Just like a fascist.

What rights of yours were stolen?
If I were a student at UC Davis, my right to have a campus look like an actual campus without it looking like the underpass in SE DC; my right to have free access to campus buildings at a university I was paying dearly to attend. If I were a professor, my right to the same as the first and my right to go to my office, my lab, and my place of work. If I were an employee there, my right to go to my work and make money that day.

I've seen the pics. Doesn't seem too hard to walk around them to get to class....

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