cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Sorry,don't have a link. But are you really expecting one? It is clear that our Police Officers' best interests and incentives revolve around how many Citizens they arrest and lock up. Their promotions & raises depend on it. Therefore we now have this mad rush to harass and lock Citizens up. It's not just a coincidence. The System has been set up this way. What they did to these people was criminal in my opinion. They were clearly no threat to Society. This was blatant callous brutality. They should be held accountible.

So you think Acts of Civil Disobedience, Ignoring the lawful Orders of a Police, Should have no consequences?

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.
I'll say it again, these are NOT police officers....They are nothing more then campus security guards, many of whom were rejected as applicants to actual police departments.

But yes, they do need to be investigated.
Most prisons are run by their respective states. When the recession hit, even more of them came to be run by the state because the private companies lost their contracts.


my comment was about why its not good to allow someone to make a profit off of prisons.

Keep up
And i'm sure your ignorant, stupid self has the FACTS to back up your babble.....Show us ANY state run prison that is profiting..........Can you do it, dumbass?

why do you do this?

do you really think it fools anyone?

Sates are not private companies.

fucking A
Interestingly enough, Arizona has the most privatized prisons of any state.

They've also had a few escapes from those prisons, one of which resulted in the death of an old man and his wife.
Lets face it,if you have no problem with what these Police Officers did,you really have become one messed up Police State Goose Stepper. There probably isn't much hope for you ever getting your humanity back. So enjoy your Police State,some of you deserve it. It's just unfortunate the rest of us have to suffer too. What's wrong with you? Ya big Dummies.

What's wrong with me? To start with I don't view the police as my enemy. They are there to keep bad people from running amok. I'm sorry, Paul but I grew up with a Fire Chief father who was friends with a lot of policemen. They just aren't bad people. As a matter of fact they are some of the nicest people I know. Are there bad cops? Of course. There are bad apples in every profession. Your attempt to label all police as fascist storm troopers is just stupid.

As a general rule of thumb? If you obey the law then the police will treat you with the utmost respect. If you break it they will not...they will treat you as a criminal. That's what they get paid to do.
It is stupid, and nothing more then abject paranoia........It's a pattern with many of Paul's loony supporters, who are definitely his Achilles heel.......Besides his own abject looniness, they are his own worst enemy.
Provide EVIDENCE of your claim. I can provide evidence of wher the Democrats in numerous States have been charged with tampering with elections.
I'd be interested in seeing that evidence.

He may need a dictionary to show him the differance between the words election and registration along with Temporary employee of ACORN and democrat

Why can't you use that dictionary to provide us with a definition for "differance"????
Lets face it,if you have no problem with what these Police Officers did,you really have become one messed up Police State Goose Stepper. There probably isn't much hope for you ever getting your humanity back. So enjoy your Police State,some of you deserve it. It's just unfortunate the rest of us have to suffer too. What's wrong with you? Ya big Dummies.

Still posting from the prison library, I see. Isn't it about time for count? You better scurry on back to your cell block!

lol! Nice. But i didn't say anything that isn't true. If you're ok with what these Police Officers did,there isn't much hope for you ever recovering your humanity.

With all due respect, Paul? That's idiotic. Our police are so far from "jack-booted thugs" as so many here try to portray them that it's not even funny. The police have the unenviable task of keeping order with a large group of people who are determined to cause disorder and they have to do so under the glare of a thousand cameras. Police are going to the hospital from these confrontations. Where is your concern for them? They get attacked for simply doing what they are told...for simply enforcing the law. You've got anarchists in the midst of these protests that are deliberately provoking responses from the police using the cover of "peaceful protests" to launch attacks on the police. That cop in New York City that got 22 stitches in his hand from a star weapon thrown by a protester? How come THAT doesn't rate a mention by you? The use of pepper spray to break up mobs of people who refuse to vacate areas that they have illegally occupied is about as non confrontational as it gets. In the old days they would have waded in with billy clubs and police dogs.

That still doesn't excuse callous brutality by our Police. These people were no threat. These Officers should be held accountible.
They are not "police", they are nothing more then campus security guards.......No doubt just as stupid as those OWS loons they sprayed.

Sorry,don't have a link. But are you really expecting one? It is clear that our Police Officers' best interests and incentives revolve around how many Citizens they arrest and lock up. Their promotions & raises depend on it. Therefore we now have this mad rush to harass and lock Citizens up. It's not just a coincidence. The System has been set up this way. What they did to these people was criminal in my opinion. They were clearly no threat to Society. This was blatant callous brutality. They should be held accountible.

So you think Acts of Civil Disobedience, Ignoring the lawful Orders of a Police, Should have no consequences?

Yes. And if so,lets train our Police to be less ignorant and more civil. These Officers were callous assholes. They need to be punished.

And the students who wanted in that building to go to their classes, but could not: What about them? Are they just supposed to turn around and go home and forget about getting their education?

You know there COULD have been a riot between the students who were blocking the door and the serious students who wanted in. What went down was small potatoes. I would have been seriously pissed if my children or I had been blocked from entering the college classroom by a bunch of hooligans. I would be in the office of the Dean the very next day.

my comment was about why its not good to allow someone to make a profit off of prisons.

Keep up
And i'm sure your ignorant, stupid self has the FACTS to back up your babble.....Show us ANY state run prison that is profiting..........Can you do it, dumbass?

why do you do this?

do you really think it fools anyone?

Sates are not private companies.

fucking A

And now we need a definition for "Sates".

If a Tea Partier was treated this way,i would say the same thing. These Protesters didn't deserve this. And Tea Partiers and these OWS Protesters really aren't all that different in the end. To Hell with Wall Street and Big Government. They both only continue to abuse the People. These Officers should be foced to endure the same pepper spray treatment and serve some time in jail as punishment. Then maybe they would recover their humanity.

my comment was about why its not good to allow someone to make a profit off of prisons.

Keep up
And i'm sure your ignorant, stupid self has the FACTS to back up your babble.....Show us ANY state run prison that is profiting..........Can you do it, dumbass?

why do you do this?

do you really think it fools anyone?

Sates are not private companies.

fucking A
So, tell us, Einstein....Why should a PRIVATE company not be allowed to make a profit, regardless of the LEGAL business they engage in?

What are you, a fuckin' Marxist?
If a Tea Partier was treated this way,i would say the same thing. These Protesters didn't deserve this. And Tea Partiers and these OWS Protesters really aren't all that different in the end. To Hell with Wall Street and Big Government. They both only continue to abuse the People. These Officers should be foced to endure the same pepper spray treatment and serve some time in jail as punishment. Then maybe they would recover their humanity.

I think we should reinstate the draft. That way you and those knuckleheads could go fight for the rights you think you don't have. :clap2:

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