cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

the police state is showing its power right in front of people's eyes and citizens are cheering it on... disgusting

You mean the Left cheering the gov't forcing people to buy a product under
threat of breaking the law

yeah, it is pretty sick
And being fined and or imprisoned for NOT engaging in commerce?

So now we know, they have no problem with police states
as long as they can choose what to police

How Progressive of them
So many Americans will defend anything the Police do. It really is bizarre. But it is somewhat understandable. Most have been fed a steady diet of Police/Prison State propaganda since they were small children. This goes back many decades. So their first instict is to immdiately defend and cheerlead for the Police. They do this even when it's clear the Police are wrong. Just look at many on this thread if you don't believe me. Our Government is imprisoning more Citizens than ever before. Since 911,things really have gotten out of control. So some really do need to reconsider turning all their rights and control over to the Police. Because that's very dangerous. The Police aren't always right. They're not always wrong either. But call em out when they're wrong because it's the only way to keep them honest. Keep in mind,they have much more power than the average Citizen does. When it comes to their word against yours,the cards are always stacked in their favor. That's just reality. Be honest and keep them honest. That's the right way to go.
Yup. I defend the police when they are restoring the rights of the many by controlling the few who steal them.


Van Williams

the police state is showing its power right in front of people's eyes and citizens are cheering it on... disgusting

Most enjoy living in denial. They just can't face the fact their Government has turned on them. Most would rather pretend it's not happening. Facing reality is always more difficult. So the few of us who do speak up will continue to be ridiculed and called "Conspiracy Wingnuts" or worse. I'm used to it though. I know they'll catch up one day. Wait till the next Terrorist attack. That will put an end to any pretense of us still being a free America. What little rights we have left will be snatched for good. I truly do dread that next Terrorist attack. I don't think we'll survive it.
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the police state is showing its power right in front of people's eyes and citizens are cheering it on... disgusting

Most enjoy living in denial. They just can't face the fact their Government has turned on them. Most would rather pretend it's not happening. Facing reality is always more difficult. So the few of us who do speak up will continue to be ridiculed and called "Conspiracy Wingnuts" or worse. I'm used to it though. I know they'll catch up one day. Wait till the next Terrorist attack. That will put an end to any pretense of still being a free America. What little rights we have left will be snatched for good. I truly do dread that next Terrorist attack. I don't think we'll survive it.
Actually, the campus police did exactly what they are supposed to do. Protect the rights of the campus community by stopping a handful of slackers from stealing those rights from them.
OK, we are up to three words you need to provide definitions for...



and now


Better get cracking on looking them up, truthmocker, queen of the dictionary.
And God help us if she becomes the Thesaurus?:eek::eusa_whistle:

She'll never find one.

She keeps searching for a "theasoros". :lol:
I thought she couldn't find one because she kept looking in the paleontology section of Borders for one.
Imagine if there was no video of this abuse? The Police would just claim it never happened. People really are delusional if they think they have as much rights as the Police have. Go ahead and try your word against their's. Lets see where that gets you. The Police have all the power & control. We need to keep them honest. Thank God for people with video cameras. We would never even hear of these abuses otherwise. It is truly vital we keep the Police honest. They just have far too much power to not do that.
Imagine if there was no video of this abuse? The Police would just claim it never happened. People really are delusional if they think they have as much rights as the Police have. Go ahead and try your word against their's. Lets see where that gets you. The Police have all the power & control. We need to keep them honest. Thank God for people with video cameras. We would never even hear of these abuses otherwise. It is truly vital we keep the Police honest. They just have far too much power to not do that.
There is no abuse, just enforcement of the law and restoration of stolen rights by a handful to thousands.

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