cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

"Pigs walk on their hind legs" - Part II

Part I



This is most disturbing news.
How cruel these people are to not live as the lowest class in our repressive capital system, the lumpenproletariat.

Occupy Wall Street protesters stay at $700-a-night hotel
or the 1% of the 99%

A key Occupy Wall Street leader and another protester who leads a double life as a businessman ditched fetid tents and church basements for rooms at a luxurious hotel that promises guests can “unleash [their] inner Gordon Gekko,” The Post has learned.

The $700-per-night W Hotel Downtown last week hosted both Peter Dutro, one of a select few OWS members on the powerful finance committee, and Brad Spitzer, a California-based analyst who not only secretly took part in protests during a week-long business trip but offered shelter to protesters in his swanky platinum-card room.

“Tents are not for me,” he confessed, when confronted in the sleek black lobby of the Washington Street hotel where sources described him as a “repeat” guest.

Spitzer, 24, an associate at financial-services giant Deloitte, which netted $29 billion in revenue last year, admitted he joined the protest at Zuccotti Park several times.
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And i'm sure your ignorant, stupid self has the FACTS to back up your babble.....Show us ANY state run prison that is profiting..........Can you do it, dumbass?

why do you do this?

do you really think it fools anyone?

Sates are not private companies.

fucking A
So, tell us, Einstein....Why should a PRIVATE company not be allowed to make a profit, regardless of the LEGAL business they engage in?

What are you, a fuckin' Marxist?
And perhaps she can tell us what a 'sate' is?

I'm pretty sure that she meany 'States'...and a bit of info for her? States are thier own private independent soverign entity that have signed on to become part of the coalition of United States...meshing with others for common purpose of LIBERTY.
Neo have you NOT seen the signs at OWS that said "we are the one percent and we are with you"
uhm, I didn't see any spray forced down anyone's throat....did I miss it?

Looked like SOP

Hmmm, you could do a test and see.

Get a can of orange paint and hold it 5 inches from your face and spray it at your face.

Then tell us if any gets in your throat.

MSNBC reports (Please comrades, tell MSNBC is not part of the evil right-wing cabal now)

Charles J. Kelly, a former Baltimore Police Department lieutenant who wrote the department’s use of force guidelines, said pepper spray is a “compliance tool” that can be used on subjects who do not resist, and is preferable to simply lifting protesters.

“When you start picking up human bodies, you risk hurting them,” Kelly said. “Bodies don’t have handles on them.”

After reviewing the video, Kelly said he observed at least two cases of “active resistance” from protesters. In one instance, a woman pulls her arm back from an officer. In the second instance, a protester curls into a ball. Each of those actions could have warranted more force, including baton strikes and pressure-point techniques.
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“What I’m looking at is fairly standard police procedure,” Kelly said.
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Still posting from the prison library, I see. Isn't it about time for count? You better scurry on back to your cell block!

lol! Nice. But i didn't say anything that isn't true. If you're ok with what these Police Officers did,there isn't much hope for you ever recovering your humanity.

So you think Acts of Civil Disobedience, Ignoring the lawful Orders of a Police, Should have no consequences?

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.

And the students who wanted in that building to go to their classes, but could not: What about them? Are they just supposed to turn around and go home and forget about getting their education?

You know there COULD have been a riot between the students who were blocking the door and the serious students who wanted in. What went down was small potatoes. I would have been seriously pissed if my children or I had been blocked from entering the college classroom by a bunch of hooligans. I would be in the office of the Dean the very next day.

What those students want isn't nearly as important as what the shitters want.
lol! Nice. But i didn't say anything that isn't true. If you're ok with what these Police Officers did,there isn't much hope for you ever recovering your humanity.

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.

And the students who wanted in that building to go to their classes, but could not: What about them? Are they just supposed to turn around and go home and forget about getting their education?

You know there COULD have been a riot between the students who were blocking the door and the serious students who wanted in. What went down was small potatoes. I would have been seriously pissed if my children or I had been blocked from entering the college classroom by a bunch of hooligans. I would be in the office of the Dean the very next day.

What those students want isn't nearly as important as what the shitters want.

Of course not. Why should anyone who is serious about getting an education actually be taken seriously! :rolleyes:

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