cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Neo have you NOT seen the signs at OWS that said "we are the one percent and we are with you"
And what IF he has? Then what?

Since the Left really can't play the race card
they have turned to the victim card, hard

Compared to real human suffering around the world
and what our good military people go through overseas

Their faux cries of "victim" will not work
Still posting from the prison library, I see. Isn't it about time for count? You better scurry on back to your cell block!

lol! Nice. But i didn't say anything that isn't true. If you're ok with what these Police Officers did,there isn't much hope for you ever recovering your humanity.

So you think Acts of Civil Disobedience, Ignoring the lawful Orders of a Police, Should have no consequences?

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.

What about the Callousness, and Incivility of the Protestors. Disrupting Students ability to get to where they are going? What about the lawlessness of their actions?

Some in here seem to be confused. They seem to think that ones right to assemble and Protest is Unlimited. You do not have some god Given Right to Assemble and Protest if by doing so you are infringing on other peoples rights, or Breaking the law.

We keep being treated to tid bits of what is happening. The Cops get a little worked up and go over the line, and that makes Headlines. However the Constant Defiance, Intimidation, and Refusal to Respect the law by the Protestors involved seems to be Ignored.
TM is just in this to keep us all entertained. She is a real 'commodian.' (not a typo)
That fat cop acted like he was just fertilizing his lawn. Unconscionable!
Still posting from the prison library, I see. Isn't it about time for count? You better scurry on back to your cell block!

lol! Nice. But i didn't say anything that isn't true. If you're ok with what these Police Officers did,there isn't much hope for you ever recovering your humanity.

So you think Acts of Civil Disobedience, Ignoring the lawful Orders of a Police, Should have no consequences?

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.

What about the Callousness, and Incivility of the Protestors. Disrupting Students ability to get to where they are going? What about the lawlessness of their actions?

Some in here seem to be confused. They seem to think that ones right to assemble and Protest is Unlimited. You do not have some god Given Right to Assemble and Protest if by doing so you are infringing on other peoples rights, or Breaking the law.

We keep being treated to tid bits of what is happening. The Cops get a little worked up and go over the line, and that makes Headlines. However the Constant Defiance, Intimidation, and Refusal to Respect the law by the Protestors involved seems to be Ignored.

Apples & Oranges. Not comparable to what these idiot cops did. Watch the video again. There are other videos of this incident too. Gandhi and Martin Luther King inconvenienced a few in their time too. Nothing excuses what these idiots did.
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the police state is showing its power right in front of people's eyes and citizens are cheering it on... disgusting
To claim if you spayed a projectile spray of ANYTHING that close to soemones face and that it would not force the liquid down their throat is utter partisan crap.
It's good to see the Right, and by extension the Republican party, align themselves with the jackbooted thugs in this incident.

That'll work out real well politically out in normal America. :lol::lol:
So, why are they thugs?

They are thugs because they used excessive force. Do you understand what excessive force means?

Tell us what it means, so we know you know what it means.
They used force only after they told the slackers to disperse. The slackers were breaking the law. The slackers were a few who were stealing the rights of the many. The slackers had fair warning to stop. The police had a duty to return the rights the slackers were stealing to the others. And, the slackers knew this.

Thus, the slackers wanted what happened to them.

I can't have any sympathy for them at all. I have nothing but scorn for willful victims.

The police used exactly the force they needed to use to get the job done. :thup:

No doubt the slackers will keep doing this, though. This is exactly why any support they had is taking a nosedive.
the police state is showing its power right in front of people's eyes and citizens are cheering it on... disgusting

You mean the Left cheering the gov't forcing people to buy a product under
threat of breaking the law

yeah, it is pretty sick
Still posting from the prison library, I see. Isn't it about time for count? You better scurry on back to your cell block!

lol! Nice. But i didn't say anything that isn't true. If you're ok with what these Police Officers did,there isn't much hope for you ever recovering your humanity.

So you think Acts of Civil Disobedience, Ignoring the lawful Orders of a Police, Should have no consequences?

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.

What about the Callousness, and Incivility of the Protestors. Disrupting Students ability to get to where they are going? What about the lawlessness of their actions?

Some in here seem to be confused. They seem to think that ones right to assemble and Protest is Unlimited. You do not have some god Given Right to Assemble and Protest if by doing so you are infringing on other peoples rights, or Breaking the law.

We keep being treated to tid bits of what is happening. The Cops get a little worked up and go over the line, and that makes Headlines. However the Constant Defiance, Intimidation, and Refusal to Respect the law by the Protestors involved seems to be Ignored.

What about just attacking those who refuse to protest?

Man throws aluminum water bottle at UC Berkeley student’s face - The Daily Californian

At about 5:09 p.m., the female student was approached by a man at “the northeast exterior of the Haas Pavilion,” according to a UCPD crime alert. The man asked the student if she was going to the protest on Sproul Plaza, and when the victim answered “no,” the suspect yelled at her.

“People like you are the reason that California is in debt,” he said, according to the crime alert.

The suspect then threw a full aluminum water bottle at the victim’s face

Yeah, that's what we need. Direct attack on those who won't agree with them. obama's people.
the police state is showing its power right in front of people's eyes and citizens are cheering it on... disgusting

You mean the Left cheering the gov't forcing people to buy a product under
threat of breaking the law

yeah, it is pretty sick
And being fined and or imprisoned for NOT engaging in commerce?
But but but, you guys want them to pay their own way right?

You dont want to be forced to pay for other peoples healthcare right?
So many Americans will defend anything the Police do. It really is bizarre. But it is somewhat understandable. Most have been fed a steady diet of Police/Prison State propaganda since they were small children. This goes back many decades. So their first instinct is to immediately defend and cheerlead for the Police. They do this even when it's clear the Police are wrong. Just look at many on this thread if you don't believe me.

Our Government is imprisoning more Citizens than ever before. Since 911,things really have gotten out of control. So some really do need to reconsider turning all their rights and control over to the Police. Because that's very dangerous. The Police aren't always right. They're not always wrong either. But call em out when they're wrong because it's the only way to keep them honest. Keep in mind,they have much more power than the average Citizen does. When it comes to their word against yours,the cards are always stacked in their favor. That's just reality. What if this video never existed? Be honest and keep them honest. That's the right way to go.
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