cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

She'll never find one.

She keeps searching for a "theasoros". :lol:
I thought she couldn't find one because she kept looking in the paleontology section of Borders for one.

Borders had a paleontology section in the pre-schooler's area? No wonder they went out of business. :lol:
Sure they do! "Theo the Thesaurus" looks similar to Barney (not purple, though - there's just something terribly wrong with that color).

Theo's orange. ;)
Imagine if there was no video of this abuse? The Police would just claim it never happened. People really are delusional if they think they have as much rights as the Police have. Go ahead and try your word against their's. Lets see where that gets you. The Police have all the power & control. We need to keep them honest. Thank God for people with video cameras. We would never even hear of these abuses otherwise. It is truly vital we keep the Police honest. They just have far too much power to not do that.
There is no abuse, just enforcement of the law and restoration of stolen rights by a handful to thousands.

Would you pepper spray your own daughter,mother,or sister? Would you like to see someone else do that to them? These idiot Police should think about that a bit before acting like storm trooper thugs. Our Police need to be re-trained on being civil and humane. Their training has unfortunatley become all about being emotionless and jack-booted. What they did was wrong and i'm sorry you can't see that.
Imagine if there was no video of this abuse? The Police would just claim it never happened. People really are delusional if they think they have as much rights as the Police have. Go ahead and try your word against their's. Lets see where that gets you. The Police have all the power & control. We need to keep them honest. Thank God for people with video cameras. We would never even hear of these abuses otherwise. It is truly vital we keep the Police honest. They just have far too much power to not do that.
There is no abuse, just enforcement of the law and restoration of stolen rights by a handful to thousands.

Would you pepper spray your own daughter,mother,or sister? Would you like to see someone else do that to them? These idiot Police should think about that a bit before acting like storm trooper thugs. Our Police need to be re-trained on being civil and humane. Their training has unfortunatley become all about being emotionless and jack-booted. What they did was wrong and i'm sorry you can't see that.

The idiots are the ones breaking the law. Not the police.

The more you know....
I thought she couldn't find one because she kept looking in the paleontology section of Borders for one.

Borders had a paleontology section in the pre-schooler's area? No wonder they went out of business. :lol:
Sure they do! "Theo the Thesaurus" looks similar to Barney (not purple, though - there's just something terribly wrong with that color).

Theo's orange. ;)

:lmao: Theo is real!!! :lol:

Mrs. Hayes' class uses "Theo" the thesaurus to add excitement in their writing!

Greenwich Elementary School: Classroom Close-Up: Fourth Grade LA

Imagine if there was no video of this abuse? The Police would just claim it never happened. People really are delusional if they think they have as much rights as the Police have. Go ahead and try your word against their's. Lets see where that gets you. The Police have all the power & control. We need to keep them honest. Thank God for people with video cameras. We would never even hear of these abuses otherwise. It is truly vital we keep the Police honest. They just have far too much power to not do that.
There is no abuse, just enforcement of the law and restoration of stolen rights by a handful to thousands.

Would you pepper spray your own daughter,mother,or sister? Would you like to see someone else do that to them? These idiot Police should think about that a bit before acting like storm trooper thugs. Our Police need to be re-trained on being civil and humane. Their training has unfortunatley become all about being emotionless and jack-booted. What they did was wrong and i'm sorry you can't see that.

I dont ever recall a point in history where a lawful order to disperse that is ignored that wasnt met by force.

You do not have the right to stop anyone else from exercising their freedom.
Imagine if there was no video of this abuse? The Police would just claim it never happened. People really are delusional if they think they have as much rights as the Police have. Go ahead and try your word against their's. Lets see where that gets you. The Police have all the power & control. We need to keep them honest. Thank God for people with video cameras. We would never even hear of these abuses otherwise. It is truly vital we keep the Police honest. They just have far too much power to not do that.
There is no abuse, just enforcement of the law and restoration of stolen rights by a handful to thousands.

Would you pepper spray your own daughter,mother,or sister? Would you like to see someone else do that to them? These idiot Police should think about that a bit before acting like storm trooper thugs. Our Police need to be re-trained on being civil and humane. Their training has unfortunatley become all about being emotionless and jack-booted. What they did was wrong and i'm sorry you can't see that.
They are NOT police.....They are campus security, nothing more.

Christ, be honest, would ya'?
There is no abuse, just enforcement of the law and restoration of stolen rights by a handful to thousands.

Would you pepper spray your own daughter,mother,or sister? Would you like to see someone else do that to them? These idiot Police should think about that a bit before acting like storm trooper thugs. Our Police need to be re-trained on being civil and humane. Their training has unfortunatley become all about being emotionless and jack-booted. What they did was wrong and i'm sorry you can't see that.

The idiots are the ones breaking the law. Not the police.

The more you know....

Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnecessary action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.
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Would you pepper spray your own daughter,mother,or sister? Would you like to see someone else do that to them? These idiot Police should think about that a bit before acting like storm trooper thugs. Our Police need to be re-trained on being civil and humane. Their training has unfortunatley become all about being emotionless and jack-booted. What they did was wrong and i'm sorry you can't see that.

The idiots are the ones breaking the law. Not the police.

The more you know....

Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnessaray action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.

If my family were active criminals and all they got was a squirt of pepper spray, I would tell them they got off easy.
the police state is showing its power right in front of people's eyes and citizens are cheering it on... disgusting

Absolutely. On behalf of those students who wanted in that building so they could go to class. :clap2:
The idiots are the ones breaking the law. Not the police.

The more you know....

Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnessaray action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.

If my family were active criminals and all they got was a squirt of pepper spray, I would tell them they got off easy.

Yes such awful active criminals. True menaces to Society. These people were conducting a peaceful protest yet they were met with ignorance & brutality from jack-booted morons. A totally senseless and unnecessary act. I really do hope these officers are punished.
Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnessaray action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.

If my family were active criminals and all they got was a squirt of pepper spray, I would tell them they got off easy.

Yes such awful active criminals. True menaces to Society. These people were conducting a peaceful protest yet they were met with ignorance & brutality from jack-booted morons. A totally senseless and unnecessary act. I really do hope these officers are punished.

You are under the impression that illegal activity must be violent?

You're wrong.

If the constitution is not the supreme law of the land, which holds power over all other laws, then its time to start issuing guns and ammo to the protestors.

Holy crap you're stupid. I mean deeply, hopelessly stupid.

Whats stupid is fucking with a mans freedom, thats whats stupid. This aint china bitch, we stand up for ourselves around here.

You do not have a clue as to what liberty is. Or how our process of change works. Sure you can give it lip service but your thinking always gives you away.
If my family were active criminals and all they got was a squirt of pepper spray, I would tell them they got off easy.

Yes such awful active criminals. True menaces to Society. These people were conducting a peaceful protest yet they were met with ignorance & brutality from jack-booted morons. A totally senseless and unnecessary act. I really do hope these officers are punished.

You are under the impression that illegal activity must be violent?

You're wrong.

Our Police need to be re-trained on how to be civil and humane. Clearly they are lacking this training currently. These people didn't deserve this brutality. You can go ahead and defend it but i never will. These are our fellow Citizens. We should treat them better than this.
Oh so you would approve of your daughter,mother,or sister being pepper sprayed in the face by jack-booted morons? Oh well,bully for you i guess. This was a totally unnessaray action. I hope these officers are punished. Maybe some pepper spray in their faces and some time in jail will help them understand.

If my family were active criminals and all they got was a squirt of pepper spray, I would tell them they got off easy.

Yes such awful active criminals. True menaces to Society. These people were conducting a peaceful protest yet they were met with ignorance & brutality from jack-booted morons. A totally senseless and unnecessary act. I really do hope these officers are punished.

At what point does a "peaceful protest" become an infringement on the rights of others? That's my problem with the OWS protesters, isn't that I don't think they have have the right to peacefully assemble to let their views be's that they seem to feel that the best way to get attention paid to those views is to block passage of their fellow citizens. What right do the UCal Davis protesters have to keep students who had paid a hefty tuition to attend classes from attending those classes? What right do the NYC OWS protesters have to block the Brooklyn Bridge or occupy a private park?
the rule of law = no camping

The supreme law of the land says the people have the right to dissent. They have the right to assemble, they have the right to protest.

The constitution overrules any other law, its that simple.

You dont get it do you? People like Van Jones organized this for a reason. They want to set precedent for future uprisings. The State and Federal law enforcement will be trained to deal with these in the future and the politicians will be glad to change laws around limiting our freedoms to assemble. This is all intentional, and 90% of the protestors have no idea what is really going on.
All the left is doing right now is helping the politicians and Law Enforcement do away with even more of our liberties, and the students who they suckered into helping them have no idea what it is that they really are doing.

Civil liberties should not be excersized because doing so will revoke said liberties.

Looks to me like another reason to be pissed off.
If my family were active criminals and all they got was a squirt of pepper spray, I would tell them they got off easy.

Yes such awful active criminals. True menaces to Society. These people were conducting a peaceful protest yet they were met with ignorance & brutality from jack-booted morons. A totally senseless and unnecessary act. I really do hope these officers are punished.

At what point does a "peaceful protest" become an infringement on the rights of others? That's my problem with the OWS protesters, isn't that I don't think they have have the right to peacefully assemble to let their views be's that they seem to feel that the best way to get attention paid to those views is to block passage of their fellow citizens. What right do the UCal Davis protesters have to keep students who had paid a hefty tuition to attend classes from attending those classes? What right do the NYC OWS protesters have to block the Brooklyn Bridge or occupy a private park?

All of our Citizens have the right to be treated humanely by our Police Force. These people were treated like animals instead of fellow American Citizens. I mean what the hell kind of training are our Police Officers getting these days? Doing such awful things in the name of "I was just following orders" isn't good enough for me. These officers need to be re-trained on being human beings rather than just emotionless cyborgs. They need to learn to treat their fellow peaceful Ciitizens as if they were their own mother,daughter,or sister. Was point-blank pepper spraying to the face really necessary in this case? Come on,just a little compassion and common sense is all i'm asking for.
If the constitution is not the supreme law of the land, which holds power over all other laws, then its time to start issuing guns and ammo to the protestors.

local authority can set up rules that provide for safe political dissent

break those

get an orange spray tan

Thats not really protesting then now is it??? Might aswell protest in a closet at home.

Its ment to be a discomfort to people, you people only prove it works.
Yes such awful active criminals. True menaces to Society. These people were conducting a peaceful protest yet they were met with ignorance & brutality from jack-booted morons. A totally senseless and unnecessary act. I really do hope these officers are punished.

At what point does a "peaceful protest" become an infringement on the rights of others? That's my problem with the OWS protesters, isn't that I don't think they have have the right to peacefully assemble to let their views be's that they seem to feel that the best way to get attention paid to those views is to block passage of their fellow citizens. What right do the UCal Davis protesters have to keep students who had paid a hefty tuition to attend classes from attending those classes? What right do the NYC OWS protesters have to block the Brooklyn Bridge or occupy a private park?

All of our Citizens have the right to be treated humanely by our Police Force. These people were treated like animals instead of fellow American Citizens. I mean what the hell kind of training are our Police Officers getting these days? Doing such awful things in the name of "I was just following orders" isn't good enough for me. These officers need to be re-trained on being human beings rather than just emotionless cyborgs. They need to learn to treat their fellow peaceful Ciitizens as if they were their own mother,daughter,or sister. Was point-blank pepper spraying to the face really necessary in this case? Come on,just a little compassion and common sense is all i'm asking for.

Generally speaking our citizens are treated humanely by the police, seem to be confused by what occurs when citizens break the law and force the police to deal with that situation. The police can't just throw their hands up in the air if people who are breaking the law refuse to cooperate with them. It's their JOB to enforce the law. So the police start off by warning the protesters that they are in violation of the law and that if they don't disperse that they will have pepper spray used on them. They probably repeat that warning several times and then give the violators time to depart. When they don't the police use pepper spray. That's called a proportional response. They aren't using fire hoses on them or turning loose police dogs a la Bull Connor in the sixties. The police hit the protesters with a blast of spray and then let them deal with the consequences of their actions. I know that in your warped view of the universe this counts as brutality. To anyone with a modicum of common sense it's a predictable outcome to stupid behavior.

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